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正在学校食堂吃饭的17岁男生小明被另外一所学校女生小雪寻找,小雪来到他面前时,跟随她的还有八九个不认识的社会男子,有拿棍棒的,有拿砍刀的,不由分说上来就打。小明的右手三根手指被砍断、左臂也遭刀砍,他的同学不同程度受到棍棒乱打。  这事发生在西安建设科技专修学院内,小明的一名同学说,这事疑因情感问题而起。  给女孩打电话,其男友电话里说要收拾他  11月13日上午,华商报记者在红会医院见到躺在病床上的小明,他整个右手被纱布裹着,仅露在外的手指头还沾着血渍,左手手臂也缠着纱布。  小明说,11月6日晚,他给同在一个院子上学、但不是一个学校的小雪打电话聊天,没想到接电话的是一个男的,接起电话先说让他以后不要再打电话了。“电话里他骂我,我当然也骂他么,对方就说第二天要来收拾我,让我等着”。小明说,11月7日中午,他将此事告诉了宿舍的几个好友,中午12点多,4名同学和他到校门口去看了一回,没有人。想着没啥事了,就回食堂去吃饭。  在学校食堂吃饭,被校外陌生人砍伤  “当时我正在打饭,电话响了我没听到,坐下后看到手机QQ上有小雪的留言,问我在哪儿,我说在食堂。”小明说,没一会儿工夫,小雪就来食堂找他了,她身后有一群不认识的小伙,有拿棍棒的、有拿砍刀的,站在前面的一个小伙问小雪哪个是小明,小雪就指了指他,然后那群人就冲上来打……  在事发现场,小明同宿舍的3个同学也正在吃饭,也被那一群小伙抡了几棍子。一名在现场的同学说,他的胳膊被棍子打得都抬不起来,另两名同学身上也被打了,他们看到对方人多,就跑开了。  小明的同学小强讲,听学校的人说,当时对方是开着两辆车进校的,有七八个男的和三个女的,其中一个女的就是小雪。  在小明手机QQ聊天记录里,至今还有事发中午小雪的两句语音留言,声音很迫切:“在哪儿?你在哪儿?有急事找你……”  当华商报记者问及小明与小雪的关系时,小明说只是普通的朋友关系,认识时间不长,就是在QQ上或打电话聊聊天,自己被砍纯粹是因前一晚打的那通电话引起的。  砍断三根手指及半个手掌,医药费已花近5万元  小明的一名同学说,一个月前小明认识了小雪,不过两人时常聊天,小明也曾带着他们宿舍的人和小雪吃过饭,两人发展到什么程度就不清楚了。  11月13日下午,华商报记者联系到小明的班主任张老师,张老师说学校的确发生过这样的事,但详情不便透露,学校已向警方报警。  小明的主治医生蔡鹰介绍,小明被送来时右手多半个手掌被砍掉,下面只有一层皮连着,断了三根手指、三根肌腱、一根神经……左臂也有伤,都是刀砍伤,情况较为严重,经过4小时手术,已全部接上缝合。后期若恢复得好,再加上康复锻炼,半年就能使用自如,但达不到之前的灵活程度。  小明的爸爸一筹莫展,他说,事发后孩子医药费已花了近5万元,也没人管,“当时对方开着两辆车,一辆还摘了牌照,学校不清楚是哪来的车、要去找谁干什么,怎么就能放车进校。”  目前,公安高新分局鱼斗路派出所正在调查中。(文中当事人均为化名) 华商报记者佘晖(原标题:17岁男生学校食堂正吃饭被人砍断三根手指(图))
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北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
I have been ejected from the world like a cartridge. A deep fog has settled down, the earth is smeared with frozen grease. I can feel the city palpitating, as if it were a heart just removed from a warm body. The windows of my hotel are festering and there is a thick, acrid stench as of chemicals burning. Looking into the Seine I see mud and desolation, street lamps drowning, men and women choking to death, the bridges covered with houses, slaughterhouses of love. A man is standing against a wall with an accordion s his hands are cut off at the wrists, but the accordion writhes between his stumps like a sack of snakes. The u it is only a block long and there are no stars, no trees, no rivers. The people wh they make chairs which other people sit on in their dreams. In the middle of the street is a wheel and in the hub of the wheel a gallows is fixed. People already dead are trying frantically to mount the gallows, but the wheel is turning too fast&
Something was needed to put me right with myself. Last night I discovered it: Papini. It doesn't matter to me whether he's a chauvinist, a little Christer, or a nearsighted pedant. As a failure he's marvelous&
The books he read & at eighteen! Not only Homer, Dante, Goethe, not only Aristotle, Plato, Epictetus, not only Rabelais, Cervantes, Swift, not only Walt Whitman, Edgar Allan Poe, Baudelaire, Villon, Carducci, Manzoni, Lope de Vega, not only Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, Hegel, Darwin, Spencer, Huxley & not only these but all the small fry in between. This on page 18. Alors, on page 232 he breaks down and confesses. I know nothing, he admits. I know the titles, I have compiled bibliographies, I have written critical essays, I have maligned and defamed& I can talk for five minutes or for five days, but then I give out, I am squeezed dry.
