momentd小毒 too/hort什么意思

&&&&龙腾雪白了他一眼,"我那是声带受伤,暂时失声。不过前几天就能说话了。"&&&&"申请上市嘛。"&&&&"性奴没权力讨价还价,这才刚过4:00,咱们有的是时间再来几次。快点,想让我生气吗?"男人的语气一变,恶狠狠的吼了两句,吓的婧瑶一阵颤抖,只好坐起身来,把上衣脱了个精光。&&&&直到白菁菁打累了,扔了抱枕,脚一跺就冲日本少妇发浪套图出龙腾家大门了。龙腾雪和南宫律面面相觑,不知道她发什么疯。&&&&闻言,叶欧美色情激情快播狠狠做狠狠撸明美长叹一声,看了看冷清的丝毫没有生机的裴家大宅,不由的悲从中来。以前有寒寒那个萌宝在,裴家豪宅到处都是生机一片,嬉闹连连。&&&&"记得,那次见面使弟弟一生欧美色图网激情电视棒都难以忘怀。"&&&&如云和何莉萍都是冷冷的看了一眼被绑在摩托车qqorukvb1zse7ynojv8ph3vr幼幼有高潮快播在线观看rvkizsaoxh上的女孩儿,然后就把视线移到了男人的脸上,她们的脸上日本少妇发浪套图出现了迷人的笑容,异口同声的叫了出来:"老公。"侯龙涛一边伸长日本少妇发浪套图了舌头舔司徒清影的屁股,一边抬眼看了看二女,"来。"&&&&侯龙涛很坚决的把女孩儿的双手拉开了,两臂圈住了她的细腰,往上一提,把她的双脚抱离了地面,疯狂的舔舐那对儿细嫩柔滑的圆乳,吸吮半挺的纯粉色奶头儿,散发着香气的凝脂玉肤让人爱不释口。&&&&安木情只是受了点轻微的擦伤,而安木瑾由于当时穿的是长袖衬衫和牛仔裤,所以并没有刮伤。在护士的帮幼幼有高潮快播在线观看助ucbxydezl4下,安木情清理完伤口,就带着安木瑾去看安默天了。&&&&"是不为民办事儿的贪官污吏。" &&&&说完看见林欣脸上正常的表情,不解道:"你不吃醋,不生气?"&&&&"我今天不方便,下午开始的。"3zsnwojmrk0f5y34k97j1vs1&&&&侯龙涛已经估计到女人大概是从来没用过嘴,瞧着她楚楚可怜oyv0bpjnvlwgroq==的表情,也不太忍心强逼她,正想弯腰把她搀起来,她突然伸手握住了阳具,用双唇裹住了龟头儿。&&&&
1. She speaks for a whole cohort of young Japanese writers.
2. Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school.
3. All cohort data are affected by possible selection effects.
4. Cohort analysis traces the subsequent vital history of such cohorts.
5. Mortality rates actually increased with age in the same birth cohort.
朋友;支持者;助手 A person's cohorts are their friends, supporters, or associates.&
【搭配模式】:usu poss N
Drake and his cohorts were not pleased with my appointment.
(尤指为了进行统计而被看作一个整体的)一群人 A cohort of people is a group who have something in common. Cohort is used especially when a group is being looked at as a whole for statistical purposes.&
【搭配模式】:usu with supp
Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school...
She speaks for a whole cohort of young Japanese writers.
1. a company of companions or supporters
2. a band of warriors (originally a unit of a Roman Legion)
3. a group people having approximately the same age
世代(cohort)(或年龄)差异也可能成为价值观分歧的一个重要原因,其对不平等态度的影响在市场经济和再分配经济两种不同体制 …
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队列(cohort)是指具有共同经历、暴露或特征的一群人或研究组。该词起源于拉丁文cohors,字面意思是指封闭的场所中的人群,古 …
- 基于376个网页
最新GMAT词汇精选 - 豆丁网 ... cohesion n. 内聚力 cohort n. 步兵大队,军队,一群 collateral adj. 平行的,旁系的.
