死亡法庭是什么空间2中ripper blades是什么

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精华30帖子威望67 点积分19464 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 aimerinter 于
17:36 编辑
A9VG_aimerinter原创,严禁转载,谢谢合作,特别鸣谢:Weapon Crafting(武器合成详细介绍)在《死亡空间3》中,一把自己制作的武器由最基本的3样构成:Frame(枪托), Tool(工具)以及Tip(性能),除此之外还可以加上另外5样辅助的部分:第二个Tool以及它的Tip,两个Attachment(附件)和Upgrade Circuits(升级电路)。按上图中的序号顺序依次说明:
①一把武器最基本的就是枪托,在本作中枪托总共分为4种,见“Frame Craft(枪托合成)”图表部分。标准枪托和精英枪托的区别就在于默认初始状态能加的升级电路的个数,不过标准枪托也是可以再解锁4个升级电路的,但是每解锁一个升级模块需要20个Tungsten,四种枪托也可以进行分解,会获得相应组成素材的一半左右。Compact为单手武器,多为射速快,上弹快的手枪系武器,而Heavy则为双手武器,包括来福,霰弹等等的长枪类。
注:以下表格数值均为Normal难度的数值,Hard难度(Classic,Pure Survival和Hardcore)的数值略有不同。Frame Crafting(枪托合成)枪托名称素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Upper Tools Circuits(上层工具电路)数量Lower Tools Circuits(下层工具电路)数量Compact Standard Frame(单手轻武器标准枪托)0104502+22+2Heavy Standard Frame(双手重武器标准枪托)0453002+22+2Compact Elite Frame(单手轻武器精英枪托)7010044Heavy Elite Frame(双手重武器精英枪托)800044Weller's Compact Frame(流程中拾取,之后可以合成,自带升级芯片)0150253+10Hammond's Heavy Frame(流程中拾取,之后可以合成,自带升级芯片)0150253+10Probe Frame(流程中必然获得,不能合成,不能升级)xxxxxCompact EarthGov Frame(第14章支线任务中拾取)603001+31+3Heavy S.C.A.F Frame(第16章流程中拾取)503001+31+3Tools Crafting(工具合成)本作中一共有八大种工具,他们决定了武器上部或者下部攻击的基本属性,可以说是决定一把武器性能最关键的部分,一把神枪是需要两种工具+性能合理的搭配才能制作出来。工具名称属性素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Hydraulic Engine可增加玩家近战肉搏伤害的工具。20250500Military EngineS.C.A.F所使用的军用武器。0150500Plasma Core使用等离子燃料的切割工具。0150350Pneumatic torch使用高倍压缩燃气放出燃烧攻击的工具100250400Rip Core使用近距离刀锋/刀片攻击的工具。100150450Survey Charge使用各种投掷性爆炸攻击的工具。100200350Telemetry Spike使用各种地雷攻击的工具。50200400Tesla Core使用电流攻击的工具0200500Compact Frame Tools & Tips(轻型武器工具+性能列表)Tool: Plasma CoreTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出标准的等离子切割光束上+下中高xxxCompact conic dispersal发射出宽范围的等离子切割光束上+下中中0150250Compact directed ejection field发射出射速加快的等离子切割光束上+下中中00300Tundra Recon Tip(DLC*)制作出冻原侦查等离子切割枪上+下远高4055250Tool: Pneumatic TorchTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip制作出一把火焰喷射器上+下中中xxxTool: Rip CoreTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出悬浮的锯条上+下近中xxxCompact Directed Ejection Field发射出水平移动的锯条上+下中中00300Tundra Recon Tip(DLC*)制作出冻原侦查粗齿锯上+下近中80200Tool: Telemetry SpikeTips性能性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip制作出一把半自动铆钉枪上+下中中xxxTool: Tesla CoreTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出破坏性的电弧上+下近中xxxTool: Hydraulic EngineTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip使工具可以像刀一样的猛刺下近高xxxTool: Military EngineTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip制作出一把射速快的机关枪上+下中低xxxCompact Directed Ejection Field制作出一把强力左轮上+下近中00300EG-900 SMG Tip(DLC*)制作出EG-900冲锋枪上+下中中4055250Heavy Frame Tools & Tips(重型武器工具+性能列表)Tool: Military EngineTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip制作出一把半自动来复枪上+下中高xxxConic Dispersal制作出一把霰弹枪上+下近低0150350Compressor制作出一把射击范围广的突击步枪上+下中中500450Directed Suspension Field制作出一把威力巨大的机关枪上+下近高100250500Precision Tip制作出一把偏狙击属性的来复枪上+下远高0250300Rail Accelerator制作出一把高精度的全自动来复枪上+下中高100150500Repeater制作出一把全自动的电磁来复枪上+下中中25250500Evangelizer Conic Dispersal(DLC*)制作出一把基督教徒霰弹枪上+下近低4040320Evangelizer Directed Ejection Field(DLC*)制作出一把基督教徒卡宾枪上+下中高4065200Marauder Aepeater(DLC*)制作出一把掠夺者脉冲步枪上+下远高4080110Sharpshooter Tip(DLC*)制作出一把神枪手步枪上+下远高060300Tool: Survey ChargeTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出可爆炸的榴弹上+下中中xxxCompressor发射出能粘在表面的计时地雷上+下中中500450Diffraction Torus发射出燃烧弹上+下中中5050300Directed Ejection Field发射出3发能粘在表面上的地雷上+下中高0150200Directed Suspension Field制作出一把火箭发射器上+下远低100250500Rail Accelerator发射出三发带吹飞效果的地雷上+下中高100150500Tool: Rip Core LowerTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出悬浮的锯条上+下近中xxxDirected Ejection Field发射出水平移动的锯条上+下中中0150200Tool: Hydraulic Engine Tips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip让武器用起来像电锯一般下近高xxxConic Dispersal让武器挥动起来像巨锤一般下近中0150350Marauder Tip(DLC*)让武器用起来像园艺剪刀一般下近-4060300Tool: Plasma CoreTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip制作出一把带吹飞效果的霰弹枪上+下近中xxxCompressor制作出一把可以蓄力的脉冲武器上+下远中500450Diffraction Torus制作出一把可以吹飞附近所有敌人的武器下近高5050300Precision Tip发射出动能量光线的强力武器上中高0250300Tool: Pneumatic TorchTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出一团白热火焰的云状物上+下近低xxxCompressor发射出镁的火焰上+下近高060300Precision Tip发射出能冻结敌人的低温火焰上+下中中500450Tool: Telemetry SpikeTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出长矛上+下远中xxxConic Dispersal制作出一把发射铆钉的霰弹枪上+下远高25250500Diffraction Torus制作出一把发射长钉的链条枪上+下近中0150350Repeater制作出一把半自动的长矛枪上+下中高5050300Tool: Tesla CoreTips名称性能说明可安装位置射击距离射击准度素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量Default Tip发射出宽范围的电能光线上+下远低xxxCompressor制作出一把带电的流星锤上+下远低500450Diffraction Torus发射出可以攻击到附近敌人的电弧上+下中中25250500Directed Suspension Field发射出可以粘在表面的带电流星锤上+下中低5050300Precision Tip发射出可以麻痹敌人的电磁脉冲上中高0250300Repeater发射出带切割效果的带电流星锤上+下近高100250500Negotiator Directed Ejection Field(DLC*)制作出交涉者线性枪上+下远低4065200Negotiator Precision Tip(DLC*)制作出交涉者特斯拉光线枪上中高4060300Sharpshooter Tip(DLC*)制作出神枪手线性枪上+下远低4065200Enervator Tip(DLC*)制作出特斯拉镭射枪上中高4060300Attachment(附件)附件名称附件插槽1附件插槽2素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量功能说明Scope○X0100325增大武器瞄准缩放的距离,在广阔的场景比较好用,狭窄的场景反而影响战斗。