
获得他有两种途径1:在改版前(球形变永久以前) 购买历史球星礼包得到30天的拉里伯德
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的文章,可以。& & & &
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15 三分线外1米 各种直接投发自手机虎扑
每个人的投篮方式 ,节奏都不一样
引用1楼 @ 发表的:隆多,简直一坨shit
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隆多随便刷上20+助攻 10+抢断
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引用1楼 @ 发表的:隆多,简直一坨shit
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隆多随便刷上20+助攻 10+抢断
螺丝 不会用。。。
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引用4楼 @ 发表的:库里在游戏里各种不准,不要说高难度三分了,空位都不一定投得进,不知道是不是我打开方式不对
15 三分线外1米 各种直接投发自手机虎扑
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引用4楼 @ 发表的:库里在游戏里各种不准,不要说高难度三分了,空位都不一定投得进,不知道是不是我打开方式不对
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Bird's Coaches 教练们口中的伯德Bill Fitch比尔菲奇Bird arrives in BostonWhen he first came to Boston, people would come out to watch this kid that was so highly touted practice and he was just milk toast, vanilla, nothing fancy because he was learning his assignments, learning where he should be in certain defensive situations and what his role was offensively. After about two weeks, all of a sudden here comes this kid throwing it behind his back, making blind passes, hitting teammates in spots and really bringing it out. Up until then it had been the old Peggy Lee story C Is that all there is? And then all of a sudden he comes with the real ticket.伯德来到波士顿他初到波士顿的时候,人们觉得这孩子快被捧上天了,他嫩得像一片牛奶吐司(还是香草味的),没什么碉堡的地方,因为他貌似不太懂行还在学习,学习防守站位,学习如何进攻等等。大概两周后吧,突然之间这孩子就开窍了,背后传球,不看人传球,找到空位队友然后准确传到,大显才华。那之前就像佩姬李(注:美国传奇歌后)早年唱的那样---"所有的就只有这些吗?"(注:佩姬名曲)而后突然就调到了巨星模式,名符其实。A Moment from Birds Rookie Season伯德新秀赛季掠影He made some great plays and the one I’ll always remember, we were playing Phoenix at Phoenix. We’re down about five points with less than a minute to go. His rookie year was the first year we could have the three point play. Bird pops in a three pointer. Now we’re down two and we get an out of bounds in front of the Phoenix bench and we’re going in that direction and we have a timeout with two seconds left on the clock. We run a sideline out of bounds play which you’re not going to get a great shot in that situation, but you’re going to get a shot and everybody is going to be riding Bird pretty hard. Max took the ball out of bounds and makes a great sideline pass just down so Larry could grab it with one foot in and go. He was right in front of the Phoenix bench when he popped it. The ball goes in. We win the ballgame by one and the whole Phoenix bench, the guys at the end of the bench, jumped up and were patting Larry on the back because it was such a great shot. I have never seen anything like that in all the years I coached. That’s the way his career started and he manufactured more greatness going along.他有几场比赛相当出色,有一个我至今犹记。我们当时是在客场对阵菲太阳队,最后不到一分钟时我们还落后5分。他的新秀赛季是3分线出现的第一年。伯德出其不意的甩出一记三分球。进球后我们落后2分,而后我们得到了一次前场发界外球的机会,正在太阳队替补席面前,当时只剩2秒。那个位置不太好很不利于投篮,但你非投不可。而且对方每人必然重点盯防伯德恨不得摁死他。麦克斯低手传出了一个漂亮的边线球,拉里单脚界内,接球顺势投篮。他就在太阳队板凳席前起跳投篮,篮球应声入网,我们1分险胜,而太阳队整个替补席球员也都兴奋得炸了锅,跳起来狂拍拉里后背,因为这一球太精彩太销魂。我整个执教生涯从未见过这样一幕。这就是他NBA征程的开始,而后还会谱写出更多精彩的伟大瞬间。