i zombie第十四集谢谢楼主 么么哒哒谢谢

Ariana Grande联手Iggy Azalea《Problem》碧波榜现场
do u luv mac miller?
哈哈哈 好久没有登这个小站了 不过昨天还看见有同学关注了 很开心嘛~来来来 姐姐推荐 90s舞曲电子风给你们听听----Snap!
Iggy Azalea - Work
my girl么么哒。
Iggy Azalea - Work
Iggy Azalea给BBC’s 1Xtra开绿灯,放出首张专辑The New Classic第一单曲Work
Donald Trump Threatens To Sue Mac Miller Over &Donald Trump& Song 米勒因为DT这首歌被这个世界富翁威胁起诉了
先普及资料:【地产大亨唐普(Trump)美国房地产首富,美国年轻人的顶级偶像,trump的公司是纽约一个非常牛的房地产公司~ 纽约著名地标性建筑 trump tower 就是他的代表作之一。 地产商Donald Trump以其自己的名字命名了许多纽约的摩天大楼,因此Trump也逐渐成为一个象征雄伟、豪华、奢侈的品牌。】这是mac miller唱的:donald trump
我就是因为这首歌知道mac miller的。
Donald Trump is singing a different tune about Mac Miller's song "Donald Trump," which he previously praised.
&Donald Trump has threatened legal action against Mac Miller over his gold-certified song
trump已经开始法律诉讼米勒的这首曾经被他自己看好的了The business tycoon took to Twitter earlier today to blast the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania rapper, defying that he was "proud of him" and that he is the "new Eminem."
"Little @macmiller, you illegally used my name for your song 'Donald Trump' which now has over 75 million hits," he wrote. "Little @macmiller, I want the money not the plaque you gave me! Little @macmiller, I'm now going to teach you a big boy lesson about lawsuits and finance. You ungrateful dog! Little @macmiller&I have more hair than you do and there&s a slight age difference."
&亲爱的小米勒,你非法将我名字冠在你歌上赚了不少钱吧,我现在想要回那些钱,以我的名声还真是帮了你不少忙啊!现在大爷我要教教你这个小朋友什么事法律保护什么是自我保护!你这个不会感恩的东西!老子吃的盐比你吃的米都多!你丫给我小心点做人!姜还是老的辣!你懂吗?!&Trump, known for his Twitter antics, previously praised Mac for the song back in August 2011. "A lot of people are calling me about the Mac Miller rap song. Now, it&s named &Donald Trump.& Maybe you should pay me a lot of money, but it just did over 20 million people, tuning into Mac Miller," he said. "So in one way, I&m proud of him. I haven&t actually seen the language, it&s a little hard to understand on the song itself. Probably, it&s not the cleanest language you&ve ever heard, but this kid is the new Eminem. Everybody says he&s fantastic. Let&s see what it is. But the &Donald Trump& song just hit over 20 million, that&s not so bad. I&m very proud of him."
trump曾在2011年米勒出这首歌的时候高度赞扬过米勒。&许多人问我关于米勒这歌名字的事情。&&现在,你应该给我钱了吧,不过比起你吸引了那么那么多人的目光,我还是很吃亏的呢~&Miller later , "I was just excited that I&ve reached a level where someone like that, I&m on their radar. I&m &bout to hit him to borrow the jet real quick."
米勒之后回应:我曾经是非常开心那个人(trump)注意到了我了~这水平太赞了!现在,我必须振作开始反击了!The rapper is yet to speak on the matter. He recently
a $10 million lawsuit from Lord Finesse over copyright infringement.&&&&
ASAP Rocky ft Trey Songz - Same Bitch
ASAP Rocky主页上牵着我家Iggy小手的男人。能和Trey Songz 合作真好。我喜欢TS的声音。
【sounds good.
