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! |& }% O% q6 v) ?6 ~6 T
7 q% g1 s: m- p0 @4 f6 ^; o
22:03:17 上传
7 x$ D&&R! G1 A1 n
4 |3 ]! q6 B) A
Yoooo4 g6 I$ X% Z( m( E6 \
2 p+ m, D7 W6 V8 ?
8 o$ p) S) H3 ^: J. E$ [# `& M
你们就当咱玩舰娘中毒了吧, }2 H6 [0 }1 \, T7 c4 ?, d. n
作为WG三作中最后出的,距离大家玩上还有很长很长一段时间——————现在才A测!!, {4 O9 T& S( a6 C1 l+ W
! U( Z+ I) s. a# ~; w
最近从官方论坛上弄了一点Q&A(其实是很古老的Q&A啦)/ J& N* k' @. D
% N2 r5 |; K5 ^) X: C, C; y
首先是12年的古董Q&A,有些过时的,比如啥时候开超测,会不会海陆空同场竞技这些的就忽略了6 U9 d" {' J) P- R4 w$ b&&?
Q: Which time period will be covered by the game?5 I" H- e4 }; s1 u. J
& & 毛子,游戏中出现的船大概是什么时间段的???
A: In the game we will introduce Warships from the start of dreadnought era till the dusk of the Artillery Warships.# o' ~, `$ s4 d
& &游戏中的船只跨度大致为从无畏级(弩级)战舰的兴起到大舰巨炮的消亡——————差不多就是20世纪初到五六十年代啦3 \1 z( {7 p4 F' g% \: Z
Q: What classes of Warships will be presented in the game?
& &游戏中有哪些不同的船呢?& X6 Y) b& Z2 X* Q- c' Q
A: In the game we will introduce following types of Warships: ) g1 h4 {0 o) Z4 |6 I/ i4 e
& && &游戏中有以下几种不同类型的船
Battleships. This is the heaviest ship of the team. The most armored and protected warships, which normally have medium speed and large-caliber weapons
& & 战列舰:队伍中最重的战舰,拥有最好的装甲与防护,速度中等,然后搭载大口径火炮Cruisers. Depending on the specific warship, the main traget of this class will be hunting enemy destroyers or protecting the team from aerial enemies. And, of course, Artillery battle with other cruisers.
& & 巡洋舰:根据需要,可以猎杀驱逐舰或者为队伍提供防空火力——————当然,巡洋舰之间也有炮战Destroyers. The smallest and the fastest in World of Warships. Torpedo's are their main weapon and battleships main targets. Also can help with aerial defence of the team
& &驱逐舰:WOWS中最小,也是最快的船只。主武器是鱼雷————鱼雷的主要目标?当然是对面的战列舰啦————当然,驱逐舰也能为团队提供防空火力Airaraft carriers. Big and vulnerable warships, which have big range of fire thanks to planes: fighters, bombers and torpedo carriers. The gameplay on an aircraft carrier will be similar to RTS-games.
& &航母:大而且易受攻击的战舰,多亏了航母上搭载的战斗机,轰炸机,鱼雷机,使得航母具有无与伦比的长射程——————航母的具体玩法和RTS(即时战略)游戏类似(嗯,手动微操甩飞机)! v- s" k3 I, z( e
Q: Will you have submarines in the game?
& & 毛子,毛子,有潜艇没,死库水妹子赛高!!!!!5 s8 a8 t& d. u& k' X5 f
A: No, because submarines are quite vulnerable, when not underground. So there won't be any player controlled submarines in the game.
& &醒醒,这里不是舰队C,没潜艇,没死库水妹子————————你问我为啥?? 潜艇浮在水面上时,太容易遭受攻击了。所以说,游戏中没人能操控潜艇
8 ^7 ~&&l2 b) l- |9 Y" z7 t
Q: Who is developing the game, R5 N1 w9 X4 e
& & 毛子,毛子,谁在做WOWS?不是SerB酱吧???
