Cost Basis代表basis是什么意思?

&&&cost basis
It could not only base itself upon the present situation, but also return the true features to financial accounting. Accounting will be consistent with economics on current cost basis, and thus become one of the components of economics again.
The existing problems of quota cost method and market determination method in current Chinese auto enterprises are analyzed. The requirements of links in enterprises' production management to cost control in market economic are summarised , especially a variety of requirements of cost basis. It is stated that manufacturing cost is the key of strengthening cost management basis and the raw materials cost is the core of manufacturing expense.
Aimed at the manufacturing environment for automotive sector, it analyzes the defect of the cost function model on the cost basis.
This paper analyzes our products disadvantage status in the process of anti-dumping which needs other counting's cost datas as our exported products' cost basis.
In order to adjust to the need of list of engineering price and dynamic management engineering cost,basis of price or cost documents worked out by engineering cost management institution or company,engineering cost inquiry organization should include the amount and unit price of manpower,major material,main mechanical instruments in the form of complete unit price. Engineering cost index should be regularly drawn up in co-operation with the use of price basis,which can make dynamic management and control of engineering cost fulfilled.
On the basis of L.C.
On the basis of W.
The E-Business's Basis of Transaction Cost and its Development Obstacles
The Enterprise Financing Decision on the Basis of Agent Cost
查询“cost basis”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Based on a theoretical analysis of the ratio of assets to liabilities,this paper points out that assets is on the historical cost basis and liabilities is on the present value and assets have a higher valuation and the paper also discusses how to solve this problem. &&&&&&&&&&&&对资产负债率失真原因进行了理论分析,指出其计算公式中的分子、分母计价基础不一致和存在高估资产的现象,并提出了相应的解决办法&&&&&&&& The existing problems of quota cost method and market determination method in current Chinese auto enterprises are analyzed. The requirements of links in enterprises' production management to cost control in market economic are summarised , especially a variety of requirements of cost basis. It is stated that manufacturing cost is the key of strengthening cost management basis and the raw materials cost is the core of manufacturing expense. &&&&&&&&&&&&本文对目前国内汽车企业在定额成本法与市场倒推法使用中存在的问题及总结市场经济中企业生产经营各环节对成本控制,尤其是成本基础的多样化作了详细分析,指出了制造成本是强化成本管理基础的关键,原材料费用是制造成本的核心。&&&&&&&& Exergy serves as a basis in the costing process when costs are assigned to energy carries in thermoeconomic, which takes minimum cost of products as objective function, aided by some exergoeconomic parameters .In this article a more scientific cost accounting method for exergy destruction was given by an analysis of the exergoconomic cost equation. An exenergy flow could be described accurately not only by exergy but also energy level, which give an effective way to decre... &&&&&&&&&&&&经济学是以?为核算对象的成本核算方法 ,以最小产品成本为目标函数 ,结合一定的?经济学评价指标 ,对能量系统进行分析、评价 ,得到改进的途径。文章基于?成本方程 ,对?费用方程进行了讨论 ,明确了过程?损的计价方法 ,提出了有效的?经济学系数。用能级概念可以更为全面的描述能流的品质 ,能级匹配是减小系统?损失的有效途径。文章将能级的概念引入热经济学计价体系 ,提出了基于能级分析的计价策略和评价指标。以联产模型为实例 ,进行了讨论。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社Welcome to Wolters Kluwer Financial Services' Cost Basis Reporting
Resource Center—your source for essential cost basis reporting
law compliance information.
Cost basis reporting is law. The Final Phase 3 Regulations Pose Severe Compliance Challenges for Brokers
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services has been a leader educating the industry about this law and about the technology and information complexities that need to be addressed to meet its requirements. Additionally, we offer both the tax intelligence expertise and the technology to help you comply.
What You Can Find on the Cost Basis Reporting Resource Center
Know the law - , and other
to the cost basis reporting law.