【字幕MV】Ab-Soul ft Kendrick Lamar - Illuminate 中英字幕
Ab-Soul在歌中说要做排在姆哥后的那个,看来想在排名榜上紧跟Em之后的不止五舅呢(Lighters歌词)~ 很多人直觉这首歌跟Illuminati有关,Black Hippy常说的Hiiipower Movement到底是何理念?好奇的人来看一下Hiiipower简介吧~
HiiiPoWeR Movement
浅表意思:这是个由Black Hippy倡导的&运动&~跟2Pac的Thug Life有异曲同工之妙,以&真心,荣誉,尊重(Heart, Honor, Respect)&为主题,是为了唤起黑人的自尊、自信、自强和自我觉醒。让人们去发掘并保有人间十二种珍宝:知识,睿智,理解,自由,公正,平等,衣服,食物,住所,真爱,和平,幸福。
Hiiipower这个词本身就是个很玄的字眼,power前的三个字母i,是为了谐音three eyes,而这第三只眼睛,就是中国文化中的&开天眼&。医学研究证明,这个天眼与松果体紧密相关。松果体位于人脑百会穴之下,双眉之间,印堂之后深处。当心静到一程度,就能把它激活。我们平常的大脑是逻辑思维,松果体激活后,接收到脑电波,就会把脑电波以图像的形式解读出来,即逻辑思维转换成图像思维。这时人在想东西或者接收到别人的想法时,就会表现为&看到&,就像看电影一样。这跟服用致幻剂的感觉近似。(这个松果体和Hiipower的关系,是Ab-Soul解释的,不是浮云!)
开天眼后~你真的就被enlighten了,你将开启新的觉知。你阅读信息的方式就和以前不一样了。 你可以感觉到意识似乎浮离于肉体工作 。 你可以完全知道身体与外界的平衡关系,你只用意念就能行动身体,而不需要意识判断。你的意识已经和此时此刻的事物联系,你可以看到无形的能量运作,你可以看到群体意识场的存在。
在各种采访中,Kendrick Lamar都会用些假大空的词儿来绕晕你,让你越听越不明白Hiiipower到底是啥。。。那~就让我们继续在这种神秘感里眩晕吧!
中英字幕 Ab-Soul ft Kendrick Lamar - Illuminate
歌词翻译:乃昔,ldfantacii(Shaaadeee) 字幕:蓝色奶昔 【这一男一女是我最最崇拜的小哥哥小姐姐】
Lupe Fiasco Removed From Inauguration Weekend Gig After Criticizing Obama 【lupe这货肯定在下一盘大棋】
我知道你们肯定知道Lupe FiascoXXXX美国总统奥巴马,在庆祝总统就职典礼现场作死作孽被驱逐,让我再来添油加醋讲一下好么。。
Rapper is escorted off the stage after rapping anti-Obama lines during 'Words I Never Said.'我看到有好多说法的,一个说是语言攻击奥巴马还有说是在拒绝表演。【外国人上任花头巾就是多,唱歌就唱歌喽,尼玛还高端饶舌上来耍,你请谁不好去请冰清玉洁凌寒不畏决不再权威面前低头天不怕地不怕那么低调的lupe小哥哥,你特么活该。】
While many A-listers who have descended on Washington D.C. over the last few days are celebrating President Obama, one rapper, , decided to use the occasion to once again criticize Obama and the government.奥巴马在就职典礼上遇到lupe语言攻击,lupe自称只是想借用这个场合再次批判当今美国政府和奥巴马而已。【一点都不给总统面子- -给你跪了,好崇拜你】
When the rapper took the stage during Sunday's StartUp RockOn concert at the Hamilton Live in Washington, he performed his 2011 track
but its controversial message may have led to an early ejection from the show for the opinionated rapper.lupe表演的是他2011年的WORDS I NEVER SAID。【看过歌词没啊里面有写到:Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn&t say shit 。Thats why I aint vote for him, next one either 。I &ma part of the problem, my problem is I &m peaceful。And I believe in the people.加沙地区又被炸,奥巴马什么都没做这点引起了lupe的熊熊怒火,四年前不头你票,老子四年后照样看不爽你不投你票!!!连人民都不信的总统是什么狗屎?老子跟你不同,我热爱人民相信人名!! T T,lupe好样的不过你这句话的信息量很大的说。。】不过美国还是言论自由的。天朝你等好了洗干净歇逼吧。
He reportedly spent more than 30 minutes performing the anti-war track. In footage posted on the , the rapper was videotaped rhyming lines like, "And these the same people supposedly telling us the truth/ Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn beck is a racist, Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say sh--/ That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either/ I'm part of the problem, my problem is I'm peaceful."lupe大概花了三十分钟时间表演抵制战争的歌曲。【哇哇哇,我翻译上面一段的时候没有看这段诶,这段提到了那歌词&。。。老子就不投你票。。。。!&】然后lupe正在台上得瑟的时候保安就把他拽下去了- -是不是呼了点麻磕了点药?看这个视频
