empires allies& allies可以两个人联机一起打别的玩家吗?

Zynga公司刚刚揭幕了其最新的移动动作战略游戏,被称为《Empires&&&Allies》,但其手机游戏不同于在上发布的早期版本,它将卡通视觉效果变成了更逼真的现代作战艺术。在这个意义上来看,Zynga公司的《Empires&&&Allies》游戏会得到很多的铁杆玩家。  可以看到的是,原《Empires&&&Allies》游戏在脸谱网上于2011年6月发布的时候,其在第25天就有了超过3900万的用户。不过确实,这款游戏是以卡通风格亮相的,但是Zynga公司在2013年4月的时候决定关闭脸谱网的游戏网页版。但动作战略游戏是现在最流行的移动游戏类别,《Empires&&&Allies》游戏的测试版本标志着Zynga实现其第一步移动的承诺。Zynga公司的《部落冲突》游戏已成为了这两年的NO.1,前一段时间推出的《海岛奇兵》更是赢得了相当多的玩家,风靡全球。电子艺界曾尝试推出免费模式的网络游戏,但一直没有取得多大的成功。
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出门在外也不愁Zynga推首款战斗策略游戏《Empires & Allies》
发布时间: 11:32:28
游戏邦注:本文作者为Dean Takahashi,文章主要讲述Zynga推出的首款战斗策略游戏《Empires & Allies》。
Empires & Allies
社交游戏巨头Zynga(游戏邦注:该公司即将开始首次招股)即将推出其首款战斗型Facebook游戏《Empires & Allies》,这是该公司的一大转变,其之前主要致力于非暴力休闲游戏,如《FarmVille》和《CityVille》。
Empires & Allies
Zynga凭此游戏开始进军硬核游戏发行领域,同EA、动视暴雪等开始涉足Facebook游戏市场的公司分一杯羹(游戏邦注:EA已推出其Facebook版运动游戏《Superstars》系列,而育碧也发行了《刺客信条》和《CSI: Crime City》)。
Zynga洛杉矶工作室游戏执行制作人Amer Agami表示,“这款游戏向大家展示Zynga风格如何让传统游戏变得趣味横生。”
Empires & Allies
Agami表示,这个由数位PC游戏元老组成的团队将游戏打造成一款富有趣味性的策略游戏,游戏同时还顾及Zynga庞大休闲玩家群体的口味。这是团队发行的首款游戏,这款游戏不像其他格战斗需要投入大量时间,因为玩家无需微观管理资源和战斗部队。多数Zynga游戏的每次体验时间为10分钟,《Empires & Allies》也不例外。
Empires & Allies
Empires & Allies
Agami表示,这类游戏新手在《Empires & Allies》中将能够很快上手。玩家在进入战斗之前,可以选择进行战斗训练。战斗赢家能够收集相应战利品。玩家入侵敌营时,可以留下挑衅语言。战斗采用异步形式,所以游戏玩家无需同时在线。
Agami之前曾参与EA《Command & Conquer》战斗策略游戏的制作。团队其他成员则曾在动视暴雪或Web 2.0公司任职。游戏引擎结合Zynga“共享工具”和LA团队自身工作。
Zynga launches its first combat social game, Empires & Allies
Dean Takahashi
Zynga, the leader in social games that could be near an initial public offering, is launching its first combat social game on Facebook tomorrow. The Empires & Allies game is a big switch for a company that has focused on non-violent casual games to date such as FarmVille and CityVille.
But this combat strategy game has the Zynga style, which is light-hearted, cartoonish, and casual. Internally, the Zynga Los Angeles team thought about this game as “CityVille meets Risk.”
The blending of combat and casual is a big risk for Zynga, since many of its 250 million fans are middle-aged women who may not be a natural target audience for a game where you lob an artillery round at a good friend.
But if the game catches on, it could reach a much bigger audience than a hardcore game would typically get. The combat strategy element will address the tastes of hardcore gamers as well as many mainstream gamers who have complained that there isn’t enough game play in Zynga’s other games, such as FarmVille.
With this game, Zynga is pushing into the domain of hardcore game publishers such as Electronic Arts and Activision Blizzard, who have only begun to deploy hardcore game properties on Facebook. (EA has launched its Superstars series of sports games on Facebook, while Ubisoft has created games for Assassin’s Creed and CSI: Crime City).