Trash Talking Reputation响当当的垃圾话高手You know, they go back and say Bird was a trash talker. I never thought it was trash talking. He was whispering needles. We were playing at Worchester. I don’t even know who was guarding him. Larry supposedly poked him before they started and said, “Hey, what’s the scoring record in this building?” The guy asks why. And he says, “Well you’re guarding me aren’t you?”你知道他们私下里说伯德是垃圾话喷子。我从不觉得那是垃圾话。那只是低声的精神刺激,可谓"语言麻醉"。我们有一次在伍斯特打球,我记不得谁防守他了,赛前拉里就开始开始语言挑拨他,“嘿,你们这儿得分纪录是多少?”那家伙问他想干嘛。然后伯德说,“因为你防守我么,呵呵”Robert Reid and the Rockets vs. Bird罗伯特瑞德和队vs.伯德Robert Reid, who I later coached and was a good defender, made the statement that he was going to stop Bird and Moses said that he and four guys from his hometown could beat Bird and the Celtics. That kind of spurred him on and Larry used that for jokes and so forth and for the whispering needles during the course of the game. I remember Game 6, May 14, 1981, we were sitting on a game that could go either way and it was a clincher for us if we could win it and Larry went on a one man rampage in the last three minutes of the ballgame. And I remember the one shot, he made a three pointer out of the left corner right in front of the Houston bench, and that was the ticket to the championship.我后来执教队,队内的罗伯特瑞德有一手防守的好功夫,他扬言要阻止伯德。而摩西(马龙)则放话说他和他家乡的四个小伙伴可以把伯德和干翻在地。这一定程度上刺激了他,而拉里也把这当成笑话,一再地用在垃圾话里反喷。我还记得号的总决赛G6,是役相当胶着,对我们来说异常关键。拉里最后三分钟又是一个人大杀四方。我记得他在左侧底角,当着火箭队替补席的面,投入了一个至关重要的三分球,助他们冠军到手。K.C. JonesK.C.琼斯Bird and Xavier McDaniel share a moment伯德和泽维尔-麦克丹尼尔共享"精彩"瞬间We are playing in Seattle. Five seconds left on the clock and the score is tied and it is our timeout. In the huddle, I am thinking Xavier McDaniel is guarding Larry. So I said, “Now Kevin, you take the ball out and get it to Dennis and Dennis you can finish that.” Larry said, “Why don’t you just give me the ball and tell everybody else to get the hell out of the way?” So I said, “Larry you play, and I’ll coach.” And he said, “All right.” So I said, “Dennis, you take it out and you get it to Kevin. Kevin you get it to Larry and everybody else get the hell out of the way.” That is communication. Before the timeout was over, he leaves the huddle, and I said to myself, where is he going? And Xavier was right there and Bird said, “Xavier, I’m getting the ball. I’m going to take two dribbles to the left. I’m going to step back behind the three point line and stick it.” And that is what he did. So when he stepped back behind the line and released the ball, as soon as he released it, his arm was still in the air going to the dressing room. Game over.我们当时在西雅图打客场。还剩5秒钟,双方打平,我们叫了暂停。围起讨论时,我觉得是泽维尔麦克丹尼尔在防守拉里。所以我就说,“凯文,你发球给丹尼斯,丹尼斯你去投最后一球。”拉里就说,“你干嘛不把球给我然后叫其他人全tmd闪开?”我就说,“拉里你是球员,我是教练。”他又说,“那好吧。”于是我又说,“丹尼斯你发球给凯文。凯文你把球传给拉里,然后其他人全tmd闪开。”交流完毕。暂停还没结束他就闪了,然后我心想他要去哪儿。伯德跑去跟泽维尔说,“泽维尔,我会拿到球,往左运两下,退到三分线外然后投篮。”然后他怎么说就怎么做了。彼时他后撤三分,球刚出手还在空中,转身便往更衣室走。比赛结束。Jimmy Rodgers吉米罗杰斯Bird seizes the moment and saves the day伯德把握住机会解救了全队I remember one practice, I don’t know if I was head coaching or not, but we had a pretty tough period of our schedule. We had a lot of games, the team was a little bit tired. We had practice planned out at a little seminary out there in Boston where we used to play and practice and we decided let’s give these guys an opportunity. These guys look a little tired, we said. If anyone can make a half court shot, practice is off for the day, you guys can all go home. So Larry said, “Give me the ball.” So he steps up to half court, throws one and it’s immediately nothing but net. Everybody is hollering and hooting and that was the end of the day. He could do stuff like that. The thing you say, oh that’s impossible, no one is going to do that, he said give me the ball. Probably in his heart and soul he knew this team needed a rest, I’ll take it on myself. Like I said, whatever was needed, he would step forward and do whatever it took to get the job done.