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Sfogliatrice per pasta fresce o pizza per piccole comunit& o domestica.
Spese di spedizione: 40.00 &
Sfogliatrice per pasta fresca e pizza mod. SF220 MAXI Monofase con rulli da 22 cm inox O legno (a scelta al momento dell'ordine), sfogliatrice mignon. Ideale per piccole comunit& e per uso domestico. Maniglia di regolazione da 0 a 4,5.Realizzata con struttura in acciaio inox e alluminio con
cilindri in legno per una
sfoglia casalinga oppure in acciaio per
una maggiore durata. La macchina presenta un alto grado di
affidabilit& mentre i sistemi di
antinfortunistica e le finiture
completano il gradevole aspetto estetico e
sicurezza per l'operazione.La macchina presentata & stata concepita per ottenere lo spessore
di sfoglia o pizza desiderato. Il sistema di impiego rende la macchina estremamente versatile e pratica avendo solo la
regolazione dello spessore si possono quindi ottenere spessori vari sia per sfoglia che
per pizza particolarmente al taglio. Si possono quindi stendere pastelle di larghezze cm.22.Dati tecniciRullo inox o legno (a scelta al momento dell'ordine)Dimensione rullo 22 cm & 38Motore 230 voltPotenza 0,15 kwPeso 15 kgMisureL40xP22xH30 cm
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TOMASSONI SRL Via Degli Abeti n.212 - 61122 Pesaro (PU) - C.F./P.IVA
- Reg. Imp. Pesaro e Urbino n. - Capitale Sociale & 10.400,00 int.vers.MOD Pizza opens in Gilbert - East Valley Tribune: Dining
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Olivia Brent-Fielding, Courtesy MOD Pizza
MOD Pizza, a "build your own" pizza restaurant, has opened a location in Gilbert.
Courtesy MOD Pizza
MOD Pizza, a "build your own" pizza restaurant, has opened a location in Gilbert.
East Valley Tribune
MOD Pizza, a Seattle-based “build-your-own” pizza company with 16 locations in Washington, Oregon and California, has expanded its horizons with its first Arizona location in Gilbert.
Nine more locations are set to open in the coming months across six states, including one in Phoenix next month.
The first MOD Pizza in Arizona, which opened this month, is located at 2904 S. SanTan Village Parkway, inside the SanTan Village shopping center and is open 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and until 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Claiming to be the “originator of the build-your-own-pizza concept,” MOD Pizza allows you to create the pizza of your dreams, whether you want it in mini ($4.47), regular ($7.47) or mega ($9.47). Complete with an arsenal of more than 30 toppings, with multiple options for sauces, cheeses, proteins, veggies and spices, diners can add or subtract any amount of toppings they want — and all for the same price.
“If you can dream it on a pizza, we have it,” said Brian Royston, manager of the SanTan location. The menu also features the “Top 11” as a place to start for those that aren’t sure what they want, in addition to salads and sides such as garlic or chocolate bread knots. Drinks include hand-spun milkshakes, house-made teas and lemonades, self-serve soda, draft beer and wines.
“I think what makes us unique to other pizza restaurants is my employees,” Royston said. “They’re fun, good people, and come from all different walks of life. We try to channel that uniqueness into the food that we create and create a good atmosphere for everyone.”
For more information about MOD Pizza, visit
or call (480) 214-6305.
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linked account:MOD Pizza Kicks Off “Spreading MODness” Today
MOD to Donate $1.00 from Every Pizza Sold to Over 20 Local Charities
To continue their commitment to Spreading MODness, all MOD stores will donate $1.00 from every pizza sold during the week of November 25-30, 2014 to local charities. For the second year, food banks, meal programs, shelters and youth programs will benefit from Spreading MODness. Each charity was chosen by the local MOD Squads who are committed to building bridges and making a difference in the communities they serve.
“MOD exists to inspire. Not just with our pizza, but with our actions as well,” explained Scott Svenson, co-founder and CEO of MOD. “When we opened the first MOD store over six years ago, we set out to put people first, celebrating our MOD Squad, our customers and the communities we serve. In a response to our employees’ desire to connect with their communities, we try to provide as many opportunities as we can for our Squads to experience the joy and the inspiration that comes with giving back. With our growth, we expect to help twice, if not three times, the number of people as last year. Spreading MODness is all about making a positive impact and we intend to do this in a very big way.”