“The game translates what make traditional games fun into the Zynga style,” said Amer Agami, executive producer of the game at the Zynga Los Angeles studio.
Hardcore gamers on Facebook are a relatively untapped market, served only by a few game companies such as Kabam. But Kabam, which raised $85 million last week, has discovered that those hardcore gamers are willing to spend a lot of money in each game. That may be what drew Zynga to expand into this part of the market.
Agami said his team, which is made up of a number of PC game veterans, built the game as a fun combat strategy game, but also tailored it for Zynga’s broad market of mass market casual players on Facebook. This is his team’s first launch. The game isn’t a huge time sink like many combat games, since you don’t have to micro-manage your resources and combat units. Most Zynga games are played for 10 minutes at a time, and Empires & Allies is no different.
“It blends hardcore game mechanics with a CityVille-like mechanics of building and maintaining your empire,” Agami said.
Unlike most of Zynga’s other games, this title has a storyline and more than 30 characters who help make the experience more engaging. Scarlett, pictured right, shows you how to you rebuild your island paradise after the evil tyrant Raven attacks it and leaves it in ruins.
Your job in the single-player campaign is to rebuild your forces and take a total of 15 islands. You can enlist your friends to help you along the way.
And when you attack, the game actually breaks into a combat scene, with your forces on one side and the enemy’s on the other. You can pick which unit will fire at an enemy target. You wait for the result, and then the enemy fires back. At some point, a winner is determined. On a strategic map, you can see how much progress you have made in the campaign.
The game is also billed as the “most social” game that Zynga has built. You can enlist your friends and designate them as either friends or enemies. Your enemy friends can attack your island and take over buildings that you own. If you want to extract resources from buildings that you have lost to your attackers, you can do so. But it costs you extra energy points to do so. During battles, hardcore gamers may discover that there are tactics they can use to help tip the odds in their favor.
Your friends can help defend you against attacks, or you can defend yourself. The game is free-to-play, like Zynga’s other games. You can play for free, but you can speed up your production or instantly produce army units if you pay real money for virtual currency. You can also buy power-ups that help turn the tide of battle in your favor.
As you expand your empire, you have to collect wood, oil and rare ores. Sometimes your island won’t have any, and you’ll have to trade with friends to get some. That’s one of the social mechanics in the game.
You can expand your base to include as many as five islands. As you do so, characters give you advice on how to build defenses, naval units, and air power. You can do research to unlock new weaponry, and at some point in the future you will be able to get combat advantage from the veteran status for your soldiers.
Agami said Empires & Allies is very accessible for those who are new to this kind of game. Before you go into battle, you have the option of going into combat training. If you win a battle, you can collect some loot. And when you are invading an enemy’s base, you can leave a message taunting them. The combat is played out in an asynchronous manner, so users don’t have to be online at the same time to resolve combat.
If you defend a friend against an enemy attack, you can win honor points. If all you do is attack, you get black points.
Agami formerly worked on the Command & Conquer real-time combat strategy games at Electronic Arts. Others on his team worked at Activision Blizzard or Web 2.0 companies. The game engine is a combination of “shared tools” within Zynga and some of the LA team’s own work.
“Given our backgrounds, these games are in our DNA,” Agami said. “We love to play them, and we had to distill fun game play mechanics to the simplest level. We removed the rote mechanics and tried to make the game more fun.”
