有没有人会弄在steam上买gta5 GTA V的游戏问题大神

1楼 20:40&|
2楼 20:40&|
1.R星这么大手笔会不会引起某些人的举报而锁区甚至封掉?-------------------首先说一句和这件事没什么关系的话“上头的动作都是和钱相关的。如果行为触及到了他们的钱包,让他们少赚了钱,那他们才会对你下手。如果他们要对你下手,无论有没有人反映,他们都会下手;而如果你没惹到他们,就算光着屁股在他们面前跳舞他们也懒得管你。别以为你所在的这个小圈子有多大的隐密性,他们知道的比你想的要多”好了回到问题。首先我们要明白一点,游戏无论在其他零售平台上还是上锁区都是发行商的决策,steam是决定不了的——当然我们的上头也一样。而steam这样一个在中国没上户口的东西,更不可能“由于政策而锁区”再补充几句,没有你们想象的那么脆弱。别看它在国内算是个黑户,但要steam挨了刀子,完美、、杉果(中电博亚)的腰包都要受影响。这几家都不是小作坊,会坐视不管吗?如果有时间的话可以去了解一下,哪个部门跟中电博亚关系密切现在有人就又要问了,“为什么GTA以前在上会锁国区呢?如果不是因为暴力上头不允许的话,那是因为什么?”嗯,你们可以去了解了解旗下公司锁区的国家然后你们就明白了不过不必太过担心,从无主前传、GTA V都没锁区这件事来看,的时间线里中美终于建交了
3楼 20:41&|
2.30刀是不是只是定金?有人说是15%的定金啊---------------------------------这个传言出自GTA V的steam繁中页面游戏介绍嗯,15%的定金,正式推出后收取余款……等等,“会透过电子邮件方式将PC版Grand Theft Auto V的启动码提供给您”是什么意思!?再看看英文版的介绍------------------------------------------关于这款游戏ROCKSTAR GAMES' CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED OPEN WORLD GAME, GRAND THEFT AUTO V, IS COMING TO PC. When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody, least of all each other. Grand Theft Auto V for PC features a range of major visual and technical upgrades to make Los Santos and Blaine County more immersive than ever. In addition to vastly increased draw distances, Grand Theft Auto V for PC runs at 60FPS in 1080p, with the ability to display visuals in 4K resolution. Players will experience a range of additions and improvements including: • New weapons, vehicles and activities • Additional wildlife • Denser traffic • New foliage system • Enhanced damage and weather effects, and much more All these features are enhanced by stunning resolution, dramatic improvements to lighting, shadows, and textures, and a smooth frame-rate. The PC versions of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online will also feature First Person Mode, giving players the chance to explore the incredibly detailed world of Los Santos and Blaine County in an entirely new way. Grand Theft Auto V for PC also includes the new Rockstar Editor, which gives players a full suite of editing tools to create and publish gameplay clips direct to both Social Club and YouTube. Grand Theft Auto V also comes with Grand Theft Auto Online, the dynamic and ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto universe. Enhancements to Grand Theft Auto Online for PC will include an increased player count, with online play for up to 30 players. All existing gameplay upgrades and Rockstar-developed content created since the original release of Grand Theft Auto Online will also be available for PC, with much more to come. EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR RETURNING PLAYERS To reward loyal Grand Theft Auto V fans for playing on PC and experiencing a newer, more detailed version of Los Santos and Blaine County, Rockstar Games has an array of exclusive items specifically for these players returning from PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360 - with each of them connected to activities designed for them to experience the game's massive world in new and exciting ways. For more info about gaining access to exclusive content for returning players, please /V/bonuscontent. TRANSFER YOUR EXISTING GTA ONLINE CHARACTER Existing players on PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One will be able to transfer their Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to PC. For more information, please /gtaonline/charactertransfer.--------------------------------------看不看得懂都无所谓,你只需要扫一眼里面的数字。15%呢?现在应该明白了吧,这个繁中的介绍是从别的地方直接搬来的,所以“15%的定金”也并不适用于steam的预购。要知道,steam购买游戏之后会直接送到游戏库里,根本不会通过邮件来告知游戏的CDKEY而steam的预购是没有过也不会提供“先付定金,以后再补齐”这样的方式的
4楼 20:41&|


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