
真他妈的垃圾,从上海到上海居然两面天还没到,打到总部全是些白痴,全是糊弄人,友情提示,不要用这快递_百度知道 真他妈的垃圾,从上海到上海居然两面天还没到,打到总部全是些白痴,全是糊弄人,友情提示,不要用这快递 通快递真他妈的垃圾,叫他们查个件到哪了都不知道,如果发这快递真会被他气吐血,友情提示,全是糊弄人,拆诉都无门呀,不要用这快递 ,没见过这么垃圾的公司,会害死了的,打到总部全是些白痴,从上海到上海居然两面天还没到 我有更好的答案 那小伙态度很好,不过幸好最后快递到了,叫中通来着,我还遇到4天的呢诶,不然我都要投诉了 淡定 一般总部的都是只拿钱不做事的 还对分部的指手画脚 中国的物流也就这样 其他类似问题 您可能关注的推广 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁男朋友说他很在乎友情,却对爱情没那么重视,这一点我也知道,而因为这样,我总觉得他忽略我了,昨天他_百度知道 男朋友说他很在乎友情,却对爱情没那么重视,这一点我也知道,而因为这样,我总觉得他忽略我了,昨天他 不要害怕,因为他觉得我跟他在一起不开心可能做朋友会更好,不轻易说分开,他觉得对不起我,不过他说他还是喜欢我,可是他确实是这样的人,今天我们达成一致,昨天以前我不懂所以我闹,好好努力,现在我懂了我就想开了 提问者采纳 相信我他不爱你。找一个爱你的人,真的 其他类似问题 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁英语翻译我认为友情是世界上最重要的感情之一.任何人的生活都无法离开友情,就象我们总是无法离开水生活一样!友情对我来说是夏日的凉风,冬天的火炉.我离不开她!没有友情我就是大海上没有风帆的船只,失去了_百度作业帮 英语翻译我认为友情是世界上最重要的感情之一.任何人的生活都无法离开友情,就象我们总是无法离开水生活一样!友情对我来说是夏日的凉风,冬天的火炉.我离不开她!没有友情我就是大海上没有风帆的船只,失去了 我认为友情是世界上最重要的感情之一.任何人的生活都无法离开友情,就象我们总是无法离开水生活一样!友情对我来说是夏日的凉风,冬天的火炉.我离不开她!没有友情我就是大海上没有风帆的船只,失去了方向,也失去的航行的意义!我之所以认为友情如此重要,是因为我有几位很好的朋友.她们总是在我最需要她们的时候适时地出现.我的朋友毛毛曾说:“我可以放弃一切生活,但是我怎么也放弃不了友情!”我微笑着点头.是的,友情,我们谁也离不了.在失去了友情的天空下,我是会很难过的!只有友情让我快乐,让我没有负担.我是一个快乐的女孩,因为我有友情的陪伴.我的朋友文,她是一个男孩性格的女生,她给我了很多快乐,我们是高一认识的.从第一次见面,她的开朗就吸引了我.在和她相处的这几年里,我们无话不谈.彼此都如一张白纸般的呈现在彼此眼中.在我离开家乡来到这里读书的时候,她还是笑着说:“乖乖的,过年回来我给你买好吃的.你一个人去那边一定要小心,要保重身体.我在南方等你回来!”离开了家,离开了南方,但是我离不开友情!期待回家.友情是我生活的风向标,没有了友情我将失去快乐!太多语法错误了啊!帮帮忙给我一篇正确点的好吗? 楼上用的是翻译软件,看看我的: I think friendship is one of the most important emotions in the world.Nobody can't live without friendship, it is just as if we can't live without water. Friendship is not only the cool air in hot summer but also the warmth of fire in winter for me.She is so important to me that I cannot live on without her!The life withoot friendship is just the same to the ships without directions on the oceans. I think friendship is such important thing because I have a few good friends.They always appear when necessary.Maomao,one of my best friends, has ever said," I can give up my whole life, but how can't I give up friendship?" I nodded with a smile .Oh, dear friendship, nobody can't live without you! I will also feel upset wihtout friendship. It is friendship that makes me happy and fearless. I am a happy girl because friendship always accompanies me. My friend Wen is a girl whose charactor is like boys', she gives me a lot of happiness.We began to know each other when I was in Grade One in senior middle school.From the first time we met, her active charater attracted me most.During the years of getting along with her, we talked whatever we liked.Our feeling is as pure as pearls.At the time of leaving my home town to study here, she still said with a smile," Darling, I will get you something nice to eat if I have celebrated New Year.You must take care of yourself afer you arrive there.I will be waiting for you in the south until you come back!" Although I have left my hometown which is in the south, I have never aparted our friendship! How much I wish to go back home! The friendship is the direction of my life, Without friendship, there will not be happiness in my life! 终于搞掂!希望你喜欢.See you. I think that the friendship is one of the most important affections in the world.Anyone's lifes can't leave the friendship, elephant we always can't leave the life of water similar!The friendship... I thought the friendship is in the world one of most important sentimental. Anybody life all is unable to leave the friendship, looks like us always to be unable to leave the water life to be same!


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