dota2更新日志6.84 6.84版本可能会进行哪些改动

小学一年级, 积分 22, 距离下一级还需 9 积分
发表于 10-22 14:54:23
  dota2 6.82新版本炸弹人的技能改动,还有工程师的加点,新版本出了什么新英雄,出了什么新装备,什么英雄最厉害,什么英雄被加强了,地图有什么改动,有没有新的游戏模式,什么英雄被削弱了,今天小编就来慢慢道来。
  地雷冷却时间从25/20/15/10 降低至 19/16/13/10
  静止陷阱的昏迷时间 从3/4/5/6 降低至 2.5/3/3.5/4
  静止陷阱 激活范围现在与作用范围一致(450)
  静止陷阱的持续时间 从270/300/330/360 固定为 360
  遥控炸弹的伤害范围从 400/410/425固定为 425
  现在 飞行中的蝙蝠骑士,维萨吉的召唤物,兽王的战鹰,已经飞行信使 都不会再触发地雷或者被地雷炸到。
  dota2 6.82新版本炸弹人的技能改动就是这样,这个改动一下子让炸弹人变的灵动起来,除了埋地雷以外,还可以进行GANK了,毕竟静止陷阱可以更好的触发,地雷的CD短了之后,这极大的加强了炸弹人前期的作战能力,现在的加点,前期可以加一下静止陷阱了,毕竟控制的时间算比较长的了。
发表于 10-22 23:19:00
发表于 10-23 09:19:25
发表于 10-23 10:19:25
发表于 10-23 12:49:34
路过,支持一下啦dota2新版本来袭:超大改动的6.84版本只为TI5 - 全球电竞网 - 我爱电竞圈旗下网站
>  |  19:38 | 播放次数: | 
综合改动  AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25%  AoE Bonus XP component based on Team XP difference reduced by 40%  根据双方经济差提供的击杀额外奖金降低25%  根据双方经验差提供的击杀额外经验降低40%  Melee lane creep bounty reduced from 43 to 40 (-7%)  Range lane creep bounty reduced from 48 to 45 (-6.25%)  Hero kills (the non-net worth portions) are worth 10% more  击杀近战小兵的金钱数由43减少到40(-7%)  远程小兵由48减少到45(-6.25%)  击杀英雄的基础经验金钱系数增加10%  Reduced the direct hero last hit bounty by 100 and redistributed that gold into AoE gold (in ratio of 100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes)  击杀英雄奖励减少100分配到助攻奖励中(100/70/40/25/20对应1/2/3/4/5个英雄)。 如果你完成了单杀,那么你会得到和以前一样的赏金。  AoE Bonus Gold is now distributed based on the relative net worth amongst the heroes involved in killing the hero by +/- 25%  助攻奖励现在根据相关英雄的经济顺位来分配(+/-25%),如果3个英雄击杀了1个敌方英雄,原先每人额外获得200金,现在则根据经济顺位从低到高分别获得200+25%/200/200-25%。  The amount of AoE Bonus Gold given is now increased/decreased by up to 20% based on the dying hero’s relative rank in net worth amongst all the enemies on that team.  助攻奖励现在根据被击杀英雄的经济顺位+/-20%,如果助攻奖励总额是600,如果被击杀英雄是最穷的,那奖励总额会减少20%至480,如果是最富的则增加20%至720。  Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable gold gain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60%  买活不再禁用金钱收入,现在降低所有金钱收益的60%(包括助攻奖励),意味着你买活后击杀/助攻敌方英雄得到的奖金,包括由经济差获得的额外奖励,都会降低60% 。  Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275  近战兵营金钱奖励从175提升到275。  Ranged Barracks team bounty increased from 100 to 225  远程兵营金钱奖励从100提升到225。  Tier 2 and 3 towers armor reduced from 25 to 22  中塔和高地塔的护甲从25降低到22。  Extra melee creeps additions spawn time changed from 17:30/34:00/50:30 to 15:00/30:00/45:00  额外近战小兵的出生时间从17:30/34:00/50:30变成15:00/30:00/45:00。意味着15分钟时就多一个近战小兵了,而以前是17:30。  Extra range/siege creep additions spawntime from 45:30 to 45:00  额外远程小兵的出生时间从45:30变成45:00。  