我记得有一次训练。我忘了我当时是不是主教练,但我们的确赛程相当紧。那段时间比赛很多,全队都有点疲劳。我们本来计划的是在波士顿一个小神学院里进行训练。这一次我们决定给队员们一次机会。这些家伙看起来有点累,我们说,如果谁能投进一个半场远投,当天训练取消,你们全都可以回家睡觉。然后拉里就说,“把球给我,你们等着回家”。他走到半场位置投了一球,眼看进不了结果还是进了。每个人都欢喜雀跃大喊大叫,当天就此结束。他就是能够搞定这类事情。你要是觉得什么事情,额滴神啊这绝对不可能,没人能做到,他就会说把球给我。也许在他内心深处他觉得全队确实需要休息一下,那就让我自己来搞掂。就像我说的,需要什么,他就会向前一步站出来,然后手起刀落轻松搞定。Bird’s Work Ethic&伯德的工作态度I had an opportunity to go out and spend a little time with him in Indiana one year. He said, “Why don’t you come out, we’ll do some fishing.” He loved to fish. He had some great spots out there around the French Lick area. This was during the middle of the summer, and I know because I was staying in another room, and he would be up before the sun rose. He would be out either running, getting on his bicycle. He did all of his work. He was very methodical, a planner. He would do all of his physical work, all his conditioning before the sun was up very high in the sky. He’d get all that done and then went on with his day, whether it was fishing or whatever he had to do. I saw that and that kind of registered in my mind. Well this was what this guy does. This was why he comes back every year and is a little better player, because he’s doing something. He’s not sitting there knowing that he is a great player. He’s trying to become a greater player and that to me was very impressive.某年我得到一次外出的机会并和他在印第安纳呆了段时间。他说,“怎么不出来玩玩,我们可以一起钓钓鱼。”他很爱钓鱼。他在弗伦奇利克(注:伯德老家)附近有几个不错的钓鱼点。当时正值盛夏,我知道是因为我刚好在另一间屋子。他一般太阳还没出就起床锻炼了,跑步,骑车如此等等,一一搞定。他办事井然有序,很有计划。他会在日上三竿之前完成所有的体能训练,调节好状态,把事情一股脑做完,然后继续一天的活动,无论是钓鱼还是有事要忙。我亲眼目睹,记在心里。这就是这家伙的日常所为。这就是他为什么在每年回来都能有所进步,因为他确实在做事努力提高,而不是整天坐在那里脑补YY自己如何伟大。他总是试图变得更加优秀,这让我印象极为深刻。Chris Ford克里斯福特Shot that sent Boston coaching staff to 1985 All-Star Game关键一投保送波士顿教练组进85年全明星赛We were in the Garden playing Portland and it was the deciding night. The team that had the best record in the East, the coach and the staff would be the coaching team for the All-Star game. We were trailing Portland. Larry came down and hit a shot from the deep left corner, from on the baseline behind the backboard almost, and just beat them. I was very happy and thrilled because that sent us to the All-Star game. My wife was very happy because she got to spend a little more money.我们正在花园球馆对阵波特兰,当晚比赛十分关键。球队取得了东部最佳战绩,教练组很有可能进入全明星赛执教球队。我们当时在追分。拉里上场从左侧底角极深的位置投了一球,几乎已经是负角度了。然后一击命中打败对手。我相当兴奋因为这球把我们送进了全明星赛。我老婆也很高兴因为她又有机会可以多花钱了。Larry’s Competitive Nature拉里的竞争本性Our oldest son Chris, who was probably nine or ten at the time, would go out and shoot before games and be an honorary ball boy at the Garden. Larry would get in a little shooting contest with him and never lose to anyone. He would do his best, but Larry would beat him. Chris was competitive, but Larry wasn’t going to lose.我的长子克里斯,当时大概9岁10岁的样子,在花园球馆当了名光荣的球童,赛前常会投几个篮。拉里会和他进行一些投篮比赛,从来不输。