Agami said the team tried out different art styles, but gravitated to the cartoon style early on. That may be one of the most critical decisions the team made in this game. The game is available on June 1 in 12 different languages — English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Chinese, Norwegian, and Turkish. So far, only Zynga employees have played it.(Source:)
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网络帝国与同盟1.帝国与同盟...时加大对优质游戏的投入,《The Ville》、《帝国与同盟》(Empires and Allies)、《梦幻动物园》(Dream Zoo)以及与腾讯合作的《星佳 …|© 2015 MicrosoftEmpires&Allies新手前期战斗技巧 帝国联盟作战部队部署攻略
玩家的终极任务就是统治世界,期间玩家需要征服各个大陆,非洲是新手前期首先接触到的战斗区域。究竟前期战斗过程有哪些技巧,已经作战部队该怎么部署呢?一起看看小编带来的Empires&Allies新手前期战斗技巧 帝国联盟作战部队部署攻略。(超好玩原创攻略,转载请注明出处)Empires&Allies帝国联盟作战部队部署攻略:新手前期可用的作战部队并不多,在大本营6级之前,只可以部署游骑兵、打击者VI、坦克。三个作战单位的特点详解如下:游骑兵:由步枪兵、火箭兵和医疗兵组成的全能部队。受制于敌军步兵,克制狼蛛无人机。所需人口:1打击者VI:行动迅速的装甲车,可以抵近为其他单位提供掩护。受制于坦克和狼蛛无人机,克制敌军步兵和飞行器。所需人口:3坦克:配有坚甲利炮的作战单位。受制于飞行器和狼蛛无人其,克制敌军车辆和防御设施。所需人口:6前期由于玩家部队暂驻坪可建造数量和升级等级受限制于大本营,所以人口是比较缺乏的,所以不建议玩家部署过多的坦克,一般部署的话,主要还是游骑兵和打击者VI,具体的话,可以部署1个坦克,2个打击者VI,其他全部部署游骑兵。然后大家发现没有,游骑兵克制狼蛛无人机,而打击者VI受制狼蛛无人机,游骑兵受制于步兵,而打击者VI正好克制敌军步兵,可以说的相互补给,搭配天衣无缝。Empires&Allies帝国联盟战斗技巧:1、出兵顺序的选择:移动速度方面,打击者VI&游骑兵&坦克,但是由于坦克最抗打,游骑兵最容易死亡,所以出兵的时机把握应该是首先出兵坦克,等一会再出兵打击者VI,最后再出兵游骑兵,防止优先出战游骑兵被秒杀。2、辅助战机的合理使用,游戏中敌方攻击防御要优先击杀,但是由于地图太大,有可能部队会分散,这时候可以使用烟雾弹发射到指定的地方,部队会都激活攻击该区域。3、最后快速解决战斗可以使用地图左下角的两个战机释放导弹来快速解决一个建筑。ps:战机和烟幕弹使用都是需要类似”飞机“标记的东西,这个可以通过玩家击毁建筑获得,具体消耗是5、1、3,所以建议玩家使用还是根据”飞机“拥有的数量来。好了,以上就是Empires&Allies新手前期战斗技巧 帝国联盟作战部队部署攻略的全部内容了,希望对大家能有帮助。更多Empires & Allies帝国联盟的资讯活动,以及攻略内容,玩家都可以关注超好玩&&&&点击!
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Empires & Allies was a
that was 's first combat and . The game, the first release by Zynga's Los Angeles studio, launched in twelve languages on June 1, 2011.
writer Jake Gaskill called the release the &biggest launch of any Zynga title to date&. The game was a
game, meaning there was no cost to play but players had the option of purchasing premium content. The game was taken offline on June 17, 2013. On May 5, 2015, Empires & Allies was re-released worldwide on Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
Empire Points are used to sell certain items. Players get 15 empire points when starting the game and have to pay to get more. Additional Empire Points can be purchased in-game, from Zynga's Website, via game cards from some local stores or by completing certain in-game goals.
Empires and Allies portrays a
world composed mostly of
with each player beginning with one island, and being able to expand to up to four other islands. Each archipelago represents an &empire& or militarized island nation, with a &world alliance& that the player can optionally enter, but by doing so forfeits an ability to attack other sovereign nations. The player's task is to recover their island nation's glory and defeat the main villain, &The Raven,& and his commanders, who each have covered a separate archipelago that the player must island hop until the end of the &chain& which is the island that &The Raven& resides on.
The game begins with a massive enemy attack which all but demolishes the player's nation, in a quest for revenge, the player is dragged into a war against the aggressors, uncovering their reasoning for the attack. It is later revealed that the player's island contains a valuable ore that the enemy requires for a super weapon, which the player is tasked to stop at all costs. The player meets several advisors: a civic advisor, a military advisor, a construction advisor, and a mission advisor.
