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Play Cry of Fear
"It's a little wonky, but it has its moments. Plus it's free!"
About This Game
Cry of Fear is a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness. With a strong emphasis on cinematic experience, immersion and lateral thinking, players will be taken on a nightmare rollercoaster-ride through the grim streets of F?versholm and beyond. Not everything is as it seems...
Cry of Fear originally started out as a Half-Life 1 modification, set in the same vein as the classic survival horror games of old. 4 years in the making and picking up several modding awards on the way, it is now a free, standalone game for anyone to enjoy. Beware though, it's not for the faint of heart.
Key Features:
Huge single-player campaign with over 8 hours of gameplay
Multiple endings and over 20 different unlockables to keep you playing
Full length co-op campaign with up to 4 players
Strong modding support with 12 custom campaigns and examples included, with requests from modding community listened to and implemented
Terrifying and unforgettable atmosphere
24 different and unique weapons to choose from
Unlockable extra campaign after beating single-player
Original soundtrack comprises over 5 hours of haunting, melodic music
System Requirements
OS:Windows(R) 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
Processor:1 ghz
Memory:1024 MB RAM
Graphics:128MB Video Card with OpenGL support
Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
Additional:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Required
OS:Windows(R) 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
Processor:2 ghz
Memory:2048 MB RAM
Graphics:512MB Video Card with OpenGL support
Hard Drive:7 GB HD space
Additional:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Required
(C) 2013 Team Psykskallar All rights reserved.
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141 people found this review funny
9.2 hrs on record
Don't be fooled, the game is free but you will have to buy new underwear.
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19 people found this review funny
3.4 hrs on record
Have you ever wanted to have your pants filled up with your own poo?
Now you can, for free!Before I start I would like to state that this is MY OPINION and what I think of this game.Cry of fear is a Psychological First Person Shooter Survival Horror and is one of the SCARIEST games I have ever played! It isn't one of your average cheesey horror games. Cry of fear is a game where you never know what to expect around the corner.
It could be a chainsaw maniac that wants to chop off your head or a mental deranged child wanting to kill you.
Even though sometimes the enemies get repeated in some sections there are always fresh jumpscares that make up for it.The Good/The BadGood Scary unlike other horror games Unpredictable The game is around 8 hours long (plenty of jumpscares!) It's got co-op so you can crap yourself with your friends Free!Bad Outdated graphics Sometimes buggy (not often, very rare) Some sections of the game are unforgiving (lots of enemies, not much ammo) Co-op sometimes doesn't work (very good when it does)VerdictSounds 8/10Graphics 5/10 (uses half life 1 engine)Gameplay 8/10Atmosphere 10/10Overall Score
9/10&Fantastic, Frightening
and Free&Cry of Fear is a highly recomended game for anyone who likes a truly scary game and a bit of a challenge as well.
It's free, so what are you waiting for? Get Cry of Fear NOW!
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51 people found this review funny
8.5 hrs on record
1.My friend and I play co op2.Huh, doesn't seem scary3.Encounter first enemy4.Friend panics and misses all shots5.I panic and somehow kill first enemy6.Flying beds7.**** this ****, I'm out of here!20/10
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4 people found this review funny
8.1 hrs on record
Best part is the limited inventory, youre forced to leave stuff behind in order to proceed, game is very generous with the ammo but lets face it, youll need more than ammo.
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14.6 hrs on record
Game: FreeNew Underwear: $4.99
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34 people found this review funny
28.9 hrs on record
I died to a floating bed.10/10
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2 people found this review funny
28.7 hrs on record
Likes:I like that it had a different campaign for solo and multiplayer. Also that the multiplayer version was a continue of the first version. I LOVE that there was a survival mode. I liked that there were parts that weren't even meant to scare the player, yet they did. I like how the game had a good storyline. I also love that it was free! The game even ran well (most of the time) on my bad laptop! The game had some scary parts, but was not overly-abusive about the jumpscares and other scary stuff...Dislikes:I wish there was a create-your-own survival mode, even though I can understand that is back-breakingly hard to do... I at least wish the creator would've put more effort into the survival mode, making it easier in some way or less repetitive. The solo and multiplayer campaigns were VERY fun! However, there were some parts that annoyed me half to death. Some of the jump puzzles, the enemies that one shot you (sometimes), and least importantly... the enemy movement...I'm currently STUCK on the first part of chapter six with an annoying jump-puzzle... It's annoying! I also wish there was an item, or something, that would give you more inventory space. Overall:The game was VERY good! There were some parts that were annoying and some things I wish existed, but with what the game has, it's GREAT!!! I give it 4.25 golden stars that don't exist anywhere, but my mind, but that c) -P.S. I want more...
