
七年级英语下册Unit 7
What does he look like?(Period 1)教学案例
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& 七年级英语下册教学案例 Unit 7 &What does he look like?(Period 1)南昌市南钢学校 卢昌群& & 第一部分 教学设计 Unit 7 What does he look like?(Period 1) & 一、教材分析 (一)教学内容 本课时是Go for it七年级下册中第七单元&What does he look like?&的第一课时。本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look), 教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此 &talking about sb&s look& 是本课时的教学重点。通过对本课时的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型。 (二) 教材的地位及作用 以人的外貌特征为主线,兼顾交际功能的学习,以一种循序渐进的生活化的学习程序,引导学生学会用英语介绍自己或他人的外表特征。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生能通过交换对不同人物的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。 二、教学目标分析 (一)语言知识 1. 语音: 了解语音在语言学习中的意义。 2. 词汇: ① 名词: hair, height, build, glasses, look, etc. ② 形容词:short, tall, medium, thin, heavy, blonde, brown, curly, straight, etc. 3. 短语:
straight hair, curly hair, of medium build, of medium height, look like, etc. 4. 句型: What does he/she look like? He/She is tall. He/She has curly hair. What do you/they look like? I&m thin. /They&re of medium height. 5. 语法: ① Yes/No问句及简略回答。 ② wear的一般现在时用法。 ③ 用于宽泛描述的形容词。 (二)语言技能 1. 能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点进行描述。 2. 能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征推理出某一人物。 3. 能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这 些词组及句型描述别人的外表,提高写作水平。 (三)情感态度 1. 通过描述同学、教师或自己的偶像的外貌,简单地表达自己的观点或好恶,学会交 换不同的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人。 2. 教育学生要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人,友好地描述别人的形象。 3. 学会赏识,懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。 4. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习 的乐趣。 (四)文化意识 了解不同人的外貌和同一人的不同外貌,了解中西方文化中在表达自己的观点时存在很大的差异,我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接些,对学生进行不同文化意识的渗透。 & 三、教学重难点 通过学习语言材料,让学生获得运用所学的有关词汇,短语及句型,描述人的外貌特征,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用的能力。新词汇的运用,特别是has与is的正确使用,是本单元的一个难点。 单元教学重难点一览 & &
1. The vocabulary.
2. --What does he/she look like? --He/She is tall.
--What do you look like? --I&m thin.I have short hair.
Use the language to talk about sb&s look.
四、学情分析 学生在七年级上册已经学过关于&What does he like?&这一特殊疑问句式,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。谈论人的外表形象是人们日常生活中遇到的话题。故学生喜于用英语表达此类知识。 五、教学方法和学习策略 1. 教学方法: ① 情景交际法:本单元话题源自生活,立足这一点,充分利用学生已有的知识和经验, 创设生活化的真实情境,引导学生在运用中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学,在用中学,学了能用)。 ② 任务型语言教学法:设计多种任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使 学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。 ③ 开放性教学策略:教师要开放性地处理教材,结合教材插入学生感兴趣的图片等, 丰富学生知识,拓宽他们视野,实现知识的整合。 & 2. 学习策略 ① 自主学习:要求学生采用自主学习的方式,能根据需要进行有目的预习,使其对教 师的教学内容起补充作用。 ② 合作学习:在与同学合作完成任务的活动中形成合作学习和探究学习的学习方式, 引导学生积极思考,善于抓住英语交流的机会。在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。 ③ 通过看图说话、听力训练、猜人物、情景对话等一系列活动,创设情景和有意义的 任务活动,激发学生的学习热情,培养他们的概括和推理能力,发挥他们自己的主观能动性,把被动的学习变为主动学习,让学生巩固所学语言知识。 &
主题语表 & &
hair: short, long,
curly, straight,
others: wear glasses,
height: tall, short,
blonde, brown etc
wear a yellow T-shirt&
medium height
physical appearance
face: beard, mustache,
build: thin, heavy,
eye (big blue..) etc
medium build
教学过程设计(Period 1) Step1 Greeting and Small talk First, listen to a light music(幻灯片1), greet with students and have a small talk: Then, tell students that today we'll learn how to describe people's looks. And ask them to read the title: &What does he look like& (幻灯片2) and remember the sentence. Step 2 Leading-in First, find two students (one is short and thin, the other is tall and heavy) as models to stand before the blackboard. Then, teach the new words (tall, thin, heavy, short) by comparing their looks. Third, the teacher stands between the two students and leads students to say: &of medium height, of medium build&. Next, teach &long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, black/brown/blonde hair&.
