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Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage sold in the U.S. However, while it currently accounts for about 80 to 85 percent of all alcohol sales, beer consumption appears to &be on the decline. One segment of the beer industry that has bucked the trend is craft beer, where recipes are a closely guarded secret. The Bock line of beers, too, appear to be on the ascendancy, particularly Amber Bock. Part of beer's popularity can be explaine it can be imbibed in multiple settings at most times of the day. It's also low in calories, so even people on a weight loss diet can enjoy it in moderation.Bock beer originated in Germany but has spread to all parts of the globe. Traditionally, bock, at about 6.5 percent alcohol by volume, is a somewhat stronger beer. It's also slightly sweet with a coppery brown color that reflects the caramel in it. When well prepared, there is no distinguishable hops taste and bitterness should be muted.Amber Bock was introduced as a specialty beer in 1997 by Michelob, one of the largest breweries in the U.S. Michelob, in turn, belongs to Anheuser-Busch, a Belgian-Brazilian company that is the largest brewer in the world with over 200 brands. Amber Bock's popularity has gradually moved it from a niche craft beer into more mainstream acceptance.The Michelob website says that Amber Bock is "brewed using 100 percent malt, including dark-roasted black and caramel malts and all-imported hops." Obviously, there is more to the recipe than that, and, equally obvious, the details would be a closely guarded secret. However, amateur recipes list ingredients such as a malt base of amber dry malt extract, specialty grains, Saaz pellet hops, and White Labs California Ale or equivalent for yeast.Amber Bock contains 5.2 percent alcohol by volume. In a typical 12-ounce (350-ml) bottle, there is no fat, about 12 grams of carbohydrates, 1.4 grams of protein, and 14.5 grams of alcohol, providing a total of about 140 calories. This is about the same as a typical carbonated soft drink of the same volume, weighing in at 150 calories. Regular carbonated soft drinks, however, use corn syrup as a sweetener, considered by many dieticians to be a "bad" carbohydrate.It must be pointed out that Amber Bock contains what are called empty calories. This means that there is very little nutritional content beyond the calories. For example, Amber Bock does not contain any dietary fiber, vitamins, or minerals. Having said that, if you are a beer fan, there is no harm in imbibing the odd bottle of beer occasionally, provided it fits into your overall dietary limits.Michelob's Amber Bock is a great beer that has a dedicated following. If you prefer, you can use one of many recipes to brew a similar beer at home. While it can be great on a warm day, like other beers, an Amber Bock provides mainly empty calories. All the same, if you crave it, there is no harm in including it into the weight loss diet that you are following, provided you do so in moderation.Einbeck was the city where bock beer originated, way back in the 14th century. The "bock" in Amber Bock originated as a mispronunciation of the word "Einbeck." Some misunderstood it to be "ein bock," which actually means "male goat." Brewers appear quite comfortable with this confusion and, even today, some Bock beer labels sport the image of a goat.
Brown rice is the form of rice available before it goes through the polishing process that converts it into the starchy white that is known and loved by many people. Brown ric&e is healthier than white rice, and still contains all of its natural nutrients without any artificial enrichment. Brown rice is low calorie, relatively inexpensive, and readily available. Switching from white rice to brown rice is a health conscious decision that has a variety of different benefits. Rice goes with almost any meal and can be prepared in a variety of different ways. Here is a closer look at some of the nutrition facts for brown rice.Brown rice contains approximately 370 calories per 100 grams of weight. It is a very low calorie food that only contains about three percent fat in an entire cup. One cup of brown rice contains fifteen percent carbohydrates and fourteen percent fiber, with only 216 calories. The rice contains zero cholesterol and only 10 mg of sodium per cup.Brown rice contains rice bran oil, which is removed during the process of polishing that produces white rice. Rice bran oil contains the compound gamma oryzanol, which has been shown to lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. It also reduces total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Maintaining cholesterol is important to heart health and reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.Selenium is a trace mineral found in brown rice. Selenium has been known to reduce the risk of colon cancer significantly. In addition, the high fiber content of rice causes fecal matter to move through the colon more quickly, giving harmful cancer agents less time to work and attach to the colon wall. Selenium also works together with vitamin E to work as an antioxidant against heart disease and stroke.For people trying to lose weight, brown rice is one of the best whole grains to include in the diet due to its high fiber content and other essential nutrients. Brown rice is considered a whole grain because it is left intact, whereas white rice is processed to remove the hulls and bran. Brown rice includes the natural bran and oils, and only the outer hull is removed during processing.Brown rice provides more than 80 percent of the recommended daily value of manganese, which gives you more energy via carbs and protein. Manganese also promotes it is a mineral that aids the body in the creation of fatty acids that create good cholesterol. Also, manganese benefits the nervous and reproductive systems.Losing weight requires eating less and burning more fat. Luckily, brown rice helps with both of these things. The high fiber content requires your body to exert more effort to break it down while also making you feel fuller faster to reduce the risk of overeating. Add rice to any meal to help lower your portions and succeed at portion control.Brown rice is a very healthy alternative to white rice, and should be added to any weight loss plan. The high fiber content in brown rice is not p therefore, by eating white rice, you are not getting the benefits of brown rice and its fat burning power. As these nutrition facts have shown, brown rice also provides many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to help fight cancer, lower cholesterol, and provide energy.Use brown rice as a side dish to other meals to help you feel fuller while eating less. Brown rice can go with almost anything and can be prepared in a variety of ways for taste without adding to fat and calorie content.
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