
  随着 WWDC 大会的临近,我们也掌握到了更多关于今年苹果更新 iOS 9的计划以及进度...
随着昨天晚些时候 LG 正式公布 LG G4 的国行版售价,除了索尼 Xperia Z4 还没确定是否...
Apple Watch首个更新已到来,含众多改进。
硅谷风投资本家拒绝智能手表制造商Pebble的融资请求,令人猜测该公司在苹果Apple Watc...
近段时间以来,苹果首款革新产品 Apple Watch 受到了智能穿戴市场中大部分消费者的关...
自台湾手机供应链的消息,HTC 很有可能因为 HTC One M9 的销量不佳而减少 30% 的手机...
DIGITAL MELODY GAMES 新作《冒险营救(Risky Rescue)》是一款画风非常惬意,但是玩...
Kieffer Bros 新作《Blockwick 2 Basics》是一款益智类拼图作品,相比一代本作在画面...
近几年《冰河世纪》这部系列动画拥有着很高的人气,手握该动画 IP 的 Gameloft 也相应...
来自香港工作室 C4Cat 开发的独立音乐游戏《Dynamix》正式上架 iOS 平台。本作的安卓...
之前曾推出过《英雄传:圣杯任务》这款仿英雄无敌作品的游戏开发商 Game Dev Team 又...
全新的 iPhone 基座,其实还是挺漂亮的。
别担心,就算没有 iOS 8 也是可以正常充电的,只是...
平时你是否会用座充为 iPhone 充电,现在苹果的官方 Lightning 座充终于来了。
贴膜见多了,让 iPhone 6 多一个虚拟返回键的见过没?
真的没人看的懂系统崩溃日志??翻遍了度娘和鼓哥,发现没有任何有关于解释OS X崩溃日志说明的文章。。。求助啊求助!
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在线时间2554 小时 UID
白苹果, 积分 1285, 距离下一级还需 215 积分
原来10.7.2/10.7.3/10.7.4没有出现过这个问题(ps cs5),自从升到10.8/10.8.1/10.8.2然后降10.7.5,安装了ps cs6,系统开始出现混乱(系统崩溃)日志。
具体表现就是10.8及以上是六国,10.7.5是直接黑屏,系统崩溃常常出现在safari开很多网页快速切换桌面以及ps cs6运行大文件的时候(具体多大,不确定,估计几百兆到上G的psd)。
崩溃日志如下,看不懂,是因为安装ps cs6破解版的原因?还是10.7.5以后系统的原因?还是硬件出问题了(已过保,没法上天才吧了),换了太多的系统版本,不想再折腾了,
&&来源:& &
&&大小:& & 8 KB(7,717 字节)
&&上次修改时间:& & 12-11-8 下午5:48
&&最近使用的内容:& & Thu Nov&&8 17:47:59 2012
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xdxffffff 0x0a5480a2, D0, P3/4
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff80f0ed2f70 : 0xffffff
0xffffff80f0ed2ff0 : 0xffffff7f
0xffffff80f0ed3080 : 0xffffff7f80a1eb83
0xffffff80f0ed30e0 : 0xffffff7f80a1ebf7
0xffffff80f0ed3150 : 0xffffff7f80d20855
0xffffff80f0ed3290 : 0xffffff7f80a42ddd
0xffffff80f0ed32c0 : 0xffffff7f8092fd6a
0xffffff80f0ed3370 : 0xffffff7f8092b43c
0xffffff80f0ed3560 : 0xffffff7f
0xffffff80f0ed3630 : 0xffffff7f81e53d39
0xffffff80f0ed3760 : 0xffffff7f81e54454
0xffffff80f0ed37a0 : 0xffffff7f81e5d9c3
0xffffff80f0ed37d0 : 0xffffff7f81e5dbd7
0xffffff80f0ed3820 : 0xffffff7f81e49504
0xffffff80f0ed38b0 : 0xffffff7f81e03e28
0xffffff80f0ed38f0 : 0xffffff7f81e4b549
0xffffff80f0ed3930 : 0xffffff7f81e072a1
0xffffff80f0ed3aa0 : 0xffffff7f81e4bd6d
0xffffff80f0ed3b60 : 0xffffff7f81e04346
0xffffff80f0ed3bc0 : 0xffffffe
0xffffff80f0ed3be0 : 0xffffffa
0xffffff80f0ed3c40 : 0xffffff8000656fbb
0xffffff80f0ed3d80 : 0xffffff
0xffffff80f0ed3e80 : 0xffffff
0xffffff80f0ed3eb0 : 0xffffff
0xffffff80f0ed3f10 : 0xffffff800021bbd8
0xffffff80f0ed3f70 : 0xffffff80002aef10
0xffffff80f0ed3fb0 : 0xffffff80002daec3
& && &Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
& && && &com.apple.NVDAResman(7.3.2)[9-379E-B86B-DC30]@0xffffff7f808bf000-&0xffffff7f80bbafff
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.7)[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff7f
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.3.4)[7CB0D-3CCF-A79A-23C62E90F895]@0xffffff7f808ad000
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.4)[D0A1F6BD-E66E-3DD8-46F422]@0xffffff7f
& && && &com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal(7.3.2)[38ACBB3D-4E3C-B-67FF]@0xffffff7f80bbb000-&0xffffff7f80eddfff
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(7.3.2)[9-379E-B86B-DC30]@0xffffff7f808bf000
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.7)[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff7f
& && && &com.apple.GeForce(7.3.2)[7E1D16-ACCB-E1E276E35002]@0xffffff7f81df9000-&0xffffff7f81ebbfff
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.NVDAResman(7.3.2)[9-379E-B86B-DC30]@0xffffff7f808bf000
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(2.3.4)[7CB0D-3CCF-A79A-23C62E90F895]@0xffffff7f808ad000
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.7)[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff7f
& && && && &dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(2.3.4)[D0A1F6BD-E66E-3DD8-46F422]@0xffffff7f
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: FF3BB088-60A4-349C-92EA-CA649C698CE5
