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Buy Super Win the Game
$12.99 USD
Buy Super Win the Game: Soundtrack Edition
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"Excellent open-world metroidvania style platformer with unique &CRT monitor& graphical overlay and retro graphics."
Recent updates
Hi y'all! I've updated Super Win on all platforms today to add a new menu for changing the game's language at runtime. (In the past, this could only be done through a config file as described in this thread:
Super Win can now be played in Russian, thanks to a fan translation from Eugene Kutyin. You can find the translation files here:
To use, copy these text files to your Localization folder. Depending on your OS, this will be located at:
Windows: [My Documents]\My Games\Super Win the Game\Localization\
Mac OS X: /Users/[User]/Library/Application Support/Minor Key Games/Super Win the Game/Localization/
Linux: /home/[User]/.local/share/Minor Key Games/Super Win the Game/Localization/
When you open the Language menu in the game, it will look for the name of any subfolder under Localization and present it as an option.
If you've been keeping up with recent gaming news, you might've seen some announcements about the future of 3D gaming, and I'm excited to be bringing that technology to Super Win the Game! No, not virtual reality headsets, I'm talking about cutting-edge 1980s technology! That's right, I'm talking about
Previously only available in the limited edition IndieBox release, this mode (toggleable from the Options menu) brings Super Win the Game SCREAMING INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION!!
(Red/blue glasses not included. Check your local hobby shop if you need a pair!)
Also included in this change is a fix for UTF-8 text rendering which should help facilitate translations into other languages. If you're interested in translating Super Win the Game, please see .
UPDATE: As I mentioned in the comments below, I've also scheduled a weeklong sale for next week (March 9), so if you haven't picked up the game yet, now's your chance! :)
Soundtrack Edition
Enjoy the sounds of yesteryear with the complete soundtrack to Super Win the Game!
The Soundtrack Edition of Super Win the Game includes the full game and a digital download of the soundtrack containing all sixteen blippy, bloopy tunes heard in the game!
About This Game
Throw on your nostalgia goggles and travel back in time with Super Win the Game, a retro-core explosion of exploration and platforming action!!
Sequel to the 2012 freeware hit
Open-ended exploration platforming: Explore a massive world, find hidden treasures, collect powerups and gain new abilities, and uncover mysterious secrets!
Adjustable CRT television simulator: Tune the retro-ness to your liking!
Do the Thing!!
Get the Stuff!!
Win the Game!!
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP SP2 or newer
Processor: 1.2 GHz or faster
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8 series or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 100 MB available space
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card
Additional Notes: Gamepad recommended
OS: OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or newer
Processor: 1.2 GHz or faster
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8 series or equivalent
Hard Drive: 100 MB available space
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card
Additional Notes: Gamepad recommended
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or equivalent
Processor: 1.2 GHz or faster
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8 series or equivalent
Hard Drive: 100 MB available space
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card
Additional Notes: Gamepad recommended
Copyright (C) 2014 Minor Key Games, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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2.3 hrs on record
I was able to try this game out thanks to GamesMatter on Twitter. Super Win the Game is a retro platformer that really nails the 8-bit era Zelda II visual style with a bit of a different spin introducing a world map and non-linearity. Pros- Captures the NES Zelda II style perfectly. You really feel like you are playing a ROM from that era.- Platforming is done well and sufficiently challenging.- Overworld map let's you choose where you want to go in a non-linear fashion.- Plenty of save points so you never have to backtrack very far.- CRT filter is configurable and able to be turned off.Cons- There's really no game play beyond the platforming. I felt like it could have used a bit more to do and variety like combat and puzzles and so forth.- Although the overworld is open and you can do it any order there are many areas are blocked off until you get a certain items resulting in a lot of backtracking.- The $12.99 asking price is (subjectively) a bit high for what you're getting.If you really love retro platformers Super Win the Game does it well with its own unique twists of overworld map and non-linearity. Just don't expect more than straight up platforming. While it may look visually like a near clone of Zelda II the dungeon portions actually play more like Super Mario Brothers.