Creeps now meet slightly closer to the Dire safelane  上路的小兵相遇点现在更靠近夜魇&安全线&(即一塔)  Ancient Black Dragon bounty reduced from 199 to 170  Ancient Black Drake bounty reduced from 50 to 40  大黑龙金钱奖励从199降低到170。  小黑龙金钱奖励从50降低到40。  Ancient Rumblehide bounty reduced from 83 to 65  大蜥蜴金钱奖励从83降低到65。  Satyr Tormenter gold bounty reduced from 104 to 84  大萨特金钱奖励从104降低到84。  Hellbear health reduced from 950 to 700  Hellbear bounty reduced from 65 to 50  大熊怪生命值从950降低到700。  大熊怪金钱奖励从65降低到50。  Ogre Frostmage bounty reduced from 52 to 40  蓝胖怪金钱奖励从52降低到40。  Reworked Mud Golems:  重做了石头人:  Mud Golems no longer have Spell Immunity  Mud Golems now have 50% Magic Resistance  Mud Golems armor reduced from 2 to 0  Mud Golems now split into two smaller Mud Golems, called Shard Golems, when they die (they have 30% of the original units' health and damage, and only live for 60 seconds)  Mud Golems movement speed increased from 270 to 310  Mud Golems (and also Shard Golems) have a new active ability: Hurl Boulder (0.6 second stun, 125 damage, 30 cooldown, 800 range). They do not automatically cast this  Gold/XP bounties rescaled so the total value for the camp remains the same (Mud Golems 32/42 Gold/XP each, Shard Golems 13/23 each)  石头人不再魔免  石头人现在有50%魔抗  石头人的护甲从2降低到0  石头人现在死掉会分裂成2个小石头人(拥有石头人30%的血量和攻击力,持续60秒)  石头人移动速度270提升到310  石头人(以及分裂后的小石头人)获得一个新技能: 投石(0.6秒晕,125伤害,30秒冷却,800施法距离),但它们不会自动释放(即是说玩家可以控制并使用,打野的时候不会被晕)。  调整了金钱/经验收益保持总量不变(石头人给32/42的金钱/经验,小石头人给13/23的金钱/经验)  Hero kills achieved by units under your control now provide XP credit to your hero (Affects things like Spirit Bear, Golems, Familiars, etc getting kills)  被你控制的单位击杀的英雄现在会给你经验(例如熊灵、石头人、仆从等)。  Melee attacks now miss if the target is farther than 350 range more than their attack range  近战攻击如果超过350范围会丢失(例如说小鹿的光环降低了攻速导致命中前已经跑开了350范围就会丢失)。  Reduced All Pick drafting time from 40 to 35 seconds per turn  全阵营选择每轮选择时间从40秒降低到35秒。  The following abilities no longer ignore units classified as Ancients (Neutral Ancients, Warlock's Golem, etc): Ice Vortex, Mana Void, Berserker's Call, Blood Rite, Bladefury, Omnislash, Torrent, Ghost Ship, Smokescreen, Static Remnant, Primal Roar, Earth Spike, Heartstopper Aura, Shrapnel, Golem's Immolation, Sticky Napalm, Primal Split's Immolation, Call Down, Invoker's Tornado, EMP, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Ice Wall, Deafening Blast, Pulse Nova, Eclipse, Battery Assault, Rocket Flare, Shadow Poison, Dispersion, The Swarm, Kinetic Field, Static Storm, Ancestral Spirit, Echo Stomp, Overwhelming Odds, Stone Gaze, Earth Bind, Poof, Rip Tide, Nyx's Impale, Fire Spirits, Supernova, Mystic Flare, Dark Pact, Suicide Squad, Ravage, Demonic Purge, Fortune's End[?]  