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模拟山羊(Goat Simulator)
模拟山羊(Goat Simulator)
《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )是新的山羊模拟技术,为您带来新一代的山羊模拟。 您不再需要想象是一只山羊的样子, 从游戏设置来说,《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )就是模拟山羊尽您所能造成尽可能多的破坏。 人们将它与传统的溜冰比赛相比较, 只不过,您不是一名溜冰者,而是一只山羊,您也不是在耍把戏,而是破坏东西。 至于山羊,就算天空对它们来说也不是限制,因为您可能会打断它并使游戏崩溃。 《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )是一款彻底愚蠢的游戏,老实说,您或许应该将钱完成一些别的东西上,比如说呼啦圈, 一堆砖,或者将您和朋友的钱拼起来习一只真正的山羊。
游戏不错 这头驴的样子很好玩 啊哈哈哈哈
火箭车(Rocket C
Hungry Shark Ev
模拟山羊(Goat Simula《模拟山羊》评测:一次无意间引发的创意
&&&&&& 就和媒体的评论一样,《》最有趣的地方在于各种狂拽炫酷的神级BUG,比如有人卡在了墙上,陷进了草丛,当你卡在了这些东西上面或者掉到了世界之外时,你不得不使用重生命令,的开发商Coffee Stain Stud发誓,他们绝对不会修复这些 BUG,因为他们觉得这很酷(不过对于玩家而言却是哭笑不得),当然由于游戏机制的原因,这些 BUG 不会造成任何损失,也不会让你大量的获利,你在这款游戏中无需任何想法,做你一切可以做到的事情,疯狂至极。&&&&&& 就是这样的一款毫无目的性的游戏,IGN为其打了8分高分,要知道很多3A级别预算的游戏还没有达到8分这个级别呢,并且这个分数毫无塞钱价值和意义,Coffee Stain Studios 的游戏设计师兼公关经理 Armin Ibrisagic在谈起《》制作上,明确表明了是非常随意的,而成功也比较偶然性,联想到移动平台的小鸟飞,我只能再次感叹,游戏市场真是难以捉摸,现代玩家的口味也不再容易摸清了,当然无论怎么样,《》也为我们玩家提供了有趣的素材和新鲜的玩法来满足现代一些蛋疼的人。&&&&&& 客观评价游戏的总体画面还不错,把一座小镇所有该有的东西都很好的表达了出来,但是就如一开始说的那样,物理引擎的''糟糕表现''让这款游戏增添了一种非常喜感的氛围,除了卡在墙上这些BUG以外,飞在空中,突然消失等情况也是屡见不鲜,而且并没有固定的办法让他们再现这些情况,一切都是无意之中发生的,当然,这款物理引擎最神奇的是,无论是坚固的物体还是脆弱的肉体都显得那么轻盈,只要你轻轻的一顶,那必然是人仰马翻,最夸张的则是油罐车,山羊只是稍微接触下油罐车就爆炸了,如此厉害的事情,只有EA的滑板游戏《Gallery Skate》才能与它相提并论。&&&&&& 同样称之为物理引擎新时尚的《Gallery Skate》,运动员和滑板之间的互动称得上是感天动地,各种奇葩情况都能让你对滑板运动产生误读,而这款《》也同是如此,本身山羊在城镇里到处行走已经够不科学了,而且它还可以肆意的破坏没有人管,作为单身男子我最喜欢干的事情就是找到求婚的一对男女,把他们顶飞,让他们领教到FFF团的厉害,其次则是到处走走,到处逛逛,遇到不顺眼的事情就使坏,个人觉得用恶心的胶水舌头来进行捣乱才比较带感,甚至当你进入贤者模式的时候,在地上发羊癫疯也是一种异样的情趣呢。&&&&&& 关于《》还有一段趣事,在洛杉矶举行的GDC2014上 ,有两位不明真相的围观群众向开发商扔了点儿钱,共计17美金,这也是《》赚到的第一笔款项,之后,这款游戏便一发不可收拾,通过等社交网站在全世界范围内迅速传播开来(不得不说现在无聊的人太多了),在STEAM上架5个月后,《》的销售额比它们之前制作的《Sanctum》系列的总和还多,甚至超过工作室在过去四年的总收益,如此夸张的销售数据,让工作室有了更多的资金来完善《》(其实是加入更多的BUG)和开发神秘新作,这家工作室为了回馈玩家,开放了《Sanctum》系列的免费下载,《Sanctum》就是《幽闭圣地》,讲述了一场水下探险,如此严肃的题材和《》简直是鲜明的对比。&&&&&& 不得不说,无论是在哪个平台,蠢萌游戏已经成为了一种流行时尚,或许是大家早已玩腻了传统的题材又或许是想寻找点新的刺激,才让这种题材如此快速的传播开来,游戏没有技术含量不要紧,没有强大的画面不要紧,只要触及到了每位玩家的G点,那它就能成功,或许你还对《》有着不清楚的认识,那没关系,相当多的视频制作者已经上传了不少关于《模拟山羊》的试玩,你可以进一步了解之后再加入我们的蛋疼大军,一起疯狂high起来。相关阅读:
Goat Simulator
厂商:Coffee Stain Studios
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Goat Simulator
By Coffee Stain Studios
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** IMPORTANT - SUPPORTED DEVICESiPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5 or better.**Goat Simulator is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. You no longer have to fantasize about being a goat, your mobile dreams have finally come true!Gameplay-wise, Goat Simulator is all about causing as much destruction as you possibly can as a goat. It has been compared to an old-school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you're a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff. more! When it comes to goats, not even the sky is the limit, as you can probably just bug through it and crash the game. DISCLAIMERGoat Simulator is a completely stupid game and, to be honest, you should probably spend your money on something else, such as a hula hoop, a pile of bricks, or maybe pool your money together with your friends and buy a real goat.KEY FEATURES* You can be a goat * Get points for wrecking stuff - brag to your friends that you're the alpha goat * MILLIONS OF BUGS! We're only eliminating the crash-bugs, everything else is hilarious and we're keeping it * In-game physics that spazz out all the time * Seriously look at that goat's neck * You can be a goat
What's New in Version 1.2
1.2 Released! Aka “The Grass Patch”* Super secret Low Grav Testing Facility Added! Go find it* New mutator added. Get rid of that boring gravity* Fancy schmancy grass added for fancy devices* Optimized it for not so fancy devices* Kamcord crash fixed* Relax, it’s spring now
Customer Reviews
How to get into the Anti Grav area