System model name: MacBookPro6,2 (Mac-F22586C8)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 47
last loaded kext at 80: com.apple.driver.AppleUSBCDC& & 4.1.22 (addr 0xffffff7f807ce000, size 16384)
last unloaded kext at 00: com.apple.driver.AppleUSBCDC& & 4.1.22 (addr 0xffffff7f807ce000, size 12288)
loaded kexts:
com.vmware.kext.vmioplug.10.1.21& & 10.1.21
com.vmware.kext.vmx86& &
com.vmware.kext.vmnet& &
com.vmware.kext.vsockets& & 90.4.22
com.vmware.kext.vmci& & 90.4.18
com.apple.driver.AppleHWSensor& & 1.9.5d0
com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyHIDDriver& & 122
com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC& & 1.59
com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyDriver& & 2.2.5a5
com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient& & 3.5.9
com.apple.driver.AppleHDA& & 2.2.5a5
com.apple.driver.AGPM& & 100.12.75
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphics& & 7.3.2
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB& & 7.3.2
com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor& & 3.0.2d6
com.apple.driver.AppleSMCLMU& & 2.0.1d2
com.apple.driver.AppleSMCPDRC& & 5.0.0d8
com.apple.iokit.IOUserEthernet& & 1.0.0d1
com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager& & 4.0.8f17
com.apple.GeForce& & 7.3.2
com.apple.driver.AppleMuxControl& & 3.1.33
com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X& & 7.0.0
com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver& & 1.2.3
com.apple.driver.ApplePolicyControl& & 3.1.33
com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin& & 5.0.0d8
com.apple.driver.AppleLPC& & 1.6.0
com.apple.driver.AppleMCCSControl& & 1.0.33
com.apple.filesystems.autofs& & 3.0
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCButtons& & 227.6
com.apple.driver.BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController& & 4.0.8f17
com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless& & 1.0.0d1
com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib& & 1.0.0d1
com.apple.BootCache& & 33
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard& & 227.6
com.apple.driver.AppleIRController& & 312
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBCardReader& & 3.0.6
com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient& & 3.2.1
com.apple.driver.XsanFilter& & 404
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCISerialATAPI& & 2.0.3
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage& & 2.1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI& & 4.9.0
com.apple.driver.AirPort.Brcm4331& & 561.7.22
com.apple.iokit.AppleBCM5701Ethernet& & 3.2.4b8
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub& & 5.1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM& & 1.6.1
com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager& & 161.0.0
com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort& & 2.3.1
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons& & 1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI& & 5.1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleRTC& & 1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleHPET& & 1.7
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS& & 1.9
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIEC& & 1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC& & 1.6
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient& & 195.0.0
com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall& & 3.2.30
com.apple.security.quarantine& & 1.4
com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet& & 8
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement& & 195.0.0
com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib& & 2.2.5a5
com.apple.iokit.IOSurface& & 80.0.2
com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily& & 10.0.5
com.apple.driver.AppleBacklightExpert& & 1.0.4
com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily& & 1.8.6fc18
