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【名气太大】中国知名手机品牌排行,苹果第一 - 爱应用
在中国,百度搜索风云排行榜上,苹果的 iPhone 位列手机类第一名。在榜单前十中,6个国际品牌,4个本土的中国品牌。诺基亚已经不再是中国人民的最爱了,现在只排在第三位。当然苹果的 iPhone 肯定不是全中国人喜欢的手机,所以那家来自韩国的电子设备巨头三星位列榜单第二,作为亚军,三星在中国已然拥有超高的知名度。在前十榜单中的四个中国品牌分别是小米,华为,联想和中兴。小米排位最前,排在第5名,甚至比索尼和摩托罗拉还靠前。百度作为全球最大的中文搜索引擎,提供了知名的搜索风云榜。它整合了日常记录的所有在百度网站上的关键词搜索,并统计出对比数据。基于用户的兴趣爱好,可以选择不同的类型进行数据查阅。在“手机”一栏,总共统计了最热门的50个手机品牌公司。“iPhone”作为人们词汇使得苹果成了中国最为人熟知的手机制造商。在手机型号一栏,“iPhone 4S ”排名第一,令人惊讶的是 “iPhone 5”居然都排在第四。看来很多人每天都在搜索下一代 iPhone 的消息。其中我们也发现中国本土的智能手机制造商魅族并没有能够排进前十。当然这些厂商在接下来的几个月又会发布新的机型,我们会对年底这个机型排行榜的变化充满期待。整理自:micgadgetiSkuggy点评:不提国内一线城市 iPhone 的知名度,哪怕是在一些内陆中小城镇人们都对 iPhone 耳熟能详。对于 iPhone 在中国的火爆程度根本不要去查库克嘴里的那些数据,随便站在大街上观察来往行人手上的手机,看不到 iPhone 的影子几乎是极小概率事件。那么大家对于 iPhone 的火爆程度,有什么印象深刻的故事吗?
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Currently 3.9/5
Rating: 3.9/5 (52 votes)
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They say that your brain needs exercise, just like your body. Games like , , or even a good escape the room game, like , can feel like you just made your brain run forty flights of stairs. They're the type of games that you can feel your gears grinding to figure out the solutions. But, sometimes your mind muscles need less of a brain-throbbing workout and more of a soothing yoga session. , by , is that yoga session. With its peaceful music, soft graphics, and simple, yet enjoyable, puzzles you'll feel like you've had a day at the sauna then a day at the track. The goal of this
is to highlight the goal area using the actions it gives you. Add and subtract the area, or invert what you select, to match the faded shape in the background. Each level only gives you so many actions and gives them to you in the order it wants you to follow. No chance to rebel here. Remember, it's a peaceful game.
Most of the puzzles in this game aren't much of a challenge. You just have to think a bit differently. Stepping out of that mental box is easy after the tutorial builds a door for you to escape it. There are going to be a few levels that stump you, but it's probably healthy for your ego not to breeze through them. Some of the puzzles you'll solve faster than the time it took to load it, but with fifty levels it's alright to have some be easy-peasy. Invert Selection also does a lot of hand holding. If you're willing it can be a lovely little walk to the solution. If you're not willing, try not to take offensive by how simple minded it thinks you are as it lays out the red carpet and rather drags you down to the end. The game really picks up about ten levels in and then you'll respect the undo button. The deeper you get into the game, the more your brain will have to stretch for a solution. It's still a great mind warm up that will get your gears moving and ready for the start (or middle, or end) of your day.
Dungeon crawling goes card based in this strategic RPG-like spin on traditional Solitaire for iOS. Deal your way through monsters, treasure, and special abilities and unlock new cards, but don't get cocky... you never know what the dealer is going to hand you.
They're just your average monsters living in a junkyard trying to gather all the food and materials they can before the place closes at the end of the month! A simple and repetitive action game that still manages to shine and charm thanks to a great sense of humour and endearing story and characters.
The stylish, neon-soaked point-and-click puzzle series comes to an abrupt and puzzling close as PI Rick must solve an odd mixup of puzzles to set right the bizarre events from the rest of the series.
Tony and her brothers Pablo and Octavio are just your average, ordinary kids who can turn into playground equipment, but searching for snails near an abandoned factory puts both them, and their hearts, in grave danger in this clever, unexpectedly warm free indie horror adventure that deals with family and humanity.
by aidansean 38 minutes ago
by barbara 5 hours ago
by Kay Paulso. 5 hours ago
by horseradis. 6 hours ago
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by Orient_Tig. 11 hours ago
by Orient_Tig. 11 hours ago
by lottelia 12 hours ago
by dman334 13 hours ago
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