xbox one 彻底关机响了一下就关机

& && & 微软已经明确解释了Xbox One上的联网需求、二手游戏政策及朋友间互相转借游戏及其他更多细节:
& && & 保持在线
& && & 对此微软解释道:“尽管不需要保持永久在线,Xbox One设计为需要验证系统、应用和游戏更新以查看你是否获得新游戏或转手、交易、把游戏给你的朋友。涉及到利用云计算的游戏则需要保持联网。”
& && & “在你的首选主机上你可以让Xbox One离线24小时,你登陆至其他Xbox One以获取你的资源库则可以离线1小时。超过规定的时限之后你将不被允许离线游戏直至你再次建立网络连接,但你仍然可以看电视直播、蓝光或DVD电影。”
& && & 微软补充道:“因为每一位Xbox One买家都需要宽带连接,所以开发商可以创造一个即便你不在玩也能随时变化的大型世界。”
& && & 二手游戏及把游戏借给朋友
& && & 微软同时还阐述了其饥借游戏、转售及租赁的政策。“我们自身作为一家游戏发行商,微软工作室允许朋友间交换游戏或者把Xbox One游戏出售给参与的零售商。第三方发行商自行选择游戏是否支持转售,可以建立商业规则,或者对零售商收取交易费。微软自己对此不会收取任何费用。另外,第三方发行商可以让你把你的游戏给朋友。”
& && & “我们设计Xbox One使得游戏发行商能够让你在参与的零售商内交易游戏。微软不会对零售商、开发商和玩家收取任何转售费用。”
& && & 微软说:“你的朋友、家人、客人和熟人能够无限制地访问你的所有游戏。无论你是否登陆或者是不是你本人,任何人都能在你的主机上玩你的游戏。”微软还补充道:“Xbox One设计使之能让你把你的实体盘给你的朋友。这些转移不会收取任何费用,但是有两点要求:你的朋友必须在你的朋友列表上(至少30天),你可以把游戏给他们;每款游戏只能借一次。”
& && & 值得注意的是,微软允许你把游戏送给你朋友,但是不允许租借游戏。微软补充道:“租借或租赁游戏在Xbox One首发时候不被允许,我们会与我们的伙伴探索更多的可能性。”
& && & Xbox One允许你让10位家庭成员在任何Xbox One上获取“登陆并玩你的游戏库。”与Xbox 360类似,“你的家庭成员可以可以在朋友家玩你的《极限竞速》。只是现在他们不止能看到《极限竞速》,他们能玩你所有的游戏。你一直可以玩你的游戏;在给定时间内,你的任何家庭成员都能玩你分享的游戏库。”
& && & 游戏安装及数字版下载
& && & 微软说“你可以在游戏发售当天选择在传统零售店购买光盘版或在Live下载数字版。光盘仍然是你快速安装游戏的有效方式。”
& && & 玩家能够在其他主机访问他们的游戏库。“在登入和安装之后,你可以在任何Xbox One上玩你所有的游戏,因为你游戏的数字版同时存在于你的主机和云端。打个比方,你在你朋友家登入以后,你可以随意玩你的游戏。”
& && & Kinect要求
& && & 根据微软官网,“微软会优先考虑你的隐私。我们明白个人数据及隐私的重要性。Xbox One和Kinect会提供工具让你控制你的隐私。”
& && & 微软强调说:“你可以控制你的Kinect的所见所听。通过设定你可以决定Xbox One如何反应,这些你和你的家人都可以自定义。系统会引导你进入隐私选项,例如自动或手动登陆,隐私设定,有关数据使用的明确通知。当Xbox One处于开启状态时,你在客厅进行的对话不会被记录或上传。”
& && & 玩家可以控制让Kinect开启、关闭或暂停。“如果你不想在你玩游戏或进行娱乐活动的时候开启Kinect感应,你可以暂停Kinect。你只要说‘Xbox Off’ Xbox One就会关机。当系统关机时,它只接受唯一的语音指令‘Xbox On’——你甚至可以关掉这个特性。部分App和游戏可能会要求Kinect操作,所以你想体验这些程序的时候得开启Kinect。”
& && & 微软强调说绝对不会把数据传给这台主机之外的任何人。“一些游戏或应用可能会使用个人数据,例如视频、照片、面部表情、心率及其他,但这些数据未经你的明确许可绝对无法离开你的Xbox One。”
Xbox One: A Modern, Connected Device
Xbox One will deliver new benefits for gamers that are only possible with a system designed from the ground up to be ready and connected. Here are just a few examples:
• A new generation of games with power from the cloud: Because every Xbox One owner has a broadband connection, developers can create massive, persistent worlds that evolve even when you’re not playing.
• Your Xbox One is always ready: Xbox One is designed to run in a low-powered, connected state. This means your system, games and apps are always current and ready to play—no more waiting for updates.
• Stay connected to your friends: Never miss an opportunity to play games with your friends or to catch up with family on Skype. Use Skype in Snap mode to chat while you play games or watch TV. Or enjoy group video Skype calls with people around the world, all from the comfort of your living room.
