关于minecraft forge1.6.4roge

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This article is about game modifications.
For server moderators, see .
An example of a world generator mod (custom
map generator)
Mods (short for modifications) are anything that changes Minecraft's game content from what it originally was.
Most mods add content to the game to alter gameplay, change the creative feel, or give the player more options in how they interact with the Minecraft world. Most people who mod Minecraft (known as modders) use Minecraft Coder Pack and either ModLoader or Minecraft Forge to do so. Some mods may be bigger expansions, others add more settings and options to optimize speed, graphics, or gameplay of the game. Server mods or plugins mainly give server admins more options and ease of use, and most mods for single-player have a server version that allows or optimizes the mod in multiplayer.
Ideally, the creator of a mod updates the mod whenever the game updates - bringing more content, bug fixes, or optimizations. Otherwise, the mod may not work with a newer version.
Mods are also available for the Pocket Edition via jailbreaking on iOS and through apps such as
on Android devices. Mods are not available for the Console Versions.
Client mods are modifications to your game files themselves. They are not custom clients, and they require modification of minecraft.jar.
As the Minecraft server software will ignore custom content from client side, most of the client mods which add new content to the game do not work in
unless a modification has also been installed on the server. Some authors of client mods have made server versions of their mods available, and others have not. A few of the Loader/API type client mods (e.g. ModLoader and AudioMod) and many of the functional client mods (e.g. ,
and ) have effect in
straight away, without any modification on server side.
Server mods are modifications to the official Minecraft server software. They are commonly designed to make administration of servers easier by implementing tiered privileges for commands (such as kicking, banning etc.). They are frequently implemented as "wrappers" which do not actually modify the main server .jar file, instead monitoring its output and sending commands to it.
Server Modifications
All-in-one server mod with great stability and lots of features.
Simple and efficient, fully configurable
New fight system (arena, Hunger Games, combat bonuses)
New teleport system (save locations, go back, limited guest functionality, lock)
New community features (building and chest protection, dual credit economy, factions)
Better crew handling, admins and configurable ops, on-the-fly config reloading
Structure generator with 3 kinds of towers and a sphere
Multiworld (even multi-gamemode simultaneously) support
Tons of new chat commands, like backup or math, and lots of other custom functions
1.7.2 R1.4
Successor of Canary Classic, a fork of hMod
Plugin System.
Simple and Efficient.
Built-in Permission system.
Plugins hardly ever break.
Multiworld support
Java, Scala, and Lua Plugin support
1.8.0-1.2.0 (Bleeding)
1.7.10-1.1.2 (Stable)
A popular mod API with its own server software. It is downloadable through the Spigot website.
Plugin System
Security updates to server
Built upon the Minecraft Source Code
Multiworld support
A popular server software based on Bukkit.
Plugin System
All features of Bukkit
Built upon the Minecraft Source Code
Multiworld support
Built-in X-ray hack protection
Modified Server combining forge with Bukkit allowing you to play mods and bukkit plugins on the same server.
Combines the features of bukkit while using Forgemodloader.
Updated regularly
Allows you to use bukkit plugins
Mod packs are collections of mods that have been put together and configured so that they will all work together. Mod packs are often centered around a general theme like tech, quests, or magic. Mod packs often have either custom launchers or installers that make installing and running the mod pack easy. Some of the more popular mod packs are ,
and . There are of course also smaller modpacks, such as
and , most of which using the special Minecraft Technic Launcher from .
If you install a mod, it may stop the game from working properly. If you encounter a problem while using mods and want to report it, first remove all of your mods and see if the problem still happens. If the problem continues to happen, it can be reported on the . Otherwise, try to reproduce the problem with the fewest possible number of mods, and then report the problem to the author(s) of those mods.
If Minecraft crashes, a modified game is flagged in the crash report. The following link explains . (Note: If your Minecraft has never crashed, following those instructions won't find anything.)
The crash report text will include a line near the top which will say one of:
Is Modded: Probably not. Jar signature remains and client brand is untouched
Is Modded: Very likely
Is Modded: Definitely: client brand changed to (present loader, such as "fml,forge" or modloader)
A shortened example crash report is given below:
Crash Report
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it e Unexpected error
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 1aa09c6 --------
Generated 03/09/12 12:00
- Minecraft Version: 12w34a
- Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 5.2
- Java Version: 1.7.0_03, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
bytes (500 MB) /
bytes (600 MB) up to
bytes (900 MB)
- LWJGL: 2.4.2
- OpenGL: NVidia ABC 999 Ti/PCI/SSE2 GL version 0.9.0, NVIDIA Corporation
- Is Modded: Probably not. Jar signature remains and client brand is untouched
- Type: Client
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- World MpServer Entities: 1 [anx['Blockbuilder567'/1135, l='MpServer', x=8.50, y=66.62, z=8.50]]
The code that checks for mods is fairly simple, and it' it may say 'probably not' even with mods installed. However, it's very difficult to get the 'very likely' message if you haven't modified minecraft.jar somehow, so that's essentially a 'yes'. There's also a 'definitely' message, seen when a Bukkit server crashes and under other similar circumstances, like when the Minecraft Forge API is installed.
'Probably not' appears when the client/server brand appears to the in-game check to be unaltered (often termed 'vanilla') and the META-INF folder is still there. 'Very likely' appears when the META-INF folder is not present but the client/server brand seems to be vanilla. 'Definitely' plus the client name appears when the client is not vanilla. For example, you might see something like:
Is Modded: Definitely: Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
, an upcoming feature that allows modders to more easily add content to the game.
for a guide on how to install mods.
for a guide on how to install mods using Forge.
for a guide on how to create mods.
showcases tools for installing and making mods.
Legacy development resources
Game customization
研发:Mojang AB
厂商:Mojang AB
经营许可证:苏ICP备号,QQ:1104747 、5633249minecraft为什么我的froge.installer打不开?_百度知道
1楼 17:29&|来自
2楼 17:33&|来自
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或安装Froge之后再运行A Java Exception has occured_minecraft吧_百度贴吧
安装Froge之后再运行A Java Exception has occured收藏
RT,什么意思,操作是完全按照论坛教学帖子来的,把解压后的文件夹考进minecraft(文件)去,可是再运行启动器就显示了A Java Exception has occured,求大神解答!第二个问题就是我先后用了minecraftsp启动器,和全宇宙最快启动器oyqy,发现二者的存档是共享的(即便游戏文件和启动器都曾先后被删除过,然而记录依然保留)。这是为什么?是不是它被存储在别的地方了。
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