新仙剑奇侠传手游bad flie length怎么办

unity player bad file length - Unity Answers
I have uploaded a unity web file, into my test server, and sometimes in safari it won't open and instead it show the error &bad file length&, i've done some search and i found people saying that clear the browser cashes resolve the problem, but for me it's not true, i clear the caches and the error steels there. after done that I opened it on firefox, and guess what it works. the only solution that I found to resolve the problem in safari is to re-upload the unity build again to the server. although after soon or latter the error comes back. any idea how can i solve this?
2 answers:
voted first
This sounds like a (pretty bizzare) problem with your server, as I don't think there's anything you could actually do inside Unity itself to cause this. Have you tried passing the URL around to other people to try, to see whether they see the same problem?
Have you tried examining the filesize (via an ftp client perhaps), after the problem has started occurring, to see whether it has in fact changed size?
Could you post the URL to the file which is showing the problem for you, so we can see whether the same happens for us?
first i thought maybe my parent blocked it so i used a proxy now i know alot of people use it to hack but that was not my case.u see im 17 with strict parents.well any ways i download a program called ultrasurf its a web proxy and it acually worked fine after words come to find out my parents dident bloack the site so hopefully this helps!
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from Badmotorfinger
Released: September 1, 1990
Released: 1991
Released: December 1991
Released: April 1992
Badmotorfinger is the third studio album by American
band , released on October 8, 1991 through . After touring in support of its previous album,
(1989), Soundgarden began the recording sessions for its next album with new bassist . The music on the album maintained the band's heavy metal sound while featuring an increased focus on songwriting as compared with the band's previous releases.
The focus on the Seattle
scene helped bring attention to Badmotorfinger. The singles "" and "" were able to find an audience at rock radio and MTV. Badmotorfinger became the band's highest charting album at the time on the . The band supported the album with tours of North America and Europe, including opening for
on that band's . In 1992, Badmotorfinger was nominated for the
for . The album has been certified
(RIAA) in the United States, and had, by October 2010, sold 1,517,000 copies in the United States.
Badmotorfinger was the band's first album with bassist , who joined the group in April 1990. Shepherd replaced previous bassist . The album was recorded in the spring of 1991 at Studio D in , , Bear Creek Studios in , and
in , . Soundgarden chose to work with producer Terry Date again as it had on its previous release Louder Than Love. Frontman
said the band decided to work with Date again seeing as the band had a good relationship with him and did not want to go through the pressure of trying to find a new producer.
Cornell said that Shepherd brought a "fresh and creative" approach to the recording sessions, and the band as a whole said that his knowledge of music and writing skills redefined the band. Before joining, Soundgarden had been Shepherd's favorite band. Compared with Louder Than Love, the band took a more collaborative approach to the writing process.
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A sample of "Jesus Christ Pose", the first single released from the album. Thayil described the song's groove as sounding like "helicopter blades." The lyrics for the song, written by Cornell, express irritation with the exploitation of the symbol of Jesus' crucifixion by famous people.
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Steve Huey of
said that the songwriting on Badmotorfinger "takes a quantum leap in focus and consistency." He added, "It's surprisingly cerebral and arty music for a band courting mainstream
audiences, but it attacks with scientific precision." Guitarist
jokingly called it the "Heavy Metal ." Cornell said, "I think there's songs on the new record which are almost more commercially viable because they have that memorable feel to them, and I think if anyone expected us to come out and make something more commercial than Louder Than Love, then I'm glad that they were surprised." Cornell also added that the album is more representative of how the band is live. Shepherd contributed the song "Somewhere" and collaborated on the musical composition of several other songs on the album. Thayil said that Shepherd's contributions helped make the album "faster" and "weirder."
On the opening song, "", Thayil uses a
as an , producing an unusual guitar sound. In describing the song's guitar riff he said that it "almost sounds backward." Soundgarden utilized
on several of the album's songs. "Jesus Christ Pose" and "Outshined" were performed in . On "Rusty Cage", "Holy Water", and "Searching with My Good Eye Closed", the bottom E string is tuned all the way down to B. On "Mind Riot" every string is tuned to one of several E's. Soundgarden's use of odd-meter time signature songs like "Jesus Christ Pose" are in typical 4/4 time, "Outshined" is in 7/4, "New Damage" is in 9/8 and 4/4, "Somewhere" is in 6/4, "Face Pollution" uses 9/8 and 6/4, "Rusty Cage" is in 4/4 and 19/8, and "Holy Water" is in 4/4 with a section of 5/4 at the end. Thayil said that he didn't "push for weird time signatures," but rather "push[ed] to get the quirkiness out of things."