以下技能现在可以用于远古单位(远古野、术士地狱火等):冰霜漩涡、法力虚空、狂战士的怒吼、血之祭祀、剑刃风暴、无敌斩、洪流、幽灵船、烟幕、残影、原始咆哮、裂地尖刺、竭心光环、榴霰弹、术士地狱火的献祭、粘性燃油、酒仙火熊猫的献祭、召唤飞弹、强袭飓风、电磁脉冲、混沌陨石、阳炎冲击、寒冰之墙、超震声波、脉冲新星、月蚀、弹幕冲击、照明火箭、暗影剧毒、折射、虫群、动能力场、静态风暴、星体游魂、回音重踏、压倒性优势、石化凝视、地之束缚、忽悠、激流、穿刺、烈火精灵、超新星、神秘之耀、黑暗契约、自杀攻击!、毁灭、邪恶净化、气运之末。  ( Note: This does not mean that all these spells fully affect Neutral Ancients. It still depends on the units with Ancient tag being Spell Immune or not. It primarily means that those spells have no specific rule around the Ancient flag itself )  ( 注:这并不意味着这些技能可以完全作用于远古单位,还取决于远古单位本身是否拥有技能免疫,这主要是指这些技能没有相对于远古单位的特殊规则 )  Damage Block no longer affects physical spells (previously it affected some physical spells and some not)  伤害格挡不再影响物理伤害的技能。  The following abilities no longer have their damage reduced by Block: Counter Helix, Eye of the Storm, Anchor Smash, Slithereen Crush, Unstable Concoction, Shadow Wave, Spirit Bear Entangle DPS, Return, Echo Stomp, Land Mine, Suicide  The following are abilities that were previously getting reduced twice as part of the attack instead of just once: Shadow Walk, Vendetta and Meld  As an example reference, here are some of the abilities that were already ignored by Block before: Wild Axes, Exorcism, Acid Spray, Poison Touch, Diabolic Edict, Quill Spray  以下技能不再能够被格挡:反击螺旋,风暴之眼,锚击,鱼人碎击,不稳定化合物,暗影波,熊灵缠绕,反击,回音践踏,地雷,自杀攻击。  以下技能以前作为额外伤害而不是攻击的一部分,可以格挡2次,现在只有1次:暗影步、复仇、隐匿。  作为参考,这里有些以前被忽略的技能:野性之斧,驱使恶灵,酸性喷雾,剧毒之触,恶魔赦令,刺针扫射。  Cast behavior while turning to cast has been adjusted.  转向施法相关的问题被修复。  Reworked the Item Silencing and Passive Disabling behaviors.  重做了物品沉默和被动禁用行为。  额外说明:闪避、伤害格挡和爆击不再作为特殊分类,只会匹配了以上规则时被禁用。例如说蝴蝶的闪避不会在你被巫术或者末日的时候禁用,因为它们不禁用物品,跟板甲(提供的额外护甲)并没有区别。  Hex no longer applies the Break mechanic[?]  巫术不能禁被动了,同时影响的还有妖术、羊刀等 。  Silence no longer disables Invisibility[?]  沉默不再禁用隐身。  Moved Ring of Health, Voidstone and Orb of Venom from Secret Shop to the Base  Moved Platemail, Talisman of Evasion and Ultimate Orb from the Base to the Secret Shop  Added Voidstone and Mantle of Intelligence to Side Shop  治疗指环、虚无宝石、淬毒之珠现在从神秘商店被移至基地商店。  板甲、闪避护符、极限法球被移至神秘商店。  边路野店增加虚无宝石和智力斗篷。  Runes now have a higher hit box priority over units  现在神符的点击优先度比单位更高了。  Armor now shows decimal places in the hover tooltip  属性面板悬停时会显示更详细的护甲数值。  Fixed buyback respawn timer penalty being reset if you die holding Aegis  修复一个买活增加复活时间惩罚的问题, 之前如果你带盾死的话会重置这个惩罚复活时间。  The following heroes are no longer restricted from buying Basher/Abyssal (but they are still restricted from activating Bash): Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar and Troll  以下英雄不再限制购买碎骨锤/深渊之刃(但是他们仍然不能触发被动晕):裂魂人、虚空假面、斯拉达、巨魔战将。
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