A: Lesta Studio under Wargaming control.&&c4 g6 r4 }/ z& r5 L9 c) n2 [&&E
& & WG下属的Lesta工作室& |" ?4 o7 Y+ h* |" |0 B
Q: Will you be able to give a warship a name and make it displayed to other players?Also, are we going to be able to fly flags, to reflect country and clans?* s0 z% C, J. T" U
& &毛子,毛子,我能给自己的船起个响亮的名字,而且让其他玩家看到么?(比如 时雨 野分 欧根亲王 雪风之类的),我们能挂旗子表示自己的国家或者所属军团么??3 Q" i# r+ }# N4 S& D
A: It's planned to allow players to select warship name from the premade list. As for flags, we do plan to allow clan flags aside of regular premade list of flags (which will include countries).8 a4 f. d7 C& h* t
& & 嗯,可以,你可以从我们预设的名字中挑一个为你的船命名。至于旗帜么,除了预设的旗帜(包括各国旗帜),还可以挂军团的旗帜* M, ^&&a&&l8 ]. x# T
Q: What size of maps will WoWS have?
& &&&WOWS战场有多大啊6 s% e1 s+ t( W: I/ Z2 _
A: 50х50km, with probably bigger ones in future.5 z* G" o: {( i3 x( j3 N
& & 50KM*50KM。以后可能有更大的
Q: Does player controlls only one warship?. y9 D' W' V: z6 a8 r
& & 玩家只能控制一条船?
A: Yes, he does
& &Bingo!答~对~了~哟
Q: How many nations will be introduced in the game?
& & 游戏中有几个国家啊?1 z! l( n/ ]3 k% B) D
A: By released we will have full Japanese and USA trees. Afterwards we plan to introduce Britain, germany, USSR, France, Italy.
& & 日美首发,随后是英国,德国,苏联,法国,意大利
, E; k& ]% J2 k* Q
Q: How the crew system will work?
& &成员系统是怎么安排的(毕竟一条船上的组员比坦克多得多)
A: Crew will be represented by small amount of main officers, which will have their own skills and perk. There will be a possibility to knock out the officer. In this case warship will suffer penalties similarly to vehicle in World of Tanks. . e# `# Y&&k, o2 M! ]/ l7 T1 C
& &船上的几主要军官代表一条船的组员,每个军官会有自己的技能和能力。和WOT一样,战舰被狠狠的来上一发的话,军官有可能阵亡(当然,还能复活不是……)9 Y: U/ |- Y" i2 K6 f8 C
3 S" x* }4 f/ M: y2 ^&&U
Q: The average dogfight lastedroughly 45 seconds, and small tank on tank fights would not ussually last long either. However ship to ship clashes would often last hours on end, and usually a few ships would be sunk and others damaged before one side retreated. How does WG plan on making battles last only 15 or so minutes?* ^" z9 }- E6 j7 t, H3 ~&&e
& &&&啊,WOT里面车与车之间的缠斗差不多就是45秒,小车间的缠斗持续时间更短。但是,船与船之间的战斗可能要打一个钟头才完。而且在一方撤退之前,只有很少的船只会战沉,大部分都只是受伤。那么,WG要怎么样把战斗时间控制在15分钟左右呢??) s2 {# l2 T3 _
A: In time period of our game warships already had enough firepower to sink an armored opponent fast enough. History also has some facts about 'oneshots'. For example, admiral-class battlecruisers Hood was one shot by Prinz Eugene during WWII, because of setting ammunition deck on fire. We are very careful to historical details and will tune the gameplay in the way, when player will feel operating a true steel monster. 5 B) z, i! B% q, o
& & 在游戏中出现的战舰呢,都拥有足够的火力————来击沉装甲厚实的目标。历史上也经常出现“一发入魂”的现象,比如天国的某胡德————————被欧根亲王一炮打爆了弹药架(原文如此)。我们会尽量还原历史细节,使之与游戏相协调——————玩家在操控这些战舰的时候,会觉得自己真的再开这些钢铁怪物! H, `( A% S' L* O&&J( h
, r5 {9 {3 ~" b( ?/ |+ z. N( I
Q: What will happen if you get shot below the water line will your ship begin to flood or will it just be normal damage# |7 t6 d3 }- T, T' P+ }