Cornell said that he tried to not get too specific with his lyrics and was more interested in "creating colourful images." Thayil suggested that it is "like reading a novel [about] man's conflict with himself and society, or the government, or his family, or the economy, or anything." "Jesus Christ Pose" was written about famous people who exploit the symbol of ' crucifixion as to suggest that they're persecuted by the public. Cornell said that "Outshined" is about going from "periods of extreme self-confidence" to "plummeting in the opposite direction." "Holy Water" was written about people who force their beliefs unto others. Thayil wrote the lyrics for "Room a Thousand Years Wide", and said that the song is about "experience in general." "New Damage" subtly criticizes the
government of the United States.
The Badmotorfinger logo consists of a jagged, -like design. In the center of the logo is a triangle with the album's title, containing a . The album's cover art was illustrated by guitarist Mark Dancey from the
band Big Chief. Thayil suggested the title Badmotorfinger as a joke on the
song "". Regarding the title, Thayil said, "It was sort of off the top of my head. I simply like it because it was colorful. It was kinda aggressive, too...It conjures up a lot of different kinds of images. We like the ambiguity in it, the way it sounded and the way it looked." A different color scheme for the cover art featuring yellowish blue texture rather than the usual purple-red was also released.
Badmotorfinger peaked at number 39 on the
album chart. It was released in the same year as 's
and 's , all of which helped to break
into the mainstream. Although overshadowed at the time of its release by the sudden popularity of Nirvana's Nevermind, the focus of attention brought by Nevermind to the Seattle scene helped Soundgarden gain wider attention. Badmotorfinger was among the 100 top selling albums of 1992. Badmotorfinger has been certified two times platinum by the RIAA.
AllMusic staff writer Steve Huey gave the album four and a half out of five stars, calling it "heavy, challenging hard rock full of intellectual sensibility and complex band interplay." Ann Powers of
said, "Cornell strikes the perfect Jesus Christ pose on this sonic wallop."
gave the album a B+. She said, "On songs like the cynical "Jesus Christ Pose" and "Slaves and Bulldozers", Soundgarden sound a hell of a lot smarter than their peers, who seldom get beyond extolling booze, girls, and cars." She ended her review by stating that "the final effect is merely stylishly bombastic rather than bludgeoningly bombastic. Tuneless heavy metal is, after all, still tuneless heavy metal, and in that department, Soundgarden are as functional as they make 'em." Critic
gave the album a B-, calling it a "credible metal album" while also criticizing the album's lyrical writing.
Badmotorfinger included the singles "", "", and "". The three singles gained considerable airtime on alternative rock radio stations, while the videos for "Outshined" and "Rusty Cage" gained considerable airtime on . The lead single "Jesus Christ Pose" and its
were the subject of widespread controversy in 1991, and the video was removed from 's playlist. Many listeners were outraged by the song and its video, perceiving them as anti-Christian. The band received death threats while on tour in the United Kingdom in support of the album.
At the , Badmotorfinger received a nomination for . It was also ranked number 45 in the October 2006 issue of
on the magazine's list of the 100 greatest guitar albums of all time.
Following the release of Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden went on a tour in
during October and November 1991. Afterward, the band took a slot opening for
in North America on the band's . Soundgarden was personally selected by Guns N' Roses as its opening band. This was Soundgarden's first arena tour. Afterward, the band took a slot opening for
in North America in February 1992 on the band's
tour. Soundgarden then headed to
for a month-long headlining theater tour. Afterward, the band then returned for a tour in the . Soundgarden rejoined Guns N' Roses as part of the Use Your Illusion Tour in the summer of 1992 for a tour of Europe along with fellow opening act . Regarding the time spent opening for Guns N' Roses, Cornell said, "It wasn't a whole lot of fun going out in front of 40,000 people for 35 minutes every day. Most of them hadn't heard our songs and didn't care about them. It was a bizarre thing." The band would go on to play the 1992
tour with the , , and , among others. The band later released the video compilation , which was filmed at the
All songs written and composed by
except where noted. 
"Slaves & Bulldozers"  
, Cornell, Shepherd,
"Face Pollution"  
"Searching with My Good Eye Closed"  
"Mind Riot"  
"Drawing Flies"  
"Holy Water"  
"New Damage"  
Thayil, Cameron
Total length:
In anticipation of the band's appearance at the 1992 Lollapalooza tour, a limited edition of Badmotorfinger was released on June 23, 1992 with a second disc containing the
Satanoscillatemymetallicsonatas (or SOMMS). The title is a . This EP includes three , a Soundgarden original, and a live song. For its cover of 's "", the original lyrics are replaced by words of protest by , which fit the meter of the song. At the , "Into the Void (Sealth)" received a nomination for .
As a tribute of sorts, special editions of the 2006 album , a collaboration between the bands
and , feature a second disc (of just one song) that also has the title of Satanoscillatemymetallicsonatas. Kim Thayil plays guitar on "Blood Swamp", another track from the main disc of the album.
" (Sealth)"  
"She's a Politician"  
"Slaves & Bulldozers" (live)
Cornell, Shepherd
Total length:
"Cold Bitch" was later featured on the "" single in 1994, while "She's A Politician" appeared on the "" single in 1996. "Cold Bitch" was one of Shepherd's favorite songs that the band recorded.