- 基于206个网页
Cohn Test 科恩色觉试验cohort 同辈cohort analysis 断代分析
- 基于146个网页
1. 人口特性分析
cohort analysis 断代分析cohort analysis 人口特性分析cohort study 断代研究
- 基于60个网页
2. 断代分析
日&-&最好的做法是做一个断代分析(cohort analysis),提供一条基准线,用来测量未来的产品迭代。
第二步 – Codify(仔细记录)
- 基于59个网页
1. 世代研究
预期研究法也被称作“世代研究”(cohort studies),暴露的那一组人会被长期追踪,他们发病的次数会被拿来跟对照组作比较,对药 …
- 基于54个网页
1. 断代研究
cohort analysis 人口特性分析cohort study 断代研究cohorts 同类者
- 基于55个网页
心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... birth agemarital 年龄婚龄别出生率 birth cohort 出生组 birth control 节制生育.
- 基于79个网页
2. 出生队列
是以同一年代的人群组为一个出生队列(birth cohort),对不同的出生队列在不同的年龄阶段某病的发病率、患病率或死亡率的差异 …
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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In rap, growing old is rarely considered an achievement: If rap is a hustle, then you shouldn't hustle past a certain age, and rap overflows with contempt for the too-old hustler. On their double album History, though, West Coast rap legends
are not only boasting about their age, they're cramming it down your throat. "Our shit been poundin' all your life," Too $hort sneers on the first song, before asking if you remember sitting in the backseat when your parents played their music. E-40 uses the word "sheezy" on "Cali" before helpfully pointing out, "I made that word famous." Rap isn't a hustle for these guys, it's a life pursuit, and their pride in their combined history, and the ways they've embraced and defied it, is the underlying theme of History. It sounds nothing remotely like a valedictory speech, though. For one, E-40 and Too $hort still rap about sex with the hyperactive eagerness of 17-year old boys about to have their third sexual encounter: On "Sheesh", E-40 compares a woman to a "Game of Thrones" character with the helpless laughter-inducing line "Her coochie on fire/ She got that dragon crevice." On "Let Me See You Twerk", he offers a woman his version of a compliment, "You know how to make a pole disappear." Too $hort rhymes "you just might learn something" with "I'm shootin' out sperm, nuttin" on "We Are Pioneers" -- a metaphor for spreading wisdom, sure, but the Too $hort-est version of that metaphor imaginable. Later on the album, he autographs your girlfriend's sheets using the same method. Nothing keeps you young like a persistent hard-on and a filthy sense of humor. Usually when older rappers bring in younger ones for guest verses, it's for a relevance boost, but the young rappers that swing through History--
on "Say I",
on "Slide Through"-- sound like visitors auditioning for $hort and Forty. Wiz in particular gets off a more focused verse than he usually bothers with. Even Bay Area staples like Turf Talk, who has been around for more than 10 years, are young bucks in this room (Turf Talk is, in fact, E-40's younger cousin). This is adult swim, time for veterans like , , and Battlecat to come out of their corners. It's the presence of peers like this, though, that hammers home just how ageless Forty and $hort sound. Kurupt and Ice Cube sound nothing at all like
for better or for worse, you can hear the impact of the years on their voices. Too $hort's voice, by comparison, hasn't altered its tone It has a nearly level resistance to the ages. E-40, meanwhile, continues to light up every space he inhabits. On "I Don't Work For Nobody", he disses your girl because her "titties smell like feet"; on "Whip Out", your money is "so funny it's telling jokes about you like Wanda Sykes." His storytelling instinct is still sharp and fresh enough that he can reel off three-dimensional character sketches like this one, from "Singles": "After a hard night at work Erica/ Wake up and head out to Bank America/ The tellers wonder what she do and how she got it/ Because she drop off hella ones when she deposit/ Rappers be wantin to fuck, but she don't give it up/ Just because she strip don't mean she a slut/ She got a man at home with a decent J-O-B/ Work for PG&E, but on the side sell tree." To listen to E-40 is to meet dozens of these characters.
The production is split down the middle between the flashier, more carefree, hyphy-influenced production (E-40 calls it "function music") that has become the speciality of E-40's in-house production stable-- as usual, his son Droop-E contributes the most sonically inventive tracks-- and heavier, more minimal "mob music." An enormous chunk of California rap history is contained within these two styles, and Too $hort and Forty are their avatars. Listening to them egg each other on over the course of 34 songs is a pleasure, like staying up all night drinking with two disreputable uncles.
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