& &&&如果船只吃水线以下被开了个洞,会不会引起进水啊,或者说只是一次普普通通的攻击. d+ Q2 Z0 q: j1 a
A: Both things will happen. You will have the HP bar as well as some kind of flooding bar. As for flooding mechanics - it is complex enough, but players do not need to now how internal things actually work, it is enough to know that after a certain number of hits under the waterline with big guns it is possible for the ship to capsize. And it can actually happen even before you loose your green HP bar points. Predicring further questions, there will not be any repair/flood micromanagement - everything that can be repaired will be repaired to at least of 50% effectiveness automatically, or to 100% with consumable used, same story with flooding.* r2 j' c& U/ @1 @5 R&&L; `
& &&&两者皆有,你的战舰有HP值,也有一个进水状况指示器——————你说进水的机制?挺复杂的,不过玩家没必要了解具体运作情况。不过有一点很明确——————一条船要是吃水线一下吃了几发大口径炮弹(鱼雷)就有可能导致战舰倾覆——————哪怕你的HP没掉多少。还有,玩家不能手动控制修理/补漏——————这些都是由系统自动控制的,自动修理有50%的效率,用补给有100%的效率——————补漏也是同理) Y7 e0 X& [$ o! Q/ Z
Q: How will the upgrade system look like?0 k6 a3 i) d5 T1 c: q- H+ o
& & 游戏的装备改进系统是如何设定的??( x9 [& T( k( R$ T, p0 }- g&&A
A: There will be predefined lists of what you can mount onto the ship, and all armament and machinery will be in that lists. We call them pre-sets. Everything that is listed in pre-set will be players will not be allowed to mount each AA gun manually.) ]( z&&T- x' ]: G
& & 我们会提供一些预设的配装方案,包括武备以及动力系统。我们称其为预设方案。(选择一种配置方案之后)该方案中的所有装备将会立刻安在战舰上。我们不允许玩家自己设定防空炮的位置
, w6 n9 T# }; c% f
Q: Will there be scouting-specific aircraft launched from non-carrier warships?
& &&&那些不能搭载战机的战舰能使用侦察机么??
A: Yes, you can launch hydroplane from non carrier warship. All planes will provide scouting for every allied ship.So spotting will be a little different from WOT, but based on the same principles., x# L! G! D2 _5 x
& &可以,你可以使用水上飞机,所有的飞机都可以给自己/队友提供视野。所有,点亮机制和WOT有些许不同7 U. G/ f/ {( p
Q: Will the firing range be much longer than the spotting range?8 {" L2 J7 w* ~2 N
& & 嗯,战舰的射程会不会比视野要长呢?
A: Yes, firing range for many ships (BBs especially) will be much longer than the spotting range - use your planes: W9 y, ?' `& ^; f
& & 是啊,战舰(尤其是战列舰)的射程比自己的视野要长——————用好你的飞机吧
% P- Q0 |9 w& A$ \
Q: What kind of ammunition will there be with the different classes of guns?
& & 有哪些弹药种类呢??
A: AP/HE/Common, etc. AA guns will have the HE and radio-controlled shells as well. Armament will be customizable like in WOT - you will be able to load shells you like most, though only historical types of shells for specific guns.3 u) B3 C. i5 D
& & Ap,He,通常弹,等等,防空炮可以使用无线电控制的近炸He。和WOT一样,玩家可以自己选择弹药种类,当然,每种炮所使用的弹种也会严格按历史来& y$ d, i: ?5 B( K" S
( X0 }( X1 s6 A! P# t
Q: Can you give me a tier number for the Bismark? it will be a tier 10?& O4 B& y# ~0 j5 X
& & 俾斯麦!俾斯麦是几级? 10级么?
A: 8 at best
Q: With Air craft carriers, How many planes will I be able to launch and how Do I control them? IN a RTS view?3 s7 m7 @3 ]5 ?( y& i8 u
& &&&航母一次能让多少飞机出击呢?我该怎么控制舰载机呢?RTS模式么?
