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UID2026767主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分183金钱3600 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1209 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 183, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
帖子精华0积分183金钱3600 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
发表于 7&天前
How to Fix Problems Installing or Playing GTAV PC On Windows User Accounts Containing Certain Characters& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 4月14日& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & - & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & In preparation for launch, we have come across an issue with Windows usernames containing certain characters. Below is a solution for anyone that may be affected by this issue. For any other technical issues with GTAV whatsoever, please head to .
How to Fix Problems Installing or Playing GTAV PC On Windows User Accounts Containing Certain Characters
Question: I am having problems installing or playing GTAV PC, and my Windows username includes characters that are not in the table at the bottom of this page. Issues include an error message saying “The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 1)”, or the game hanging while trying to download the update. How can I fix this?
Answer: We have identified an issue where players with Windows usernames that include characters not found in the table at the bottom of this page will likely run into difficulties when attempting to download, install, or play GTAV. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.
If you don’t want to wait for a fix, you need to create a new Administrator User Account for your Windows system that only includes letters A to Z, a to z or numbers 0-9 from the basic roman alphabet. For a full list of supported characters, see the table at the bottom of this page. Please note that simply renaming your current User Account will not correct this issue. To create the account, follow these instructions from Microsoft’s website:
Windows 8/8.1: Windows 7: Windows Vista:
Supported Characters At Launch for Windows Usernames for GTAV PC
Z z& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
我就不逐字翻译了,简单来说,如果你在登入social club账号时无限载入或报错,是因为你的电脑用户名不是由纯英文或数字组成,R星目前正在修复这问题,如果不想等补丁,那可以先重新建立一个英文名称的管理员用户来玩。
UID8272578主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分12金钱176 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间62 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 188 积分
帖子精华0积分12金钱176 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
发表于 7&天前
UID2629062主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分3188金钱4695 荣誉7 人气228 在线时间7307 小时评议4
帖子精华0积分3188金钱4695 荣誉7 人气228 评议4
发表于 7&天前
系统:WIN7 64位
CPU:至强E3-.30Ghz 四核
内存:8GB X1(金士顿 1600Mhz)
显卡:GTX970 4GB(华硕)
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The Last Team Standing Event Weekend in GTA Online: Exclusive Free Unlocks, Bonus RP & More
Put it all on the line this weekend, tomorrow Friday October 3rd thru Sunday October 5th, in the GTA Online . Limited time only GTA$ and RP bonuses, exclusive weekend-only unlocks to collect, special contests, an epic all-star Last Team Standing&live stream and much more await those with both the staying power and the stopping power to rule the 10 new Jobs from &and the many, many more currently being created by the Social Club community with the new . FREE UNLOCKABLE &PLEASE STOP ME& MASK & AMMO REWARDS&FOR COMPLETING&THE EVENT PLAYLIST In honor of Carcer City&s most infamous survivor, if you complete the LTS Event Weekend Playlist (containing&5 brand new 16-player LTS Jobs from the LTS Creator Update), you are automatically awarded the maniacal Smileys& &Please Stop Me& Manhunt throwback mask to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.&Not only that, but every time you complete the Event Playlist, you'll be rewarded with an arsenal of&ammunition and incendiaries in order to make sure you and your Crew are well equipped to take it to the enemy. Contents include:
3 Sticky Bombs 3 Grenades 3 Molotovs 100 Sniper bullets 200 Shotgun shells 500 Rifle rounds 1 Body Armor
To access the Playlist, look for the &Event& option on the GTAV&loading screens, or find The Last Team Standing&Event Playlist&in the Rockstar Playlists section of the GTA Online Start Menu. FREE LTS TEAM BETTING STAKES MEAN BIG GTA$ PAYOUTS FOR WINNERS With the Last Team Standing Update, we've raised the betting cap on&all&Jobs to $10,000 and, this weekend only, we're fronting up to $7,000 in betting stakes for every player in every Last Team Standing Job -& including those in the&Event Weekend Playlist.&The size of the free stake is based on the number of rounds in that particular Job (rounds are a new feature we've added to LTS - read up on them ) and the bet is automatically placed on your own Team, so make sure you bring your best back-up to ensure maximum GTA$&winnings.&If you win, you