他会竭尽全力,但拉里赢他没商量。克里斯相当争强好胜,但拉里的字典里没有"失败"二字。Chuck Daly: ’92 Olympics查克戴利:92年奥运会We practiced prior to going to get a spot in the medals in Portland, and then we went overseas and went to Monaco before we went to Barcelona to train. He actually wanted more work even though he was suffering, I thought, with the back. Nevertheless, any time that they threw up a zone, I moved him and Mullin into the game on the wing. Basically that was the end of the zone. But he worked just as hard in a short period there. Actually we didn’t practice because we played every other night at 10:30 and he still wanted to work out, even at that stage.我们先在波特兰集训了下(美洲锦标赛),然后漂洋过海,先去摩纳哥,再到。他虽饱受背伤折磨却仍想多打一些。饶是如此,每每对手摆出联防阵势,我会把他和穆林换上场放在侧翼,终结对手屡试不爽。但他即便身在海外仍不忘刻苦训练。其实我们并没怎么训练因为每隔一晚的10点半都有比赛,可他仍是想去锻炼,即便身处那样的舞台之上。美国JRS评论:76ersshadesohard 79 指 4 天 前&Wish he could've stayed healthy his entire career要是他整个职业生涯都健健康康的就好了。――[C]RaptorsIanicRR 115 指 4 天 前&I think the fact he played half crippled for a good part of his career adds to both his stature and legacy. It's just what Bird did, he was Larry god damn Legend.我觉得半残的伯德打球(打的还不错)对他的声望和历史地位都有加成。这就是典型的伯德式做法,他就是那个tmd诺讲恍械睦锎――[C]Celticsimlarrybird 55 指 4 天 前&He still put up fantastic numbers while injured. He was 20/10/7 in the last year of his career. Not quite Bird numbers, but easily Scottie Pippen numbers. Per possession he was actually above his own career averages on both rebounding and assists. I think that's because those stats are a little more about intelligence/instinct, skill, and positioning.他受伤时打出的数据也很漂亮。他生涯最后一年的数据是20+10+7。不是典型的伯德耪ㄌ焓荩的数据相比只好不差。他每次触球的篮板数和助攻数甚至高于生涯平均值。我觉得那是因为这两项数据靠的更多的是篮球智商,本能反应,篮球技巧跟卡位。――[C]harrison5394 88 指 4 天 前&It's interesting. If Bird didn't have his back issues and Magic never got HIV, there's a fair chance MJ only has 3 or 4 titles. It would've been amazing to have all three competing in their primes at once together.有意思的是,如果伯德没有背伤困扰而师没得上艾滋,很有可能只能拿3到4个冠军。巅峰三神逐鹿中原,画面太美我不敢看。Knickswhoa_oh 193 指 4 天 前&This one is my favorite:“The one thing that always bothered me when I played in the NBA was I really got irritated when they put a white guy on me. I still don't understand why. A white guy would come out (and) I would always ask him: 'What, do you have a problem with your coach? Did your coach do this to you?' ” ― Larry Bird source-&这条是我最喜欢的:“在NBA打球时候有件事一直让我很困扰,就是每次他们派白人来防我就会让我气不打一处来。我现在还是不理解。有白人来防我我就会问他:‘怎么回事哥们,你跟教练闹别扭了么?他是不是故意整你的?”---拉里伯德――[C]76erstimacles 131 指 4 天 前&Larry divorced his wife because he couldn't stand to be with someone that was fucking a white dude拉里跟他老婆离婚了,因为他受不了身边总有个白人娘们转来转去。[C]RaptorsIanicRR 176 指 4 天 前&This is easily my favourite Bird trash talk:During one game on Christmas Day against the Indiana Pacers, before the game Bird told Chuck Person that he had a Christmas present waiting for him. During the game, when Person was on the bench, Bird shot a three-pointer on the baseline right in front of Person. Immediately after releasing the ball, Bird said to Person, "Merry fucking Christmas!", and then the shot went in. Prior to the game, Person (nicknamed the "Rifleman") stated "The Rifleman is coming, and he's going Bird hunting".这个是我最爱的伯德垃圾话:有次圣诞大战对阵印第安纳,赛前爆的跟查克波森说他准备了一份圣诞礼物送给他。比赛中,当波森正坐在替补席上时,伯德在右侧底线当着波森的面投了个三分球。球刚出手伯德就对波森说:“圣诞快你妹的乐!”,然后球应声入网。