com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib& & 1.3
com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl& & 3.1.33
com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP& & 2.2.5
com.apple.driver.AppleSMC& & 3.1.3d10
com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginLegacy& & 5.0.0d8
com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController& & 2.2.5a5
com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily& & 2.2.5a5
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusPCI& & 1.0.10d0
com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal& & 7.3.2
com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily& & 5.1.1d6
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusController& & 1.0.10d0
com.apple.NVDAResman& & 7.3.2
com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport& & 2.3.4
com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily& & 2.3.4
com.apple.kext.triggers& & 1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBBluetoothHCIController& & 4.0.8f17
com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily& & 4.0.8f17
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMultitouch& & 230.5
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver& & 5.0.0
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice& & 3.2.1
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageClass& & 3.0.3
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub& & 5.1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite& & 5.0.0
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice& & 3.2.1
com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily& & 1.7
com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily& & 1.7.1
com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily& & 1.7.1
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily& & 3.2.1
com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily& & 4.4.8
com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family& & 420.3
com.apple.iokit.IOEthernetAVBController& & 1.0.1b1
com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily& & 2.1
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient& & 5.0.0
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily& & 2.0.8
com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime& & 1.6.1
com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily& & 1.7.1
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily& & 5.1.0
com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily& & 1.1
com.apple.security.sandbox& & 177.8
com.apple.kext.AppleMatch& & 1.0.0d1
com.apple.driver.DiskImages& & 331.7
com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily& & 1.7.2
com.apple.driver.AppleKeyStore& & 28.18
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform& & 1.5
com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily& & 2.7
com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily& & 1.4
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1、12-11-6 下午10:31
2、12-11-7 下午10:25
3、12-11-8 下午5:48
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引用第3楼小文在海盐于 21:53发表的
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在线时间1949 小时 UID
第一张可能是同时开着太多程序导致GPU过载,因为有renderer error的提示,不过好像没有死机啊。
第二张可能是VMware导致的在 vmioplug 中出现内核混乱,单独运行VMware应该没问题,可能和某些软件偶尔会有冲突,如PPS、PS?
第三张可能是5:42那里就卡住了,提示信息是Unable to load WebKit2.framework,与safari有关。
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间2554 小时 UID
对小文在海盐于 12:47在7楼发表的回复评分:人气:+5;
第一张可能是同时开着太多程序导致GPU过载,因为有renderer error的提示,不过好像没有死机啊。
第二张可能是VMware导致的在 vmioplug 中出现内核混乱,单独运行VMware应该没问题,可能和某些软件偶尔会有冲突, ..坑爹的,再崩溃一次就退回10.7.4,库克不知道在搞什么玩意儿,越更新越烂。厄。。。厄。。。再次感谢大湿了!
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间26 小时 UID
:找到组织了,我的也是,刚买回来电脑没多久,自己加了内存,加了光驱位SSD,没有运行大的程序,自从安装了final cut pro 以后,频频崩溃,已经折腾了几天了,重装过系通过,卸载无数次程序,现在还是崩溃,想来是不是硬件的问题?内存显示状态良好,硬盘也看不出来异常,抓破头了也想不出,楼主和我一样的情况,只要稍微运行大型的程序,或者稍微繁忙就崩溃,该怎么办啊?
