plug and play服务&play游戏

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【转自贴吧】个人理解是说在一个插头世界,当两个插头在一起的时候,连天也要随之改变。但在这里的插头们,没有思想,没有感情,仅仅是把互插当成一种本能或任务。然而我们的主角,还没有被这死寂的世界同化,他感到了互插的特别意义,那何尝不是感情的传递,于是他问他插过的……插头:“do you love me?”插头们自然是对这种异类不愿靠近的。至于主角最后有没有找到他要找的人,我不知道。但是看那两只手,也许是一段凄美的爱情故事吧,最后一只手死了,另一只手把他插入插座,预示着他们终究逃不开这个死寂的世界与他们悲惨的命运,又何尝不是暗示。(由于过于复杂,主角的身世与性别(即是插头还是插座)等内容无法介绍,请自行理解)
目前发现,可以选择的,比如,一堆插头男那里,可以只推倒第一个人,传回来走就可以了。还有,在选择性别方面,假如那个装了X的插头男拉出来的插针往同一边丢,他会捡起来插上,继续是插头男;如果往两边扔,就会因为找不到插针而变成插座女……然后就反过来了……如果说Do you listen to me?就会就会去另一边问另一个人……难道就是一定要让主角执着然后被拒绝?(这是我的真实写照……)男女可以通过脚来判断,内外之分。人体蜈蚣那里……只要不插回原配就会一直循环(不能变心么?),中途虽然感悟不过总觉得联系不起来。PS:室友说最后那根手指很像男性的XX,一旦有电,就会……这里有动画解:
Homosexual大家只要一玩这个游戏就能想得到,有什么隐晦的。本人持支持态度。to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested
Buy Plug & Play
$2.99 USD
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Plug & Play is now available for Linux. Do you want to hug me?
“A delightful oddity.”
“Beneath all the weirdness, it's a surprisingly emotional game.”
“Wonderfully weird, grotesque, cute and wildly funny, and provokes some thought to boot.”
About This Game
Explore the universe of Plug & Play, an interactive animation drawn by Michael Frei and coded by Mario von Rickenbach. An unashamedly surreal play with plugs.
Play time between 10 – 15 minutes.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
OS: OSX 10.7+
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
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13 people found this review funny
241.2 hrs on record
So much replay value.
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0.5 hrs on record
I have 3 words for this game...What the ????.
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10 people found this review funny
0.4 hrs on record
Run, hit, switch, fall, love, plug, pull. And push.---------------------------- love, plug, pull. And push.------------------------------------- plug, pull. And push.--------------------------------------------- pull. And push.---------------------------------------------- pull. And push.Did I make myself clear?This game makes you think of deep stuff, really deep stuff, like..... why did I pay 3 bucks for this?Because it was ??????? worth it The EndNice animations btw, love de style :3
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4 people found this review funny
0.5 hrs on record
Weirdest game ever ?If you are looking for hours of fun, This game is not your best option, but if you are looking a totally senseless and sexual game, Come and play: Plug & play.No.Yes.NoYes.No.Yes.No.Yes.Yes.No.She walks away from you. &/3
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0.3 hrs on record
Best human centipede simulator on the market.10/10 would play again
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0.5 hrs on record
doubts, sexuality, love and feelings of anthropoid creaturessurreal play with plugsswiss art
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0.2 hrs on record
Plug head into another person's ????????. Repeat until ring is formed.10/10 game of the year
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0.6 hrs on record
This game is absolutely amazing. If your goal in life was to plug in things, this is the game for you. Sure, you can beat the game in under 30 minutes, but it is an enlightening 15 minutes. It was as if i was getting my ???? cleaned by a can opener, but for my mind. 6.9/10, 3swag5me
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0.9 hrs on record
10/10 My three dollars were spent on an amazing game. Best 10 minutes of my life.
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0.4 hrs on record
10/10 would plug it again
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2 people found this review funny
0.2 hrs on record
I would love to make some kind of funny review of this game knowing how weird and... original it is, but the fact that I paid about 10 times what this game is worth kinda demotivates me.
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0.1 hrs on record
This game is literally my life, in a game get butt f*cked while butt f*cking another guy so yea butt f*ck is my life (jk im not gay this game is quite short and they should add more stuff in it but for the price it is its a good buy so get this game!)
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1 person found this review funny
1.1 hrs on record
It's so terrible, it's great.
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3 people found this review funny
124.5 hrs on record
Still trying to figure out the purpose of the game...I'll get back to you when I found it...
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3 people found this review funny
75.5 hrs on record
I cant stop playing it. I dont really know why. please help me.
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1 person found this review funny
0.8 hrs on record
My reaction to this game
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0.4 hrs on record
Do you love me?-NoI think you love me.-I think I love you.I dont think I love you.-It hurts.This 'experience' taught me what love is.
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3 people found this review funny
0.3 hrs on record
What in the world...A few minutes of uncomfortable interactive lewdness. If there was a message to take out of it, it went over my head. At least the description tells you it's a 10-15 interactive story.Something like this will
be polarizing: people will either hate it or love it. Then of course some people will just find it funny.
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0.3 hrs on record
Now I'm usually someone that's into art games, and usually someone who never has a problem with a game being &too weird&, but I do have a problem with games being surreal without a purpose. This game isn't bizarre to prove a point, this game isn't bizarre for comedy, this game is bizarre for the sake of being bizarre. It's intentionally as offbeart and confusing as possible - presumably in the hope of being seeming substantial, but it misses the mark entirely and falls instead into the realm of pretentiousness. Seriously - this game is a mess. I'm sure there was an intended message at first, but a lot of it feels like &filler& and fails to really add any story elements that would suggest the significance. The game is unable to provide even the slightest hint of what its connotation might be. Even though I enjoyed the visuals and sound design, I feel as though I just paid $3 to watch 13 minutes of pretentious extension cord porn (and yes: it took 13 minutes to finish this game. That was with me taking my time and trying to explore everything there was to intereact with). I could've bought like three candy bars for that. It was at best enterta not recommended.Edit: Spelling. Thanks to the people who caught it.
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0.2 hrs on record
This game broke my heart, however I enjoy it.– I love you.– I think you don't love me.– I know I love you.– I'm not sure.– I do love you.– I don't.– It hurts.– I'm leaving.
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Full Audio
Title: Plug & Play
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 5 Mar, 2015
Nominated for the Nuovo Award at the Independent Games Festival 2015
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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破碎大陆 纪念碑谷 (波克艾克大冒险)一样的风格 但没它好玩机械迷城duet(二重奏)魔法触摸:雇佣巫师旋转山谷么么答仪器连接AUX B1010我要七(合成七)即插即用Plug&Play蠢蠢的死法 1和2泡泡龙狂野飙车TwoDotsPlay连成一线疯狂科学家跑酷
金币钻石都无限 很棒的


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