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我的世界0.8.1 sever name填什么_百度知道
我的世界0.8.1 sever name填什么
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出门在外也不愁Samba in 14.04 broken? - Ubuntu Discourse
18:26:43 UTC
I can't get into anything on Samba in 14.04.
Kinda frustrating since my flash drive doesn't seem to want to work...
22:47:29 UTC
We need a lot more information in order to help you. How did you install samba, what does your /etc/samba/smb.conf look like? Do you get any errors when running testparm?
22:51:23 UTC
I nuked the smb.conf from /etc/samba (well the whole folder really) and reinstalled samba (all related packages).
However, I get this:
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":
No such file or directory
Error loading services.
I install samba from the standard repos, using Synaptic. I did not perform the rain dance, however, because I was missing the sacred goat. Not sure if that makes any difference
03:41:39 UTC
If you don't know how to extract the /etc/samba/smb.conf from the deb you downloaded when installing samba, you can get it
05:41:54 UTC
So it should be in the .deb for samba-common? If so I can fix that easily.
04:01:42 UTC
The smb.conf file is located in the samba-common package, it should be installed into /usr/share/samba, and /etc/samba
03:42:42 UTC
I'm having the same issue. I believe there is a bug report on this topic. I really would have thought something this big would have been worked out at this stage in the build
07:37:59 UTC
I've been having problems with samba for a few months ever since upgrading from 12.04, trying once in a while after reading stuff on other forums to no avail. After upgrading to 14.04, I tried again it is working again. This is what I did...
Started fresh by removing samba:
sudo apt-get autoremove samba samba-common
sudo apt-get autoremove system-config-samba
Reinstall samba:
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common
sudo apt-get install system-config-samba cifs-utils
(thanks cariboo907 for the link) into /etc/samba/smb.conf
Then I launched the samba app to set my samba user and added my shares. Tried to access it with my Win7 laptop and it didn't work. What a surprise. Tested the conf just in case:
sudo testparm
The conf was ok OK. Then I restarted samba:
sudo service smbd restart
Works! Able to access the shares from my WIn8 box too.
17:31:06 UTC
I've since fixed this problem by purging samba's files manually and reinstalling.
20:18:42 UTC
C:\Users\Anders Wikstr?m&net use Z: \FTS-File-Server\home /USER:name wrong (password)
System error 86 has occurred.
The specified network password is not correct.
C:\Users\Anders Wikstr?m&net use Z: \FTS-File-Server\home /USER:name right (password)
System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found.
When the password is wrong is says so but when the password is OK it cannot find the netork nameThis seems very strange and has never been a problem before 14.04
23:39:18 UTC
I'm also having problems with a new install of 14.04 desktop. I'm a novice to UbuntuI have another pc running 14.04 Studio and it works fine with my windows network.I did the following:[quote="ronnbot, post:8, topic:1301"]Started fresh by removing samba:
sudo apt-get autoremove samba samba-commonsudo apt-get autoremove system-config-samba
Reinstall samba:
sudo apt-get install samba samba-commonsudo apt-get install system-config-samba cifs-utils
I copied smb.conf.default (thanks cariboo907 for the link) into /etc/samba/smb.conf
I could not save the smb.conf file as I get a red banner stating that I don't have permission to change a read only file. In both the /usr/share/samba, and /etc/samba
Then I launched the samba app to set my samba user but this will not work in Unity Dash (it does not show the application "samba" and the samba configuration tool does not open).I don't know
what I'm doing wrong but any help would be great.
19:47:34 UTC
Is it just me or does it seem like file sharing in Ubuntu was really hitting a sweet spot of ease and user frienliness prior to 14.04.
I just spent a day and a half uninstalling and installing removing config files and trying different suggested fixes to finally stumble on a solution that allows my box to show up on the network and be accessed from other Windows and Ubuntu computers.
At this point I have no idea what actually solved the problem but I'm happy nonetheless.
I can understand that samba is necessary and maybe it shouldn't be installed by default (understand, don't agree) but what does this say to the non technical convert coming from XP.
It really seems like there should be a "Sharing" setting that you just turn on, let it do the samba infrastructure magic, then share a folder via a simple dialog.
Am I mistaken or was there a time in the recent past when it worked like this.
01:38:42 UTC
The included file sharing utility in 14.04 works well except that libpam-smbpass won't install automagically, I've had to install that package manaully on all my installs. I've moved on to Utopic, and the problem still exists.
Just right click on the directory you want to share, and select Local Network Share
The configuration files reside in /var/lib/samba, and the shares, located in /var/lib/samba/usershares, should look similar to this:
cariboo@skynet:/var/lib/samba/usershares$ cat public
23:24:23 UTC
I also could not get all the files. I read in another forum that you could do the following:First, check your machine is fully updated. Open command line (Ctrl + Alt + F1): or in my case (Ctrl + Alt +T)sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If you get any errors, run:sudo apt-get install -f
Then rerun to first two commands to ensure no further errors. After that you can try logging in (Ctrl-Alt-F7 to change to you GUI) to see if Unity is now working.