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The Final Phase 3
Regs impose a calculation conformity requirement between basis reporting calculations (on Form 1099-B) and interest & OID reporting (on Forms 1099-INT & OID) that did not previously exist. Dated or inadequate systems for Form 1099-INT or OID and the need to calculate adjusted basis for transfers reported during the year before 1099s are prepared will force upgrades to such systems and their reconciliation with basis reporting systems.
Brokers will likely need to make significant investments in understanding the specialized tax rules for debt, options and single stock futures (SSFs) in order to determine the data requirements and specialized calculations needed to comply with the basis reporting rules of the Final Phase 3 Regs.
Brokers will need to be prepared to make additional changes to their reporting processes due to necessary revisions to Form 1099-B to take into account the new rules contained in the Final Phase 3 Regs. Revised forms could be issued more than once. And the expanded calculation rules for determining basis adjustments for debt could result in additional changes in the existing Form 1099-INT & OID reporting rules besides the changes to interest and OID reporting that the Temp Bond Premium Offset Regs will require.
Up To $3 Million in Potential Penalties
There is a significant tax penalty risk if the basis and holding period information reported on Form1099-B is incorrect. Reporting penalties were increased under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (P.L. No. 111-240) enacted on Sept. 27, 2010. There are separate penalties for 1099s provided to the IRS and 1099s provided to taxpayers, and they aggregate to $100 per incorrect 1099 with a maximum annual aggregate of $1,500,000 each ($3m total). Errors due to intentional disregard have a minimum $250 per return with a penalty amounting to the greater of either the minimum or 10% of the amount that should have been reported, with no maximum annual limit. Penalty for incorrect 8937 is the same as for 1099s.
On Friday, October 3rd, 2008, President George W. Bush
signed H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stabilization
Act of 2008 into law (the Act, Pub. L. No. 110-343). The
law requires cost basis reporting by brokers to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) and to taxpayers. The initial effective
date for cost basis reporting for most stocks applies to
stock acquired on or after January 1, 2011; for mutual
funds and dividend reinvestment plan stock (or similar
arrangements) acquired on or after January 1, 2012; and
for debt instruments, options and other covered securities
acquired on or after January 1, 2013. The provision is
scored to raise $6.67 billion over a ten year period. To
review the law,
and go to Title IV, Section
Cost Basis
Are tax exempt bonds with OID exempt from cost basis reporting?
QUESTION: Do the final cost basis regulations require calculation
of adjusted cost basis to be reported on 2014 Form 1099-B for taxexempt
OID bonds sold? Tax-exempt OID income is not reportable
on Form 1099-OID currently so shouldn't tax-exempt bonds with
OID be excluded from cost basis reporting on Form 1099-B?
What's New
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services and Broadridge Tax Services Have Teamed to Develop a Comprehensive Tax Reporting and Investment Compliance Solution.
More Information收回成本的原则,cost-recovery basis,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&cost-recovery basis
2)&&financial budget income and cost principal
3)&&unrecovered cost
4)&&recoverability of costs
5)&&recovery costs
Implementing VMI service pricing strategy for 3PL corporation considering recovery costs;
6)&&cost recovery
Aiming at this problem,this paper started with the composition of the DSM investment cost,pointed out the ratebasing of DSM cost which was suitable for Chinese situation on the basis of international DSM cost recovery methods analysis,and explained its application through a concr.
This paper briefly summarizes the development of higher education cost recovery policy in Mainland China and explores its equity effects on educational opportunity.