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本帖最后由 sniper9877 于
19:19 编辑
本人在测试“中土游侠”于日修改的“”时,发现在选择“DirectX 11”版本后,游戏未运行即弹出“感谢您挑战 H.A.W.X 2!游戏时间:0分钟”对话框。“DirectX 9”版本也有相同问题。
测试环境为64位Windows 8.1系统,已自行手动解决“error code 1”问题。附上3个dmp文件:
(39.29 KB, 下载次数: 69)
19:05 上传
下载次数: 69
(39.29 KB, 下载次数: 45)
19:05 上传
下载次数: 45
(39.29 KB, 下载次数: 50)
19:05 上传
下载次数: 50
Powered by【教程】如何根据DUMP文件分析电脑蓝屏原因_百度卫士吧_百度贴吧
2 :如何让系统在崩溃时记录dump文件A.右击“我的电脑”选择“属性”,在“系统属性”对话框中选择“高级”在“启动和故障恢复”中选择“设置”
3: 使用Debugging Tools for Windows (windebug)来分析dump文件什么是windebug:windebug是微软发布的一款相当优秀的源码级(source-level)调试工具,可以用于Kernel模式调试和用户模式调试,还可以调试Dump文件。A.从下载 B.安装netFramework2.0 C.运行下图中下载的windk_web.exe打开会弹出一个提示框,点击(是)PS:windebug的symbol符号文件的路径配置 为 windebug 设置 symbol 路径可以提高对dump文件分析的准确性,给我们更多有价值的错误信息。
A.在根据实际需要下载相应的版本 B.安装下载的symbol符号文件安装中会弹出一个提示框,选择YES
dump文件的分析详细代码如下 Loading Dump File [C:\Documents and Settings\test-pc\桌面\dump文件\Mini.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: C:\WINDOWS\SSRV*C:\Windows\symbols*Executable search path is: Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 3) MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Built by: 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.7 Machine Name: Kernel base = 0x804d8000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x Debug session time: Thu Oct 20 14:37:16.343 2011 (UTC + 8:00) System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:43.312 Loading Kernel Symbols ............................................................... .......................................... Loading User Symbols Loading unloaded module list .... *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nv4_disp.dll *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nv4_disp.dll ******************************************************************************* *
Bugcheck Analysis
* *******************************************************************************
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 100000EA, {88a18908, 88ced810, b84fbcbc, 1}ERROR - could not read driver name for bugcheck parameter 3
Probably caused by : nv4_disp.dll ( nv4_disp+28526 )
Followup: MachineOwner ---------
3: kd& !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* *
Bugcheck Analysis
* *******************************************************************************
THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER_M (100000ea) The device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for hardware to become idle. This usually indicates problem with the hardware itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. If the kernel debugger is connected and running when watchdog detects a timeout condition then DbgBreakPoint() will be called instead of KeBugCheckEx() and detailed message including bugcheck arguments will be printed to the debugger. This way we can identify an offending thread, set breakpoints in it, and hit go to return to the spinning code to debug it further. Because KeBugCheckEx() is not called the .bugcheck directive will not return bugcheck information in this case. The arguments are already printed out to the kernel debugger. You can also retrieve them from a global variable via "dd watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData l5" (use dq on NT64). On MP machines it is possible to hit a timeout when the spinning thread is interrupted by hardware interrupt and ISR or DPC routine is running at the time of the bugcheck (this is because the timeout's work item can be delivered and handled on the second CPU and the same time). If this is the case you will have to look deeper at the offending thread's stack (e.g. using dds) to determine spinning code which caused the timeout to occur. Arguments: ERROR - could not read driver name for bugcheck parameter 3
Probably caused by : nv4_disp.dll ( nv4_disp+28526 )
Followup: MachineOwner ---------
3: kd& !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* *
Bugcheck Analysis
* *******************************************************************************
THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER_M (100000ea) The device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for hardware to become idle. This usually indicates problem with the hardware itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. If the kernel debugger is connected and running when watchdog detects a timeout condition then DbgBreakPoint() will be called instead of KeBugCheckEx() and detailed message including bugcheck arguments will be printed to the debugger. This way we can identify an offending thread, set breakpoints in it, and hit go to return to the spinning code to debug it further. Because KeBugCheckEx() is not called the .bugcheck directive will not return bugcheck information in this case. The arguments are already printed out to the kernel debugger. You can also retrieve them from a global variable via "dd watchdog!g_WdBugCheckData l5" (use dq on NT64). On MP machines it is possible to hit a timeout when the spinning thread is interrupted by hardware interrupt and ISR or DPC routine is running at the time of the bugcheck (this is because the timeout's work item can be delivered and handled on the second CPU and the same time). If this is the case you will have to look deeper at the offending thread's stack (e.g. using dds) to determine spinning code which caused the timeout to occur. Arguments: STACK_TEXT:
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. b816758c e3a310 e3a80 nv4_disp+0x28526 ba310
bd04e0b0 0xe3a33010 ba80 bd04e0b0 xe3a33010 b00000 bd04e0b0 a33010
.thread 0xffffffff88a18908
FOLLOWUP_IP: nv4_disp+28526 bd03a526 ??
Followup: MachineOwner 通过红色的代码可以分析出这个蓝屏是由于显卡驱动引起的


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