板书: Unit 7 What does he look like?
Height Build Hair
tall heavy long/short hair
short thin curly/straight hair
of medium height of medium build black/brown/blonde hair Step 3 Presentation First, Lead students to ask about look.:&What do you/they look like? What does he/she look like?& Then, (to consolidate the new words) ask students to look at the pictures in the screen(幻灯片3-5) and answer &what do they look like?& together from height, build and hair. At the same time, tell them to pay attention to &is& and &has&. Next, ask students to open books, turn to Page 42. Change the listening 2a into the exercise. (幻灯片6) Ask them to have a think and circle &is& or &has& in 2a. (In order to lead Ss to conclude the usage of &is& and &has&: is+adj, has+n) Step 4 Challenge
Ask students to take a breath and learn about the challenging rules(幻灯片7). Task One: Good Memory(幻灯片8-11) First, ask students to watch the pictures carefully and keep the stars in mind Then, ask them to answer the questions about the stars' looks. (Give the students &smile& cards and praise them with different simple sentences) Task Two: Super Ear(幻灯片12-15) Ask them to listen, take notes and answer the questions. Task Three: Guessing Game(幻灯片16和幻灯片24-27) Guess the person in the picture with &Is he/she&? Ask a student to guess, others describe. To give more students to describe, each student describes the person in the picture with one sentence. (Give the students joining in the game smile cards) Task Four: Spoken English Show
(幻灯片17)According to the scene teacher designed and the useful words and expressions offered, ask students to have a role play. Give them rules: &Ss in Group 1 make a conversation between policeman and son. Ss in Group 2 make a conversation between policeman and father. Ss in Group 3 can make any conversation. & Ask two pairs of students to act. (Policeman and son, Policeman and father) Give them some comments and smile cards after acting. Give students two sample conversations and read the conversations.(幻灯片18-19) Step 5 Morality Education(幻灯片20-21) Watch a video about Yang Guang (a blind but talented man). Tell students a moral education:& Everyone is special. It's nice to be me. Don&t judge people by their look!& Step 6 Homework(幻灯片22) Ask students to describe their favorite teacher and draw a picture of him/her. & & & 附:我的设计思路 本节课是&What does he look like?&的第一课时,话题是谈论人的外表形象, 教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型及着装特点。因此,在本课的设计中笔者首先通过一首令人放松的轻音乐的播放,让学生谈论对该音乐的看法,进而谈论音乐老师的外貌,从而自然而然地引入本课话题,轻音乐的引入既让学生更快进入课堂状态,又激发学生对本课话题的兴趣。通过外貌差异较大的学生及笔者本人的外貌对比,导出本课新词汇及短语,让学生直观地记住新词汇,更易记忆。通过幻灯片图片中具有代表性外貌特征的人物展示,引导学生正确运用谈论外貌方面的新词汇,这是由单词到句子的输入,并引导学生观察句子中has和is的使用,进而归纳二者的使用规律,发展学生的观察及归纳能力。通过一系列的挑战活动将学生刚习得的的语言输入进行语言输出,活学活用于各个环节&&&比记忆&,&比听力&,&猜猜看&,&现场口语秀&。 最后,通过一段关于盲人杨光的模仿秀视频,告知学生&每个人都是特别的,不要以貌取人,做自己最好&,培养学生要学会欣赏自己和别人的情感态度。 其中,&比记忆&环节既考验了学生的关注及记忆能力,又考察了学生对本课词汇及句子表达的掌握程度;&比听力&环节实际上是教材中2b的听力内容,但笔者将课本的听力题目转换成了简易的外貌问答题,培养学生由听到说的语言表达能力;&猜猜看&环节引入了学生身边老师,同学等熟悉人物的图片,要求学生尽可能地从多方面描述他们,进而让学生准确猜测这是谁,这一任务比前面的环节内容要更开放,能促使学生表达自身积累的语言知识,并培养学生的探究能力,同时让学生感知能用英语描述身边人的外貌是多么好的事,从而树立更大的自信;&现场口语秀&环节是联系生活情境所设计的对话环节,通过寻找失散的父亲和儿子,培养学生用所学的描述外貌的语言知识运用于类似的真实生活中,并根据实际情况拓展对话内容,将学生的所学真正的活学活用。 