本文简述了中国实行高等教育成本回收政策的发展历程 ,并讨论了这一政策对公平的影响。
&&&&  一般指通过权衡收益与成本来评价公共项目可取性的一种系统经济分析方法。它不同于从个别企业角度出发的投资赢利分析,而是从公共项目对整个社会的影响来进行考虑,它还需要分析那些不具有市场价格的收益和成本,而对那些被市场价格歪曲了的收益和成本则要进行"还原"。    成本-收益分析,可用于评估一个项目或方案的社会经济价值,比较几个方案的社会经济收益的差别,分析论证同一领域的不同项目或不同领域的各个项目的社会经济收益,为有效的决策提供大量有用的信息和参考性的意见。    产生和发展  成本-收益分析的产生和发展,从理论上看是同福利经济学、效用理论、资源分配理论、工程经济学、运筹学、系统分析等理论和学科的发展相联系的;从实践上看是同西方国家政府公共投资的增加、公用事业的发展分不开的。1844年法国工程师J.杜普伊()发表的《公共工程的效用计量》一文,被认为是最早提出成本-收益分析思想的文献。他所提出的"消费者剩余"的理论又被认为是成本-收益分析的理论基础之一。1936年,美国政府制订的洪水控制法曾原则地规定水利项目经济上的可行性是指"各种可能产生的收益应当超过估计的成本",要求在水利建设中进行成本-收益分析。但当时在理论上方法上都很不成熟。1950年,美国联邦特别机构河域委员会发表的《河域项目经济分析的建议》,第一次把实用项目分析与福利经济学两个平行独立发展的学科结合起来,为成本-收益分析的进一步发展提供了基础。此后,成本-收益分析有了较快的发展,60年代以后得到了迅速的推广,被西方发达国家广泛应用于各种民用和军用项目。常见的案例有:水利电力设施、交通工程、环境工程、教育卫生支出、公共福利设施以及国防、空间计划等等。在60~70年代,除美国以外,英国、加拿大、法国等国家的政府和联合国的某些机构都陆续发表了一些有关成本-收益分析的手册、指南和参考材料,学术性著作也纷纷出现。1972年,联合国工业发展组织赞助编写和出版的《项目评价准则》,是成本-收益分析文献中的重要参考材料之一。40年代开始,不少西方学者还致力于在发展中国家推广应用,并在实践中进一步丰富和发展了成本-收益分析方法。在这方面被公认取得重大突破的西方学者是I.M.D.李特尔(1918~ )和J.A.米尔利斯(1936~ )。有些西方学者甚至认为在发展中国家由于公共成分一般比发达国家占有更大的比重,因而成本-收益分析将会有更大的用处,尤其对社会主义国家公有制的计划经济最为适用。    基本原理  成本-收益分析的基本原理是对项目或方案所需要的社会成本(直接的和间接的)同可得到的收益(直接的和间接的)尽可能用同一的计量单位──货币分别进行计量,以便从量上进行分析对比,权衡得失。为此,必须把项目或方案的指标体系划分为两大类:一类是耗费成本,一类是收益价值。耗费的成本是全部投入的资源,是指社会付出的代价,即机会成本。由于市场机构的存在,几乎绝大部分投入资源都可以转换为货币单位,而收益则往往有相当部分不能转换为货币单位,所以收益指标通常要分为可计量的和不可计量的两种。一个项目的成本一般包括基本费用、辅助费用、无形费用等三个部分,收益也包括基本收益、派生收益、无形收益等三个部分。无形费用和无形收益都是难以用货币计量的。    有些无法用货币计量社会效果的项目,如国防中的武器系统,其评估一般采用以货币指标度量费用,以实物或服务指标度量效果,然后对各种方案进行分析对比,这种分析称为费用-效果分析,基本上与成本-收益分析是相同的。    在进行多方案比较时,一般采用三种方法:①在成本相同的情况下,比较收益的大小;②在收益相同的情况下,比较成本的大小;③当成本与收益都不相同的情况下,以成本与收益的比率和变化关系来确定。    由于理论上和实际计量上的困难以及客观情况的千差万别,各种对成本-收益分析的规定都很谨慎。对条文只作原则性的规定,有些只是建议性的,允许有各种不同的计算方法,但要求明确给出这种计算的假定和依据,以便讨论和抉择。    基本评价准则和方法
