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This article is about the game Battlefleet Gothic.
For the game series BattleFleet, see .
Battlefleet Gothic was a
game based in 's fictional
universe, and was sold by Games Workshop.
Battlefleet Gothic was themed on battles incorporating space-faring fleets of the different races highlighted by the Warhammer 40,000 universe canon. It focused around the incursion of the Gothic Sector by fleets under the command of , and the subsequent campaign by the
to restore order, known in the
as the . The game was named after Battlefleet Gothic, the Imperial Naval formation which is a major protagonist in much of the supporting fiction. It was discontinued in March, 2013, along with most of the Specialist Games line.
Battlefleet Gothic was an extension to the
universe, providing the ability for players to stage space battles between fleets of spacefaring ships. Players select spaceships from a variety of fleets representative of the various Warhammer 40,000 races. The game as packaged includes rules and background for space fleets of the following factions:
(representing Battlefleet Gothic)
and his allies' fleets)
Subsequent additions and expansions published in numerous Games Workshop sources expanded the game to include fleets for:
Waaagh! fleets
(including , Nicassar and
ships as well as Tau vessels)
There were also numerous factions of humans that have ships represented in Battlefleet Gothic such as the Inquisition, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Rogue Traders etc. as well as numerous types of transports that are represented using current Battlefleet Gothic models,
models and the old space fleet models.
Battlefleet Gothic ships were represented by 2-10cm long models. The rules and miniatures were originally available in
stores, although reclassification as a "Specialist Game" means the rulebook was available in PDF format from the official home page until Games Workshop retired all Specialist Games. Additionally, Forge World produced numerous lines of miniatures for Battlefleet Gothic, ranging from models to replace ordnance markers to entirely new vessels.
Every race had a selection of ships to choose from to construct their fleet, and each ship in the game has statistics that cover its capabilities, from its size class and defensive abilities to the various weapons and hangars it has. Each ship is assigned a point cost based o generally a battle will be between fleets of equal total point costs, though more complex multi-game campaigns may have an overarching narrative where individual battles may occur between unequal forces, with varying objectives for players to accomplish.
Players take turns moving their ships and shooting, as well as undertaking more advanced manoeuvres such as ramming, boarding, or disengaging. Each player may perform actions with all of his ships before the turn ends. The turns are divided into 4 phases, the Movement Phase, Shooting Phase, Ordnance Phase, and End Phase.
During the Movement Phase, the player can move his ships across the tabletop. Different ships move at different speeds, and turn at different rates. Smaller escorts (frigates and destroyers) are typically the fastest ships in a fleet. Ships can also choose to go into "Special Orders" at the start of the Movement Phase. Special Orders allow ships to move/turn faster, reload their ordnance, or increase the efficiency of their firing, at the cost of being less able to perform other functions later in the turn (or in other turns); for example, if a ship uses a Special Order to increase power to the engines to turn, the ship's firepower is halved that turn.
During the Shooting Phase players fire their ships' weapons. Weapons are divided into two broad categories: weapon batteries and lances. Weapon Batteries represent massed broadsides of a variety of (relatively) smaller weapons that target an area of space to bracket and hit enemy ships, rather than being precision weapons. Lances represent larger, more precise weapons consisting primarily of massive lasers or plasma beams, and target the enemy ships directly. Ships are protected from incoming fire by layers of void shields, and armour. Enemy fire stopped by a ship's shields generates "blast markers" at that location, a general term to simulate debris, energy discharges and clouds of energized gas. Blast Markers disrupt shooting, and slow down ships moving through them. They also temporarily bring down the Shields of any ship in contact with them. Once shields are down, incoming fire strikes a ship's armour. Attacks can also cause critical damage, which covers a wide range of debilitating effects. Among other consequences, weapons can be taken offline, engines damaged, etc. Sufficient damage can reduce a ship to a derelict hulk, or cause it to explode spectacularly if its reactors are breached.
During the Ordnance Phase ships deploy certain types of weapons and attacks that move and fight independently of the capital ships. This typically includes Torpedoes, but also includes squadrons of Fighters, Bombers, and Assault Boats. Once launched, Ordnance will be represented by separate counters on the board, that act independently once they have been launched from a ship, though some types (such as fighters and bombers) have more freedom to act than others (such as torpedoes). Different types of Ordnance have different abilities and roles, for example bombers can attack enemy capital ships, while fighters are intended to intercept bombers and other fighters. Ordnance ignores shields, but can be stopped by
turrets mounted on most ships. Ordnance can also be targeted by a ship' although fragile, they are very difficult to hit, to simulate their small size and high speeds. Ordnance must be reloaded between each use by using a Special Order, before another wave can be launched again.
The End Phase is when damage control occurs. Each ship which is suffering from critical damage can attempt to repair itself. A variable number of blast markers are also removed during each End Phase.
Other advanced rules that are included also allow more complicated actions, such as Ramming attacks, Hit and Run attacks and Boarding Actions, through the use of assault boats, teleporters and boarding torpedoes. Boarding can result in fights between crewmen and boarding parties within a boarded vessel, and when successful can cause critical systems in a boarded ship to be destroyed by the boarders. Other advanced rules intended for Campaign play include planets, as objectives upon which attacking troops must be landed, or bombardment (or even planet-destroying Exterminatus) must be performed.
Games Workshop published the Battlefleet Gothic Annual once a year after the game's release, with the exception of 2003, where the Annual was replaced by a 160-page supplement, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Among others, Armada introduced four new Imperial fleet rosters (Battle Fleet , Bastion Fleets, Battle Fleet Cadia and the Reserve fleets of ), as well as gathering the fleets previously mentioned into an official rulebook with updated fleet lists.
Chambers, Andy.
(PDF). Games Workshop. DEAD-您要查找的是不是:
battle fleet
['baetl fli:t]
['baetl flit]
1. Nor is it assembling an orbiting battle fleet to neutralize American space - based military tools.
2. New carriers and battle ships would in time join the fleet.
3. The Battle of Papudo between Spain and a combined Peruvian - Chilean fleet.
1865年,在西班牙和一支秘鲁 - 智力联合的舰队间发生的帕普多战役.
4. After a two - hour battle, the Union fleet won control of the bay.
两个小时的战斗后, 联邦舰队获得了该海湾的控制权.
5. Now one of the criteria of success battle was fleet " agility. "
新的获胜标准之一是舰队的 “ 灵活性 ”.
1. a fleet of warships prepared for battle
Now one of the criteria of success battle was fleet " agility . ", 新的获胜标准之一是舰队的 " 灵活性 ".
- 基于1个网页
two years later Darius dispatched a new battle fleet of 600 triremes .两年过后,大流士派遣了一支拥有600只三层桨座之战船的新舰队。
- 基于2个网页
1. 编队作战
data management in naval fleet battle simulation system ., 舰艇编队作战仿真系统数据管理研究.
- 基于2个网页
1. 舰艇编队作战
data management in naval fleet battle simulation system舰艇编队作战仿真系统数据管理研究
- 基于1个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
battle fleet
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