对于本节课,笔者除了精心设计各种激发学生兴趣的活动,调动学生的积极性,更是引导学生按照 从词到句的输入再输出的规律,掌握本节课的目标语言,学中用,用中学,进而达到能说,会说,最终运用并拓展于真实的语言生活中,以期取得较好的教学效果。 & & & & & & & & & & & & & 第二部分 课堂实录 & 一、创设情境,导入新课 师:(播放轻音乐)Do you like music? Why? Who's your music teacher? Is she beautiful? 生: &Our music teacher is Miss Gao. She is beautiful. 师:Yeah, today we'll talk about people's looks:&What does he look like?& (亮出标题). First, let's find two students (one is short and thin, the other is tall and heavy) as models to stand next to me. (问题引入)Boys and girls, Is the student tall or short? Is he heavy or thin? 生: &(引导学生说出描述外貌的新单词)he is short but the other is tall. He's thin but the other is heavy. 师:Now I'm between the two students. I'm not short or not tall. And I'm not thin or not heavy. So how can you describe me? 生:(帮助学生说出)You're of medium height and you're of medium build. 师:Ok, listen: I have long hair. Boys, do you have long hair?& 男生:No, we have short hair. 师:Boys and girls, I have curly hair. Do you have curly hair? 生:No, we have straight hair. 师:And what color hair do you have? 生:We have black hair. 师:Yes, but I have brown hair. Some foreigners have blonde hair. 老师将以上下划线词汇板书到黑板上并带读:
Unit 7 What does he look like?
Height Build Hair
tall heavy long/short hair
short thin curly/straight hair
of medium height of medium build black/brown/blonde hair
探究新知,强化词汇 师:Do you know how to ask about looks? 生:(齐声)What do you look like? What does he/she look like? What do they look like? 师:OK, now let's have a look at some pictures and tell me what they look like.(多媒体演示)First., from height, say &What does he/she look like?&(Yaoming, a lady and a little kid) 生:(齐声)He is tall. He is short. And she is of medium height. 师:Then, from build, say &What does he/she look like?&(展示三位艺人的漫画头像,学生爆笑) 生:(齐声)She is heavy. He is thin. And she is of medium build. 师:Next, from hair, say &What does he look like?&(展示蜡笔小新的不同发型) 生:(齐声)He has short straight black hair. He has short straight blonde hair. He has long straight brown hair. He has long curly brown hair. 师:Now Open your book and look at 2a on Page 42. Pay attention to&is& and &has&, and have a think when to us them. 生:is+形容词, has+名词
挑战活动,引人入胜 师:Let's take a breath! There are many tasks waiting for you. Can you get my challenge? Here are some rules when you're getting my challenge (幻灯片展示挑战规则). I'll give a smile card to the student who gets the right answer. And the student who gets the most cards will get a big prize. Are you ready? 生:(心情既紧张又迫不及待) Yes, go! 活动一:比记忆(Good Memory) 师:I'll show you the pictures of four stars. (幻灯片展示图片)You only see them once, so watch them carefully and keep the stars in mind. Then, you should hand up and answer the questions: ① What does the person look like in the first picture? ② What does the person look like in the third picture? ③ What does the person look like in the last picture? ④ Who is the person in the second picture? What does she/he look like? 