xbox one xbox360找不到游戏传感器

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& 没有传感器Kinect可以让“Xbox one”更出色
没有传感器Kinect可以让“Xbox one”更出色
  开发商现在更喜欢使用Xbox One作为游戏开发平台了。因为在六月的一个开发包的更新,把原本预留给传感器Kinect使用的资源释放了。Spike TV的记者Geoff Keighley在推特上报道说Bungie就是一个受益的游戏制作商。利用新的更新包,Bungie把他的游戏《命运》提高到1080p和30fps,游戏现在的参数和其PS4版本已经不相上下。
  Xbox负责人Phil Spencer这周给出了关于这次更新的说明:“我认为像《日落过载》这样的游戏会受益于这次的更新包。更多的资源用在了提高游戏画面上使得游戏更真实,游戏性更好。他们一定也会在这方面投入更多”“Bungie已经在利用这次更新把他们的游戏《命运》的分辨率往上提。这对于我们来说都是件好事。”
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精彩视频推荐Xbox One Kinect传感器可同时检测到两个人的对话
  在伦敦的欧洲游戏展(Eurogamer Expo)上,微软进一步透露出新款Kinect传感器的更多信息,新的Kinect传感器将可以同时捕捉和理解两个玩家的讲话,甚至可以在一个黑暗的房间里检测到人的嘴巴是否开合。    微软已经透露称与Xbox One配套发售的新款Kinect传感器将可以同时检测到两个玩家的对话。  这一新功能与新款Kinect传感器的改进组合起来将可以它追踪到人的手指、多达六人的25个关节,和通过扫描脸部检测心率。同时,多人游戏应用所需要的多人语音功能在这里也是可行的,微软当前还瞄准了TV节目和家庭娱乐,希望Xbox One能在此大展拳脚。能捕捉到多人讲话的新功能将可以让客厅娱乐更有活力。当前,家庭远程控制电视频道的切换方面还是有些不足的,而如果微软的Kinect传感器得到普及,那我们应该很快就能通过声音手势来控制电视机和Xbox也将会因此而大获全胜。  不到两个月,Xbox One将正式发售  自正式发布之后,微软在过去一段时间里不断的透露Xbox One和新款Kinect传感器的更多信息,这两款设备将在未来几个月内配套发售。早些时候我们也提前预览了Xbox One的控制面板和即将到来的一些新游戏,不过我们依旧在等待微软一些电视节目的演示和应用程序在新款游戏主机上的运行。微软打算在11月22号推出Xbox One游戏主机,定价为499美元。
【精彩推荐】微软推不含Kinect的Xbox One 399美元起售|Xbox|微软_业界_新浪科技_新浪网
微软推不含Kinect的Xbox One 399美元起售
  新浪科技讯 北京时间5月13日晚间消息,近日Xbox官方帐号@Xbox发布一条推文,宣布将开卖不含Kinect体感传感器的Xbox One游戏主机。
  此前,Xbox One游戏主机默认包含Kinect2.0,售价499美元。这相比竞争对手的PS4贵出的100美元被认为部分影响了Xbox One的销量。此次推出的不含Kinect的Xbox One没有了功能强悍同时成本高昂的的Kinect2.0,售价回落到399美元。
  此种不含Kinect的Xbox One游戏主机将于6月9日正式开卖。(拉菲)
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看过本文的人还看过微软: Xbox One体感外设Kinect不适用于个人电脑_原创_元器件交易网
微软: Xbox One体感外设Kinect不适用于个人电脑
元器件交易网讯 6月27日消息,微软在今天早上(6月27日)宣布了一项适用于Windows的下一代Kinect体感外设预览版开发计划。科技博客网Ars Technica得到微软的确认,与Xbox One游戏机打包组合的新一代Kinect有一个专有的。微软并不打算开发一个跨平台使用的适配器。XboxOne体感外设Kinect没有适用于个人电脑的USB适配器,使用Windows的用户需要特殊的硬件版本。
微软发言人在一封电子邮件中向Ars透露,Xbox One Kinect传感器不会配备一个适用于电脑的适配器,相反,新一代适用于Windows的Kinect传感器需要使用一个标准的USB3接口连接到电脑。
微软称,新一代Kinect的Xbox One和Windows版本是建立在一个共享的技术集合上,并有其他功能,如1080p视频,积极红外线模式,以及比第一代Kinect更宽的视野。但是,这并不意味着这些设备是完全一样的,或者是允许与其他平台进行互操作。
该发言人告诉ARS:&新一代适用于Windows的Kinect传感器将进行全面的测试、认证,适用于Xbox One的Kinect传感器则在Xbox平台上建立和测试。&(元器件交易网郭路平 译)
Microsoft: Kinect for Xbox One will not work on PCs
No USB adapter for PC Windows users need special version of the hardware.