Empires and Allies has the distinction of being Zynga's first graphics based (as opposed to Mafia Wars, which is browser based) game to portray violence and modern warfare. Although the game still retains the graphical style of previous Zynga games such as
and , neither of said games portrayed military hardware. Despite all this, Empires and Allies still maintains good humor with enemy commanders having often comedic portrayals and biographies, such as &The Raven& being named such for he couldn't catch an eagle and instead settled on a raven.
Within nine days, Empires and Allies had gained nearly 10 million users.
Each player owns an archipelago of five islands (with only part of one in the beginning) that functions similar to homesteads in , cities in CityVille, and farms in FarmVille, operating as a main area for player customization, as well as the production of materials, money, and military units. A player can visit a friend's island, or they can optionally invade and pillage their island. An island, however, can be defended with placement of military units (who must be on the island in order to be considered &deployed&) which defend a small to large square area around them.
Each island houses many buildings, with a population cap. Population caps are increased by building government buildings which must be filled by allies. Population determines the availability of certain units and buildings.
Unique to Empires and Allies is the option of
combat. Players can optionally attack other players who are above level 6 in order to gain resources, infamy points or prize tokens. A player who successfully invades another player can claim an &invasion zone& which they can loot every twelve hours for resources until the target player or an ally of the target repels their invasion, or upon the activation of the player's &world embassy&. The buildings in the invaded area generate resources and infamy points for the invader, depending on the building. For instance, an housing, farms, and government b lum and mines yield ore. All buildings, except
which yields 3 infamy points, gives 2 infamy points after a successful invasion. In addition, the target player of the invasion must spend extra energy to perform any maintenance on invaded territory. A player can become immune to attacks if he/she establishes a World Embassy. However they also may not attack another player (or the Embassy will be rendered useless) and must surrender any and all invaded territory. When a player forfeits the effect of the World Embassy, they may not activate it for another six hours.
The &Battle Blitz& mode has the same effects as the invasions of neighboring empires. However, the player invades other players who are on the same level as them. A player who claims an invasion zone in Battle Blitz gets five prize tokens, which could be used to spin the wheel for prizes.
Combat is initiated whenever a player either attacks an AI commander during a campaign, attacks another player's island, or is repelling an enemy player's invasion of his/her island. Combat is turn based, and is not live. Instead, an invading player will combat another player's (or enemy AI commander's) military forces controlled by an AI. The player will always go first.
Combat begins with a 'deployment phase' in which a player can choose up to five (or less, depending on the situation) units to use in combat. After the deployment phase, units enter the combat phase. Every unit has three strengths which are marked with &great target,& with higher chances of critical hits (which produce resource, experience, and energy bonuses, as well as extra damage,) if a unit attacks its specialty, this works in reverse effect, as a unit also has a weakness to any unit that shares its specialty. If a unit is of the same type as another, or is simply not directly related, they will have a &fair attack& in which they half an even chance of dealing normal damage as well as an even chance of a &glancing shot.& If a unit attacks another unit which is strong towards it, it will be marked as a &poor target& which will usually produce a &glancing shot& with a 20% chance of producing a standard attack. In addition, if a unit deals a critical blow to destroy another unit, it will be marked as a &critical kill& with additional rewards such as extra money, experience, or even energy.
A commander also has the option of calling on an ally (when available) which is typically another player who, although not directly involved in the combat, may provide a . A player can also use one of his stored attacks gained from previous levels and battles.
Players can also pause or forfeit battles, this may be due to low energy (every attack requires energy) or for cutting losses in an unwinnable match (such as having no specialties towards the enemies units.) All units are repaired after a battle, with optional in-game repairs requiring either a support powerup, an experimental unit, or a certain amount of &empire points& (real currency.) As of January 2012, the game has required a ransom of coins or resources of varying quantities depending of the type of units in battle and the number still surviving.
Many of the powerups can also be used to win battles with greater ease. They can be obtained by invading or helping neighbors in which the player would receive one random power-up from every level up, tasks completed from a toolbar on the left side of game screen, from the power-up factory (considering that parts have to be collected from allies to build the power-ups), and various other ways.
In this mode player has to select 5 units or use the Titan to participate in a sixty-wave battle. Prizes are awarded every five waves, and elite units are awarded every 20 waves. The Epic Survival Mode is a battle against higher-ranked units, with rare units awarded every 20 levels. Now with every 20 waves you reach you get three units.