The song "Birth Ritual" was worked on during the Badmotorfinger recording sessions, but was not completed. The finished version would eventually see release on the
in 1992, and later on both
(2010) and
(2014) compilations. "No Attention", which later appeared on the band's 1996 album, , was attempted during the recording sessions but "did not work" according to . "" was mostly recorded during the sessions, but the vocals were never completed. It was eventually finished in 2010 and released on Telephantasm and later, Echo of Miles: Scattered Tracks Across The Path. Three tracks had been discarded during the mixing process, two of which included "A Broom", and "How Should I Know?"
Although the album's singles featured plenty of , none of these were from the Badmotorfinger recording sessions. A one day recording session with Stuart Hallerman yielded "Stray Cat Blues", " (Sealth)", "", "Show Me", and "Touch Me". "Show Me" was later featured on the 1993
compilation, "Girl U Want" was later featured on the "" single. An
recorded for
produced covers of "I Can't Give You Anything", "I Don't Care About You", "Can You See Me" and "Homicidal Suicidal". All tracks appeared spread out among various versions of the three singles.
 – ,
Additional musicians
Scott Granlund –
on "" and "Drawing Flies"
Ernst Long –
on "Face Pollution", "Room a Thousand Years Wide", and "Drawing Flies"
Damon Stewart –
on "Searching with My Good Eye Closed"
Mark Dancey –
Walberg Design – Design
Len Peltier –
 – ,
Soundgarden – Production
Larry Brewer – Production assistance
Efren Herrera, John Jackson – Assistance
Chart (1992)
Chart (1994)
chart position
"Jesus Christ Pose"
"Rusty Cage"
The information regarding accolades attributed to Badmotorfinger is adapted in part from AcclaimedMusic.net.
"100 Greatest Guitar Albums of All Time"
United States
"The 69 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time"
"100 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die"
"The Most Important Albums of the 90s"
"The 100 (+34) Greatest Albums of the 90s"
The Movement
"The 101 Best Albums of the 90s"
Huey, Steve. .
Cromelin, Richard (August 25, 1991). "Fertile ground". The Los Angeles Times.
Badmotorfinger (booklet). Soundgarden. A&M Records. 1991.
Harris, Mike. "Sound Saboteurs". . November 1991.
"'Garden of Eden". . August 31, 1991.
Neely, Kim. "Soundgarden: The Veteran Band from Seattle Proves There's Life After Nirvana". . July 9, 1992.
Myers, Caren. "Garden of Earthly Delights". . April 1994.
Linx, Anna. "Soundgarden: No Hype Allowed". The Music Paper. July 1994.
"Colour Me Badmotorfinger!". . October 30, 1991.
Nicholson, Kris. "Angry Young Men". The Music Paper. February 1992.
Gilbert, Jeff. "Primecuts: Kim Thayil". Guitar School. May 1994.
Woodard, Josef. "Soundgarden's Kim Thayil & Chris Cornell". . March 1992.
"Sound and Vision". Rock Power. March 1992.
"Soundgarden". Guitar for the Practicing Musician. December 1992.
Magnuson, Ann. "Sub Zep?". . February 1992.
Friend, Lonn M. "Heroes... and Heroin". RIP. July 1992.
"Soundgarden: Are These Men from Seattle the Future of Metal?". . December 7, 1991.
Superuninterview. Promo CD. . 1994.
Arnold, Gina (). . .
Powers, Ann. . . Retrieved on May 20, 2009.[]
Christgau, Robert. . . Retrieved on May 20, 2009.
Spencer, Lauren (October 1991). Jim Greer, ed. .
(SPIN Media LLC) 7 (7): 97.   2010.
Nirvana and the Grunge Revolution. Guitar World Presents. Hal Leonard Corporation. 1998. pp. 7–8.  .
Erlewine, Stephen Thomas. . . Retrieved on June 13, 2005.
Lyons, James. Selling Seattle: Representing Contemporary Urban America. Wallflower, 2004. , pp. 136
"I Don't Care About Performing for 20,000!". . September 15, 1993.
from the original on 22 February 2008.
. . October 2006.
Sherry, James. "Soundgarden". . December 1991.
Jones, Alison F. "Pounding for Pot: Soundgarden's Matt Cameron". . July 1992.
from the original on 27 February 2008.
Masters, Drew. "Soundgarden". M.E.A.T. magazine. March 1994.
Genovese, Robin. "Soundgarden". . June 1996.
Nickson, Chris. New Metal Crown 1995. p. 138.
from the original on 17 December 2007.
from the original on 17 December 2007.
. Acclaimed Music.
"The 69 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time." . September/October 2002.
"100 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die". .
. Visions.
"The 100 (+34) Greatest Albums of the 90s". Juice.
"The 101 Best Albums of the 90s". The Movement.
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