赛前波森(绰号"火枪手")曾说:“火枪手驾到,定要捕大鸟。”SupersonicsCaptain_Vegetable 49 指 4 天 前&A couple more from GQ's excellent Oral History of the 1992 Dream Team:McIntyre: I had about eighty basketballs in my room in Barcelona and had to get the players to sign them all. Bird was the last guy, and he says, "What's the quickest anyone's done it?" I said, "Anywhere from eight minutes to twenty." And Bird said, "I'm going to be the fastest. Time me." So he signs them, and he throws me the last one: "Okay, what is it?" "Whoa, four and a half minutes!" And he goes, "Yes!" Competitive right to the end.Chris Webber (college squad player): I rode from the airport in a limo with Larry Bird, and that was such an honor. We talked about playing against the Pistons, different moves, all this stuff. He was just a great dude. Then, as we got out of the car and I was getting my bags, he goes, "Make sure you get your sleep, because tomorrow I'm gonna bust your ass, and you're going to remember it the rest of the week."《绅士季刊》上的“92梦之队口述历史”几条也很有意思:麦金泰尔:在的时候,当时我房间里有大概80个篮球需要让球员一一签名。伯德是最后一个,他说:“最快的签了多久?”我说大概8到20分钟吧.伯德又说,“我会是最快那个,给我掐个表。”然后他就开始了,签完最后一个扔给我的时候问用了多久。我说四分半钟!。于是边走边喊了声:噢耶!真是从头到脚的争强好胜。克里斯韦伯(当时是大学生陪练队员):我跟伯德从机场同坐一辆轿车去酒店,真是荣幸万分。我们谈到了跟活塞的比赛,诸多技术动作等等。他是个相当不错的哥们。最后我们下车,我去取行李,他跟我讲,“今晚睡好睡饱,因为明天我会把你打爆,让你这一整周都忘不了。”[C]CelticsAceRockolla4eva 51 指 4 天 前&I love the story about how he used to eat wedding cakes when he was injured/in the off season. When he was asked why he would order and eat wedding cakes by himself, he responded, "How are you gonna fuck up a weddin' cake?"我喜欢他在伤病休赛期吃婚礼蛋糕的故事。别人问他干嘛自己订个婚礼蛋糕自己啃,他说,“婚礼蛋糕还可能不好吃?肯定是最好吃的!”――[C]Celticskey_lime_pie 67 指 4 天 前&"I was so bored, I'd set around the house, drive my wife crazy, and eat and eat. In two and a half weeks I was off I ate ten gallons of ice cream and seven weddin' cakes. Why them? I ate weddin' cakes 'cause you knew they was gonna be good. I mean, who would fuck up a weddin' cake?"“哥太tm无聊了,我在屋子里大摆宴席,把我老婆逼疯,除了吃还是吃。2周半我都无事可做,吃了10加仑的冰淇淋跟七个婚礼蛋糕。你问我为什么吃这些?我吃婚礼蛋糕因为你知道它太特么好吃了。我意思是,谁有可能把婚礼蛋糕做的很难吃?”手工作业,有误请指出。[img].cn/brightphoto/images/iconGif.png); background- background-repeat: no-repeat no-">&前期回顾:订阅请@JRS之声粉丝QQ群:<font color="#ff087 &JRS之声翻译爱好者以及对JRS之声创作有兴趣的JR加二群:<font color="#ff545 &进群必须注明IDPS:1.转载请务必标明出处和链接,尤其是包卜网,直播吧,百度贴吧,ACFUN和新浪。2、转载时请注明本人ID,以及虎扑【美国JRS之声】,不要写错。&&
的文章,可以。& & & &
有意思的是,如果伯德没有背伤困扰而师没得上艾滋,很有可能只能拿3到4个冠军。巅峰三神逐鹿中原,画面太美我不敢看。乔丹:画面太惨我不敢看!PS:乔丹那时已经蜕变,不相信伯德和魔术师能阻止乔丹,很可能被吊打,我相信帮主![ 此帖被不再丶联系在 15:56修改 ]
关键是活塞完成了打残魔鸟的重任 捎带脚还叫滑翔机吃了翔
Chris Webber (college squad player): I rode from the airport in a limo with Larry Bird, and that was such an honor. We talked about playing against the Pistons, different moves, all this stuff. He was just a great dude. Then, as we got out of the car and I was getting my bags, he goes, "Make sure you get your sleep, because tomorrow I'm gonna bust your ass, and you're going to remember it the rest of the week."克里斯韦伯(当时是大学生陪练队员):我跟伯德从机场同坐一辆轿车去酒店,真是荣幸万分。我们谈到了跟活塞的比赛,诸多技术动作等等。他是个相当不错的哥们。最后我们下车,我去取行李,他跟我讲,“今晚睡好睡饱,因为明天我会把你打爆,让你这一整周都忘不了。”然后鸟叔他们第二天输了。。。
It's interesting. If Bird didn't have his back issues and Magic never got HIV, there's a fair chance MJ only has 3 or 4 titles. It would've been amazing to have all three competing in their primes at once together.