If Unity is still not running, follow these instructions to reset your unity configuration, (from How do I reset my Unity configuration?):
With 14.04 install unity-tweak-tool:sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
Then run the follow command to reset Unity to defaults:unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity
(In my case Unity started working after 14 files either updated or were added.The Samba server configuration GUI started working and I can add shares.I can "see" the network from the Ubuntu-desktop pc but the pc is not named and a "smb-server" is listed. I can see and log into shares for the Win7, Win8 and the other Ubuntu-Studio pcs. I can't "see" the Ubuntu-desktop pc from anywhere on the network!)
My configuration files reside only in (no /var/lib/samba),
the shares, located in /var/lib/samba/usershares, and look similar to this:
(mine had an n which I changed to a y)sharename=Public
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
07:06:13 UTC
The wrong incantation of vodoo. Samba has always been a pain in the ass in Utuntu, some harder than others, but they've really managed to hose it this time. You'd think that by V14 it would be cake by now, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
14:29:07 UTC
Thanks, ronnbot! Your simple step-by-step instructions worked right away for me. After I saw it working, I added some specific shares from my prior smb.conf and everything worked flawlessly.
17:32:49 UTC
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
was what it took to get samba client working in kubuntu - didn't see the network shares before I did that
YMMV, I've been installing other stuff on this machine for a couple of months now.
14:14:06 UTC
I migrated from Fedora and also had problems with Samba in ubuntu 14.04.1Like the others, I wasted too much time with this and am posting in the hope that it gets fixed in a future release so that others don't waste as much time as I.
The uninstall/reinstall suggested by RonBot works for me too.There is another thread with the same final solution: In this thread,
% ps aux | grep smbd
% kill pid
// Kill the process with "Ss" status.The process gets respawned immediately, and samba starts working.
To recreate the problem:
1) I installed ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64. Selected Samba and Tomcat7 software packages.
Discovered no GUI in server release.
2) Installed ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.
Used an old 1GB drive & wiped it clean. All my user data is on other disks which I unplugged first - just to be safe. So this was a completely clean install.
3) Installed my old iptables firewall rules.
4) Installed samba using directions from
% apt-get install samba
# downloads & installs samba % cd /etc/samba % mv smb.conf smb.conf.orig % vi smb.conf
Do not use: % cp /home/peter/linux-config/Fedora16B/etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba
Add code from fedora smb.conf
Use workgroup = WORKGROUP
Update 'interfaces' with my situation % smbpasswd -a
pwd: Same as user password % service samba start % service samba status
After a long time, can see SERVER in Win7 windows explorer, but clicking for details says:
The remote device or resource won't accept the connection
The device or resource is not set up to accept connections on port "The File and printer sharing (SMB)".
% ps aux | grep smbd
// Kill the process with "Ss" status.
Service respawns and now Samba is working.
Added '"name resolve order = bcast" config line suggested by
Reboot ubuntu & samba no longer works.
6) Followed advice of Ronnbot and it worked. Did not have to change /etc/smb.conf.
Started fresh by removing samba:
% sudo apt-get autoremove samba samba-common
% sudo apt-get autoremove system-config-samba
Reinstall samba:
% sudo apt-get install samba samba-common
% sudo apt-get install system-config-samba cifs-utils
Restart samba (this is a bit different from ronnbot)
% sudo service samba restart
Here's my guess as to what is going on when installing v14.04.1 samba:
The Samba installation instructions that come up as the first result in google are for version 12.04.
These v12.04 instructions say to install 'samba' only
(apt-get install samba).
The 'fix' installs 4 packages (samba, samba-common, system-config-samba, cifs-utils).
My guess is there is some incompatibility or configuration order issue between ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso and the current versions installed with 'apt-get'
The reason that it appears to be a configuration order issue is that killing the smbd process causes the smbd daemon to respawn and then the samba server starts working.
23:29:02 UTC
I am still having problems with samba not working after a reboot. The problem is that smbd gets launched before nmbd. See discussion at In my situation, I have 2 ethernet ports and need to bind samba to just the local network on eth1. The other interface is a public IP, so configuring samba without specifying the interfaces (eth1 or IP) is not an option.
This has been a problem for 2+ years.
The discussion suggests 'fudging' the 'start on' priority in /etc/init/smbd.conf by using IFACE=eth1 or IFACE!=lo. Unfortunately, /etc/init/nmbd.conf is using the same trick. I may just drop in a kludge script to respawn the smbd daemon (eg: ps aux | grep smbd | grep Ss | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill).
Jeez! what a robust system!
00:53:01 UTC
Samba now working. There was nothing wrong with my mods/updates to smb.conf files.The main problem is nmbd starting before smbd. Here's the final way I got it working:
% sudo apt-get autoremove samba samba-common
% sudo apt-get autoremove system-config-samba
% sudo apt-get install samba samba-common system-config-samba python-glade2 gksu
% smbpasswd -a peter
Create file /etc/init/smbd.override to delay smbd.You could use "IFACE=eth0" or "IFACE!=lo" as needed.
% vi /etc/init/smbd.override
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth1)
% ps aux | grep mbd
smbd previously had a pid=631, so it is starting quite a bit later. It is still starting before nmbd,but the second instance is just after nmbd and samba is currently working. There is not a lot of margin here, but I am unfamiliar with the 'upstart' software and how to trigger the smbd 'start on' from the nmbd start event.


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