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16.7 hrs on record
Cry of Fear is simply the best Half-Life mod I have ever played, with the exception of Counter-Strike back in the day. This game shouldn't even be classified as a mod in my opinion. The engine has been utilized so well that there is little resemblence to the look of Half-Life.Story:The story of Cry of Fear is worth experiencing for sure. I like the mystery aspects to the story and your character's journey in figuring out what's going on. There are many WTF moments, which I like in survival horror games. Plus, there are mutliple endings, so the replay value is decent. I don't want to give anything away, so you willl have to check it out yourself. Definitely plays with the mind and is more of a psychological horror thriller than a straight up jump scare horror game, which in my opinion makes for a much more interesting experience.Gameplay:This game truly is survival horror and the designers understand how to make the player feel like every resource is valuable. Similar to games like the early Bioharzard (Resident Evil) or Silent Hill games, items like firearms, ammunition, light sources, health, etc. all become scarce quickly if not rationed correctly and you always feel relieved to find more. There are times where I decided to sprint past enemies instead of trying to take them out since I didn't have enough ammunition or they were heavy in numbers. Speaking of enemies, there is a decent variety to them and they are creepy as hell. The animations make them very disturbing, and the sound effects that belong to each of them unnerve your senses. As for the objectives, they are usually pretty simple for the most part. There is a lot of back tracking, but it does make sense within the story, so it didn't really become annoying. There were some areas where I got confused on where to go, but to me, this helps the experience more than hindering it. I don't always want to be told where to go or what to do so directly. Survival horror games should make you think for yourself. Most games lack this aspect. The firearms feel much more realistic
than most games. They have some serious recoil and the accuracy is fairly similar to the real thing, at least from my limited experience.Graphics:The game is very well polished for being built on such an old engine compared to the new ones. There are many details on the characters and enemies that bring out their personalities or lack thereof. Since this is a FPS with third person cutscenes mostly, the hands and weapons look very realistic. Very good details, especially on the firearms. The animations are done very well and the designers really didn't try to shortcut anything. Lighting, color, post processing, water, textures, etc. were all done very well, especially for a free game. The only gripe I feel anyone can make is only because of how old the engine is for the game, so obviously the polygon count isn't nearly as high as modern games. The settings are very detailed and make you feel like you are there in Sweden, which is where the game takes place. You are mostly in an urban environment, cautiously going through the streets, alleys, sewers, parks, buildings, etc. However, there are some other settings such as the forest and suburban areas.Overall:This game has accomplished everything it set out to do in my opinion. The sound design and music compliment the harsh disturbing atmosphere and really creeps you out, especially when you don't know what's around the next corner. The graphics are great for the resources used, the gameplay is true survival horror, and it's FREE!!! So, sit back, turn the lights off, turn up the volume, have a weapon near you along with a change of pants if need be, and enjoy this game. I would pay money to play this game, let's leave it at that.My review is based on playing the single player only. I did not play through any other game mode. There is a co-op mode and a survivor mode as well, adding some more replay value.5/5
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45 people found this review funny
0.1 hrs on record
& Installs game& Looks at main menu& Uninstalls10/10
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12 people found this review funny
0.3 hrs on record
You know what they say. Games with shity graphics are the best horror games
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1 person found this review funny
9.9 hrs on record
Swedish FPS Horror at its finest. Better than most AAA horror games nowadays.If you liked this, you should also consider trying Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut, a Half-Life mod on Moddb, made by the same guy.Cry of Fear is kind of like Afraid of Monsters, except slower paced, less paranormal stuff, has an inventory and dual wielding system, etc. As well as most notably, a new coat of paint on the GoldSource engine, so the visuals are pretty slick this time around.So you wake up in an alley way, probably from being wasted, or maybe someone mugged you and punched your lights out, gotta find a way home.You soon find out that there is hammer wielding maniacs and other... things.. running about and wreaking havoc on your face.Did the local insane asylum break loose? Was an evil portal opened up by the local madman? Could I possibly pull out any more random excuses out of my ??? to make this review any more mediocre?Well you'll just have to play the damn game to find out!8/10, would get spooked and run low on memory and crash again.
