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生物学家Gloria Chacon初次发布玛咖的研究成果,得到业界的极大重视
《男人》1.常熬夜、抽烟、喝酒疲劳乏力导致肾脏受损 2.白天无神、夜间无力、腰酸腿疼、失眠健忘、头痛头晕 3.尿急尿频、脱发早衰 4.阳痿、早泄、肾虚、勃起功能障碍、性能力下降等男性问题 5.容易疲劳、精力特别差,夫妻生活总是不如意,需要强身补肾。 6、老年人士因年龄导致性生活无法正常进行
《女人》 1.有痘痘、雀斑、皱纹,调节便秘,排除毒素,皮肤变得光滑细嫩 2.身材走形,调节内分泌,松弛、偏小的乳房再度丰满,身材S曲线 3.内分泌失调,改善睡眠,调经补血 4.失眠、压力大,改善提高睡眠质量、减缓压力、消除疲劳 5.月经不调、痛经、调理月经、消除炎症、瘙痒、异味 6.更年期女人,改善睡眠,不烦躁,调理内分泌,起色红润
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I was born in the working-class. Early I discovered enthusiasm, ambition, and to satisfy these became the problem of my child-life. My environment was crude and rough and raw. I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom. Here life offered nothing but sordidness and wretchedness, both of the
for here flesh and spirit were alike starved and tormented.我出生在工人阶级。我早期发现了热情、雄心和理想,并满足了这些成为我孩子生活的问题。我的环境是粗糙的,粗糙的,原始的。我没有人生观,只有向上爬。我在社会上的地位是最底层的。这里的生活都只有肮脏与苦难,无论在身体上和精神上;这里的肉体和精神都饱受饥渴和折磨。Above me towered the colossal edifice of society, and to my mind the only way out was up. Into this edifice I early resolved to climb. Up above, men wore black clothes and boiled shirts, and women dressed in beautiful gowns. Also, there were good things to eat, and there was plenty to eat. This much for the flesh. Then there were the things of the spirit. Up above me, I knew, were unselfishnesses of the spirit, clean and noble thinking, keen intellectual living. I knew all this because I read “Seaside Library” novels, in which, with the exception of the villains and adventuresses, all men and women thought beautiful thoughts, spoke a beautiful tongue, and performed glorious deeds. In short, as I accepted the rising of the sun, I accepted that up above me was all that was fine and noble and gracious, all that gave decency and dignity to life, all that made life worth living and that remunerated one for his travail and misery.卡祖玛咖安全吗?我上面耸立的巨大的社会大厦,和我的心是唯一的出路了。进入这座大厦,我早就决定要爬了。上面,男人穿着黑色的衣服和白衬衫,穿着漂亮衣服的妇女。还有,还有好吃的东西,还有很多吃的东西。这许多的肉。然后是精神的东西。我的上面,我知道,人的精神,纯洁和高尚的思想,敏锐的智力生活。我知道这一切因为我读了“海滨图书馆”的小说,其中,除了恶棍和女冒险家,以为所有的男人和女人美丽的想法,说一个美丽的舌头,并进行光荣事迹。总之,我接受的太阳升起,我接受,上面我是所有被罚款和高贵优雅,所有给生命以体面和尊严,所有生活得有意义,报酬之一的辛劳和痛苦。卡祖玛咖安全吗?But it is not particularly easy for one to climb up out of the working-class — especially if he is handicapped by the possession of ideals and illusions. I lived on a ranch in California, and was hard put to find the ladder whereby to climb. I early inquired the rate of interest on invested money, and worried my child’s brain into an understanding of the virtues and excellences of that remarkable invention of man, compound interest. Further, I ascertained the current rates of wages for workers of all ages, and the cost of living. From all this data I concluded that if I began immediately and worked and saved until I was fifty years of age, I could then stop working and enter into participation in a fair portion of the delights and goodnesses that would then be open to me higher up in society. Of course, I resolutely determined not to marry, while I quite forgot to consider at all that great rock of disaster in the working-class world — sickness.卡祖玛咖安全吗?但一个人从工人阶级中爬出来,特别是如果他是残疾人的理想和幻想,就不是特别容易了。我住在加利福尼亚的一个大农场里,很难找到梯子爬上去。我询问关于早期投入的资金利率,又担心我的孩子的大脑和该人的了不起的发明优点美德的理解,复利。此外,我确定了目前的工资水平,所有年龄段的工人,和生活费用。从所有这些数据,我得出结论:如果我立即开始工作并保存,直到我50岁,我可以然后停止工作,进入了参与的乐趣和goodnesses,然后将向我开放的上层社会有相当一部分。当然,我毅然决定不结婚,而我却完全忘记了在工人阶级的世界大灾难中的灾难。卡祖玛咖安全吗?But the life that was in me demanded more than a meagre existence of scraping and scrimping. Also, at ten years of age, I became a newsboy on the streets of a city, and found myself with a changed uplook. All about me were still the same sordidness and wretchedness, and up above me was still the same paradise
but the ladder whereby to climb was a different one. It was now the ladder of business. Why save my earnings and invest in government bonds, when, by buying two newspapers for five cents, with a turn of the wrist I could sell them for ten cents and double my capital? The business ladder was the ladder for me, and I had a vision of myself becoming a bald-headed and successful merchant prince.卡祖玛咖安全吗?但是生活是我要求超过微薄的存在刮抠。同时,在十岁的时候,我成了街头的报童,发现自己不断的在改变。关于我的一切还是一样的肮脏与苦难,和我上面仍然是相同的天堂等待上涨;但向上爬的梯子是不同的。现在是商业的阶梯。为什么我的收益和投资于政府债券,在购买两家报纸五美分,与一个转折的手腕我可以卖他们十美分,双我的资本?商业阶梯是我的梯子,我有一个自己成为一个光头和成功的商人王子的愿景。卡祖玛咖安全吗?Alas for visions! When I was sixteen I had already earned the title of “prince.” But this title was given me by a gang of cut-throats and thieves, by whom I was called “The Prince of the Oyster Pirates.” And at that time I had climbed the first rung of the business ladder. I was a capitalist. I owned a boat and a complete oyster-pirating outfit. I had begun to exploit my fellow-creatures. I had a crew of one man. As captain and owner I took two-thirds of the spoils, and gave the crew one-third, though the crew worked just as hard as I did and risked just as much his life and liberty.卡祖玛咖安全吗?唉,为异象!当我16岁,我已经赢得了“王子。”但这个称号是给我割喉咙和小偷团伙,谁我是被称为“牡蛎海盗王子。”当时我已经爬上了第一响的梯子的企业”的称号。我是一个资本家。我拥有一条船和一个完整的牡蛎盗版服装。我开始剥削我的同胞。我有一个船员。作为船长和所有者,我拿了三分之二的战利品,并给了船员三分之一,虽然船员工作只是尽我所做的努力,并尽可能多的危险,只是他的生命和自由。卡祖玛咖安全吗?