Players establish four tiers of production buildings, including shipyards, barracks, and hangars to create sea, land, and air units respectively. After being produced, the player can deploy them on his or her archipelago to defend their buildings from invasion. Each unit casts a radius of defense(one square radius for land units, two square radius for air units and 2.5 square radius for sea units), so an invading player targeting a building within one or more of these radii, that invader must engage and destroy those defending units successfully to begin an occupation.
There are three &theaters& of war, , , and . There are no special bonuses to these theaters against each other, yet they may attack each other, and typically units will have one speciality in each theater, one weakness, and one neutral. These units are based on actual military units, such as Flying Fortress bombers, MIG-17 fighters, and Sherman tanks. When your units are destroyed in combat, they yield a small amount of coins plus one oil.
Since the release of the game, Zynga has also created &special edition units& that have varying strength levels and are only available for a set amount of time. Some of these units are also based on existing weapons and vessels such as the USS Enterprise, but may have exaggerations in appearance to fit the cartoon-like figure of Zynga's games. Most of these units require purchase of their &blueprints& with real-world money through Zynga game cards and other methods of payment.
Experimental units are units that are built with special abilities that can be used for 1-5 Element Z. Element Z is a resource that must be required in order to use those special abilities. Otherwise, experimental units can fairly attack all other invaders. These are not just the highest-costing producible units in the game ( coins per unit), but they also use the most amount of oil.
The Titan is the most powerful land unit that can be constructed. The unit needs to be assembled part by part and then activated by paying Titan Plates, ore, and 300,000 coins. The parts to the titan consist of miniguns, titan heads, and shoulder cannons. These can be built for greater than 4000 oil, making them the vehicles that use the most oil to produce.
Unlike most units, the Titan uses Element Z instead of energy for its attacks.
Like other &Ville& games such as FrontierVille and CityVille, Empires and Allies has a common narrative that directs the player through the game's &story.& Although Empires and Allies is an open ended game, it has a mission progression system that leads the player through features in the game, introducing new units or otherwise encouraging certain tasks, with rewards provided for completion. The game also contains a wider story arc which is progressed mainly through defeating enemy commanders on the &campaign map& which the player can access at any time. Ultimately, the player's goal is to finish the campaign and defeat &The Raven.& A second campaign was released, titled &Molten Terror&, which at the time have 8 groups of islands, but only four groups of islands are released.But most recently the four other islands are introduced,following the story of the Tiki Guy's escape during the last island on the first four group of islands.
The player must additionally manage resources on their island. Resources come in six types: coins, wood, oil, ores, empire points, and energy. Coins are a general resource for purchasing most in-game buildings, and are gained through property values (much like CityVille) and certain industries such as farms (unlike other &Ville& games, food is not a resource. Farm output is directly converted into coins.) Wood is used for certain buildings and resources, and is harvested by clearing trees and building lumber mills and starting lumber contracts. Oil is used for building practically any mechanized unit, it is harvested by oil wells. Ores come in varying types, such as aluminum, copper, gold, iron, and uranium, each required for different specialty units and buildings. Ore is harvested through ore mines, trading, and defeating other units. Empire tokens are real-world currency used to speed up certain elements of the game and assist in others (such as providing an extra ally during an attack or purchasing a power-up,) they can also auto-complete missions and fill seats in government buildings. In addition, defeating AI players provides liberty bonds which are used for land-expansion, along with coins. There are also experience points, which level up the player.
Tradable resources can be produced from lumber mills, oil derricks or mines which the player can build. Depending on the level of advance resource selected each operates with a different production efficiency.
Honor and infamy is one of Empires and Allies? ' most defining features. Honor is produced by assisting other players, by visiting their empires or helping to defend, and is represented by a red heart. Honor improves rewards for helping players, as well as providing defensive power-ups when you level up in fame.
Infamy is produced by invading and looting other players, it's represented by a black heart and provides increasingly powerful offensive powers for use during combat when infamy is leveled up.
Domination points are produced by attacking and defending other players in the &World Domination& mode. The more domination points a player has, the more elite units he or she can build.