I'm going to detail this as much as possible. This exact strategy has worked for me twice. You must be on the goatville map. Where the train is, you will see a green pipe. As a penguin (because it is fastest) you must lick the pipe. Then you must wait at the pipe for the train. As soon as you see the train exit the tunnel on the opposite side of where it exits, you have to run over to the exit tunnel, ending up in the middle of the tracks up against the black wall there. The train will hit you and force you through the wall, an you will slingshot backwards. If it goes right you should glitch into the pipe. From there, you have to tap the lick button to let go, otherwise you will eventually get pulled out of the pipe. After that, it's a little bit more unclear about what you should do, but usually tapping the go limp button or the headbutt button will make things happen, and you'll fall down a blue tube into the factory. I'm not exactly sure if this is how this was meant to be accessed, or if it was something similar, but it works regardless. NOTES: you must be 100% glitched into the pipe, otherwise you might get pulled out of it. Be sure to leave as soon as you see the train coming, not sooner and not too late, as leaving too soon might pull you away from the black wall and make it not work, and being too late you'll probably miss the train. Hope this helps!
Favorite App PLEASE LOOK AT DEVELOPERS and help for others
This app is my favorite game on my phone. I play it whenever I have free time. The latest update was awesome with the new building to explore, the new goat, and GRASS! But whenever I quit my game the Air Height easy, medium, and hard achievements and the Air Time easy, medium, and hard achievements all reset and I hate having to get the achievements all over again because 1. It's annoying because I enter and exit the the game so much and 2. I can't say I have all of the achievements anymore. So please fix this glitch and when you do, make sure that when you get the update, it doesn't remove any data. Thank you Coffee Stain Studio. And for those who can't enter the holeless pipe in Goatville, which is the entrance to the Low gravity facility, the hole to the pipe is on the second floor of the building that has no walls at the construction site. Just look around on that floor and you'll find it. It is a black circle and when you find it lick it and take it to the holeless pipe and then your in. Your welcome.
How to get the gravity chamber without glitches?
On goatville map you will see a green pipe by the train but when i looked at the reviews there were all these glitches so this is how to get in without glitches I did it by myself without a wiki in the construction site in the second floor there is a black circle (you may have to look around) when you lick it it says &portable hole& I remembered back when I saw the green pipe wondering what it is and when you lick the green pipe it says hole less pipe so I put two and two together and realized you have to carry the black hole to the green pipe and when I did at first I got a glimpse of a hole and then it made me respawn (I don't know why it made me respawn maybe bc I have a iPod) but when I walked back over to the pipe it was open and u jumped in and you slide down this tube and your inside of the lab :) it is tons of fun inside so I won't spoil anymore of it anyways Happy Goating ???
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This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad$4.99Category: Version: 1.2Size: 145 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Coffee Stain Studios ABInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude HumorCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
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模拟山羊 Goat Simulator
时间: 11:39:06
系统要求:需要 iOS 6.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )是新的山羊模拟技术,为您带来新一代的山羊模拟。 您不再需要想象是一只山羊的样子,
从游戏设置来说,《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )就是模拟山羊尽您所能造成尽可能多的破坏。 人们将它与传统的溜冰比赛相比较, 只不过,您不是一名溜冰者,而是一只山羊,您也不是在耍把戏,而是破坏东西。 至于山羊,就算天空对它们来说也不是限制,因为您可能会打断它并使游戏崩溃。
免责声明,《模拟山羊》( Goat Simulator )是一款彻底愚蠢的游戏,老实说,您或许应该将钱完成一些别的东西上,比如说呼啦圈,
* 您可以成为一只山羊
* 破坏东西并因此赚得积分 - 向您的朋友们吹嘘您是最厉害的山羊
* 不计其数的故障! 我们只会消除死机故障,除此之外的其它故障都非常搞笑,我们会保留
* 永远时髦的游戏内物理现象
* 认真地看山羊的颈脖子
* 您可以成为一只山羊
iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5.
1.2版发布!“绿草补丁”来啦* 新增了超级秘密的低重力测试设备!快去寻找吧* 新增了全新的增变基因。赶快除掉讨厌的重力吧* 为性能优异的设备新增了超级漂亮的绿草* 为性能一般的设备进行了优化* 修复了Kamcord崩溃问题* 春天来啦,好好放松一下吧
模拟山羊 Goat Simulator游戏截图
(共 4 张) 最后一张第一张
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