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8.6 hrs on record
Died from gun wound?
Died from natural causes ?
Died from exploding needle trash baby head of death and decay
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5.7 hrs on record
got scared from the loud noises the buttons on the game launcher makes 10/10 would button again
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19.0 hrs on record
Time until completion: 15 hours.Therapy hours:
10Average pants used:
8Heart attacks:
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11.2 hrs on record
This game is a griping and scary, at first i had problems with it but is was soon fixed, it is alot of fun i have yet to complete the game, however i also enjoyed some of the custom games which were also alot of fun, the graphics are nothing to brag about so it will run on all systems even my ?????? laptop i took to a friends house, i would recommend it however there are some much better free horror games but this one is still worth a download
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3 people found this review funny
26.9 hrs on record
A lot better than the last four Silent Hill games.Cry of Fear is a video. It is also a game. A good one at that, with a few minor glitches. Overall, for a FREE horror game, it is like a gay dolphin, it blows all the other free horror games out the water.
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14.8 hrs on record
Cry of Fear is a free but very great horror game. The main character is Simon who does not know how he found himself in a deserted town which has been overrun by strange monster. Our goal is to survive but also to solve a mysterious riddle. To defeat the monsters we have a melee weapons and a guns. You will kill a lot of monsters but also you are must to fight with the powerfull bosses. The game has a very atmospheric music but also have a custom stories and cooperation mode. My rating is a 9/10.
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3.7 hrs on record
Good jumpscares, lighting, lead character+story, and gunning. 10/10
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6.8 hrs on record
This to me is the scariest game on steam, I have played through almost all of it (around 8 hours, good length story). The only other game I could comapare this to &scary-wise& is PT the Silent Hills teaser on PS4. This game plays much differently than PT of course. The lore and atmosphere is so creepy and the character models, while not very detailed, are still horrifying. The little notes you pick up throughout the game will make you cringe and wonder, &what kind of creep made this game?&. There are some puzzles which are moderately challenging and the combat isnt by any means great but thats not why you play this game. You play it to see if you have what it takes, to see if you can last the whole ride. -Gameplay 7/10-Horror 10/10
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1.0 hrs on record
This game, like many other games, has gameplay. You can move, you can look around, and occasionally, fire a gun. It has graphics. It has lighting effects. It has a decent color pallet. It is also free to play, so you can't go wrong. It has a story unlike any other. It has enemies to combat. It also has allies that can help you on your quest. Unlike a lot of games nowadays, it has varied, thematic, set pieces. Don't let the title fool you, you won't be crying in fear, you will be crying about how amazing of an experience you've had, absolutely free, so you can save the money for passover. The movement is pretty dynamic. If you walk into a hard surface, you will stop. No longer will you have that lingering feeling that at any moment, you will fall through the floor. Oh, I forgot to mention that this game has a very engaging, and cinematic co-op experience. Each moment in co-op is unlike any other before it. You and your friends will experience a truly heart-wrenching, claustrophobic, gut-pounding, bowel movement-inducing, spoop filled catastrophe. Never has there been a more immersive co-op experience. The indie aspect truly shines throughout the many epic, magnificent, unanimous, diverse, open world realms. The only downside, and I truly regret to have to report on this, is the complete lack of an in depth character customization. Without a feature as crucial as character customization, I FEAR that this game will be overlooked by many. I CRY at the very thought that this game will go unnoticed. It is with all of my heart, that I recommend this game to everyone who enjoys a fast paced, adrenaline fueled, ride into the mind of the developers. Brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster, and try not to CRY when you reach the end.
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Title: Cry of Fear
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 25 Apr, 2013
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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