A: Many planes - at least tens of them. Yes, they will be controlled in RTS view" i$ X1 V4 N7 H" |3 D
& &&&很多很多——至少10架吧。当然,你使用RTS模式控制舰载机1 M- R9 W) S( S7 u
Q: Will we be able to lay smoke screens in the game?
& &&&我能释放烟雾么?8 Z+ L! n: C/ V9 @
A: Smoke screens are possible.
& & 可能可以
Q: Will waves and wind be a factor when shooting?
& &&&波浪和海风会影响射击的精度么?- G" _' A9 F8 V' a- L/ w
A: No! Ships of WWII had complex FCS and Gyroscope systems to avoid these factors.( |- I/ W# s. y. x" j
& &&&不会,二战的战舰拥有足够完备的火控和观瞄设备来避免这些
* F. M0 H( D: [, J5 i+ x
Q: How will the interface of game play be like such as sniper mode torpedo mode and so on?
& & 游戏中的视角是??? 有什么狙击视角,鱼雷视角么?! }/ s&&u" o, a9 m( T) S. S
A: Third person view, binocular view, arty-style view for long-range firing and top-down view for aircraft managing.
& && &嗯,有第三人称视角,望远镜视角,给长射程火炮使用的火炮视角以及给航母使用俯视视角
Q: Will we be looking at realistic engagement distances and times?, I' v, Q: g4 J, X0 u" T: E5 w
& & 交战距离和交战时间会不会还原历史?/ f/ E6 Y4 _7 y9 W# M, N&&N3 @
A: Yes, realistic distances, though shells will have a tuned up speed (like 3-4 times higher to make game a little more fast-paced). Shells will also have their dispersion ellipse as in real life. You will have to predict the position of impact of your salvo, though the game will show you the exact dispersion ellipse of that zone.&&After first 3 salvoes, you dispersion ellipse will become minimal, which represents specification of target parameters6 T# ^/ d& s3 h7 H& Q. _+ B& A
& & 交战距离会还原,不过炮弹速度变快了3-4倍(为了让游戏节奏变快)。炮弹也会像现实那样,有自己的散布椭圆。你得自己预计炮弹齐射的位置,虽然游戏会显示一个较精确的散布椭圆。在前3次校射之后,散布椭圆会变小,这就代表你获得了正确的射击诸元
( L&&p9 i. W. n! O5 G: W- y: l
Q: Since ships have multiple gun turrets, how will that work?+ b% h8 ~- M/ ^, F6 t, k$ V7 Z
& & 战舰有很多炮塔,他们的运作机制是………………9 L7 c&&H" J( t! r4 t0 |
A: Main caliber guns, controlled by player will aim all at one target.&&. Second caliber huns are controlled by AI, though you can mark priority targets for them.4 |, H( p1 a/ z. w
& & 玩家控制主炮,而且所有的主炮只能朝一个目标开火。副炮有AI控制,玩家可以通过标记目标的形式命令AI攻击正确的目标1 v&&c" d/ S9 x1 p" y
0 d$ P8 b8 G7 b
Q: What's the tonnage of the biggest ship that'll be featured on WoWs?
& &&&WOWS中战舰吨位最大可以有多少?- `: }&&L; }% ~8 l, y# D3 G' ~" O5 I
A: Less than 80k. We are not considering ships with higher than 80k displacement to appear in game, because such ships are more about magic than about possibility of technology of 1940s.
& & 少于8万,我们不打算让吨位大于8W的出现在游戏中 ,因为这些船所采用的科技对于40年代而言实在是太魔法了
Q: What Top Tiers will there be for release?3 H* B9 `8 `6 w4 ?1 U7 e+ J
& &&&有哪些已经被确认为顶级船了?( P( L2 ?7 ^( b/ d& A7 ]; ~
A: USN will have the Iowa and Montana as the tier10 BBs in game, while IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) will have Yamato and N13. There will not be any ships with higher tier than 10.' t4 s* h( ~3 u$ m8 s
& &&&美国的10级战列舰是衣阿华和蒙大拿,日本的10级战列舰是大和和N13。当然,没有比10级更高级的船了7 ?! z' w4 X# }! z
2 x8 x+ V9 v5 ^4 v- d+ b' w
Q: Can you tell us why its only going to be the USN and the IJN at teh release of the game and not having a third nation?&&G- A4 E9 q1 Y# W7 o0 B
& & 你能告诉我为什么是美日首发,没有其他国家呢?
