最终幻想5第二世界的我和他传送点在哪? 如图我现在应该去哪?

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& & & & 作为最终幻想系列登录SFC平台的第二款正传作品,《最终幻想5》的故事、人设、剧情以及职业系统均开始更加成熟,而本作的世界地图也达到了系列的一个全新的高度,多达三个世界让玩家在更加广阔的未知世界里探索,为了方便大家进行查看,下面就给大家带来本作的三个世界的清晰地图。
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为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或最终幻想5英文剧本——第二世界(2) - 电玩之家|GameHome
[12] (On Ghido's island)&Butz: Where are we?&Galuf: We're at the Sage Ghido's dwelling!&Lenna: Let's go!&Faris: Wait!!&Butz: An earthquake!?&Butz: The island...!? (Island shakes)&Galuf: Let's get back to the Hiryuu!!&(Ghido's island
meanwhile, in Exdeath's castle...)&Exdeath: Fwa, ha, ha!! This is what happens to those who oppose me!!&[13] (Our heroes head for Surgate)&Guard: Who are you people!?&Other soldier: This is King Galuf of Bal!!&Soldier: King Zeza is leading our Surgate Fleet against Exdeath's castle.&Galuf: Really?&Faris: Zeza's one of the Four Braves of Dawn?&Butz: My father's partner in battle.&Soldier: Come this way!&Soldier: Please feel free to use any of the items in the castle.&Galuf: Thank you!&[14] (At Zeza's Fleet, southeast of Exdeath's castle)&Zeza: What? A Hiryuu!?&(Soldiers line up)&Zeza: Wait! They aren't enemies!&Zeza: So, it's you, Galuf!&Galuf: Zeza! It's been a while!&Zeza: Who are these people?&Galuf: Dorgan's son...&Zeza: Dorgan!?&Galuf: And these two are members of the royal family on the other world.&Zeza (to Butz, Lenna, and Faris): I am Zeza, the swordsman.&Galuf: Not "King Zeza"?&Zeza: Nah, somehow the title "King" just doesn't suit me...&Galuf: Yeah, me too! (they laugh)&Galuf: Can we get into Exdeath's castle?&Zeza: Well, we're trying!&Zeza: Anyway, for now go inside and rest!&(While resting...)&Sailor: Ahhh! Monsters!!!&Sailor: They're attacking!!&Galuf: A pincer attack?&Zeza: I'll take this one!&Galuf: Don't let him get away!&Zeza: Yeah, look who's talking!&Zeza: Grrrraaaahhh---!!&Gilgamesh: Ah, the blue sky! The vast oceans! Who DARES to bother me while I'm enjoying this!?&(Battle with Gilgamesh)&Gilgamesh: You no-good jerk-noggins! I won't forget this!&(On edge of boat)&Galuf: Argh! My hands are slipping!&Zeza: Hang on until I get there!&Galuf: I can't!! I can't take it any more!&Galuf: Hiryuu!!&Zeza: Well, they'll probably attack here, so follow me!&Zeza: Lift the other side of this chest!&Zeza: All right, here we go!&Galuf: What's this?&Zeza: This ship is actually in disguise. It's a submarine. We're going to enter the Barrier Tower from the ocean floor.&Galuf: Ah ha...&Zeza: We're all finished with the tunnel to the Barrier Tower, so let's be off!&[15]&Zeza: Descend! Let's move!&Galuf: Is this the Barrier Tower?&Zeza: Right. If we can break the lever, the tower will be destroyed.&Zeza: I'll head for the engine room down below. On the top floor, there should be an antenna. While I've got the power shut down, you break the antenna.&Zeza: Here, take this. (Gives them "Hisohi sou")&Galuf: What's that?&Zeza: We can use it to communicate. Now let's go!&Zeza: Can you... hear me?&Butz: Is that from the Hisohi sou?&Galuf: It's Zeza!&Zeza: Can you hear me?&Galuf: Loud and clear!&Zeza: Here, everything's secure! ...&Galuf: Zeza, what's going on?&Zeza: It's nothing! Now hurry up and get to the top floor!&Galuf: Roger!&Galuf: Zeza: We're at the top floor!&Zeza: OK, roger!&Zeza: Now! Destroy the antenna!&Atomos: I won't let you do as you please!!&(Fight with Atomos)&Butz: We did it!&Galuf: Zeza, do you copy? The antenna's destroyed!&Zeza (to himself): Drat, no escape!&Galuf, it's dangerous up there! Hurry up and get out! The pent-up energy here has no place to go and there's going to be an explosion!&Lenna: The Hiryuu! Let's ride!&Galuf: Zeza, we'll save you!&Zeza: Now, wait in the sub! I' I'll meet you later!&Galuf: No way!! Do you want to die down there?&Butz: Galuf, that's too dangerous!&Galuf: But...&Butz: Lenna and Faris will go first&Galuf: Zeza, you knew this would happen! And you sacrificed yourself anyway!?&Zeza: Wait in the sub! I promise I'll come! Over and out!&Galuf: Zezaaaa---!!&Galuf: Of course he knew... but there was no way he could send you...&Zeza: Four new warriors, protected by the crystal shards... I'll have to trust you to defeat Exdeath... Galuf, Butz, Lenna, Faris... I leave the rest to you.&Zeza: Don't worry... I'd save you any time...&Galuf: Zezaaaa-----!&Butz: There's nothing we can do...&(Galuf waits for Zeza at the bottom)&Galuf: ...Butz... go in the submarine...&Butz: Galuf... Zeza was...&Galuf: It was my final promise to him... let me keep it.&Butz: Galuf... let it go... in that explosion, he...&Galuf: Just let me wait a little longer... just a little longer...&Galuf: Zeza... you had to do it all yourself...&Faris: Since we've got the sub, maybe we can get to Ghido's sunken dwelling...&Butz: Yeah. you're right.&Butz: How's Galuf?&Lenna: If we rest a bit first, he'll be fine.&Butz: OK, let's go!&In the Great Forest of Muah...&[after Exdeath burns everything]&Lenna: What's that?&Galuf: The Ancient Tree... it guards the seal.&[the branch flies into the air]&Butz: The branch!!&[inside the tree]&Butz: What's that thing?&Galuf: It's the guardian of the seal... here it comes!!&[Battle with Fuuin Sareshi Mono... then Exdeath shows up]&Exdeath: So, you managed to break the seal... I knew you could do it. I can't thank you enough... fwa ha ha...&Galuf: Exdeath!&Exdeath: Thanks to you four, the seal has been opened!&Butz: Huh!?&Galuf: The crystal?&Exdeath: The crystals' power that binds me... shall soon be mine!&Exdeath: Ha ha... kneel down in reverence to the crystals!!!&[Meanwhile, at Bal Castle]&Kururu: My heart... uh oh, I wonder if anything's happened to Grandpa...&Moogle: Kupo!!&Kururu: In the Great Forest of Muah?&Hiryuu!!&Exdeath: Now, you're finished! Die!!&Kururu (stuns Exdeath): Grandpa! Butz! Lenna! Faris!!&Galuf: What happened to Exdeath?&Kururu: He'll be OK... but he won't be able to move for a while.&Huh!? [crystals glow]&Exdeath (to Kururu): Why you...! (traps K[1]&&
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