Damage Support○○100200350增加你和你的同伴的武器的攻击力。Ammo Support○○5050400增加5%你和你的同伴的武器的弹夹容量。Explosion Amplifier○○1500350增加爆炸的范围。Safety Guard○○200500750减少玩家受爆炸类攻击的伤害。Medic Support○○25200300使用回复道具时同时回复同伴的生命值。Stasis Support○○35200300使用静态能量回复道具时同时回复同伴的静态能量。Stasis Amplifier○○502000增大静态能量的覆盖范围。Full Zoom Scope○X501500Scope的加强版。Ammo Sweeper○○0150250自动拾取附近的弹夹。Flame GlazeX○100250350&Modified Projectiles“性能增加少量火焰伤害。Ammo BoxX○0150350在下部弹夹已空的情况下自动上弹。Electric ChargeX○75200350”Electrifies projectiles“性能增加少量电流伤害。Stasis CoatingX○75200450”Coats projectiles“性能使敌人受到少量静态能量的作用。Acid BathX○100200450”Coats projectiles“性能使敌人受到酸性攻击缓缓减少生命值。Module(模块)模块名称Compact Frame(轻型枪托)Heavy Frame(重型枪托)素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量功能说明Canister Recovery ModuleX○---地雷的辅助模块,可以重新激活已用过的地雷。对应地雷为:Detonator Mines和Knockback Detonators。Electrocution Module○○0150250使最后射出的子弹电流化。对应武器为:Anchored Bolas,Line Gun Mine,Ripper Blade variants(除了Tundra Recon)和所有的Telemetry Spike weapons(除了Chain Gun)。Explosive Module○○75150500使最后射出的子弹爆破化。对应武器为:Anchored Bolas,Line Gun Mine,Standard Rippers (除了Suspended)和所有的Telemetry Spike weapons(除了Chain Gun)。Rotator Cuff Module○○0100350可以让上部武器旋转90度。 对应武器为:Plasma Cutter variants (除了Tundra Recon),Line Gun (除了所有DLC)和Ripper Blades (除了Tundra Recon)。Upgrade Circuit(升级电路)本作中升级电路是可以通过两种方法获得的:拾取+合成,某种升级电路只有拾取过,之后才可以合成。每个升级项目的加成所耗素材的数量是相等的,比如说“伤害+1 上弹+1”和“射速+1 弹夹+1”所消耗的素材都是一样的。+3,+3和+3,+2需要完成一些Artifact的收集才可以获得。模块加成数量素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量+10125300+1,+125100300+2,-1100100400+20150500+2,+120150500+2,+240200300+3,+280350100+3,+3150200400
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06:15 编辑
RIG & STATIS & KINESIS升级数据一览RIG(Resource Integration Gear)升级所需素材数量+属性加成属性Scarp Metal所需数量Somatic Gel所需数量Tungsten所需数量Semiconductor所需数量Transducer所需数量属性加成HP生命值lv.150125000+25pHP生命值lv.2250250500+25pHP生命值lv.35005002500+25pHP生命值lv.41000100010000+25pAIR氧气储备lv.12000000+60秒AIR氧气储备lv.22500000+60秒AIR氧气储备lv.33000000+60秒ARMOR装甲防御lv.10001250+5%ARMOR装甲防御lv.2100002500+5%ARMOR装甲防御lv.32000255000+5%ARMOR装甲防御lv.43000407500+5%ARMOR装甲防御lv.540006510000+5%STASIS升级所需素材数量+属性加成属性Scarp Metal所需数量Somatic Gel所需数量Tungsten所需数量Semiconductor所需数量Transducer所需数量属性加成ENERGY能量总量lv.12500250250+1发ENERGY能量总量lv.250001000500+1发DURATION持续时间+范围lv.10000125+2pDURATION持续时间+范围lv.200050225+2pDURATION持续时间+范围lv.3005080325+2pDURATION持续时间+范围lv.40075100425+2pRECHARGE自动恢复时间lv.1300000150-10秒RECHARGE自动恢复时间lv.26000500200-10秒KINESIS升级所需素材数量+属性加成属性Scarp Metal所需数量Somatic Gel所需数量Tungsten所需数量Semiconductor所需数量Transducer所需数量属性加成DAMAGE伤害值lv.11000000+20%DAMAGE伤害值lv.22000025100+20%DAMAGE伤害值lv.33000050200+20%DAMAGE伤害值lv.44000075300+20%DAMAGE伤害值lv.55000010040020%RANGE攻击距离lv.1250000+2pRANGE攻击距离lv.2500500+2pRANGE攻击距离lv.37501000+2pRANGE攻击距离lv.410001500+2p
