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6 conserved protein domains
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Find regions of similarity between this sequence and other sequences using BLAST.
View conserved domains detected in this protein sequence using CD-search.
Opens the Highlight Feature Bar and highlights feature annotations from the FEATURES table of the record. The Highlight Feature Bar can be used to navigate to and highlight other features and provides links to display the highlighted region separately. Links in the FEATURES table will also highlight the corresponding region of the sequence.
Finds sub-sequences or patterns in the sequence and highlights the matching regions.
The tool works with standard single letter nucleotide or protein codes including ambiguities and can match Prosite patterns in protein sequences.
[Trends Neurosci. 1992]
Finding new genes in the nervous system by cDNA analysis.Kato K. Trends Neurosci. 1992 S 15(9):319-23.
[Trends Cell Biol. 1998]
A new beat for the SNARE drum.G?tte M, von Mollard GF. Trends Cell Biol. 1998 J 8(6):215-8.
[J Cell Biochem. 2006]
Novel putative targets of N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (NSF) and alpha/beta soluble NSF attachment proteins (SNAPs) include the Pak-binding nucleotide exchange factor betaPIX.Martin HG, Henley JM, Meyer G. J Cell Biochem. 2006 Nov 1; 99(4):1203-15.
[Domain Mapping of Disease Mut...]
NP_071363Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations
[MODBASE, Database of Comparat...]
MODBASE, Database of Comparative Protein Structure Models (Sali Lab/UCSF)
[PANTHER Classification System]
Transcript/Protein InformationPANTHER Classification System
[SeekQuence Research Antibodies]
SeekQuence Research Antibodies
BLAST Link. Pre-computed sequence similarity results (BLAST) including alignments for the current
protein against the NCBI nr protein database. Organism specific,
RefSeq and other database subsets are
available as well as access to a pre-computed multiple alignment.
Protein sequences related by sequence similarity (BLAST) score to the current records.
Proteins related to BioProjects
Pathways and other biosystems containing the current proteins.
Link to Consensus CDS
Graphical display of conserved domains identified in the protein using RPS-BLAST.
The concise results (top-scoring hits) are shown by default, with an option to view the full results, if desired. Click on any domain footprint in the graphical display to see more details and to view the query protein sequence embedded in the domain model’s multiple sequence alignment.
Concise (top-scoring) list of conserved domains present in the current proteins as determined by a Conserved Domain Database search using RPS-BLAST. For each region on a protein query sequence, this set includes: (a) a specific hit, if one is available, (b) the conserved domain superfamily, and (c) the best-scoring hit that is classified as a multi-domain model, if the alignment is near-complete with respect to that multidomain model footprint.
Full list of Conserved domains present in the current proteins as determined by a Conserved Domain Database search using RPS-BLAST. This set includes all domain models that meet or exceed the RPS-BLAST threshold for statistical significance, as well as the conserved domain superfamilies to which they belong.
Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (cDART) results for proteins in the current set. cDART identifies proteins that have similar kinds of conserved domains with similar organization.
Link from protein to encoding mRNA
Free full-text articles in PubMed central that cite protein records in the current set.
Gene records referencing the current protein sequence records. Sequences included in Gene records are added manually by NCBI.
Genotype reports for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the current records.
Geneview in dbSNP showing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mapped to the genes associated with the current records.
Genome records that have the current protein records as annotated features.
Homologene clusters that contain the current RefSeq protein sequences.
Graphical Map Viewer display of the current proteins mapped to assembled genomes. Protein sequences are aligned through the corresponding mRNA sequence.
Nucleotide records that are the source of protein records in the current set. The protein sequences are generated through translation of coding region features on the nucleotide records.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) records that refer to protein records in the current set.
Corresponding UniProt records for Reference Sequence (RefSeq) protein records in the current set.
Similar protein sequences, using SEQR
PubMed articles that cite the protein records in the current set. These are articles that report the International Nucleotide Database Collaboration (DDBJ, EMBL, GenBank) records. These articles are also linked to Reference Sequences derived from the GenBank records.
Link to RefSeq PubMed articles
PubMed articles associated with the current protein record through related Gene database records. These articles include Reference into Function, citations in related OMIM, and those associated with sequences in the Gene record.
List of three dimensional structure records that contain one or more protein molecules similar in sequence to the current protein(s). Each 3D structure and its corresponding sequence data can be viewed interactively in the free Cn3D tool.
Graphical summary of three dimensional structures that contain one or more protein molecules similar in sequence to your query protein.
Alignment footprints indicate regions of similarity between the query protein and the structure-based protein, with an option to view the 3D structure and corresponding sequence alignment interactively in the free Cn3D tool.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mapped to the current records.
NCBI Taxonomy entries and classification information for the source organisms of the current set of records.
UniGene clusters of expressed sequences that contain Reference Sequnce protein records in the current set. Protein records are included in UniGene through sequence similarity to the translations of expressed sequences in the UniGene cluster.
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