• Access your entire games library from any Xbox One—no discs required: After signing in and installing, you can play any of your games from any Xbox One because a digital copy of your game is stored on your console and in the cloud. So, for example, while you are logged in at your friend’s house, you can play your games.
• Buy the way you want—disc or digital—on the same day: You’ll be able to buy disc-based games at traditional retailers or online through Xbox Live, on day of release.
A range of advanced technologies will make these scenarios possible, including:
• Superior wireless performance and coverage throughout the home: Xbox One is equipped with a gigabit Ethernet port and 802.11n wireless. With 802.11n, Xbox One can use the 5GHz wireless band which eliminates considerable interference from other devices in the home, such as cordless phones, Bluetooth devices and microwaves. Xbox One uses two wireless antennas, versus one in Xbox 360. This provides dramatically better coverage and sustained performance, which means faster internet speeds in more areas of your home.
• Faster connection to a world of smart devices: With Wi-Fi Direct, Xbox One can speak directly to smart wireless devices and connect to them through the cloud. This means your smartphone or tablet will interact with Xbox One seamlessly.
• Future proofed with power from the cloud: Microsoft has created a global network of more than 300,000 Xbox Live and Windows Azure servers, to help creators realize their visions of what is possible with a connected system.
To ensure Xbox One works optimally and can offer the experiences described above, it is designed with the following networking requirements:
• For an optimal experience, we recommend a broadband connection of 1.5Mbps. In areas where an Ethernet connection is not available, you can connect using mobile broadband.
• While a persistent connection is not required, Xbox One is designed to verify if system, application or game updates are needed and to see if you have acquired new games, or resold, traded in, or given your game to a friend. Games that are designed to take advantage of the cloud may require a connection.
With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.
At Xbox, we’ve always believed in a connected world of games and entertainment. With Xbox One, we are planning for a connected future. We can’t wait to show you what’s to come.
How Games Licensing Works on Xbox One
With our modern architecture, Xbox One games will load more quickly, will be always accessible from the cloud, and there is no physical limit to the size or scope of the content provided.
Here are our platform policies and capabilities for game licensing – all of which will be made available when Xbox One launches later this year:
• Buy the way you want—disc or digital—on the same day: You’ll be able to buy disc-based games at traditional retailers or online through Xbox Live, on day of release. Discs will continue to be a great way to install your games quickly.
• Access your entire games library from any Xbox One—no discs required: After signing in and installing, you can play any of your games from any Xbox One because a digital copy of your game is stored on your console and in the cloud. So, for example, while you are logged in at your friend’s house, you can play your games.
• Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.
• Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.
• Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers. Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.
• Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once.
In our role as a game publisher, Microsoft Studios will enable you to give your games to friends or trade in your Xbox One games at participating retailers. Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers. Microsoft does not receive any compensation as part of this. In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends. Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners.
As we move into this new generation of games and entertainment, from time to time, Microsoft may change its policies, terms, products and services to reflect modifications and improvements to our services, feedback from customers and our business partners or changes in our business priorities and business models or for other reasons. We may also cease to offer certain services or products for similar reasons.
In the months ahead, we will continue to listen to your feedback as we meet with our partners in the ecosystem to bring additional detail about our policies.
Privacy by Design: How Xbox One and the New Kinect Sensor Put You in Control
Xbox One and Kinect offer easy and approachable ways to control your games and entertainment with your voice and gestures. By recognizing you, Xbox One can tailor personal experiences and customize content just for you.
At Microsoft, we prioritize your privacy. We understand that your personal data and privacy are important. Xbox One and Kinect will provide tools to put you in control of your data. These include:
• You are in control of what Kinect can see and hear: By design, you will determine how responsive and personalized your Xbox One is to you and your family during setup. The system will navigate you through key privacy options, like automatic or manual sign in, privacy settings, and clear notifications about how data is used. When Xbox One is on and you’re simply having a conversation in your living room, your conversation is not being recorded or uploaded.
• You are in control of when Kinect sensing is On, Off or Paused: If you don’t want the Kinect sensor on while playing games or enjoying your entertainment, you can pause Kinect. To turn off your Xbox One, just say “Xbox Off.” When the system is off, it’s only listening for the single voice command -- “Xbox On,” and you can even turn that feature off too. Some apps and games may require Kinect functionality to operate, so you’ll need to turn it back on for these experiences.
• You are in control of your personal data: You can play games or enjoy applications that use data, such as videos, photos, facial expressions, heart rate and more, but this data will not leave your Xbox One without your explicit permission.
• You can use other inputs to control your games, TV and entertainment experiences: While it’s faster to find what you’re looking for using your voice and gesture commands with Kinect, you can use a controller, your remote controls or your smart devices instead. And you can use all of these devices when Kinect is paused.