The Honor/Infamy system is based on the game 's karma system.[]
Some Decorations provide bonus to military,housing and production structures when placed near them.
On April 24, 2013, it was announced that the game would shut down along with three other games (, Dream Zoo, and Zynga City (a game which exists on Tencent)). The game's closure date was announced as June 17, 2013 on May 16.
On May 5, 2015, Empires & Allies was released worldwide on Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
While the game carries the name of the former Empires & Allies Facebook game, it isn’t a remake. Instead, the game is a modern experience, taking players to the near future, where they’ll have access to advanced technologies in a war for domination.
Glasser, AJ. . Inside Social Games 2011.
Gaskill, Jake. . & 2011.
. May 5, 2015.
Dean Takahashi, VentureBeat. &.& June 11, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
Retrieved May 5, 2015.
Shaul, Brandy. AdWeek.
Retrieved May 5, 2015.
: Hidden categories:& Zynga(ZNGA) &
分析《Empires & Allies》及Zynga成功之道
Zynga公司团队由大量对产品充满激情的游戏开发者和设计师组成,他们正蓄势推广公司最新大牌游戏《Empires & Allies》。这家已有4年历史的旧金山公司近期将进行首次公开募股,公司最近发布的新游戏可算是玩具士兵战争的网络版,这无疑是他们最有潜力的产品。玩家刚刚明白如何在《Empires & Allies》中控制和管理虚拟游戏军队,Zynga却早已夺取了游戏行业中急速成长并极具竞争性的在线社交游戏的胜利旗帜,每个月,全球1/10的网民都会打开Zynga旗下55款游戏之一,这些游戏包括《FarmVille》、《Zynga Poker》和《Mafia Wars》。每月玩Zynga游戏的用户数达到2.5亿人,相当于美国总人口的4/5,使Zynga成为Facebook上最大的社交游戏开发商。Arcadia Investments Corp.总经理和游戏分析师John Taylor表示“传统游戏公司以百万为单位来统计他们的用户,而Zynga之类的社交游戏公司则是以千万甚至亿为单位来衡量。这是完全不同的两个数量级。”Zynga近期估值在100亿美元左右,华尔街预测IPO将使这个数字进一步攀升。Empires & Allies()《Empires & Allies》之所以能成为一款热门大作,这与其游戏机制颇有关联,它展现了Zynga积聚大量玩家的最新技术。在2月份旧金山举行的游戏开发者大会上,Zynga高级产品副总裁Mark Skaggs在演讲中总结了公司的设计原则。面对着满屋数百名想学习Zynga强大游戏开发经验的设计师,Skaggs说道:“那就是快速、简单和正确。”这意味着,该公司游戏是由数十名开发者花数周时间便可开发完成,开发时间最多维持几个月。相比之下,传统视频游戏动辄需要数百人辛勤耕耘两年或更长的时间。与多数传统游戏不同的是,Zynga游戏在发布后还会进行更新,开发者夜以继日地添加内容、测试新功能并不断根据玩家的互动方式调整游戏。《Empires & Allies》也不例外。开发者在数个月的时间内便完成了游戏的开发,玩家可以通过征服和招募盟友来扩张他们的岛国。如果单人玩,你所能做的仅限于此。如若需要继续发展,你就需要好友的帮助,比如帮助击退入侵者,担任各种企业的雇员或互相交易用于制造武器和建筑的金属。《Empires & Allies》与该公司其他作品一样有着卡通界面、简单的风格、鲜明的色彩和可亲可近的角色,这些设计能够满足主流社交游戏用户的需求。负责这部分内容的是游戏艺术总监Matt J. Britton,他是Creature Shop的前总经理。