
CIV5新资料片确认:《美丽新世界》 附4篇报道翻译 - 文明5专题区 -
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[原创] CIV5新资料片确认:《美丽新世界》 附4篇报道翻译
联盟巡官(CIV Magistrate)
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UID97852&精华&积分1019&经验944 &魅力75 &
CIV5新资料片确认:《美丽新世界》 附4篇报道翻译
&The Escapist&和Shakenews的报道在 (specik大神您也太快了……)
New Culture Victory: Spread your culture across the globe, dominate all other cultures. Create masterpieces with Great Artists, Writers and Musicians that are placed in key buildings across your empire like Museums, Opera Houses, and even the Great Library. Use Archaeologists to investigate sites of ancient battles and city ruins for priceless cultural artifacts. Become the first civilization with a majority influence in all other civilizations to achieve a Culture Victory, becoming the envy of the world.
New Policies and Ideologies: Enter the Industrial Age and choose the ideology of your people: Freedom, Order, or Autocracy. Each ideology grants access to increasingly powerful abilities, and serves the different victory conditions in unique ways. The choices you make will impact your relationships with other civilizations for the rest of the game.
World Congress: The importance of diplomacy is intensified and city-state alliances are more important than ever. Change the diplomatic landscape through a new World Congress that votes on critical issues like implementing trade sanctions against rogue nations, limiting resource usage, designating host cities for the World Games, and the use of nuclear weapons. Game-changing resolutions, vote trading, intrigue and a new lead-in to the Diplomatic Victory ensures that the end of the game will be more dynamic than ever before.
International Trade Routes: Build your cities into hubs of international trade by land and sea, creating great wealth and prosperity for your people, while also spreading religion, cultural influence, and science. The number of trade routes increases through the advancement of economics and technologies, the creation of wonders, and the unique abilities of your civilization. Will you connect to a closer city for a lower payoff and a safer route, choose a longer route with more risk for the bigger payoff, or perhaps point your trade route inward, sending vitally important food and production to the far corners of your own empire?
New Civilizations, Units and Buildings: Nine new leaders and civilizations are introduced, including Casimir of Poland, each with their unique traits, units and buildings.
New Wonders: This expansion set introduces eight new Wonders including the Parthenon, Broadway, the Globe Theater, and the Uffizi.
Two New Scenarios:
-& && &&&American Civil War: Fight the &War Between the States& from either the Union or Confederate side as you focus on the critical Easter theatre of operations between the capital cities of Richmond and Washington.
-& && &&&Scramble for Africa: The great colonial powers of the world are scrambling to explore the Dark Continent and extend their reach into its interior. Search for the great natural wonders of the heart of Africa as you explore a dynamically-generated continent each time you play.
- 北美内战:扮演北部联邦或者南部邦联,在辽阔的美国东部以两军首都:里士满和华盛顿为舞台的重心,开始各种各样的行动。
- 非洲争霸:世界上主要的殖民力量正在争先恐后地探索非洲这块“黑暗大陆”,并努力将它的土地收入自己的版图。你可以在这块随机生成的大陆的中央探索伟大的自然奇迹。
[ 本帖最后由 object022 于
23:11 编辑 ]
Fight for survival
UID127277&精华&积分147&经验142 &魅力5 &
Civilization V is due out this Summer for a suggested price of $29.99
[ 本帖最后由 白色流星 于
21:07 编辑 ]
塞爱维工作室(CIV Studio)
UID94143&精华&积分726&经验713 &魅力13 &
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联盟巡官(CIV Magistrate)
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UID97852&精华&积分1019&经验944 &魅力75 &
Firaxis have announced the second expansion pack for their life-destroying 4X strategy Civilization V. Brave New World not only increases the number of leaders, scenarios and wonders for budding empire builders to play with, but looks set to drastically overhaul two key areas of the game: Culture and Diplomacy. This is particularly great news for anyone who’s spent hours attempting to cajole Civ V’s fickle rulers.
Firaxis公布了他们那令人着魔的4X策略游戏——文明5的第二个资料片。《美丽新世界》(注:Brave New World是一本有名的反乌托邦小说,大家可以去看看)不仅增加了文明领袖、战役和奇观的数量,并且看起来打算彻底颠覆之前的外交和文化系统。对于那些在和游戏中反复无常的AI领袖的周旋中耗费无数时间的玩家来说,这是一个极大的利好。
A World Congress will let you create and vote on resolutions – imposing trade sanctions on rogue nations, capping resource usage, electing a host for the “World Games”, and setting rules for the use of nuclear weapons. Of course, ideology will only be a small part of a nation’s decision: vote trading and intrigue are both required for a successful resolution. Firaxis say this will also provide a new path to the Diplomatic Victory.