While these transactions occupied the morning, Lady Helen (who the night before had been removed into the quiet cell appointed for her) slept long and sweetly. Her exhausted fr and she awoke with a heavenly calm at her heart. A cheering vision had visited h and a trance of happy feelings absorbed her senses, while her hardly disengaged spirit still hovered over its fading images.She had seen in her dream a young knight enter her cell, bearing her father in his arms. He laid the
but as she stooped to embrace him, the knight took her by the hand, leading her to the window of the apartment (which seemed extended to an immense size), he smiled, and said, “Look out and see how I have performed my vow!” She obeyed, and saw crowds of rejoicing people, who at sight of the young warrior raised such a shout, that Helen awoke. She started-she looked around-she was still in the narrow cell, but the rapture of beholding her father yet fluttered in her breast, and the touch of the warrior’s hand seemed still warm upon hers. “Angels of rest,” cried she, “I thank ye for this blessed vision!”卡祖玛咖安全吗The prior of St. Fillan might have read his own just sentiment in the heart of Lady Helen. While the gentlest of human beings, she was an evidence that an ardent and pious mind contains the true principles of heroism. Hope, i卡祖玛咖安全吗n such a mind, treads
and, regardless of impediments or dangers, rushes forward to seize the prize. In the midst of hosts, it feels a conqueror’ or, when its strength fails, sees, by the eye of faith, legions of angels watching to support the natural weakness. Lady Helen knew that the cause was just which had put the sword into the hand of W that it was virtue which had prompted her
and where justice is there are the wings of the Most High stretched out as a shield!卡祖玛咖安全吗This dream seemed prophetic. “Yes,” cried she, “though thousands of Edward’s soldiers surrounded my father and his friend, I should not despair. Thy life, O noble Wallace, was not give to be extinguished in an hour! Thy morn has hardly risen, the perfect day must come that is to develop thy greatness-that is to prove thee (and oh! gracious God, grant my prayer!) the glory of Scotland!”卡祖玛咖安全吗Owing to the fervor of her apostrophe, she did not observe the door of the cell open, till the prior stood before her. After expressing his pleasure at the renovation in her countenance, he informed her of the departure of the English soldier, and of the alarm which he and Murray had sustained for his safety, by the adventure which had thrown a stranger from the craigs into their protection. At the mention of that now momentous spot, the golden-haired warrior of her dream seemed read and with a beating heart she prepared to hear some true but miraculous account of her father’s rescue.卡祖玛咖安全吗Unconscious of what was passing in her young and eager mind, the prior calmly proceeded to relate all that Ker had told of the dangerous extremity to which W and then closed his intelligence, by mentioning the attempt which meditated to save him. The heightened color gradually faded from the face of Helen, and low sighs were her only responses to the observations the good priest made on the difficulty of the enterprise. But when his pity for the brave man engaged in the cause, betrayed him into expressing his fears that the patriotic zeal of Wallace would only make him and them a sacrifice, H there was inspiration on her lips and in her eyes. “Father,” said she, “hast thou not taught me that God shieldeth the patriot as well as armeth him!”卡祖玛咖安全吗“True!” returned he, wit “steadily believe this, and where will be the sighs you have just been breathing!”“Nature will shrink,” “but the Christian’s hope checks her ere she falls. Pardon me then, holy father, that I but they are often tears of trust and consolation.”卡祖玛咖安全吗“Daughter of heaven,” replied the good prior, “you might teach devotion to age, and cause youth to be enamored of the graces of religion! Be ever thus, and you may look with indifference on the wreck of worlds.”Helen having meekly replied to this burst from the heart of the holy man, begged to see her cousin before he set off on his expedition. The prior withdrew, and within an hour after, Murray entered the apartment. Their conversation was long, and their parting full of an interest that dissolved them both into tears. “When I see you again, my brave cousin, tell me that my father is free, and his preserver safe. Your own life, dear Andrew,” added she, as he pressed his cheek to hers, “must always be precious to me.”卡祖玛咖安全吗Murray hastily withdrew, and Helen was again alone.


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