Spreading MODness will support over 20 charities in 7 cities. A few of the causes are:
Seattle area:Treehouse, Hopelink, Chicken Soup Brigade
Portland area:Helping Hands, Oregon Food Bank
Houston:Klein ISD Education Foundation, Houston Food Bank
Phoenix:St Mary’s Food Bank, United Food Bank
Denver:TLC Meals on Wheels
LA area:Village Family Services, Irvine Schools Foundation
San Jose:Second Harvest Food Bank
To see all stores and charities, visit the store pages at:
MOD’s individual artisan-style pizzas are made on demand, using organic fresh-pressed dough and signature sauces. Guests can create their own pizzas and salads, using any combination of 30 featured toppings, or they can choose from a menu of MOD classics. Pizzas and salads are the same price regardless of the number of toppings. Pizzas are hand-cooked in an 800 degree oven in less than 3 minutes and salads are hand-tossed in front of the customer. MOD also serves local draft beers, wine, handspun milkshakes, and house-made lemonades and iced teas.
Seattle based MOD Pizza was founded in 2008 by Scott and Ally Svenson, and was inspired by the couple’s love of Italian street-style pizza, their desire for authentic, affordable and fast dining options for their busy family and the idea that a great company could be built around people. Above all, MOD is about putting people first and making a positive impact – with both employees and customers.
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Restaurant Franchise Opportunities图集:2014年12大最热门的食品趋势
你会渴望的美食……2013年是纸杯蛋糕、辣酱和椒盐卷饼面包大行其道的一年。接下来又会有些什么美食令吃货们趋之若鹜呢?全美餐厅协会(National Restaurant Association)、餐饮行业杂志以及餐馆研究机构给出了自己的预测,发布了将会在2014年令吃货们垂涎欲滴的食品趋势。1、一切取自本地美国的吃货们越来越渴求当地种植的食物,而不是用卡车或者飞机从遥远的地点运送来的美味佳肴。全美餐厅协会近日发布了一项《2014年热点》(What's Hot in 2014)的主厨调查,这项调查发现本地采购食品有四项上榜。全美餐厅协会认为最热门的趋势是本地采购的肉类和海鲜,紧随其后的是本地种植的农产品。那些大型的连锁餐厅已经开始在它们的市场营销中将本地采购当做卖点了。墨西哥玉米饼快餐店Chipotle发起了一场主打墨西哥快餐连锁店本地采购的活动,帕尼罗面包连锁餐厅(Panera Bread's)则用“活得明白,吃得鲜美”(Live Consciously, Eat Deliciously)营销活动宣传其食品来源。明年将会有更多的餐馆将本地采购当做卖点,并且扩大本地采购力度。2、大量蔬菜尽管大多数美国人仍然吃肉食,但是素食运动正在影响餐厅菜单。根据餐饮市场研究公司Datassential所做的一项最新研究发现,三分之一的连锁餐厅现在都至少拥有一道素食主菜。如果他们不这样做,那么集体外出就餐顾客可能就不会选择他们的餐厅,因为其中的素食者没有任何能吃的。2012年一项由素食资源团体(Vegetarian Resource Group)委托发起的哈里斯民意调查(Harris Poll)发现,有将近一半的美国人每周至少会吃一次全素餐,相对于2007年的40%明显增加。