Kendrick Lamar Responds To Nas Calling &good kid, m.A.A.d city& One Of His Favorite Albums Of 2012
to Kendrick Lamar's , claiming that it was one of his favorite albums of 2012. During his interview, Esco said, "No disrespect to nobody else in rap music, but Kendrick Lamar. I&m really happy about his record. I needed that. His record reaches you. It gives you hope."NAS是非常肯定KL的《》的,并宣称这是他2012年最喜欢的专辑之一。&貌似从来没有像这次一样崇拜过说唱界的某个人,KL独此一人。&
"That's amazing, just off the fact that it's Nas. You can hear the influence [of him] on my storytelling. For somebody who's been a lead player in this game for so many years, a veteran as far as longevity and skill, that's an accomplishment just on words alone."&我了个大糙太不可思议了,他对我影响太大了。对于在说唱界混了很久的领头羊来说,一直一直拥有超高水准不掉下来是非常难能可贵的。&
"I definitely feel like that. It's about hard work. Not to knock anybody else, but I know the work and the time that I put into this album. Months and no sleep and just working in that studio. I definitely feel like I can't slide nothing away as far as the accomplishment and accolades that the world is saying. I definitely feel that way."&&这张专辑注入我太多心血,我没有麻烦任何人。数月以来几乎没合过眼,睡也是谁在录音室里。谢谢外界对这张砖这么高的评价了啦~我会继续努力的啦~么么哒&【小谦虚加小骄傲加小傲娇】
《Good Kid, M.A.A.D City》是一张关于KL的家乡Compton、他的少时生活、他的家庭、他的成长的自传回忆录,或者如他自己形容的,&a short film by Kendrick Lamar&。
& 专辑以家庭祷告作引,用偷开母亲的车去追女孩儿的故事开篇。性、金钱、权利、暴力,这些话题毫无例外地曾在这个少年的脑中盘旋,但是父母、家庭和信仰为他撑起了一把保护伞。在接近专辑尾声的&Real&中,Kendrick思考了何为生而为人的&真实&,其父母在电话中的一番话也许是整张专辑精神力量的集中体现:&Real is responsibility. Real is taking care of your motherfucking family&,& When you do make it, give back with your words of encouragement. And that's the best way to give back to your city&。
&&& Kendrick在歌词、技巧方面的表现一如既往的出色。如果说&Backseat Freestyle&里的&I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower/So I can fuck the world for 72 hours&,&Money Trees&里的&It go Halle Berry or hallelujah&能够让人眼前一亮的话,&Real&里&Plan A B C&&、&You love&&、&I love&&&Should I hate&&的大段排比足以让人心生仰慕了。值得一提的是,Kendrick在演绎这些文字的时候能够充分操控自己的嗓子来呈现相应的角色特质,对比一下&Backseat Freestyle&和&Real&就能发现。
&&&& 在这张专辑里,Kendrick请来了以Dr. Dre为首的一大帮制作人。不过在几乎每首一位不同制作人的情况下,不同布料仍然缝制成了一件相当完美的成衣。&
CNN Calls Nas Hip Hop&#39;s &Finest MC&本来想自己翻译的,然后看到贴吧花花小哥哥翻过了耶嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿我就复制粘贴了- -
The Cable News Network Explains why it thinks Nas is the GOAT.