生:(抢答)& 师:Well done! Good memory! Great! Excellent! (以不同的语言表达给予鼓励并赠予微笑卡) 活动二:比听力(Super Ear) 师:Now let me check your listening. Who has super ears? While listening, take notes. After listening, you should answer the questions: ① What does David look like? ② What does Sally look like? ③ What does Pete look like? 生:(举手抢答)&(老师赠予微笑卡) 活动三:猜猜看(Guessing Game) 师: I'll show you some pictures. Guess the person in the picture with &Is he/she&? One student stands before the blackboard to guess the person who she chooses, others describe the person from the look, the job, the age and so on. To give more students to describe, each student describes the person with one sentence. 师:(水果图片展示)What fruit do you like best? 生:(学生举手)I like pears best. 师:(点击&梨子&图片,出现何炅相片)Oh, what does he look like? 生:(抢答)He is thin. He is of medium height. He has short straight hair. He works for Hunan TV. He is popular with us.(老师赠予微笑卡) 要猜的学生:Is he He Jiong? 生:(齐声)Yes, he is. (后面的活动过程如上,不做详述,直接陈述学生作答内容) 生:(&葡萄&图片描述):She is beautiful. She is of medium height and of medium build. She has long curly brown hair. She is an English teacher. She is friendly to us.&&笔者本人相片 (&香蕉&图片):She is short. She is a little heavy. She has short hair. She is only one year old. She is cute.&&笔者女儿相片 (&草莓&图片):He is of medium height and of medium build. He is a student in Nangang School. He is our classmate. He loves to tell jokes.&&笔者的学生 活动四:现场口语秀(Spoken English Show) 师:(幻灯片展示)This is a scene I designed. A father and a son are shopping, but the son is lost. So father is looking for him and the son is looking for his father. They both ask policemen for help. You can have a role play according to the useful words, expressions and the pictures of father and son given.(图片为大头儿子小头爸爸) 生:(看到图片甚是熟悉) 师:Students in Group 1 make a conversation between policeman and son. Students in Group 2 make a conversation between policeman and father. Students in Group 3 can make any conversation. (3分钟之后,三组学生现场表演) 师:(对表演评论)All of them are great. (赠予微笑卡)But I think group 2 is the best. They speak fluently and act well. Do you think so? 生:Yes, we think so. 师:Congratulations to the best group.(鼓掌) 师:I also have two sample conversations. You can compare my conversations with yours. Let's read them. 生:(朗读声)&
情感教育 师:At last, let's watch a video about Yang Guang. He's imitating some singers. (看完视频后) 师:Do you know him? He is a blind but talented man. Do you think so? 生:Yes, we know him. 师:So, is it the most important to be good-looking? 生:No. 师:OK, remember: & Everyone is special. It's nice to be me. Don&t judge people by their look!&
