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9 pieces of video game art money can’t (and can) buy
By Matt Martin
Sometimes it’s not enough to just play video games. Sometimes we need to own a little bit of that sweet video game art. Here are nine pieces of art that we’re currently coveting, whether we can afford them or not.
Titanfall, by Jason Howard
Who doesn’t want a Titanfall comic ? Howard is co-creator of The Astounding Wolf Man and Super Dinosaur for Image Comics, and he’s .
Maybe Respawn would like to consider him for future multimedia projects. We’re sad this isn’t a real thing.
Atari bootleg, by Sucklord
is a bootleg toy artist based in New York. Self obsessed as most good artists are, he wears a rip-off Boba Fett helmet and specialises in making Frankestein’s monster-style action figures, chopping body parts, recycling 80s artwork and mashing them together to sell for $100 a pop.
This was part of a one-off collection of art put together and . Modern times, eh!
Demigodz custom SNES, by Ultimate Customs
The Demigodz are a hiphop supergroup who last year released the Killmatic LP.
is a dude who builds custom packaging and toys.
He likes the SNES so much he’s done Ninja Turtle, wrestling and Wu-Tang customisations, and if you keep track on his Facebook page you can bid on the latest builds.
Ayecon bootleg stickers
Ayecon is street artist Ryan Goodwin based out of Salt Lake City. He takes pop art characters and gives them a simple twist, smudging features and subverting them with his own logo. Iwata wouldn’t approve. The good news is if you think his shit is cool
and slap them up around your city like a little vandal.
Watch Dogs graffiti mural
This was obviously commissioned by Ubisoft Netherlands so it’s not for sale but it is pretty damn cool. It would have been nicer if the artists were free to reimagine the game in their own style, but I guess Ubi wanted to keep to their own marketing message.
Invader bottles
Invader is a French graffiti artists leaving his tiled Space Invader art all over the globe. The bottles were
and like most of his work they’re not for sale. But
as his iOS game Flash Invaders is due to be released.
Super Mario Lovers, by Listen04
Listen04 is a UK painter. His work is built around puns and bad jokes, I guess.
and you’ll find it hard not to crack up.
Super Smash Bros., by Andrew Doma
There’s not much we can tell you about Andrew Doma but he does a mean interpretation of Mario, Sonic and Link in Super Smash Bros. , it’s pretty awesome.
War & Pizza, by Aled Lewis
This is a commission for the
show, curated by Iam8bit, and taking place in L.A. from this weekend.
It’s Aled’s take on TMNT 2: The Arcade Game on NES and it’s pretty sweet. Also,
From the Web
& 2015 VG247[aj]专访We&need&money&not&art创办人
我使用开源的Processing和免费的pd, VVVV的界面不喜欢,而且我基于mac工作这点很可惜
关于”code blue”和”遥控”
我03年就开始做soundart的网站了,主要是听东西最后听到new media art上的,我高一就在做网站。。。。
你自己的定义是 复杂程序员,比做新媒体艺术家自豪吗?
看成就感,四月十号我去荷兰参加荷兰电子艺术节(Dutch Electronic Art
那要加油想办法了 这两个不就是WNMNA的全部吗?
文章还是得自己人写,有些得评价什么的。本地主要问题是展跑不起来,new media art的展在国内都不值得写,其实make的作者也是很有选择性的在写展。
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。No tag for this post.
& LEO XU PROJECTS很荣幸地展出《代号:aaajiao》。本次展览是活跃于国际的中国年轻新媒体艺术家aaajiao在2015年的首次画廊个展。展览将集中呈现以aaajiao作为其网络别名和创作艺名的上海艺术家徐文恺新作以及为展览委约创作的项目。这批作品丈量了以新科技、新媒体为依托的艺术创作的新维度和方向,并探索了以互联网和数码技术为主导当代生活中急迫的议题。展览将从20...
Drone.2000无人飞行器,艺术家为Nicolas Maigret(尼古拉斯·梅格雷),照片由GAMERZ的Luce Moreau 拍摄,2014年 尼古拉斯·梅格雷,DRONE.年 在普罗旺斯艾克斯地区举办的“GAMERZ ”艺术节估计是欧洲境内唯一一个让人连眼皮都不敢眨一下的节日活动,一位艺术家组织了一场表演,那改装后的无人操纵飞行器们笨拙的在空中肆意飞舞挑衅着场内的观众。刚开始也许并不让人害怕...