Speaking of victory conditions, there’s a new one: Culture Victory. It sounds like a more active prospect than the Cultural Victory path. Here you must spread your culture far and wide, using Great Writers, Artists and Musicians to create masterpieces that will prove your dominance in the arts. You’ll also have access to archaeologists to investigate ancient battle grounds and ruined cities for rare artifacts.
The other big change is the introduction of international trade routes, letting you spread your cities’ produce by land and sea. Not only can you send goods to other civilisations, but also to other cities within your own empire – sending aid to cities that are lacking the raw resources. And trade routes expand into other areas of the game, with science, religion and culture also taking a trip on your caravans.
In addition to all that, Brave New World will bring nine new leaders, eight world wonders, new Industrial Age ideologies, and scenarios covering the American Civil War and the colonial push into Africa.
In the hope of gleaning some state secrets, Evan sat down for a peace accord with Firaxis’ Lead Designer Ed Beach and Senior Producer Dennis Shirk.
下面是关于新资料片PCGamers对于Firaxis首席设计师Ed Beach和资深制作人Dennis Shirk的访谈。
PCG: What’s a new Civilization that contributes a new playing style? Can you describe this playing style?
Firaxis: Poland’s trait is called Solidarity, and they receive a free Social Policy when they advance into each new era. Poland gave us the opportunity design a Civ with extremely strong mounted units in the Medieval-Renaissance era. When you see the bonus for the Winged Hussar, it should give players a lot of flexibility in terms of changing the way a battle unfolds tactically. Since their Civ trait is extremely flexible, I think Poland is an effective Civ for a wide variety of victories.
How are International Trade Routes formed?
Firaxis: Trade Routes are established between two cities of different civilizations using trade route units like the Caravan or Cargo Ship. Although both parties gain gold from the route, the civilization that the trade route originates from gets a larger sum of gold than the destination civilization. Additionally, other systems hitch a ride on trade routes, like religious pressure, science (science can be gained from more advanced civilization this way), Tourism bonuses, and more.
Trade routes can also be created between two cities of the same civilization. Once the origin city has a Granary, it can send food to the destination city, and once it has a Workshop it can send production. This can be powerful if you have a new city that needs to be “pumped up”, or a city that’s constructing a Wonder that could use a production bump.
Will masterpieces created by Great People be named? e.g., Will you be able to create the Mona Lisa?
Firaxis: Yes they will! We’ll be talking more about those soon.
Does the World Congress vote by majority? When are measures voted upon?
Firaxis: A resolution doesn’t always have to receive majority support. Sometimes a resolution can pass with a single delegate supporting it, as long as there are no delegates voting “no”. The way the process works is the Congress is founded, typically in the Renaissance, by the first player that has discovered all other civilizations. The founding civilization becomes the Congress’s host and receives special benefits, like the ability to propose resolutions.
After the first resolutions are proposed, there’s a countdown until the Congress convenes, which will give you time to get allies on your side before the Congress votes on the proposed resolutions. The process then begins again, with the proposal of resolutions. There are quite a few resolutions that can be voted on. You can vote to outlaw the trade of certain luxury resources, sanction rogue nations economically, start a worldwide project like the World’s Fair, and much more. You can use it to slow down a Civ who is running away to victory, or really put a major rival at a disadvantage.
[ 本帖最后由 object022 于
11:08 编辑 ]
Fight for survival
联盟巡官(CIV Magistrate)
Radio Station
UID97852&精华&积分1019&经验944 &魅力75 &
This Summer Aspyr Media plans to release the second expansion for Sid Meier's Civilization V, titled Brave New World. The expansion makes many expected additions such as nine new civilizations, including the Polish, as well as revamps key systems. For more on the expansion, IGN spoke with senior producer Dennis Shirk and lead designer Ed Beach about what to expect.
这个夏天,《文明5》将迎来它的第二个资料片:《美丽新世界》。这个资料片增加了许多之前预料之中的内容:包括波兰在内的九个新文明,同时也对游戏的核心系统进行了翻新。IGN对这资深工程师Dennis Shirk和首席设计师Ed Beach进行了采访,谈论我们可以期待什么内容。
&Gods and Kings did a great job of expanding the game through the early and middle part of the game...we really wanted to focus on the back half of the game,& said Beach. Thus Brave New World takes a cue from what happened in our own 20th century history, namely the spread of ideologies and the way they polarized nations. The Autocracy, Freedom and Order social policy trees are now the three main ideologies, and once a country reaches the modern era or achieves a certain level of industrialization, it picks one of three. You then build your ideology over time through ideological tenets, which amount to a series of new policies that bolster your society in specific ways.
