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TomPDA. All rights reserved. TomPDA智能手机网 版权所有.iPad新游戏预告 创意音乐游戏《Pulse》-播视网-新视频新生活民生第一资讯平台
iPad新游戏预告 创意音乐游戏《Pulse》
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Available: Early 2015
"Showed at PAX East 2014 - Shooting drains your health in this co-operative tactical game."
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Recent updates
3 December, 2014
This is a very exciting update for us! We have been busy these last few months optimizing our systems and developing the core of our game. So much has changed that it is going to be difficult to get everything on this change list! First, we have switched to an entirely new, more efficient AI system, so Robobugs will be working better then ever. Our art team has focused in the style of the game and developed our first playable world and our first character, Mooshi The Mushroom Knight. She is a lovable character that packs a punch. With her three-headed carnivorous staff she fearlessly leads the team into battle, sending Robobugs flying to and fro. Check out the Mooshi gameplay video below!
There is also basic implementations of 3 other unique character classes to try out! In addition, we've added a new enemy type, Squid. We look forward to having everyone play the new update!
4 Player Classes.
Mooshi Official release. The rest of the characters are still in early development
New AI System
Mooshi World
Basic Menus
Sound Effects
Squid Enemy type
Enemy death visual effects
Revamped codebase and overall optimizations to make the game run smoother
Major Fixes:
Fixed many bugs related to player movement. It should feel better to run around and smash things now.
No more invisible enemies.
Minor Fixes:
Lots of small bug fixes
Known Issues:
No linux build available
Unity bug sometimes causes game to crash after first loop
For more updates and information on the game be sure to
and check out our
“...more interesting than the standard run-and-gun cooperative game...”
“...players will be able to observe a difference in how The Amiable has achieved an elevation in teamwork building.”
“Tetrapulse...where the scary robot aliens are many and the resources are few”
About This Game
Coordinate, combine, and conquer in this high-action co-op game for two to four friends. Reclaim your planet from swarms of alien Robobugs using the only weapon you have left, your own life-force. Every shot of your laser drains your health as you work together to protect and transport the Heartstone, an ancient battery that gives life to you and your friends. Grab a seat, find some friends, and give it your all in the ultimate cooperative experience.
This intense team-work survival experience requires players to work together against the hordes of RoboBugs that won't rest until the life-giving Heartstone is pounded into rubble. Carry it with you or cover your friends as they haul it out of harms way. Grab it for an energy boost when you can because each blast of your weapon drains a little of the juice that keeps you going. With no safehouse to run to and no place to hide, nobody can go it alone in this fight.
Strategic Combat
Ease off the trigger there, Rambo! Your lasers drain your life force, but grabbing the Heartstone builds it back up. Organize fire teams, take turns, help a wounded buddy charge up or drop it and go guns ablazing! Be warned, however! The bugs don't just want to get you, they want to smash the Stone!
2 to 4 Player Cooperative Gameplay
Two, three or four players at once can battle the Robobugs to save the Heartstone and their planet. Play it side by side or across the network, or any combination you like best.
Full Network Multiplayer
Your three best friends not around? Lend your skills to players from around the globe in the massive Tetrapulse Network community.
Coordinate to Control the Heartstone
Dragging the Heartstone is back-breaking work, so lend your allies a hand. Inertia governs how fast you can move it, and how quickly it slows down. Use it to launch yourself, but don't let it fall into a fissure, or enemy hands!
Full Controller Support
Keyboard and Mouse by default, with full Gamepad support. Plug in your favorite controller.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: 2.0GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Graphics Card supporting Pixel Shader 2.0 and Vertex Shader 2.0USB
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: 2.5GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Graphics Card supporting Pixel Shader 2.0 and Vertex Shader 2.0USB
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
OS: OSX Snow Leopard or later
Processor: 2.0GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.1
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
OS: OSX Lion or Later
Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 4 MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.1
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
OS: Ubuntu
Processor: 2.0GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or Nvidia
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
OS: Ubuntu
Processor: 2.0GHz+
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or Nvidia
Hard Drive: 250 MB available space
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0.9 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Tetrapulse on 10 May, 2014, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Tetrapulse stands to become one of the best indie games I have ever played. The Amiable still have a long way to go, but they are progressing rapidly and I am excited to see the final product.I will update my review as the game gets closer to Early Access. Feel free to message me with any questions.