在成本-收益分析中,一般要涉及下列基本的评价准则和方法:    ①净现值和内部回收率。时间因素对经济效益的影响很大,项目耗费的成本必须尽快地取得经济收益,要对项目使用期间不同年度的成本和收益进行比较,就必须把它们按一定的贴现率折算成现值。目前比较流行的做法是计算项目或方案的净收益现值,以及计算收益和成本现值的比率。    贴现率是成本-收益分析中的重要参数,所选择的贴现率的高低对项目分析的结果有重大影响。在方案选择中,一般以收益与成本比率最大的方案为最佳,而且要保持所选方案的净收益现值大于零,或收益与成本的比率大于1。    在常用的评价方法中,通常还要计算内部回收率,即计算使项目净现值等于零时的内部贴现率。只有内部回收率大于给定的社会贴现率时方案才为可取,内部回收率越高,则方案越好。    其他还有返本期、年平均值、终止值等等评价方法。    ②影子价格。价格是成本-收益分析中的核心问题。在现实生活中由于存在税收、补贴、限额、垄断等种种因素,致使市场价格或大或小地偏离社会价值,即存在价格"失真"的问题。直接使用市场价格就不能正确反映甚至会极大地歪曲成本-收益计量中的各项投入和产出的真正经济价值。因此,必须通过数学模型,计算出一定的调整率,把市场价格合理地调整为影子价格或会计价格,其中还包括影子工资率、影子利息率、影子外汇率等。影子价格被认为是为了达到一定的社会目标最优化所应该采取的价格,是计算、估价的手段,其作用在于进行计算时,保证稀缺资源的正确分配和过剩资源的有效利用,把经济比较置于同一核算水平上,以更好地反映机会成本。有些没有市场价格而又需要评估的收益或成本也需要模拟出影子价格。    ③不确定性和风险。对项目的经济评价,其数据大部分都是建立在预测的基础上的,在估算中不可避免地会存在误差,而且政治、经济、技术等等外部条件在项目的实施过程中又会发生难以预料的变化,这就有不确定性和风险的问题。项目实施的时间越长,不确定性和风险就越大。风险大的项目,应当有较大的潜在的收益。为了估计不确定性对项目经济收益的影响,就必须进行敏感性分析,即分析研究成本与收益方面发生某种变化对项目的可盈利率或现值所带来的影响。同时,还可进行收支平衡点分析,用数理统计方法进行概率分析和期望值分析。对待不确定性和风险,常用的简单方法是对不确定的收益在社会贴现率上加上一个风险系数,或者是有意对项目的使用年限进行低估,以尽快地回收投资,避免远期的不确定性。    ④外部效果。成本-收益分析中要力图把一般财务分析中不考虑的外部效果也包括进去。外部效果是指与方案、措施本身并不直接关联而带来的收益和耗费。外部效果的范围很广,计算外部效果的一个重要原则,是必须区别开是技术性的(实质性的)外部效果还是货币性的(分配转移性的)外部效果。一般在计算外部效果时,后者不予计算。    成本-收益分析中的评价准则和方法是随时代的变化而变化的。在成本-收益分析中,还要考虑物质、政治、法律等种种有关的限制条件。    成本-收益分析的基本程序是先明确项目或方案所要达到的目标和任务,提出能够实现目标的若干可供选择的方案,通过模型分析计量各种替换方案的收益与成本,然后根据评价准则进行综合评估,最后确定各个替换方案的优劣顺序。    评价  成本-收益分析作为研究公共项目的工具有很大的适用性,是具有广阔发展前景的经济分析方法,但同时它又有很大的局限性。除了它所涉及的问题纷繁复杂这个客观因素外,它还缺乏坚实的理论基础,方法至今还不很完善,评价标准则易受评估人偏好的影响,评估中一般又不考虑收入再分配的社会效果。此外,这种分析方法只能对已经提出的项目或方案进行评估,它本身并不能提供最佳的方案,因而往往只能做到在"次好中选优"。    参考书目   P. G. Sassone
W. A. Schaffer,
Cost-Benefit Analysis,Academic Press,New York,1978.   D. H. Gowland, ed., Modern
Economic Analysis,Butterworths,London,1979.  乌家培著:《经济数量分析概论》,中国社会科学出版社,北京,1983。  


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