  接着他又写道,&每个人都想看看我,每个人都想同我谈话。 人们不断打扰我,也互相打扰,打听我正在做什么。我怎么样? 全好了吗?还在乡间散步吗?在工作?书写完了?不久就开始写另一本? &
Follows this: &Everybody wants to see me. Everybody insists on talking to me. People pester me and they pester others with inquiries about what I am doing. How am I? Am I quite well again? Do I still go for my walks in the country? Am I working? Have I finished my book? Will I begin another soon?
&A skinny monkey of a German wants me to translate his works. A wild eyed Russian girl wants me to write an account of my life for her. An American lady wants the very latest news about me. An American gentleman will send his carriage to take me to dinner & just an intimate, confidential talk, you know. An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it. A painter friend I know expects me to pose for him by the hour. A newspaperman wants my present address. An acquaintance, a mystic, inquires about
another, more practical, about the state of my pocketbook. The president of my club wonders if I will make a speech for the boys! A lady, spiritually inclined, hopes I will come to her house for tea as often as possible. She wants to have my opinion of Jesus Christ, and & what do I think of that new medium? &
&Great God! what have I turned into? What right have you people to clutter up my life, steal my time, probe my soul, suckle my thoughts, have me for your companion, confidant, and information bureau? What do you take me for? Am I an entertainer on salary, required every morning to play an intellectual farce under your stupid noses? Am I a slave, bought and paid for, to crawl on my belly in front of you idlers and lay at your feet all that I do and all that I know? Am I a wench in a brothel who is called upon to lift her skirts or take off her chemise at the bidding of the first snan in a tailored suit who comes along?
&I am a man who would live an heroic life and make the world more endurable in his own sight. If, in some moment of weakness, of relaxation, of need, I blow off steam & a bit of red hot rage cooled off in words & a passionate dream, wrapped and tied in imagery & well, take it or leave it & but don't bother me!
&I am a free man & and I need my freedom. I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my
I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company. What do you want of me? When I have something to say, I put it in print. When I have something to give, I give it.
Your prying curiosity turns my stomach! Your compliments humiliate me! Your tea poisons me! I owe nothing to any one. I would be responsible to God alone & if He existed!&
It seems to me that Papini misses something by a hair's breadth when he talks of the need to be alone. It is not difficult to be alone if you are poor and a failure. An artist is always alone & if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is loneliness.
The artist, I call myself. So be it. A beautiful nap this afternoon that put velvet between my vertebrae. Generated enough ideas to last me three days. Chock full of energy and nothing to do about it. Decide to go for a walk. In the street I change my mind. Decide to go to the movies. Can't go to the movies & short a few sous. A walk then. At every movie house I stop and look at the bill boards, then at the price list. Cheap enough, these opium joints, but I'm short just a few sous. If it weren't so late I might go back and cash an empty bottle.
By the time I get to the Rue Am&lie I've forgotten all about the movies. The Rue Am&lie is one of my favorite streets. It is one of those streets which by good fortune the municipality has forgotten to pave. Huge cobblestones spreading convexly from one side of the street to the other. Only one block long and narrow. The H?tel Pretty is on this street. There is a little church, too, on the Rue Am&lie. It looks as though it were made especially for the President of the Republic and his private family. It's good occasionally to see a modest little church. Paris is full of pompous cathedrals.
Pont Alexandre III. A great windswept space approaching the bridge. Gaunt, bare trees mathematically fixed
the gloom of the Invalides welling out of the dome and overflowing the dark streets adjacent to the Square. The morgue of poetry. They have him where they want him now, the great warrior, the last big man of Europe. He sleeps soundly in his granite bed. No fear of him turning over in his grave. The doors are well bolted, the lid is on tight. Sleep, Napoleon! It was not your ideas they wanted, it was only your corpse!