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Title: Tetrapulse
Release Date: Early 2015
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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位于宾夕法尼亚州费城的Cipher Prime凭借《Fractal》和获得多项成就的《Auditorium》在业界倍受赞誉,玩家可免费在线探索《Auditorium》的乐趣,或通过iOS、PSP或PlayStation Network系统来购买。此刻,开发团队正开发《Fractal》的iPad版本,利用Unity引擎在PC和MAC上发布此款游戏。
在Cipher的新音乐游戏《Pulse》上,团队不畏艰险加快利用游戏的平台舒适区,在屏幕宽大的iPad上实现《Pulse》的多点触摸玩法。《Pulse》也是此团队首款使用Unity引擎制作的游戏,Kerry Gilbert参与游戏的设计,担任关卡设计师和游戏中半数音乐的作曲。尽管有这些初次的尝试,但开发团队表示这个近乎完美的产品将给人带来视觉、听觉和触觉的三重体验。
《Pulse》的核心玩法是触碰显示为白点的音符,逐渐向外扩散的脉冲将这些白点连接起来。一个脉冲代表音乐中一个小节,每首歌曲的拍子记号决定了画面中环状物的数量。调子不会永远停留在环状物上,Cipher Prime声称游戏中会包含八分音符和十六分音符等。此作中还需要玩家同时点击多个小点。根据玩家对时机的掌控会出现如下三种画面效果:独特的符号(游戏邦注:如图片中的蝴蝶)表示良好,爆炸符号表示优秀,X表示差劲。如果玩家的节奏不合拍,游戏的颜色也会褪去。
Pulse 蝴蝶
即便没有写满文字的教程,玩家也会迅速学会所有这些内容。Cipher Prime并不笃信典型的教程,公司认为这也是游戏赢得玩家青睐的原因。《Pulse》中第一首称为&教程&的音乐中并未出现指导性文字。游戏开始时,只有一个脉冲和一个音符,直到玩家知道如何点击音符后音乐才会开始。
Cipher Prime不喜欢失败,因而玩家在关卡中也不会有挫败感。玩过&教程&关卡后,就可以体验到《Pulse》中另外的7个曲目。所有的音乐都能够马上选择,游戏中不存在关卡锁定系统。团队计划由当地的独立艺术家来开发新曲目,每周在免费游戏更新中发布一首新曲。团队将在Cipher的网站上展示每个提供音乐的艺术家以及对他们的采访内容。团队正在尝试将游戏中曲目的发布和独立音乐集同步。
Cipher Prime也正在寻访其他艺术家,说服其在游戏中加入他们的音乐风格。团队希望有一天所有风格的音乐都会出现在游戏中,包括nerdcore说唱、重金属华尔兹和歌剧,因为音乐本身就很难将各种类型的歌曲完全区分开来。团队已经在《Pulse》上展示了两首自己的音乐。
Cipher Prime从细节上展示了音乐的未来。Cinder会逐渐从chiptune转变为交响乐,随后分解进入节奏快速的音噪篇章,这里的一切不再规律运转。在这个篇章中只有音符,玩家必须在音噪消逝前合拍。团队还在游戏中设计了某些拍子记号变换的音乐,此时Cinder在4/4和2/4拍子间跳转,因而关卡布局有6个环状物。为配合这些较难的关卡,团队在游戏中添加了动作追踪和隆隆声的效果。(游戏邦注:如果在一段时间内不合拍,就会响起隆隆声。基于音乐快慢的动作效果也会通过补偿周边视觉来帮助玩家了解他们手边正在发生的事情。)
Cipher Prime:我们正在关注Smule上人群的创新之举,音乐制作肯定会变得更加有趣,Garage Band的出现可见一斑。对游戏来说,如果能在多点触摸上有更多创新当然很好,甚至可能会在韵律系列游戏中产生多种韵律。
Cipher Prime:到目前为止,改用Unity可能是我们在开发过程中做出的最佳决策之一。我们从Flash制作中学到很多内容,这使得我们可以轻而易举地使用更高端的引擎。在3D环境中制作游戏确实带来了某些问题,但我们几乎已经完全克服这些困扰。
Cipher Prime:其中一款不是音乐游戏,而是社交游戏。还有一款是街机游戏,可能会完全免费,也是音乐游戏。第三款游戏你此前见过了,我们会将其发布于其他平台和世界各地。
Cipher Prime:&编者经验&可能是最宝贵的经验,即从游戏设计第一天起就应该有个编者。为理解游戏的可玩性所在,必须要有人关注XML文件且随时重新初始化变量。尽量从游戏设计第一天开始试玩也是很重要的。制作游戏其实只要做好两件事:弄清楚游戏的娱乐点所在,将其精制直到散发耀眼光芒。
Cipher Prime:我们已经使用Flash多年,所以很熟悉2D矢量动画,但3D场景和iPad与之不同。改用3D给我们带来许多问题,如编写custom shader和喜欢复制某些我们已经使用过的方法。在iPad上,我们还需要找到方法巧妙地将游戏项目打包,让我们的产品引起他人注意,而且还要保证有绝佳的可玩性。
Cipher Prime:《Pulse》需要触屏界面,这一点毫无疑问,游戏完全围绕触碰的想法来设计。我们同样正在关注Android系统平板电脑,因而这款游戏并非只能用于苹果的设备。iPad市场对像我们这样的小型工作室而言发展空间很大,如果《Pulse》的表现足够好,我们就可以做出更多更好的游戏。因为我们使用Unity引擎来开发游戏,所以平台兼容性不成问题。


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