B-36轰炸机机组人员在北极的装备,玛格丽特·伯克 – 怀特拍摄 伦敦WORK Gallery新近开幕了一个吸引人的展览,讨论关于摄影在核能及“核弹”所呈现的公众形象中起到的作用。 悬挂在墙上的那些图像令人震惊的愉悦和出色,我本以为这会是一场黑暗和戏剧性的展示。 展出的第一组作品是关于蘑菇云的标志性画面。那些伴随着“核旅游业atomic tourism{即使如今我们不顾一...
Giulio Andreotti(朱利奥·安德烈奥蒂),意大利政坛的传奇人物: 朱利奥·安德烈奥蒂,罗马,上世纪70年代 (C) TEAM Editorial Services / Alinari(阿里纳利)联盟 近半个世纪以来,安德烈奥蒂出任了意大利几乎所有的重要政治席位。他担任了七任总统,除了Silvio Berlusconi(贝卢斯科尼)外,在任时间长于其余的战后意大利政客。安德烈奥蒂虽不像贝卢斯科尼般闹腾,但他从头到尾狡...
冷却库, 迪拜, 拍摄者Bas Princen, 2009 Torre David作品2(加拉斯加),拍摄者Iwan Baan, 2011年 昨天的新闻热点是关于“构建的世界:现代摄影与建筑(Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age)”展在伦敦巴比肯美术馆举办。 因为允许媒体对心仪的内容进行拍摄,所以我踊跃参加了记者观展团。通常次日开始是严禁拍摄的。 “构建的世界”聚焦于摄影师所记录的20世纪与...
“Centaurus Neandertalensis(半马半猿人)”来自于Fauna(动物)系列,档案发现者为Joan Fontcuberta与Pere Formiguera,1987 展览“Stranger Than Fiction(离奇过小说)“,艺术家Joan Fontcuberta,照片由Kate Elliott拍摄 伦敦科学博物馆(London’s Science Museum)的媒体空间(Media Space)最近正在展出摄影师Joan Fontcuberta的作品回顾展。该系列展览探讨星象学,地理学,自然历史以及更多的与科学相...
&改变互联网的100个思想&,作者为Jim Boultozhen,由Digital Archaeology(数字考古)策划,这是一个旨在发现并记录那些崭露头角的数字文化与提升数字化留存的组织。 此书可在英国(Amazon UK)与美国(Amazon USA)的亚马逊上买到。 出版商Laurence King写道:这个创新的选题探讨了网络从早期的美国政府的研究项目直到今天这个被我们了解并运用的互动世界。 它形象的展现了早...
当我从比利时搬迁到意大利的那些年,我突然发现有一件事惊讶到我了,那就是我置身于一个不将天气作为对话内容的文化之中。天空从不会发生太大变化。每一天几乎都是阳光明媚并且相当干燥。但现如今这种状况越来越少了。我住在伦敦,那里的夏天已然炎热无比。与此同时,意大利北部铺天盖地得下着暴雨。天气已断然怪异地产生转折。 Newspapers(报纸)发布警告,每日...
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@ 新单位 | xindanwei2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money Can you tell me wher2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money () Can you tell me where ____ _____ money?3.The fine art museum is both beautiful and interesting.(同义句) The fine art museum is ____ ___作业帮
2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money Can you tell me wher2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money () Can you tell me where ____ _____ money?3.The fine art museum is both beautiful and interesting.(同义句) The fine art museum is ____ __
2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money Can you tell me wher2.Can you tell me where I can exchange money () Can you tell me where ____ _____ money?3.The fine art museum is both beautiful and interesting.(同义句) The fine art museum is ____ ____ beautiful _____ _____ interesting.4.The character is more like a real person than a cartoon.(同义句) The character is like a real person _____ _____ a cartoon.5.Why don‘tyou go to the mall with your friends?(同义句) _____ ____ ____ to the mall with your friends?
2.to change3.not only but also4.more than5.why not go学习英语还是要自己多积累一些常用句型的转换啦~


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