Many media outlets have thrown their hat into the "who is the greatest emcee?" ring, but now CNN can be added to the list.不少媒体都已经参加了&谁是最叼的MC&这个话题,现在CNN也加入这个行列了。
In a recent piece, CNN's Eliott C. McLaughlin writes that Nas is the "greatest lyricist of all time," and in fact interview God's Son about that particular distinction.最近的一篇文章指出,CNN的Eliott C. McLaughlin写到,&Nas是有史以来写词最碉堡的人&,《God's Son》就可见一斑
"It's wayyyyyy, way, way too early in our lives," explained Nas. "It's great to put a list together, but don't take it too seriously because your list won't matter 10 years from now or 15 years from now. It'll be a different list."In the op-ed, McLaughlin weighing Nas' subject matter ("I've been called everything. Gangsta rap. I've been called conscious rap. You know, everything. Whoever feels like calling it whatever they want to call it, that's on them."), as well as Nas' commercial success (Nas has nine number one albums, behind only Jay-Z, and seven of which have gone platinum).&现在说这些还太,太,太早了&,Nas解释到,&能做出一个榜单是件很棒的事,不过别把这些看得太重因为你的榜单不会影响到未来的10年或者未来的15年,一切都是在变化的&在专栏里, McLaughlin掂量了Nas的作品主题(&我听到了很多东西,帮派说唱。我听到了良知说唱,你懂得,很多东西。不管是谁都能听到他们想说的,就是这样&)还有Nas商业上的成功(Nas有九张No.1专辑,仅落后于Jay-Z,并且其中7张已经成为了白金专辑)
"Don' blame our wonderful country, America," explains the Queensbridge emcee. "And you can't even blame America. It's life. Blame life. I talk about life, and I make universal music with an American style -- and that's what I do," he said. "I know one thing: People put too many labels on music."&别怪我,要怪就怪我们伟大的国家,美帝&来自纽约Queensbridge区的Nas解释道&甚至你还不能怪美帝,要怪就怪生活。我谈论生活并且用美国的风格创作了普遍认知的音乐--这就是我所做的&Nas说,&我知道一件事:人们太喜欢给音乐贴上标签了&
&#39;Warm Bodies&#39; Set Visit: Not Just A Zombie Movie
"" sounds kind of weird, right? It's a "Twilight"-like paranormal romance, except it's about a zombie? MTV News just had to find out what the latest movie from "50/50" director Jonathan Levine, so Christina Garibaldi headed to the set.这部电影名字挺起来有点不可思议是吧。它的超自然浪漫指数堪比暮光之城(Y爷其实不喜欢暮光之城,演员人品差是其中一点,但对这部尸体倒挺感兴趣的)但他只是关于僵尸的嘛~?嘿嘿嘿肯定不是。
"When you think of zombie movies you think of R-rated, everyone eating brains, blood and gore, craziness like that," she said. "In our film, it's great because we sort of get the best of both worlds and we get to see that typical zombie genre, but then there's also a lot more emotional depth to our film and there's a love story and these zombies they were once real people and they still have the same feelings and thoughts, especially R."
&当你想到僵尸电影,你肯定第一个想法就觉得它是R级电影,吃人啊,充斥血液和血块等等恶心东西,&她说。 &在这部电影里,突破点就是我们很好的规划了人界和僵尸界两种世界,我们可以看到另外一种将是风格的僵尸,并且有更多感情将注入这部电影------爱情,这些僵尸曾经也是人他们仍然会有人类的情感和想法。&
"Warm Bodies" opens on February 1.欧美2月1日上映,天朝还会远吗?
