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Do you want to plant a row of pine trees as a wind break, or just move or add a tree to your landscape? Planning how and when to transplant a tree from one spot in the yard to& another doesn't have to be too difficult.
Top round steak is a cut from the upper rear leg of cattle. It is also sometimes called London broil. While not poor in quality, top round steak lacks fat and marbling, so mar&inating is an important first step before you grill or roast this cut of beef. Top round steak marinade makes the meat tender and infuses it bine all ingredients in a mixing bowl, and stir well.Pour 1/3 cup of mixture into a large, resealable bag, and add top round steak. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Turn occasionally to even marinade the steak.Refrigerate the remainder of marinade in a separate sealed container.Grill or broil steak appropriately, brushing it with the remaining marinade throughout the cooking process.The most important part of top round steak marinade is acid as it is what truly makes the meat succulent. Feel free to add your own twist on the marinade to suit your personal taste. Vinegar, dry mustard and brown sugar are just a few of the many ingredients that are also commonly used. One of the benefits of top round steak is that it is reasonably priced, which means you can afford to play around with marinade ingredients without spending a fortune.This marinade works best if allowed to sit overnight, but marinating most of the day still produces a tender dish. Assemble the marinade before work and the steak is ready to cook by the time you get home.
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