A: Because it takes about 3 months for one person to make, for example, a battleship. Of course we have more than one 3d modeller, but you must understand, that ships are very complex things, and it takes time to build it and to tune it with a gameplay point of view. So we decided to concentrate on two nations with biggest fleets in WWII, and to implement other nations after.
& && &因为一个员工要花3个月才能做好一条战列舰的模型。当然,我们的3D建模人员很多。但是,你要知道,战舰是个很复杂的玩意,要花很长时间才能完成。所以我们决定先把在2战中拥有最大舰队的两个国家先弄出来,然后再做其他的" K' [& M$ }( Y
&&y+ p5 p6 O, S- b, {" }
Q:Some battleships such as the German H class designs had a large set of main guns AND torpedoes. In these case, which of those would be the main armament, or would they both work as such?' J8 {* [( I9 R- Q, m( R$ P
& &毛子,有些战列舰比如德国的H级,拥有大炮和鱼雷。那么,谁才是玩家控制的主武器呢?或者说,玩家都能操控?
A: You will be able to switch between torpedoes and main caliber guns.: d6 a. G1 J! |5 _9 |7 Y- A
& & 你能在鱼雷和火炮之间自由切换- h) [$ D4 I/ x2 K0 ]- e# h
/ M- x8 p+ o# D7 d: }5 O
Q: Somewhere above the devs said smaller nations like sweedan, and dutch ships would be in game, would this be as a tech tree or more likely premuim ships?
& &&&毛子,你们说什么瑞典啊,荷兰啊也会出现在游戏里,它们是以独立科技树出现还是以金币船的形式出现?
A: It depends on how many ships we will find
& & 这取决于我们能找到多少船
8 e0 A. |1 H1 p" C. O
Q: When your carrier (or any ship with aircraft flying) is sunk, will your aircraft instantly be destroyed or can you still control them until they run outa ammo and fuel?) {: _) _( R( Y) g# C0 g
& & 毛子,当我的航母沉了,那些还在空中的战机是立刻自爆呢,还是能继续战斗直到用尽弹药或者燃料?7 @' R' P; W% ^# y3 i( P" F9 y9 _
A: You will be able to control the rest of your planes until they are out of fuel.
& &&&你能控制它们直到燃料用尽
) S9 b' S8 i6 _4 Z
Q: Will there be a team damage occur? Will there be a fine system in place similar to WoT?) E/ w5 }&&i9 L1 _, v- H6 ?
& &&&嗯,会不会有队友伤害,会不会和WOT用类似的系统?; \- G' L2 P: J! S
A: Yes, there will be similar system- M$ `) R: K) @
& & 当然0 t. T! Z( t6 M3 Q8 j
Q: What will be German Top Tiers, once the Tree released some time after?
& & 德系出来后,谁是德国高级BB?) i2 G) B# x$ P9 U# C) c9 S; m
A: Currently we are planning to have their H39, H41 and H42m% o$ y&&o: D& I! t1 }9 A
& &可能是H39 H41 或者H42M吧
Q: You've already disclosed Top Tier available upon release. And what will be Tier 1?- r7 L. d! y- {6 F% Z7 H
& & 你刚刚说了高级战舰,那么1级小渔船又是什么呢?
for USN and
class for IJN
& & 美帝是伊利级,日本是香取级
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   「 ありがとう、爱してる。」
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战场的Valkyrie 发表于
22:57 & l+ H* ?$ V# Y# T6 @0 p" c$ i
那妥妥的选战巡啊,战列追不上 巡洋打不过。
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