  塞纳河仍在泛滥,浑浊的河面被灯光分割成一条条的。我不明白看到这条黑色的湍急水流时会激起何种情感,不过一种欣喜若狂的心情总是使我不能自持,坚定了我永远不离开这片土地的眷恋之情。我还记得那天早上经过这儿到美国捷运公司去的路上发生的事,那天我早就估计到不会有我的邮件,没有支票,也没有电报,什么都没有。一辆从拉斐特艺术馆来的马车辘辘驶过大桥,雨已停了,太阳透过肥皂沫般的云朵,在发出光泽的屋顶瓦片上投下一道寒冷的红光。我回忆起那个车夫如何探出身来眺望帕西路那边的河面。这是多么纯真、质朴、赞许的一瞥!他仿佛在对自己说,&啊,春天快来了!&谁都知道,每当春天来到巴黎,最卑微的活着的生灵也一定会觉得他正居住在天堂里。还不止这个&他是以一种亲切的目光细看这番景致的,这是他的巴黎。一个人不一定非得有钱,也不一定非得是一个市民,他同样会对巴黎产生这种感情。巴黎充斥着穷人& 照我看,他们尽是一伙有史以来最傲慢、最肮脏的乞丐,然而他们摆出一副悠然自得的架势,正是这种派头把巴黎人同其他所有大城市的市民区分开了。
The river is still swollen, muddy, streaked with lights. I don't know what it is rushes up in me at the sight of this dark, swift moving current, but a great exultation lifts me up, affirms the deep wish that is in me never to leave this land. I remember passing this way the other morning on my way to the American Express, knowing in advance that there would be no mail for me, no check, no cable, nothing, nothing. A wagon from the Galeries Lafayette was rumbling over the bridge. The rain had stopped and the sun breaking through the soapy clouds touched the glistening rubble of roofs with a cold fire. I recall now how the driver leaned out and looked up the river toward Passy way. Such a healthy, simple, approving glance, as if he were saying to himself: &Ah, spring is coming!& And God knows, when spring comes to Paris the humblest mortal alive must feel that he dwells in paradise. But it was not only this & it was the intimacy with which his eye rested upon the scene. It was his Paris. A man does not need to be rich, nor even a citizen, to feel this way about Paris. Paris is filled with poor people & the proudest and filthiest lot of beggars that ever walked the earth, it seems to me. And yet they give the illusion of being at home. It is that which distinguishes the Parisian from all other metropolitan souls.
When I think of New York I have a very different feeling. New York makes even a rich man feel his unimportance. New York is cold, glittering, malign. The buildings dominate. There is a sort of atomic frenzy to t the more furious the pace, the more diminished the spirit. A constant ferment, but it might just as well be going on in a test tube. Nobody knows what it's all about. Nobody directs the energy. Stupendous. Bizarre. Baffling. A tremendous reactive urge, but absolutely uncoordinated.
When I think of this city where I was born and raised, this Manhattan that Whitman sang of, a blind, white rage licks my guts. New York! The white prisons, the sidewalks swarming with maggots, the breadlines, the opium joints that are built like palaces, the kikes that are there, the lepers, the thugs, and above all, the ennui, the monotony of faces, streets, legs, houses, skyscrapers, meals, posters, jobs, crimes, loves& A whole city erected over a hollow pit of nothingness. Meaningless. Absolutely meaningless. And Forty second Street! The top of the world, they call it. Where's the bottom then? You can walk along with your hands out and they'll put cinders in your cap. Rich or poor, they walk along with head thrown back and they almost break their necks looking up at their beautiful white prisons. They walk along like blind geese and the searchlights spray their empty faces with flecks of ecstasy.请根据所学的生物学知识回答下列问题.(1)最近小明刷牙时牙龈常出血,他可能缺乏维生素C,你建议他应该多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果.(2)将手握成拳,可以在手背上看到一条条“青筋”,这实际上是静脉,分布于四肢的这种血管,内表面有静脉瓣,有防止血液倒流的作用.(3)某同学的手指被铁钉划破出血,这说明至少伤到了皮肤的真皮结构.(4)人体某处受到病菌的侵入,血液中的白细胞会穿过毛细血管壁,进入到该处把病菌包围,并吞噬掉.从人体免疫的角度看,这是人体三道防线中的第二道防线.(5)目前我国的森林覆盖率仅为13.92%,人均森林面积为0.114公顷,由于毁林开荒,不合理开发利用,使森林面积在不断减少.森林属于再生性资源,可采取选择性砍伐方式使人们能定期获得一定数量的木材,还能使森林资源可持续发展.(6)感冒的小华放学后去药房买药,工作人员向他推荐一种标有“OTC”字样的冲剂.“OTC”的含义是非处方药.(7)枣庄是一个人杰地灵的好地方.冠世榴园为你捧出鲜美的石榴,运河古城可让你尽情泛舟,抱犊崮下草木繁茂,是小动物们生活的天堂.这些分别体现出生物圈的如下价值:经济价值、休闲价值和生态学价值.


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