作业布置 师:Draw your favorite teacher on a piece of paper(纸), describe him or her. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 第三部分 课后反思 & 七年级下第七单元《What does he look like?》是一堂人物外貌的描述课。以下是笔者对本节课的反思: 首先,我们的学生由于他们的年龄特征,对形象的事物特别感兴趣,尤其对新人类更是喜欢。那么就这个特点,我采用了大量的人物图片。而这些图片是经过精挑细选的,就本课的教学内容它主要是要求描述人物的发型与身材,所以选图时,就得相当有代表性。比如:胖&&韩红;瘦&&葛优;让学生一看就能明白这些单词的含义,那么他们说起来也就琅琅上口了。但我插入的图片并非都是明星图片,为了避免庸俗,我还插入了些漫画,卡通画,学生身边的人物及老师的图片。 其次,本课要求学生能描述他人的外貌,这就要求学生应具备听、说能力。怎样把这样的能力融入一体,并且学生能很好的接受,同时还能锻炼写和说的能力呢?这是我在备课中一直思考的问题。于是根据学生们的年龄特点,在课程中我设计了&记忆抢答,比听力,猜猜看,现场口语秀(找儿子和爸爸)&这样几个任务。从个人活动,集体活动,到小组活动,充分地将课堂新授内容通过不同的方式体现出来,这些活动贴近学生的生活,让学生的口、手、脑齐动。我认为活动的多样性正是这节课的亮点之一。而且学生们非常喜欢&记忆抢答&&猜猜看&的活动,十分激动和活跃,学生能想到多种英语表达描述自己的老师及身边人和偶像,让此堂课别开生面,乐趣横生。让学生们关注身边人和喜爱的人的特点,用刚学会的语言来描述他们的长相,更贴近生活实际, 给学生的学习带来更多的乐趣,这样也更能给学生们长久的记忆。还有,通过找爸爸和儿子的&现场情景对话&活动,使学生在掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能的基础上,能与小组成员合作共同完成学习任务,联系生活实际,发展语言的综合运用能力,并创造性地使用英语表达自己的思想,我觉得这一活动比较有内涵,值得鼓励学生充分发挥。最后,通过杨光模仿秀的一段录像,培养学生的情感及人生态度,是一次自我思想的升华。 在课堂上我鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,对他们学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。以学生为主体,教师旨在导学,不断创设情境让学生参与,积极肯定地评价学生的表现。任务设计较成功,创造条件让学生能够研究他们自己感兴趣的话题。同时注意给学生创设自主学习和交流的机会。学生通过体验、实践、竞争、合作等方式发展了听说读写的综合语言技能。增加学生的语言实践,促进他们在整个教学活动中主动参与。同时我也将在今后的教学中继续探索在任务与合作型教学中如何调动全体学生的积极性的方法。争取做到让学生独立自主学习,鼓励学生参加小组活动进行合作学习和探究学习。 本课的设计不管是从内容上还是活动上都是很有激情的,学生的激情也充分的调动了起来。但是仍有些不足之处,值得深思: 首先,时间上规划得有些紧凑,由于课堂气氛很好,学生踊跃发言,故而前几项活动进展得很充分,唯独最后一项&找爸爸和儿子的现场情景对话&未能有充分的时间给予学生准备,非常遗憾。 其次,我把教材上的1a搭配活动和1b听力活动取消,只用了2a,2b的听力内容并对2a,2b听力题型进行了更改。我的思考是1a图片的人物太多,有些复杂,进行人物与词语搭配的活动并不能更好的实现教学目标,有些累赘,故而设计了&比记忆&活动来考察学生的目标语言。而1b听力活动取消,是因为整节课时间上的限制,所以只留了2b听力材料内容。对教材上第一课时的主要活动被笔者大胆的删除和更改,会不会是不好的选择,对此我有点迷惑。 还有,在平常的教学中,学生的胆量是比较大的,他们举手发言的激情是有的。但是对于知识的掌握似乎只是停留在表象上,没有深入地思考,因此我想在今后的教学中我应该在注意培养学生大胆开放的性格的同时, 还要让学生积极动脑思考,加强对知识的归纳,巩固和检查。 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 目录:& 一.教学设计&&&&&&&&Page2-7 二.课堂实录&&&&&&&&&&&Page8-11 三.课后反思&&&&&&&&&&&Page12-13 &
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10项鲜为人知的引导技能 英语职场杂谈
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When have you done something that changed your life? Maybe a class you took. Maybe practicing something. Maybe working with a mentor.
It happened to me studying to become a professional coach. The work had an immense and positive impa changing how I see and live in the world. The tools and methodology enabled me to become an expert at the coaching process. But, even more important I learned this: Coaching is not just training. It is a way to live your life.
What I now teach, I to be the same person coaching as I am when I'm not. It's &walking the walk... talking the talk.& Integrity. Wholeness. Authenticity.
1. Hold the client's agenda
Coaches assist you to get what you want. We always focus on your choices. We never decide what is best for a client.
Who you are and what you want is your agenda. You have goals, hopes, dreams and intentions, and it's our job to help you meet them. We honor your values and assist you to be true to them.
Having an open mind, being non-judgmental is critical in coaching.
2. Detached involvement
Detaching has purpose, because even while you're intensely involved and empathetic with your clients life and questions, you remain totally open and objective.
Empathy allows you to connect emotionally with people. It's not sympathy, where you feel sorry for someone, instead you feel with them.