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1.3 hrs on record
As someone who grew up in the early age of the SNES, NES and earlier platformers, this game is top grade nostalgia. In the day and age where literally every &pixel indie game& is generic, boring and uninspiring, it's a shocker to see a game that actually feels like it's something that would have been released a few decades ago. Super Win the Game is the sequel to You Have to Win the Game as stated, and boy does it deliver. The game takes a lot of inspiration from age old classics such as Super Mario Bros 2, Zelda 2, and much more. What really delivers in this game is a lot of backtracking, which was a key essential in adventure games back in the day. Some paths are inaccesible until you find certain powerups or items to advance or get jewels. The game overall would be quite short without the backtracking, but it's this exact key concept that retro games back then used to expand playtime on cartridges with rather small storage space, which is why the game feels exactly like an NES game. But of course, it's not just that. The additional options and features of having the old &CRT TV Monitor& with adjustable visual settings, along with the optional &reverb& for the chiptune styled music completes the experience and makes you feel like this game was actually made ages ago and not in 2014. TL;DR Nostalgia and NES freaks, this one is for you!
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3.1 hrs on record
TL;DR: If you loved the You Have To Win The Game, buy this without a hesitation, NOW! :)A well executed sequel to You Have To win The Game. Bigger and better, with new abilities. Mixes in some light Zelda 2 elements, while making even deeper Metroid-style exploring, where you have to keep your eyes open in order to find secrets etc. Superb pixel perfect controls and tough, but fair challenges, with a great level design, just like in its predecessor (and even more for completionists).Highly recommended for any platformer fan.Only whine comes from the CRT shader, which looks really cool, but caused some headache for me (when I was playing a longer session). Fortunately it can be turned off AND tuned, so not a huge issue.
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1.9 hrs on record
For the retro gamer, this one has it all.1. CRT screen look and feel2. scan lines3. 8 bit graphics4. 8 bit sound5. 80s game soundtrackIt FELT like I was 15 again and it was 1986. What a great game and concept, mixing what was best about the era with a look and feel that matches.Not sure if I can go back and play more personally, simply because my account has way to much other content to interest me more.BUT if you want retro, you want adventure, you want platforming and you want to be back in 1986, this is your game!10/10
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10.8 hrs on record
Rating: 9/10Have you ever replayed one of your treasured childhood 8-bit games, only to be disappointed? It felt so different in your memory... Well, Super Win The Game feels the exact opposite of that. In fact, SWTG is what old childhood games should have been in the first place. Don't know what I am talking about? Try its freeware prequel &You Have To Win The Game&, that is, if you grew up playing games on an old CGA-monitor. Put it simply, it is PURE AWESOMENESS.ProsLevel Design: this is probably what most reviewers will overlook, since the best level designs are the ones you don't even notice. The levels are just so complex and fun to explore, with its different themes and multiple secrets. And speaking of secrets, oh my, you will be served. I literally discover one every single time I load the game.Mechanics / Physics: Also an overlooked aspect for the same reason mentioned above. It just feels good to play. And the more items you collect, the freer you become. Again, try YHTWTG if you want to know how it feels beforehand, it's the same home-made self-developed pro-level NERD engine.Television Emulation: This one just completes the whole retro experience. It also has more options to experiment with than its predecessor. Although I recommend the default settings, which are the best in my opinion. Oh, if only we could apply it to other retro games on Steam...ConsThe music: It can become really annoying and repetitive. Especially for the fact that more than half of the tracks just don't fit the area you are in. The best example would be the ice area. In most old games, the area is expressed musically by a certain mystery and some high-pitched &icy& notes. Think SMB3's ice level map or even Zeliard for PC gamers. On the other hand, the main tune (let's call it the &black and white& track) is really good and fits the mystery and loneliness of the whole game. The waterways, lair and lava area tunes also fit adequately. The rest just soon gets on your nerves. So it's up to you to keep the music on or not.Length: I guess a speed-run could be done in less than two hour, though the first time you play, you will go back and forth, get lost, try to figure out what to do next, etc. I guess it took me about 7 hours of &normal& gameplay to beat. Then you can go back and look for all the secrets you missed the first time. Still, the downside of having an amazing game like this is that you will always want more of it.Other observationsWeird messages/poems (black and white sequences): This one, well, I'm not sure what to think of it. Perhaps they are some kind of riddles I haven't figured out yet. The other possibility is that they are just the author's personal poetic thoughts, which add even more artistic value and mystery to the game.Interaction: By this one, I mean that I feel there could have been more interactions with non-playable characters populating the cities and such. I guess the author wanted the player to feel a certain loneliness, but some Zelda-like sub-quests for example would have been fun.Secrets: As I mentioned in the pros, there are secrets everywhere. The thing is, if you are a bit of a perfectionist and want to collect all the gems and items, you will end up wasting a lot of your time scrutinizing each screen (i.e. stick to walls and jump like an idiot) in hope of finding new invisible secret passages.As you can probably see by the length of this review, I have just had A BLAST playing this game. I am now just wishing for some DLC of sort that could add quests, items, heck even an entire new level with some good chiptune music. A retro boxed version would be awesome too. Anyway, It is a MUST-BUY for all you nostalgic gamers, especially of the 8-bit generation.p.s. There is now a DRM-free version that include a Steam key on the author's website for those who feel somewhat uncomfortable with the &Steam-way&.