帖子9022&精华&积分24495&激骚度318 &爱车自主神车&主机大法神机&相机奥巴神器&手机MTK神猴&注册时间&
改天台湾海底光缆一断 ……
帖子3544&精华&积分15656&激骚度117 &爱车反&主机2&相机B&手机&来自Anti-2B军团&注册时间&
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
Nine Breaker
帖子6970&精华&积分16384&激骚度297 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&来自转基因灭绝中心&注册时间&
帖子960&精华&积分16590&激骚度39 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
帖子5092&精华&积分26885&激骚度282 &爱车买了&主机坏了&相机没了&手机换了&注册时间&
微软补充道:“因为每一位Xbox One买家都需要宽带连接,所以开发商可以创造一个即便你不在玩也能随时变化的大型世界。”
正是我想像中云计算的典型应用之一,结合GTA5 ,某天刚上线好机油打电话过来说今天PS5发售,有内线消息知道运货车的路线,拉我一起去干一票,想想都尿了
帖子4440&精华&积分16718&激骚度335 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
帖子30420&精华&积分85356&激骚度553 &爱车SRX&主机三红机&相机G11&手机&来自Greyhawk&注册时间&
引用:原帖由 苦中苦 于
11:09 发表
其实这在360时期已经出现了,可能你们没发觉而已,比如VF5FS,你进去玩游戏如果断 ... 二手对我影响也不大,我没卖过也没借过游戏
“In times when freedom seems lost, great souls arise to reclaim it.”
UID75601&帖子30420&精华&积分85356&交易积分0 &阅读权限0&来自Greyhawk&在线时间8896 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子4440&精华&积分16718&激骚度335 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
帖子55339&精华&积分69929&激骚度1374 &爱车贰&主机叁&相机叁&手机&注册时间&
帖子55339&精华&积分69929&激骚度1374 &爱车贰&主机叁&相机叁&手机&注册时间&
@太刀: 另外,游戏的二手及转让权限是由各发行公司自行决定的,并非由微软统一规定——类似锁区。所以……
帖子16783&精华&积分39640&激骚度712 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
UID4861&帖子16783&精华&积分39640&交易积分1 &阅读权限40&在线时间11717 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子1569&精华&积分15155&激骚度106 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
引用:原帖由 zafm0861 于
12:29 发表
但是24小时联机一次比较烦人,平时在家好说,如果碰上宽带故障或者去外地出差啥的想带上玩,就没戏了 可以用手机热点,或者smartglass也很有可能会帮你验证。
帖子1912&精华&积分8214&激骚度155 &爱车&主机&相机&手机&注册时间&
帖子9372&精华&积分24978&激骚度188 &爱车乞丐7&主机3red&相机s1&手机&来自PVG&&SFO&注册时间&
UID3413&帖子9372&精华&积分24978&交易积分0 &阅读权限40&来自PVG&&SFO&在线时间4521 小时&注册时间&最后登录&查看: 2020|回复: 12
圣骑士, 积分 3059, 距离下一级还需 1941 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3059 点注册时间最后登录
Xbox One有两种关机,一种是关机,另外一种是待机,关机的话开机所需要的时间比较长,待机的话可以很快唤醒,我一直使用的是后者。
这样我们可以结合我们这个帖子的标题了,对了,冰箱!!有没有觉得Xbox One和冰箱有点像了?
但是Xbox One的高功耗工作时间却会很长,往往都会长达数小时或者十数小时,当然这个根据每个人的使用情况不一样而有差异。
Xbox One有——散热辅助风扇,硬盘,光驱(旋转),各种机械辅助(比如光驱吸入装置)。。。其他的我想不到了。。。:)
那么,到底Xbox One能不能连续5-10年的运作而保持良好的工作状态不出错?我们还是等时间来证明一切吧!
单选投票, 共有 50 人参与投票
1. &我使用彻底关机模式
58.00% (29)
2. &我使用睡眠可唤醒模式
32.00% (16)
3. &我一直不关机,专看结果。。。。
10.00% (5)
=====================以上及以下所有言论将被监控 =====================
PSN: jackylea
战士, 积分 1427, 距离下一级还需 73 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1427 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 terrytt 于
14:26 编辑
- - 想多了 据说这代4年换代 17年估计就会爆新机了
除了有游戏下载以外晚上一般都关机拔插头 习惯性不拔不舒服
要不就狠命用 争取保修期内玩出问题 要么就稍微注意点用 争取熬到下代 - -
PSN(港):terry_y_XBOX LIVE:TomatoYXF(美)[live]
平民, 积分 31, 距离下一级还需 69 积分
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公民, 积分 102, 距离下一级还需 198 积分
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佣兵, 积分 730, 距离下一级还需 20 积分
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公民, 积分 103, 距离下一级还需 197 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分103 点注册时间最后登录
我想问一下怎样彻底关机? 用手柄的关机每次都是白灯,第一次黄灯唤醒不了我还以为是坏了。
战士, 积分 1068, 距离下一级还需 432 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1068 点注册时间最后登录
佣兵, 积分 748, 距离下一级还需 2 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分748 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 scotthicks 于
10:12 编辑
XBOX ONE 的主要几种情况下的功率就是这样,建议大家还是选择节能模式待机吧,或者完全切断电源(我就是这么干的)。
公民, 积分 204, 距离下一级还需 96 积分
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平民, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 85 积分
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