3. Three levels of listening
Listening takes practice. It's at the center of all the transformations that take place in coaching.
a. Subjective everyday listening, where you relate what is being said only to yourself.
a. 主观倾听是我们每日在做的。这种情况下,你只听到别人对你讲的内容。
b. Objective listening is deeper, with more focus on the other person.
b. 客观倾听则更深层次,更多的焦点放在他人身上。
c. Intuitive listening is the deepest, where you get to the heart of another person, using all your senses and instincts. It's the most valuable and powerful form of listening because it enables a trained coach to connect with you.
c. 直觉倾听是最深层次的。这时,你用所有的感官和直觉,深触他人内心。这是最有价值、最具力量的倾听形式,因为职业教练可以和你在情感上接轨。
Listening is a simple act and when you trust your intuition, you'll hear -- the tones, silences and energy levels of that person.
4. Get rid of judgment
In classes, it seemed we worked with every life situation there is. Coaching couples, individuals, anger, joy, your inner critic, building confidence, questions of age, family, children, grief, work, religion, love, sex, money, business and the unknown.
It wasn't just practice, but an awakening to the urgent obligation we each have never to judge another human being. Never to see their choices as good/bad, right/wrong. Not to be biased, prejudiced or opinionated on how someone else lives their life.
This is what I mean when I say -- coaching is not just training, it's a way of life.
5. Breaking up blocks
When Tim Miller (name changed) started coaching, he was a successful CPA, out of work, and not sure what he wanted to do. He described himself as, & ...a financial failure, never amounting to much, lazy, an underachiever.&Immediately we talked about his heckler or &gremlin,& his inner voice that said: &Tim, you'll always be a failure.&
Coaching blocks is one of the important tools used to help a client get unstuck, to see what limits their potential, undermining confidence and progress.
Naming your &gremlin& helps take its power away.
6. Two different desires
Tim saw two forces working in him. One was catabolic -- negative, destructive and self-defeating.??The other was anabolic -- positive, constructive, empowering.
This is Tim's true self, who he is at his best -- confident, innovative, happy, hardworking and successful.
When you make conscious choices to be positive, you shift out of the low, negative energy of being a &poor me& victim -- to higher, more powerful levels of energy such as responsibility, concern, creativity and acceptance.
当你有意识地积极起来时,你就走出了&可怜的我&的负能量区&&到达了有力的高能量区,那儿有负责、关心、创新和接纳等优秀品质 。
7. Keep challenging yourself?
Tim had spent seven days soul searching this question: What do you want to do? He had his answer. Tim wanted to run his own business -- creating training videos for professional massage therapists.
It was thrilling to hear his confidence, high energy, creative plans, commitment and joy. All of his past experience with photography, massage therapy, sales and business acumen fit in perfectly.
Coaching challenged Tim to find an answer and, it was the complete opposite of failure mode.
8. Coaches don't give advice
We don't tell people what to do. We help people take action. Tim did just that, drafting a two page, detailed business plan: Executive S Business D The Market and C Products and S Management and P Investment.
Michael: &If you're 100-percent clear on your purpose in opening this business, what does it do for you?&
Tim: &I have focus, energy, direction. Purpose makes me strong and happy.&
9. Dreams are real plans for success
By our fourth and final coaching session, Tim had done a tremendous amount of work. He named his company, produced his first product and made money.
Tim: &Well, it's not a lot of money.&
Michael: &Sure there's more to do, but why not celebrate your success instead of complaining?&
He told me, &I'm good! I'm not quitting. I have vision and I'm optimistic.&
10. Stretch yourself. Do more than you thought you could do
Coaching is valuable, life increasing process. It promotes vision and purpose, builds happiness and success, enabling you to meet your dreams and potential.
I stretched myself all over the place in coaching school. Learning new things that met and strengthened my core values -- how to be properly detached and vitally present, breaking through blocks and limiting beliefs, listening and not judging and trusting my intuition.
In a profound and completely surprising way, I discovered who I truly am -- a person who is passionate for helping people live magnificent lives and careers. Not mediocre. Not a bit above average. Not just better or okay. But an extraordinary life, full of rich diversity, honest feeling and clear purpose.


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