乔神更吊在公牛13个赛季就成为了NBA历史第一人![ 此帖被翘臀美腿控在 16:20修改 ]
以前的球员和现在的球员比最大的不同是个性及其鲜明,狂拽掉咋天啥都有,现在的球员像是肯德基炸鸡生产线批量生产的一样,大部分是一个模子煮出来的,偶尔有个特例独行的,裁判会分分钟教你重新做人[ 此帖被thungood在 15:38修改 ]
备注:如果真有"如果"...[ 此帖被incredibilly在 16:02修改 ]
引用59楼 @ 发表的:
C]harrison5394 88 指 4 天 前&
It's interesting. If Bird didn't have his back issues and Magic never got HIV, there's a fair chance MJ only has 3 or 4 titles. It would've been amazing to have all three competing in their primes at once together.
如果没病依靠本身身高的绝对优势和后期开发的三分,还有他和鸟神都是一辈子运动天赋是啥jb玩意的技术风格, 61年出生的沃西和斯科特68年的迪瓦茨,会有一个相当相当不错的基础框架类似于08-12的凯,一直作为一只顶级强队徘徊在西部半决赛至决赛的路上恶心人,赶上个把衬手的年轻后生同时大家都身体健康,偶尔进把总决赛!而那面鸟神和冰箱酋长都年龄比较大可能会困难一些当然前提是如果既然是如果那么刘易斯没死,其实也是三老带一新。那么湖人和凯很可能就是这几年的凯和马刺,战术打法对头年轻人给力有可能像今年的马刺这是最好结果,要不就是前两年的凯拼着一口气但是最多就是分区决赛
备注:如果真有"如果"...[ 此帖被incredibilly在 16:02修改 ]
以前的球员和现在的球员比最大的不同是个性及其鲜明,狂拽掉咋天啥都有,现在的球员像是肯德基炸鸡生产线批量生产的一样,大部分是一个模子煮出来的,偶尔有个特例独行的,裁判会分分钟教你重新做人[ 此帖被thungood在 15:38修改 ]
qq或 微信: 49773零50
东西不多 价格都可以
赶上前排了 大鸟激动
有意思的是,如果伯德没有背伤困扰而师没得上艾滋,很有可能只能拿3到4个冠军。巅峰三神逐鹿中原,画面太美我不敢看。乔丹:画面太惨我不敢看!PS:乔丹那时已经蜕变,不相信伯德和魔术师能阻止乔丹,很可能被吊打,我相信帮主![ 此帖被不再丶联系在 15:56修改 ]
It's interesting. If Bird didn't have his back issues and Magic never got HIV, there's a fair chance MJ only has 3 or 4 titles. It would've been amazing to have all three competing in their primes at once together.
乔神更吊在公牛13个赛季就成为了NBA历史第一人![ 此帖被翘臀美腿控在 16:20修改 ]
神鸟离我们太远,举个近些的例子,姚明,小斯,拜纳姆,奥登。。。大个子总是更容易受伤,自身原因,联盟规则原因。[ 此帖被simsforever在 15:38修改 ]
不能 字数你妹
看球很多年 球都不看我一眼
引用6楼 @ 发表的:
如果大鸟和魔术师能保持健康 球队阵容也很稳定的话 很有可能阻击乔丹的第一个三连冠 当然这只是YY 多希望能看到健康的鸟叔和MAGIC和乔丹在90年代PK
& 允许多选


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