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4.7 hrs on record
It's a fun and short little metroidvania. The CRT effect is really neat and they've definitely put the effort in to evoke some NES-era vibes. Namely Zelda II.Has a bit of an over-reliance on mazes and frustrating wall-jumping puzzles with spikes and the like. But it's still not as unfair or annoying as a lot of actual NES games.If you're really craving some metroidvania this'll keep you going for a good few hours or so. Depending on how good you are or how much you want to collect every gem.I'm keen to see what these guys make next.
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7.5 hrs on record
While there's no combat in this retro throwback and the asking price is a bit too much for a game like this I think, this game is still a charming little thing with catchy music, colorful graphics, and the cool CRT simulator taken from the previous game. Not to mention, the challenge. It's that kind of challenge that, while it ticks you off, makes you want to keep on going. The unlimited lives help with that.
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6.1 hrs on record
I am not usually a fan of games that attempt to do the retro thing, because they usually mess something up. But this game absolutely nailed everything. For a game with zero combat, it was surprisingly enjoyable and didn't bore me at all. It's not going to be for everyone, but if you liked old-school games like Mario, Metroid, and Zelda 2, think of this as a bit of a mashup between the three, with no ability to attack. If you're not sure if you'd like this, you can always check out the previous game, called You Have To Win The Game - it's free here on Steam and somewhat similar.Linux note: the game works flawlessly. I used an ASUS Gamepad (for Nexus Player) with xboxdrv and it worked perfectly.
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4.1 hrs on record
Comparatively easier than
- its freeware predecessor - it's also larger and has lot of fun to give. Inspired by the Adventures of Link (the second NES Zelda) with its overworld and overall feel, this game is a great retro platformer with gorgeous music.
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13.0 hrs on record
Crazy fun and intensely charming. The platforming gives a good challenge without getting too insane. Totally worth the 13 buck asking price.
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4.6 hrs on record
I was eagerly anticipating this game after getting through the free and also great &You Have to Win the Game& that released on Steam earlier this year. Maybe a tad high priced, but I feel it fair since I effectively paid for the first one as well. If you're not sure, check the original out first.This is a great platformer game. You'll see shades of Mario, Zelda 2, Metroid and others here. But there is no attacking, only dodging and serious platforming work. I got a solid 4 hours of enjoyment out of it, and it was well worth it.
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2.9 hrs on record
Very amusing, funny, and sadistic.
Also hard to stop.
A very amusing parody of 8 bit era games and the CRT border, it's bizarre.
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3.6 hrs on record
Pros:- The retro CRT TV filter is great. It may be a little overmuch at first, but the effect is totally cusomizable, or you can just turn it off entirely.- The story (although rather buried) is interesting. Not groundbreaking or absolutely stunning, but interesting...which is more than I can say for a lot of recent games.- There are a lot of &borrowed assests& in this game. While I'd normally take umbrage to swiping sprites from older, better games, they're here as homage, and are used with minor changes that make them more than xerox copies.- Secrets. False walls, floors, and hidden areas on the world map are fun to find, accidentally or not. The NPCs will point you in the direction of a lot of them, but hopefully you'll find some on your own, too.Cons:- The music is short loops that restart every time you enter a new area (which is frequently). I love chiptunes, but I had to turn it down to keep my head from exploding.- There's nothing to it. I'm now just shy of 2 hours into the game. I have seen the entire world map, cleared all the major dungeons, and have collected 3 of the 5 pieces of the King's Heart (i.e. &The Big End Item&). I'm already tired of backtracking...- It's not &open world&. Although you're immediately free to roam anywhere on the world map, you can't do anything (save talk to a few cryptic NPCs) until you get some items. The items must be acquired in a specific order, too. It's a bummer walking to the ends of the Earth just to have to walk all the way back because you can't double jump yet.- No fighting allowed. This game is strictly a platformer. You walk, you jump, you listen to villagers. You don't fight, you don't cast magic, and you dodge anything that looks like it might bite you. Not very fun.- It's expensive. Even with the 10% discount, this game just doesn't have that meaty cash-to-fun ratio I love as a PC gamer. Twelve bucks got me maybe 3-4 hours of game, and that's just not a very good value.All in all, if I had to compare this game to something, it'd be a piece of Fruit Stripe gum. A blast from the past that isn't bad but doesn't quite taste right, and gets stale far too soon.