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本帖最后由 aimerinter 于
17:53 编辑
Item Crafting(道具合成)道具名称所需素材名称所需素材数量道具备注Ammo ClipScarp Metal100本作武器的弹夹。和前两作不同,本作的所有武器通用一种弹夹。Small Med PackSomatic Gel40回复道具。恢复生命值量:小。Medium Med PackSomatic Gel100回复道具。恢复生命值量:中。Large Med PackSomatic Gel240回复道具。恢复生命值量:大。Tungsten Torque BarTungsten+Scarp Metal20+100开启机关门的非必要道具。机关门后为有大量弹药,素材,收集要素等等的藏宝屋。Stasis PackTransducer35静态能量回复。为辅助战斗的非必要道具,开启某些机关的必要道具,静态能量也可以通过供给站回复或者等待角色自动回复。
Weapon Blueprint(武器蓝图,按首字母排序)除了自己从枪托开始制作武器外,本作也提供了一种便利的获得好武器的方法:搜集蓝图然后根据蓝图直接制作出一把武器,省了不少事情。不过用蓝图制作出的武器并不一定就比自己制作的武器强,需要继续加工具性能附件等继续强化。当然武器蓝图最大的用武之处在于“经典模式”,毕竟在“经典模式”中无法自己组装武器只能靠蓝图制作历代的经典武器,不过其中也有几把比较逆天的枪。下图中蓝色高亮的蓝图为Classic模式可以使用的蓝图,假如数值是有括号的说明此把武器在经典模式中也有,括号内的为Classic模式中素材所需要的数量,而没有括号的则为Classic模式独有的蓝图。蓝图名称素材Tungsten所需数量素材Semiconductor所需数量素材Scarp Metal所需数量…and Tubes62526004200Basic Line Gun0195800Bolas Gun1507452600Contact Beam50(50)300(745)600(1900)Codecow54020103600Desperation54019603600Detonator1755451350Disemboweler59021103450Flamethrower-(250)-(545)-(1350)Force Gun-(50)-(445)-(1750)Heavy Metal Thunder68010002250Hot Death100400600HUN-E1 Badger150300750Identify and Destroy62519003600Infected Dissolver70023603950Intimid8r65026003950Javelin Gun50(50)200(395)400(950)Line Gun1503951600Medic Support Handgun50200400Mjolnir1004001000Pitch Black 39252522003350Pulse Rifle125(125)600(645))Ripper2003101650Rivet Gun1253601350Seeker Rifle50(50)550(595)650(950)Ship Repair Tool51022103600Shocker85027004550Shootbanger80026004250Shotgun0195650Show Stopper2258601600Slam Chop65023504400Sweep the Leg75025505000Tre Pound Seven41020103250
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精华30帖子威望67 点积分19464 点注册时间最后登录
战士, 积分 770, 距离下一级还需 730 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分770 点注册时间最后登录
Scarp Metal数量:300
Scarp Metal数量:250
<p id="rate_456" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="&积分 + 8 点
" class="mtn mbn">
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<font color="#3587544 发表于
好的,多谢了& && && && && && &
战士, 积分 770, 距离下一级还需 730 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分770 点注册时间最后登录
aimerinter 发表于
精华30帖子威望67 点积分19464 点注册时间最后登录
<font color="#3587544 发表于
呵呵不客气,噢对了我还有3把DLC武器反正我是把商店里dlc全买了.....,一把是等离子切割器+电锯,一把是狙 ...
