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英文名:Smoked Salmon Sandwiches
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Yes, a lot of ingredients, and all of them worth it. Can you guess which ingredient we forgot to include?
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This is an unconventional banh mi in that it calls for pork tenderloin rather than for fatty ground pork.
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After slicing it you pound it flat between sheets of plastic wrap. A stress-reliever!
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Meanwhile, Merrill makes pickled carrots and radishes for crunch and tang.
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This is a very simple sweet pickle, made with cider vinegar, sugar, salt and water. No heating, just a little time to sit and pickle.
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Amanda makes the pork marinade with soy sauce, sesame oil, fish sauce, maple syrup, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, scallions, and black pepper.
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Pretty right? Sarah said it reminded her of a Klimt painting.
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So much for Klimt! Klimt meets Victoria Reynolds?
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After marinating, the pork gets caramelized in a skillet.
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We discuss the size of bread to use.
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Time to assemble -- first mayo, then pate and lettuce.
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A layer of pork.
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Then the feisty ingredients: pickled radishes and carrots, and sliced jalapeno. Oops! Forgot the cilantro. But please don't when you make it -- the cilantro brightens up all the flavors.
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Photo by Sarah Shatz
Photo by monkeymom
Photo by Sarah Shatz
Author Notes: These Vietnamese sandwiches are the perfect fusion of French and Asian cuisines. Bánh mì are usually very inexpensive and come with many different types of fillings. But my favorite is this one, with juicy, seared pork that goes perfectly with the crunchy pickled and fresh vegetables. P?té is typically in bánh mì and though I list it as optional, doesn’t french bread just taste great with p?té? - monkeymom -&
Food52 Review: The caramelized pork could be a recipe all its own, but we sure do like it in this sandwich, as well. Bánh mì are often made with a rich and fatty grilled pork -- this seasoned pork tenderloin gives the sandwich character. Make sure you use a light airy roll with a crisp crust -- bánh mì is all about the interior. - A&M -&The Editors
Caramelized Pork and Bánh mì Assembly
pounds pork tenderloin
tablespoons Fish sauce
tablespoons Maple Syrup
tablespoon brown sugar
tablespoons soy sauce
teaspoon sesame oil
garlic cloves, minced
slice ginger, minced
green onion, sliced thinly
teaspoon black pepper
tablespoons vegetable oil
loaf sweet French baguette (thin) or french bread sandwich rolls. Try to get the kind of French bread with a crisp crust and tender light center.
red leaf lettuce
pickled carrot and radishes (see below)
sliced jalapeno chili peppers
P?té (optional, but recommended)
Cut tenderloin across the grain of the meat into
inch pieces. Flatten each piece to an even
inch between two pieces of saran wrap using a meat pounder, rolling pin, or large bottle.
Mix ingredients from fish sauce to black pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning – it should be sweet and savory so add more soy, salt, or sesame oil as you like. Add marinade to the meat and use your hands or large spoon to make sure all pieces of meat are coated in marinade. Marinate for 10-30 minutes.
You can cook the pork on the grill outdoors (best) or indoors using a grill pan or cast iron pan, something that you can get very hot. Heat grill or grill pan to high and turn on that vent fan! Add vegetable oil to meat and stir to coat. Sear first side of meat until very dark brown on one side, then flip and sear on the second side. Be careful not to overcook it. The meat is thin so it cooks quickly, one or two minutes on each side.
To assemble sandwiches, slice baguette and spread mayonnaise on one side, p?té on the other. Add lettuce, meat, pickled vegetables, cilantro and peppers. Dig in!
Pickled Carrots and Radishes
pound baby carrots, peeled
bunch red radishes, preferably breakfast radishes (daikon are more traditional. I just think red radishes are beautiful.)
cup apple cider vinegar
tablespoon salt
tablespoons sugar
Slice carrots and radishes into quarters (or sixths for thicker guys) lengthwise. Mix all ingredients together. Taste for seasoning. Let stand as little as an hour or up to overnight. They keep for several days.
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Pick experts to follow for a better Food52.sandwiches是哪个国家发明的_百度知道
并传到了欧洲大陆。不久,玩牌时都吃起sandwich来、鸡蛋和腊肠夹在两片面包之间,便将一些菜肴。没想到Montagu见了这种食品大喜!”其他赌徒也争相仿效,他整天沉溺于纸牌游戏中。仆人很难侍候他的饮食,镇上有一位Earl of Sandwich名叫John Montagu:“拿sandwich来,后来又传到了美国sandwich本来是英国东南部一个不出名的小镇,并随口就把它称作“sandwich”,让他边玩牌边吃饭,已经到了废寝忘食的地步,他是个酷爱玩纸牌的人,sandwich就传遍了英伦三岛,以后饿了就喊
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