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67.1 hrs on record
It's a platformer. There's no combat. Some enemies are tricky to dodge, and the &boss& rooms have bullet hell obsticles. But mostly it's platforming and exploring. The exploring feels like a mix of Zelda II and a Metroidvania, but without combat.You probably want to know if it's worth the full price. If you like achievements and go for 100%, there's a good amount of stuff. There are optional areas with challenging jumps. There are 128 gems hidden throughout the world. Just &looking out for them& will get you around 100. Getting the full 128 takes a lot of exploring, and probably took me 10 hours of actual play. I stretched it to ~16 by doing replays for the &big& achievements, but I was stretching on purpose because I like replays. You can 100% in one playthrough.Without achievements, just playing to finish once, is probably 4-6 hours. It's lovely, has a variety of art and music, and a cool story. The themes (dreams, sense of self, etc.) are done beautifully, and avoided being pretentious. It probably helps that the game is written by a single dev, and is heartfelt. Whether to pay full price just to play through once would be very subjective. It's a better deal than a movie, or a pizza. But perhaps not compared to other games.Oh, the aesthetic. The CRT is great. It goes far beyond simple scanline effects seen in NES emulators and SweetFX. There's blurring, and little types of fuzziness and flickering that I don't know the right words for. They should seriously license this out to other pixel games. There's nothing else like it.edit: Btw, my playtime on this game looks crazy high because I was experimenting pulling map data out of it, to make guides. And once it was open, I tended to leave it open for the music. I like it, but 60+ hours is not something you should expect to get out of it, heh.
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6.5 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Super Win the Game on 30 September, 2014, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Super Win The Game is a great homage to old school games. from great retro music to emulated CRT graphics this game goes out of the way to make you feel like you're playing those old games, which is sick. the gameplay is a mix between adventure and platforming
blended together really well. the sense of progression is great in this game and will always have you chugging along. the game my looks like a super hard platformer at first glance but the game is actually really forgiving and the platforming only really ramps in the later section of the game most of the time your can breath easy platforming in this game, it also does a good job of subtly teaching you gameplay mechanics that you'll need later. the story is told through your own speculation of the events that take place and little tidbits people you meet tell you, leaving you to interpret your owns story. this game has inspired me to play some old games i missed out on because now i see what kind of charm they can have.i give this game a 7/10 it missing some things that would just improve my experience with the game like a map but thats just me being baby and used to modern games check out my video review over hereThanks SFDvus
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5.3 hrs on record
Super Win the Game may have a silly title, but it's core gameplay is no laughing matter. Basically, it is 8bit exploration done right. You are cast into an open world and tasked to restore order to a hollow land with a hollow king. You explore landscape and (ancient) ruins, grabbing items, upgrades and hints along the way to save the lands.What really separates S.W.T.G. from other titles is the near flawless design. The world is big, with a lot of places to explore but at the same time the dev managed to make it compact, not overwhelming you with tons of near identical screens. You are never really lost because every area is designed in a very distinct way. Platforming, while tricky in some parts, is never really hardcore and should be no problem even for beginners. And while sticking to overused themes like fire, ice, water and desert may not be super-creative it just works perfectly here thanks to the areas being connected in a sensible way. And there is an option to fast travel too!Another aspect that I cannot praise enough is the way that exploration stays fresh til the very end of the game. Not only are there a lot of items that allow you to visit new areas, most of these new places are actually accessed in various ways from locations you have already been to. In fact, &backtracking& in this game doesn't feel as much of a drag as it usually does, because the way items open up already known areas is quite exciting and entertaining. An example would be the starting dungeon, it seems like it is just a couple of rooms at first - when in fact it is actually quite expansive with many secrets and rooms behind areas that seemed inaccessible (and I really mean inaccessible as in: you would never go there unless you realize that certain items allow access.). Exploration feels very rewarding in this game, because if you think you can