EG-900 SMG (Gamestop Pre-order Bonus)
Tesla Enervator (Amazon Pre-order Bonus)
这是所有的bonus武器,我2代存档删了没拿到Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter
Broadbow Arc Cutter (Slim Jim/EA Every Code Wins Promotion Reward)
EL1 Rapido (Slim Jim/EA Every Code Wins Promotion Reward)
The Skewer (Slim Jim/EA Every Code Wins Promotion Reward)
Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter (Dead Space 2 Reward)
Marauder Pack
Marauder Suit and AL-9 Clearcutter
Sharpshooter Pack
Sharpshooter Suit and SMP-90 Sharpshooter
Tundra Recon Pack
Tundra Recon Suit and Aegis VII Survivalist
战士, 积分 770, 距离下一级还需 730 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分770 点注册时间最后登录
Scarp Metal数量:110
Scarp Metal数量:300
Sharpshooter smp-90狙击排线枪
Scarp Metal数量:300
Scarp Metal数量:200
Tundra Recon 等离子切割电锯
Tundra Recon等离子
Scarp Metal数量:250
Tundra Recon悬浮电锯
Scarp Metal数量:0
<p id="rate_456" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="&积分 + 20 点
" class="mtn mbn">
Powered byFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The microporous molecular structure of a zeolite, ZSM-5
Zeolites are ,
commonly used as commercial
and catalysts. The term zeolite was originally coined in 1756 by
, who observed that upon rapidly heating the material , it produced large amounts of steam from water that had been
by the material. Based on this, he called the material zeolite, from the
ζ?ω (zéō), meaning "to boil" and λ?θο? (líthos), meaning "stone".
Zeolites occur naturally but are also produced industrially on a large scale. As of October
unique zeolite frameworks have been identified, and over 40 naturally occurring zeolite frameworks are known.
(one of the rarest zeolites) from India
Zeolites have a porous structure that can accommodate a wide variety of , such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution. Some of the more common mineral zeolites are , , , , , , and . An example mineral formula is: Na2Al2Si3O10·2H2O, the formula for .
Natural zeolites form where
layers react with
groundwater. Zeolites also crystallize in post-depositional environments over periods ranging from thousands to millions of years in shallow marine basins. Naturally occurring zeolites are rarely pure and are contaminated to varying degrees by other minerals, metals, , or other zeolites. For this reason, naturally occurring zeolites are excluded from many important commercial applications where uniformity and purity are essential.
Zeolites are the
members of the family of microporous solids known as "molecular sieves." The term
refers to a particular property of these materials, i.e., the ability to selectively sort molecules based primarily on a size exclusion process. This is due to a very regular pore structure of molecular dimensions. The maximum size of the molecular or ionic species that can enter the pores of a zeolite is controlled by the dimensions of the channels. These are conventionally defined by the ring size of the aperture, where, for example, the term "8-ring" refers to a closed loop that is built from eight tetrahedrally coordinated silicon (or aluminium) atoms and 8 oxygen atoms. These rings are not always perfectly symmetrical due to a variety of effects, including strain induced by the bonding between units that are needed to produce the overall structure, or coordination of some of the oxygen atoms of the rings to cations within the structure. Therefore, the pores in many zeolites are not cylindrical.
Zeolites transform to other minerals under ,
alteration or
conditions. Some examples:
The sequence of -rich
commonly progresses from:
→ quartz → – →
The sequence of silica-poor volcanic rocks commonly progresses from:
→ thomsonite–mesolite-scolecite → chabazite → calcite.
Industrially important zeolites are produced synthetically. Typical procedures entail heating aqueous solutions of
with . Equivalent reagents include
and . Further variations include changes in the cations to include .
Synthetic zeolites hold some key advantages over their natural analogs. The synthetic materials are manufactured in a uniform, phase-pure state. It is also possible to produce zeolite structures that do not appear in nature. Zeolite A is a well-known example. Since the principal raw materials used to manufacture zeolites are silica and alumina, which are among the most abundant mineral components on earth, the potential to supply zeolites is virtually unlimited.
from Poland
techniques are used to mine natural zeolites. The overburden is removed to allow access to the ore. The ore may be blasted or stripped for processing by using tractors equipped with ripper blades and front-end loaders. In processing, the ore is crushed, dried, and milled. The milled ore may be air-classified as to particle size and shipped in bags or bulk. The crushed product may be
to remove fine material when a granular product is required, and some pelletized products are produced from fine material.