“《神佑君王》极大地丰富了文明5的早期和中期游戏……我们现在希望能把注意力转移到后期上。”Ed Beach如是说。因此,《美丽新世界》借鉴了20世纪时发生的真实事件,也就是说意识形态的传播以及因此导致的国家的两极分化。原来的工业三大政策树(自由、独裁、秩序)现在将作为三种主要的意识形态,一旦一个文明到达了现代或者达到了特定的工业化水平,它会在三个形态中挑选一个。接下来,文明巩固意识形态的手段是意识信条,也就是一系列以特定方法支持社会发展的新政策。
Ideologies are super important to a civilization's culture, and Brave New World wants to address the Cultural Victory option as well. Instead of what Beach calls the &passive& option of building a few cities and kind of holing up while you attempt to make them amazing, the goal is for Brave New World is to reintroduce the idea of cultural warfare. You won't convert a city to your civilization a la Civilization IV, but you can win by exerting majority cultural influence over all the other civilizations.
意识形态对于一个文明的文化是非常重要的。《美丽新世界》也带来了新的文化胜利。Ed Beach称原先那种建造少量城市龟缩发展的方式为“被动的”,因此在《美丽新世界》中,他的目标是重新引入文化战争。在文明5中,你不能通过文化值来转化城市,但是你可以通过在其他文明都拥有压倒性的文化影响来取得胜利。
You don't simply do this building and wonders that generate culture, but by actively working to spread your culture one Great Work at a time. When you produce a Great Artist, or the expansions new Great Musicians or Great Writers, you can have them create a specific piece for you.&&You can then place this piece within buildings like museums or opera houses, generating points to bolster your civilization's culture, as well as new tourism points that pressure the civilizations around you. Generate more lifetime tourism than they're generating culture, and you'll win the cultural shadow war. Do this to all the civilizations? You win the game.
Another way you can obtain Great Works for display is through the new archaeology system. After you research archaeology you'll be able to visit antiquity sites of&&&historic& battles fought earlier in the game, searching for artifacts you can display in museums. Imagine going back to the canyon where your bold Mayan Atlatlists held off the invading Greek spear men over 1,000 years ago -- you can display something of their sacrifice, becoming the envy of your neighbors.
Polish units strike out.
Culture is only one aspect of the Civilization V experience, and Brave New World also plans on bolstering other systems like diplomacy. The United Nations still plays a huge role in a Diplomatic Victory, but prior to its creation you'll have the option to interact with other civilizations via the World Congress. This body is created one a civilization meets every other nation in the world and creates a printing press. After it's established, every civilization gets a number of delegates that they can use to vote on policies (allied city-states also supply you with delegates). The two policies that are voted on each sessions are picked by the host nation that first created the World Congress, as well as the current leader who has the most delegates. The World Congress can ban certain luxury items, put a trade embargo on other countries and do &all kinds of things that change the rules of the game with each session of congress,& said Beach. After each session there's a period before the voting takes place, allowing savvy leaders to go around and push other civilizations to trade for votes or straight-up buy them.
When it comes to economics, Brave New World wants to augment base Civilization V with the introduction of International Trade Routes. Now you'll be able to build caravan and cargo ship units, setting them up so they automatically travel back and forth between your city and that of a foreign civilization. As long as you're not at war, you both gain gold and other resources from the deal, which can work against you. Science, Religion and other resources that could be important to your path to victory will leak out to the civilizations you trade with. The units operating the trade routes can also be attacked, allowing you to disrupt other civilization's trade routes if you go to war with them.
The last things we discussed with the team behind Brave New World were the two new scenarios. One puts you in command during the American Civil War, the other tackles the colonial period where the various world powers were all striking out to colonize Africa. Could be interesting, but at this point the studio isn't giving away many details.
Excited for more Civilization V? Ready to take hold back your armies and instead wage a culture war? No specific release date was given, but we're told you'll be commanding Polish forces and trying to nab votes in the World Congress when Brave New World releases this summer.
[ 本帖最后由 object022 于
23:02 编辑 ]
Fight for survival
UID109827&精华&积分3444&经验3306 &魅力138 &
已经上传说~ 可以填坑了~~才怪 ...
UID67307&精华&积分6625&经验6340 &魅力285 &
这么长 物件君你慢慢翻译把
文化胜利? 大作家??大音乐家?大考古家?