但是,《Empires & Allies》与Zynga其他游戏的不同之处在于军队在战斗中可能永久性死亡。这是Zynga的一次冒险之举,因为他们的游戏能够如此吸引玩家,大部分的原因在于玩家在游戏中几乎不会遭到损失。《Empires & Allies》执行制作人Amer Ajami说道:“在这款游戏中,我们要让玩家认识到行动的结果。我们想用些许损失来引起用户对此的关注,但损失不可过多,以免他们离开游戏。”《Empires & Allies》也暗示着Zynga未来规划的发展方向,即将传统视频游戏世界的题材引进大众媒介中。Zynga洛杉矶工作室总经理Chris Corry说道:“《Empires & Allies》让我们开始对策略和战斗题材游戏的探索。对我们而言,挑战在于如何让游戏既适合所有玩家又有足够的复杂度引起传统游戏玩家的兴趣。”上述平衡性挑战在游戏发布后依然存在。所幸Zynga能够通过所谓的A/B测试来追踪每个功能和设计元素的作用。简单地说,就是Zynga将玩家分为两类,一类有某项功能,另一类没有,以此来探究功能的表现。如果这项功能可以引起玩家强烈的“点击冲动”或者点击的玩家比例很大,那么Zynga就会将其整合到游戏中。《Empires & Allies》首席设计师Greg Black称,“我们能够实时跟踪游戏用户,看他们喜欢做什么事情。你需要根据玩家的喜好来改变游戏。”玩家平均每两个月便会更改所玩的社交游戏,开发者必须不断地发布新功能和新游戏来吸引用户。比如,《FarmVille》曾经是Zynga的头牌游戏,月活跃用户最高达到8400万。然而据追踪Facebook应用的站点上的数据显示,这款有2年寿命的游戏月活跃用户现已不到4500万。为保住在排行榜上的首位,Zynga于去年12月发布了《CityVille》,今年年初这款游戏的月活跃用户达到顶峰,共有1.01亿玩家。但即便如此,现在《CityVille》的月活跃用户也滑落到了9000万,可见Zynga培养《Empires & Allies》成为下部巨作的行动刻不容缓。过去Zynga的行为已证实该公司精于利用网络效应这个互联网现象,即拥有大量用户的公司可以更简便和低成本地营销最新产品。市场调研公司Inside Network创始人Justin Smith表示,从本质上而言,就是公司将用户从一款游戏导入到另一款游戏。这个优势使得Zynga比竞争对手成长得更快。据Smith所述,现在该公司的Facebook玩家数达到2.43亿,比排名第二的社交游戏发行商EA高出7倍(游戏邦注:EA的用户总数为3180万)。Zynga这种将大量玩家从一款游戏导入到另一款游戏中的能力吸引了风险投资和娱乐行业的注意力。Zynga的投资方包括Silver Lake Partners、Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers、SoftBank Group和LinkedIn Corp.创始人Reid Hoffman,这家公司在5月份的IPO是今年最热门的IPO之一。Zynga董事会成员有DreamWorks Animation SKG首席执行官Jeffrey Katzenberg、EA前首席创意官Bing Gordon和Facebook前首席运营官Owen Van Natta。社交游戏常通过出售让玩家在游戏中进展更快的虚拟商品,或可购买这些东西的游戏卡获得盈利。广告赞助和推广、订阅杂志或购买产品换取玩家可在游戏中使用的货币也能够带来少部分盈利。大部分社交游戏玩家都不会花钱,但只要有少部分玩家付费,开发商就可以获得游戏开发成本。即便是那些不付费的玩家也能起到作用,他们是美国运通等合作公司的广告受众,也可以充当招募更多玩家的工具,而这些新玩家有可能付费。Zynga首席游戏设计师Brian Reynolds于2010年2月在拉斯维加斯Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences大会的演讲中提供了衡量社交游戏的方法。Reynolds表示,社交游戏关注的是“日活跃用户”的数据。根据数据,Zynga游戏最近日活跃用户总数为4900万。在这些玩家中,付费用户占3%到5%。Reynolds假设这些用户每天平均付费1美分,也就是说1年3.65美元。以上述概率来推算,Zynga旗下4900万日活跃玩家每年将带来1.8亿美元左右的盈利。只要Zynga通过高明的游戏设计和营销手段让玩家多付费一点点,比如每天两美分,那么公司的盈利就会相应翻倍。无论Zynga采取何种方式来盈利,毫无疑问这些都是由于该公司的游戏充满了乐趣。Reynolds在2月份的游戏开发者大会上说道:“归根结底,这些都是游戏,是给玩家带来休闲体验的产品。趣味性应该凌驾于盈利之上。”游戏邦注:本文发稿于日,所涉时间、事件和数据均以此为准。(本文为游戏邦/编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
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