When Microsoft announced a special next-generation Kinect for Windows pre-release developer program earlier today, the move got us wondering whether Windows-based tinkerers couldn't just plug the Kinect that came with the Xbox One into their PC instead, as hackers did almost immediately after the release of the original Kinect for Xbox 360. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Microsoft has confirmed to Ars Technica that the new generation Kinect that comes packaged with every Xbox One console has a proprietary connector that can not be plugged directly into a PC and that Microsoft is not planning to release an adapter to allow such cross-platform use.
"The Kinect for Xbox One sensor will not have an adaptor that allows it to plug into a computer," a Microsoft spokesperson told Ars in an e-mail. Instead, "the new generation Kinect for Windows sensor will connect to computers using a standard USB3 port [emphasis added]."
Microsoft says the Xbox One and Windows versions of the new generation Kinect are "built on a shared set of technologies" and have similar capabilities such as 1080p video, an active IR mode, and a wider field of view than the first Kinect. But that doesn't mean the devices are exactly the same, or designed to be interoperable with the other platform.
"The new generation Kinect for Windows sensor will be a fully tested, licensed, and supported Kinect experience on Windows," the spokesperson told Ars. "Kinect for Xbox One is being built for and tested with the Xbox One."
Of course, hardware hackers may well develop their own adapter to allow the Xbox One Kinect to talk to a PC. Even in that case, though, Microsoft says the Xbox One's Kinect "is not licensed for commercial use, supported, or under warranty when used on any other platform, including Windows."
The original Kinect for Xbox 360 also features a proprietary plug that is designed to be inserted directly in to a specially shaped slot on later model Xbox 360 systems. This plug provides both data transfer between the console and the Kinect and power directly to the camera. However, Microsoft also includes an adapter with each Xbox 360 Kinect that allows the unit to plug in to standard USB ports on older Xbox 360 models and to draw power from a standard wall outlet at the same time.
Windows-based hackers almost immediately used this adapter to plug the original Kinect into their PCs and tinker with the new depth-based camera technology, which was much cheaper than other 3D cameras at the time. A variety of PC demos and unofficial PC drivers were available for Kinect months before Microsoft launched its official Windows SDK for the device, and well before Microsoft split off a separate, USB "Kinect for Windows" sensor.
Things will be different this time around. Even if you get your hands on an Xbox One launch unit this November, you'll have to sign up for Microsoft's newly announced pre-release Kinect for Windows developer program and pay $399 to use the new Kinect on a PC at that time. That will get you early access to a "pre-release/" version of the Windows version of the sensor in November, as well as the final version of the Windows-based Kinect when it is released some time in 2014 (plus access to official SDKs and development support from Microsoft). Microsoft has not discussed how much the Windows version of the new Kinect will cost when it is released for
It seems likely that the ability to use the original Xbox 360 Kinect on a Windows machine was an unintended bonus, born of Microsoft's need to offer compatibility with legacy Xbox 360 systems. For the launch of the new Kinect, Microsoft seems committed to producing two highly similar yet distinct versions of the hardware for two different platforms.
责任编辑:郭路平我的xbox one传感器坏了怎么办??_百度知道
我的xbox one传感器坏了怎么办??


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