Currently, the world’s annual production of natural zeolite is about 3 million . The major producers in 2010 were
(2 million tonnes),
(210,000 t),
(150,000 t),
(140,000 t),
(100,000 t)
(85,000 t) and the
(59,000 t). The ready availability of zeolite-rich rock at low cost and the shortage of competing minerals and rocks are probably the most important factors for its large-scale use. According to the , it is likely that a significant percentage of the material sold as zeolites in some countries is ground or sawn volcanic
that contains only a small amount of zeolites. Some examples of such usage are dimension stone (as an altered volcanic tuff), lightweight aggregate, , and soil conditioners.
Synthetic zeolite
There are several types of synthetic zeolites that form by a process of slow
of a - gel in the presence of alkalis and organic templates. One of the important processes used to carry out zeolite synthesis is
processing. The product properties depend on reaction mixture composition, pH of the system, , pre-reaction 'seeding' time, reaction time as well as the templates used. In sol-gel process, other elements (metals, metal oxides) can be easily incorporated. The silicalite sol formed by the
method is very stable. The ease of scaling up this process makes it a favorite route for zeolite synthesis.
Zeolites are widely used as ion-exchange beds in domestic and commercial , softening, and other applications. In chemistry, zeolites are used to separate
(only molecules of certain sizes and shapes can pass through), and as traps for molecules so they can be analyzed.
Zeolites are also widely used as catalysts and sorbents. Their well-defined pore structure and adjustable acidity make them highly active in a large variety of reactions.
Zeolites have the potential of providing precise and specific separation of gases including the removal of H2O, CO2 and SO2 from low-grade
streams. Other separations include , N2, O2,
On-Board Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS) use zeolites in conjunction with
to remove nitrogen from compressed air in order to supply oxygen for aircrews at high altitudes.
Synthetic zeolites are widely used as
in the petrochemical industry, for instance in fluid catalytic
and . Zeolites confine molecules in small spaces, which causes changes in their structure and reactivity. The hydrogen form of zeolites (prepared by ) are powerful solid-state , and can facilitate a host of acid-catalyzed reactions, such as , , and cracking. The specific activation modality of most zeolitic catalysts used in petrochemical applications involves quantum-chemical Lewis acid site reactions.[]
uses reactor and a regenerator. Feed is injected onto hot, fluidized catalyst where large
molecules are broken into smaller gasoline molecules and . The vapor-phase products are separated from the catalyst and distilled into various products. The catalyst is circulated to a regenerator where air is used to burn coke off the surface of the catalyst that was formed as a byproduct in the cracking process. The hot regenerated catalyst is then circulated back to the reactor to complete its cycle.
Zeolites have uses in advanced reprocessing methods, where their micro-porous ability to capture some ions while allowing others to pass freely, allowing many fission products to be efficiently removed from nuclear waste and permanently trapped. Equally important are the mineral properties of zeolites. Their alumino-silicate construction is extremely durable and resistant to radiation even in porous form. Additionally, once they are loaded with trapped fission products, the zeolite-waste combination can be hot pressed into an extremely durable ceramic form, closing the pores and trapping the waste in a solid stone block. This is a waste form factor that greatly reduces its hazard compared to conventional reprocessing systems. Zeolites are also used in the management of leaks of radioactive materials. For example, in the aftermath of the , sandbags of zeolite were dropped into the seawater near the power plant to adsorb radioactive
which was present in high levels.
The German group
announced that they had developed a zeolite substance for use in the
industry for long-term storage of energy at a density 4x more than water. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to store heat both in industrial installations and in small combined heat and power plants such as those used in larger residential buildings.
Zeolites can be used as
and for . In these applications, their high heat of
and ability to
and dehydrate while maintaining structural stability is exploited. This
property coupled with an inherent
(energy releasing) reaction when transitioning from a dehydrated to a hydrated form make natural zeolites useful in harvesting waste heat and solar heat energy. Zeolites are also used as a
The largest single use for zeolite is the global laundry
market. This amounted to 1.44 million metric tons per year of anhydrous zeolite A in 1992.[]
is often made of zeolite or .
Synthetic zeolites are used as an additive in the production process of warm mix . The development of this application started in Germany in the 1990s. They help by decreasing the temperature level during manufacture and laying of asphalt concrete, resulting in lower consumption of fossil fuels, thus releasing less , aerosols, and vapours. The use of synthetic zeolites in hot mixed asphalt leads to easier compaction and, to a certain degree, allows cold weather paving and longer hauls.