Meek Mill &Dreamchasers 3& Artwork
MMG's Meek Mill releases the artwork to his anticipated mixtape.说到MMG我就想到上次看到有个人说的一句话,笑死我了,他说:是不是RICK ROSS以为自己胖就可以山寨B.I.G了?笑尿了。。。
Ever since releasing last year's , fans have been clamoring for Meek Mill's mixtape follow-up.自从去年MM发行了《dreamchasers 2》粉丝就一直希望快出mixtape看看实力
Next up on the list is the creatively-titled Dreamchasers 3, featuring both Rick Ross and DJ Drama in the background as Meek takes center stage.下面,蹬蹬蹬蹬~~MM使劲gank KS eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrqqqwww&,rick ross和DJ drama助攻combo+bd qqqqwwwweeeerrrr,别装逼注意控线就行。Currently, no tracklist is available. Below is the cover art for the project (via ):目前还没有曲目粗来,下面是封面。
适当的时候可以看看欧美文艺电影。重口味的等等再说- -
【推荐1. once 曾经】
克里斯阿宝你的jj怎么了???你的jj怎么了怎么了????Chris Brown离开Roxbury夜店在L.A 亮吓我狗眼的陕北大根小王子。
Chris Brown离开Roxbury夜店在L.A 亮吓我狗眼的陕北大根小王子
The Most Anticipated Albums Of 2013(一)今天有点困我睡觉,明天继续写- -
Long. Live. A$AP by A$AP RockySure, this . Whether the bootleg will match the album or not, this LP is a possible game-changer for the New York sound at the retail level. A lineup of , Skrillex, and Danger Mouse plays with genre-bending, while A$AP seemingly put a host of late-&80s-baby Rap peers on this potentially benchmark album. January sucks a lot less this year for music fans.泄了喂,听了没呀。也不晓得盗版的和本来专辑有多大差别,这个LP对纽约零售方面可能是个突破。, Skrillex, and Danger Mouse都在玩杂糅风格的时候asap小哥哥高调玩起late-&80s-baby Rap(这是啥 姐不懂),吸引了不少粉丝。
Twelve Reasons To Die by Ghostface KillahArguably,
has never made a less-than-great solo album (let&s pretend
was in the rest room while attendance was taken). However, even after 2011&s pleasant surprise , Tony Starks is claiming that
will have a heavy hand (Executive Producer and hopefully some co-production with Adrian Younge) on his 2013 LP. The Abbott & G.F.K. haven&t had this creative tandem since 2001&s
in the Razor Sharp Records era. Given that pedigree, we could have another iced out medallion in a chain of Ghost greatness.吓哭了 。。Wu-Tang Clan成员.真心不想翻这段,因为对他了解少之甚少T T.
Born Sinner by J. ColeIt was a
for J. in the face of so much pressure in 2011. The mixtape master delivered nicely in his debut, but many fans are hoping for something a bit more like his freebie projects before the Roc deal. With Born Sinner reportedly coming out of his 2011 sessions, expect some thought-provoking stuff here&as these are songs J. Cole seemingly fought to keep. Moreover, the recent leaks of material have resonated nicely with fans&at least on HipHopDX ratings. Between A$AP and Cole, Sony has a chance to run this year in Hip Hop, something they haven't been able to claim since .对于《cole world》
classic,这只是我的评价哈。挺多人说他装逼的嘿嘿。2011的压力如此巨大还不是挺过来了。毕竟歌迷要的不仅仅是mixtape.&Born Sinner &里有许多发人省心的东西,都是j一直保持甚至保护的本质东西。&
No Love Lost by Joe BuddenSo much has happened in Joe Budden&s life and career since his solo career seemed to be the priority.
were indie albums released prior to the Slaughterhouse effort in late 2009 lacked the kind of attention to detail heard from Jumpoff Joey on his self-titled debut and even . Budden is an artist who greatly benefits from major label budgets and roll-out. While still with E1, the Jersey City emcee is now a flagship artist at the indie. With Allow Joe Budden to reintroduce himself.不说啥,我记得以前逃亡有乐评其实签了shady公司就是好,财大气粗,发发发。no love lost 预计于日发售。还有就是速度与激情2看过的吧,pump it up吊不屌你说。
Hustle Gang feat. T.I. & Iggy Azalea


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