当年的预言贴,来看看中了多少~引用:原帖由 sweetrryy 于
11:32 发表
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In the hope of gleaning some state secrets, Evan sat down for a peace accord with Firaxis’ Lead Designer Ed Beach and Senior Producer Dennis Shirk.
PCG: What’s a new Civilization that contributes a new playing style? Can you describe this playing style?
Firaxis: Poland’s trait is called Solidarity, and they receive a free Social Policy when they advance into each new era. Poland gave us the opportunity design a Civ with extremely strong mounted units in the Medieval-Renaissance era. When you see the bonus for the Winged Hussar, it should give players a lot of flexibility in terms of changing the way a battle unfolds tactically. Since their Civ trait is extremely flexible, I think Poland is an effective Civ for a wide variety of victories.
F: 比如波兰的特性叫团结一心。它可以在进入新时代时获得一个免费的政策。波兰的骑兵是中世纪文艺复兴时期的极其强大的骑乘单位,当你看到翼骑兵的加成时,你会知道他给玩家提供了巨大的灵活性,这可以带来战术颠覆性的改变。因为他们的文明特性非常灵活,所以我们认为波兰将是一个有效取得各种胜利的文明。
How are International Trade Routes formed?
Firaxis: Trade Routes are established between two cities of different civilizations using trade route units like the Caravan or Cargo Ship. Although both parties gain gold from the route, the civilization that the trade route originates from gets a larger sum of gold than the destination civilization. Additionally, other systems hitch a ride on trade routes, like religious pressure, science (science can be gained from more advanced civilization this way), Tourism bonuses, and more.
F: 国际商路是在不同文明的两个城市间通过大篷车/货船之类的单位建立的。商路双方都可以获得金钱,但发起方比目地方获得金钱更多。此外,其他系统也与商路有关联,比如宗教压力,科技(可以从更先进的文明获得科技),旅游加成(??)等等。
Trade routes can also be created between two cities of the same civilization. Once the origin city has a Granary, it can send food to the destination city, and once it has a Workshop it can send production. This can be powerful if you have a new city that needs to be “pumped up”, or a city that’s constructing a Wonder that could use a production bump.
Will masterpieces created by Great People be named? e.g., Will you be able to create the Mona Lisa?
Firaxis: Yes they will! We’ll be talking more about those soon.
Does the World Congress vote by majority? When are measures voted upon?
Firaxis: A resolution doesn’t always have to receive majority support. Sometimes a resolution can pass with a single delegate supporting it, as long as there are no delegates voting “no”. The way the process works is the Congress is founded, typically in the Renaissance, by the first player that has discovered all other civilizations. The founding civilization becomes the Congress’s host and receives special benefits, like the ability to propose resolutions.
F: 一个决议并不一定需要多数派的支持。有时候单个代表支持就可以,只要没有其他代表投反对票就行。具体方式是,当议会建立以后(通常是文艺复兴时期,由第一个发现了所有文明的文明建立)。建立者成为议会的召集者,拥有额外的优势,比如提出动议。
After the first resolutions are proposed, there’s a countdown until the Congress convenes, which will give you time to get allies on your side before the Congress votes on the proposed resolutions. The process then begins again, with the proposal of resolutions. There are quite a few resolutions that can be voted on. You can vote to outlaw the trade of certain luxury resources, sanction rogue nations economically, start a worldwide project like the World’s Fair, and much more. You can use it to slow down a Civ who is running away to victory, or really put a major rival at a disadvantage.
[ 本帖最后由 hfmouse 于
21:08 编辑 ]
UID96720&精华&积分437&经验430 &魅力7 &
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UID119681&精华&积分299&经验298 &魅力1 &
UID127112&精华&积分605&经验589 &魅力16 &
Firaxis: A resolution doesn’t always have to receive majority support. Sometimes a resolution can pass with a single delegate supporting it, as long as there are no delegates voting “no”. The way the process works is the Congress is founded, typically in the Renaissance, by the first player that has discovered all other civilizations. The founding civilization becomes the Congress’s host and receives special benefits, like the ability to propose resolutions.
[ 本帖最后由 LasVegas 于
21:06 编辑 ]
UID107911&精华&积分8716&经验8640 &魅力76 &
UID50346&精华&积分640&经验639 &魅力1 &
联盟巡官(CIV Magistrate)
UID51230&精华&积分2528&经验2371 &魅力157 &
brave new world是法国作家赫胥黎所作的著名反乌托邦科幻小说,和乔治奥威尔的1984齐名,一般译作美丽新世界。不知道这次四字译名怎么弄。
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是


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