if you lose, then you lose nothing but your own pride. GET DOUBLE RP WHEN PLAYING LAST TEAM STANDING - INCLUDING NEW LTS CREATOR JOBS Whether you&re playing one of the , or one of the original fan-favorite ones like && or && & or one of the tons of player-created LTS Jobs being published as we speak by virtue of the new Last Team Standing Creator Mode & you will rack up Double RP all weekend long. This includes the entirety of the&Event Weekend Playlist giving you all the more reason to Crew up and buck 'em down. EXTRA BONUS RP WHILE PLAYING WITH CREWMATES On top of&Double RP for all LTS Jobs all weekend, RP bonuses while playing LTS Jobs with Crew members will be increased to 20%. Since this stacks with this weekend's&Double RP bonus while playing LTS, this means&you could earn up to 140% over standard RP if you play with your Crewmates. That's some serious strength in numbers, so head over to ' profile pages to sound the call and find out who from your ranks will be Online and when. HALF-PRICE DISCOUNTS ON CREW CLOTHING, TATTOOS AND VEHICLE MODS To unite your team in Last Team Standing Jobs (and to avoid any friendly fire), make sure your Crewmates are properly kitted out in matching team outfits. Organization is key to winning team-based game modes, and a well presented line-up will instantly let the opposition know that you ain't nothing to&mess with.&Show your allegiance with a&50% discount on Crew Clothing sporting your color and Emblems. To cement your brotherhood or sisterhood, Los Santos Customs are discounting paint and tire smoke in your Crew Colors by 50%, as well as Emblems for the hood and side panel of your car. And to make sure that your whip&is truly ready for battle, why not&pick up Armor and Bulletproof Tires while you're there, also discounted at 50%. Finally, for a real&display of lifelong-commitment to your&clan, get matching tattoos for 50% off and show that solidarity on your skin. BONUS SPECIAL CRATE DROPS FEATURING THE EXCLUSIVE FIST TEE In between your LTS weekend wars, regroup in Freemode and look out for Special Crate Drops falling from the sky. There will be one dropping in each session you play all weekend and will be filled to the brim not only with&GTA$ stacks, RP, heavy-duty RPGs, miniguns, and sticky bombs&- but&this weekend only, you'll also collect a limited-edition Fist t-shirt (as seen in the screenshot below) for to properly represent your fighting prowess.
#LTS CREATOR&COMPETITION With LTS mode support newly added to the GTA Online Creator tool, there's another opportunity for you to display your talents and create a Last Team Standing Job worthy of getting Verified and winning the LTS Creator Competition. To participate, get Online and find the Creator in the GTA Online Start Menu. From there, you'll have the opportunity to create your own Last Team Standing Job in your desired area of the map. Once you've perfected and published it, head to& and tag your best with #LTS. We will play and pick 5 favorites to Verify and aware their Creators with GTA$1M and an exclusive BODYBAG in-game license plate. (Also stay tuned for the selections from our last Creator Competition who will be revealed in the weeks ahead here at the Newswire). See . #LTS SNAPMATIC CONTEST There's a bounty of picture-perfect new content available with this week's Last Team Standing Update to GTA Online. Get it papping this weekend by tagging your best work on Social Club with #LTS and you could be in with a chance of winning GTA$1M and the BODYBAG license plate for your in-game vehicle. We're looking for the five most fun, exciting , beauteous or amusing Snapmatic photos featuring the new content, whether it be the two new GTAIV throwback bikes, the LCC Innovation or Shitzu H one of the 20 new flag-t or simply your Crew terrorizing the back alleys of Los Santos in Manhunt &Please Stop Me& masks. To ensure you get a record of it before the moment passes, double tap Up on the D-pad to do a Snapmatic quick launch. Or, if you prefer, you can now disable this feature via&the Options section of the Pause Menu.&See . EVENT GEAR GIVEAWAY SWEEPSTAKES After a long day dropping bodies in Last Team Standing, you'll want to curl up and camouflage yourself somewhere no-one will think to disturb you. Head to the&&NOW to enter to win one of 10&official GTAV Bodybag Sleeping Bags for your next camping trip up&Blaine County's&Mt. Josiah. Winners will also receive&a GTAV logo tee, and a selection of Rockstar stickers. See&. THE OFFICIAL LAST TEAM STANDING EVENT ROCKSTAR LIVE STREAM: THE SIDEMEN VERSUS MAE AND THE BOYS Tomorrow, Friday October 3rd at 4pm ET, get ready for a truly epic Last Team Standing face-off. We&re teaming up with the good people at to host a live LTS battle for supremacy between two all-star YouTube collectives. On one side, we&re proud to welcome back The Sidemen to the Rockstar Broadcast show. Playing live from their UK compound representing The Sidemen, we&ll have our friends Vikk aka , J.J. aka , Josh aka
and Simon aka . And against them will be Team Mae and the Boys: Led by the inimitable
and flanked by Event Livestream guest
, plus , and . The battle will be co-hosted by Lazlow and the Rockstar Broadcast studio team alongside MLG's
- a man who knows a thing or two about hardcore competitive play. Join us tomorrow as we simulcast live&from the Major League Gaming&studios&across four corners of the internet:&the ,&the Rockstar&,&the &as well as at . Head to Twitch or YouTube now and subscribe, or follow us on &to get live updates about the stream, the Event Weekend and all Rockstar Games news. & As always, make sure you're following us on ,
to stay up to date on this and all other future Social Club Event Weekend announcements. &
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RT : Uploaded lots of new photos to Social Club. Rapidly becoming my favorite part of
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Our pleasure.
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