When added to
they can reduce chloride permeability and improve workability. They reduce weight and help moderate water content while allowing for slower drying which improves break strength. When added to
and lime-metakaolin mortars, synthetic zeolite pellets can act simultaneously as pozzolanic material and water reservoir.
Polished thomsonite
, one of the rarer zeolite minerals, have been collected as
from a series of
flows along
and to a lesser degree in , U.S.A. Thomsonite nodules from these areas have
lava flows and are collected on beaches and by scuba divers in Lake Superior.
These thomsonite nodules have concentric rings in combinations of colors: black, white, orange, pink, purple, red, and many shades of green. Some nodules have copper inclusions and rarely will be found with
"eyes." When polished by a
the thomsonites sometimes display a "cat's eye" effect ().
Research into and development of the many
applications of zeolites, particularly the naturally occurring species ,
has been ongoing.
systems are widely used to produce medical-grade oxygen. The zeolite is used as a molecular sieve to create purified oxygen from air using its ability to trap impurities, in a process involving the adsorption of nitrogen, leaving highly purified oxygen and up to 5% argon.
brand hemostatic agent, which is used to stop severe bleeding, contains a calcium-loaded form of zeolite found in
In agriculture,
(a naturally occurring zeolite) is used as a soil treatment. It provides a source of slowly released . If previously loaded with , the zeolite can serve a similar function in the slow release of . Zeolites can also act as water moderators, in which they will absorb up to 55% of their weight in water and slowly release it under the plant's demand. This property can prevent root rot and moderate drought cycles. Clinoptilolite has also been added to chicken food, the absorption of water and ammonia by the zeolite made the birds droppings drier, less odoriferous and hence easier to handle.
Zeolites are marketed by pet stores for use as a filter additive in . In aquariums, zeolites can be used to adsorb
and other nitrogenous compounds. However, due to the high affinity of some zeolites for calcium, they may be less effective in hard water and may deplete calcium. Zeolite filtration is used in some marine aquaria to keep nutrient concentrations low for the benefit of corals adapted to nutrient-depleted waters.
Where and how the zeolite was formed is an important consideration for . Most Northern hemisphere natural zeolites were formed when molten lava came in contact with sea water, thereby 'loading' the zeolite with Na (sodium) sacrificial ions. The mechanism is well known to chemists as . These sodium ions will speciate with other ions in solution, thus the takeup of nitrogen in ammonia, with the release of the sodium. One deposit in southern Idaho near Bear River is a fresh water variety (Na&.05%). Southern hemisphere zeolites are typically formed in freshwater and have a high calcium content.[]
Zeolite is an effective ammonia filter, but must be used with some care, especially with delicate tropical corals that are sensitive to water chemistry and temperature.
The zeolite structural group () includes:
09.GA. - Zeolites with T5O10 units – the fibrous zeolites
Natrolite framework (NAT): , , , , ,
Edingtonite framework (EDI): ,
Thomsonite framework (THO): -series
09.GB. - Chains of single connected 4-membered rings
Analcime framework (ANA): , , ,
09.GC. - Chains of doubly-connected 4-membered rings
Phillipsite framework (PHI): , -series
Gismondine framework (GIS): , , ,
(MER), -series (MAZ), -series (PAU),
(Linde type L framework, zeolite L, LTL)
09.GD. - Chains of 6-membered rings – tabular zeolites
Chabazite framework (CHA): -series, ,
Faujasite framework (FAU): -series, Linde type X (zeolite X, X zeolites), Linde type Y (zeolite Y, Y zeolites)
Mordenite framework (MOR): ,
Offretite–wenkite subgroup 09.GD.25 (Nickel–Strunz, 10 ed):
(TMA-E, Aiello and B framework type EAB),
(BIK), -series (ERI),
(GME), -series (LEV), -series (DAC),
09.GE. - Chains of T10O20 tetrahedra
Heulandite framework (HEU): , -series
Stilbite framework (STI): , , -series
Brewsterite framework (BRE): -series
(also known as , framework type MFI),
(beta polymorph A, disordered framework, BEA), Linde type A framework (zeolite A, LTA)
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