do something - chances are pretty good you can and the Dev hid something for you there to congratulate you for exploring the world and trying things - and even if it is just one out of the 128 gems you will feel satisfaction that you found it.Then there is the whole &cryptic 8-bit hints&-stuff, the game manages to pull off guiding but not really handholding you. It is quite fun to figure it all out and I love the simple but effective world-building. Ancient beings that used to travel the stars guide you on your quest to restore peace and we haven't even talked about the whole dreamscape-stuff. I guess the dreamscape-sequences are &meta& or something, but they strike some really dark tones at times that were quite intriguing making S.W.T.G. not only an excerise in platforming and figuring the game out but also makes it a title that could have an actual message. It's all a bit vague, cryptic and mysterious but it only adds to my fascination with this game.Technically, the game looks a bit bland (I honestly prefer the CGA-visuals of the original, but that might be due to me playing more CGA games than NES games back in the day) - sticking to what I believe are actual NES color-palettes. However, once you turn of the incredibly awesome CRT-emulation it almost looks like you are playing an actual NES on a shabby old TV set, quite awesome really. The attention to detail is amazing, and you even get to tweak all the details within an extensive options-menu. So, S.W.T.G. might just be worth it if you are a retro-fan interested in &visual degradation&.The only issue I had with the game was the fact that finding the last gems you might have missed is a bit of a pain, since there is no way of knowing wether you got everything from an area or not. Though, this is nitpicking and not relevant for the completion of the actual game.So, let me finish by saying this: Super Win the Game is a little masterpiece. Managing to pull off feeling very &NES& while being extremely playable and keeping things fresh till the end. Highly recommended!
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4.5 hrs on record
I bought Super Win the Game and Borderlands 2 on the same day. I played this more.
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5.0 hrs on record
So Super win this game,i really loved the first one and im a tad dissapointed in its &sequel&.The problem is it is short for its price. around 5 hours playtime and i got a 90% completion rate (finding some gems that are behind invisible walls i guess)The gameplay is simple and not a xtremely difficult platformer like Iwbtg or Meatboy (ok its more a metroidvaniastyle of game to be honest)The Graphical presentation on the other hand... oh boy. Its sooo beautiful. It perfectly simulates and old TV with an 8bit console plugged in (flickering textures and thelike) Play in a dark room for maximum retrofeel.DO BUY IF YOU:-liked the first one and want to give some credit for it-are a sucker for beautifull 8 bit style graphics-are a casual platforming player that wants a tad more difficulty (its a metroidvania game as reminder)DONT BUY IF YOU:-expect a high price/playtime quota-are looking for a difficult game (meatboy level)-hate looking for secrets-hate pixelart duh (why do you even read the reviews dont you have something to do?)To be honest if it werent for the first game i may would have regret this buy but i see it more as 5 bucks for the first, 5 bucks for the second... i just had to win the game....
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5.2 hrs on record
The game brings back nostalgic feelings of old. Sitting in front of the old TV, playing on the old NES. It gets that retro feel done to a T, including the 8 bit music that plays. Gameplay is straight forward and there is choices you can make in terms of how to attack the overworld around you in terms of order. The only real question I have about this game so far is it's length.I've got more details on a video I made here:
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15.7 hrs on record
When waiting for the release of Super Win the Game, I was very frightened that it couldn't live up to You Have to Win the Game, and even more nervous that it couldn't make the transition to a more RPG-style game. BOY was I wrong. Not only does this make me remember the old days, playing Adventure of Link on the NES... okay, it was the Game Cube. I'm not that old, haha. But this made me feel a great deal of nostalgia, while still keeping the parts of the original title that made it great, and also adding in a story that is really interesting (or can be completely ignored by someone who doesn't care for story). The CRT simulation is just as good as before, and I certainly hope we are due for some DLC some day, maybe adding more modes or content (like the DLC for the original which added Cat Mode and Permadeath Mode). Congrats on making the transition to the new style of gameplay, guys! You did great, and I would definitely recommend this game to anyone I knew who had a dozen extra bucks. :)
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Title: Super Win the Game
Release Date: 1 Oct, 2014
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