这种趋势还在发展。据Datassential的数据显示,目前在餐馆的菜单出现的最多的蔬菜是洋葱和西红柿。以后什么蔬菜会大行其道呢?诸如本地蘑菇之类吧。根据位于旧金山的酒店咨询和研究机构安德鲁-弗里曼有限公司(Andrew Freeman & Co)的预计,甚至鸡尾酒中也会出现蔬菜。3、更加健康的儿童餐家长们正在与儿童肥胖做抗争,并且希望有更健康的餐饮选择。健康的儿童餐是全美餐馆协会在《2014年热点》调查中所发现的十大趋势之一。2014年将会有更多的苹果和酸奶出现在餐馆中,并且法式炸薯条将会被烘烤薯条所取代。4、无麸质食物如果你正在期待无麸质食品的热潮能够熄灭,很遗憾要让你失望了。无麸质美食是全美餐厅协会《2014年热点》调查中排在前五名的趋势,该项调查显示超过四分之三的厨师把它视为一个大有可为的利基市场,并且计划在明年制作更多的无麸质美食。不要以为无麸质食品只有包装食品或者布朗尼蛋糕。你会看到想要避免小麦蛋白的渴望令餐馆中出现更多使用荞麦等杂粮做成的意大利面条。于此同时,你也会看到更多历史悠久的超级营养谷物出现在那些曾经可能使用小麦粉的菜肴中,就比如藜麦和苋菜。5、现场制作冰淇淋司麦腾冰激凌(Smitten Ice Cream)现场制作的90秒立等可取冰激凌满足了我们对现场和手工制作的双重喜好。这家刚成立两年的旧金山公司已经开了两家店,还有两家店已经列入了计划中。司麦腾冰激凌用液氮快速冷冻,预计明年将会出现多家模仿他们的连锁店。另一方面,冰淇淋同样作为一种甜点吸引了人们的注意——位于旧金山的酒店咨询机构安德鲁-弗里曼有限公司预测冰淇淋三明治将会击败蛋糕和甜甜圈而成为新的“绝妙”甜点。6、坚果希望控制碳水化合物摄入的吃货们非常青睐高蛋白的坚果和种子,认为它们既可以提供能量,同时又十分健康。市场研究机构NPD集团(NPD Group)在2013年秋季所做的一项关于零食的调查显示,77%的美国人在家里会把坚果放在随手可及之处,并且还将它们纳入了三餐。而2014年许多餐厅也将吸纳这种食材。7、更优质的比萨随着手艺精良,菜肴精美的比萨连锁店的崛起,就比如大火快烤比萨(Blaze Fast-Fired Pizza)、MOD比萨(MOD Pizza)、Patxi比萨,以及其他许多类似的比萨店,采用低品质原料的廉价比萨饼时代已经宣告终结了。这些连锁店中的大多数正在通过出售特许经营权进行扩张——随着这个模式不断发展,2014年你会看到更多社区拥有自己的高端比萨加盟店。一些大型资助者会来帮助他们进行品牌拓展——总部位于洛杉矶的PizzaRev其背后的支持者是布法罗鸡翅烧烤吧(Buffalo Wild Wings),而司马士汉堡(Smashburger)的创始人汤姆·瑞恩(Tom Ryan)和里克·沙登(Rick Schaden)则是Denver's Live Basil的背后智囊。当这个行业形成了一个支持集团时——正如同全美餐厅协会和匹萨饼店行业委员会(Pizzeria Industry Council)今年所做的——你就能知道一个趋势正在腾飞。8、鸡翅曾经只被看作是酒吧食品的鸡翅已经变得如此无时不在,全美鸡肉协会(National Chicken Council)发现在2012年总共出售了135亿只鸡翅,这还没算上那些整鸡上的鸡翅。根据全美鸡肉协会所述,仅仅“超级碗”的周末美国人就消灭了超过十亿只鸡翅。研究公司钛克诺米克(Technomic)发现,在上一年间有22家连锁餐厅将鸡翅加入了他们的菜单。一些餐厅观察家很想知道美国人等到什么时候才会厌倦鸡翅,但是鸡翅行业业内人士认为不是现在——美国农业部(USDA)预测明年的鸡肉生产将增长3%。但是更多的高级餐厅会希望脱颖而出,他们会抗拒这股潮流,并且将鸡肉从他们的菜单中撤下,转而采用更具异域风情的肉类,比如鲶鱼、五花肉和山羊肉——这是位于旧金山的酒店研究和咨询机构安德鲁-弗里曼公司在所发布的一份2014趋势报告中发现的另一项明年的餐厅趋势。9、高档的爽心美食2014年会出现用更高档的食材所制作的昔日爽心美食——比如这款通心粉中会使用炒香肠、大蒜、辣椒、晒干的西红柿和洋葱来制作升级的意大利风格。“从开胃菜到甜点,经典爽心美食令人惊叹的升级版本将会出现在菜单中的每个位置。”位于旧金山的酒店顾问和趋势预测机构安德鲁-弗里曼公司在一份2014年的趋势报告中称。10、混搭菜你曾经品尝过甜点比萨吗,就如同上图中所显示的椰子巧克力与草莓馅饼?或者品尝过其中一款2013年的突破性食物,由羊角面包和甜甜圈混搭而成的可颂甜甜圈吗?根据位于旧金山的酒店咨询机构安德鲁-弗里曼有限公司的预计,这些“异形食物”将在2014年风靡一时。一款用煎过的拉面当做面包的汉堡已经赢得了关注,发明者是纽约厨师岛本敬三(Keizo Shimamoto)。根据安德鲁-弗里曼有限公司的说法,模仿者已经开始涌现了。11、鲜味调味品总部位于洛杉矶的连锁加盟鲜味汉堡(Umami Burger)正在迅速发展,“第五味”出现在其调味酱、盐和汉堡中。在2014年,许多其他的餐馆也将会投身入鲜味调味品浪潮。12、饼干闪开,椒盐和羊角面包。饼干正借爽心食品流行的东风成为下一个将三明治和汉堡合在一起的“绝妙”成分,位于旧金山的酒店咨询机构安德鲁-弗里曼公司预测道。福布斯中文网
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