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About This Game
Famaze is a retro themed puzzle adventure game. The game combines charming SNES era visuals and sound, randomized &roguelike&mazes, strategy and puzzles, rpg elements, and a fun lighthearted story. The game is simple to pick up but offers endless replay because of the procedural nature of its levels.
The story of the game involves a mad king who has captured the happy rutabagas of the land and has turned them into evil monsters to guard his kingdom while he searches for the elusive perfect recipe for rutabaga pudding. The heroes of the land (a knight, thief, or wizard) must delve deep into the king's domain to rescue the rutabagas, find the gem of truth to unravel the secret recipe and put a stop to the mad king's plot.
Original soundtrack by Disasterpeace
Artwork by Oryx
Procedurally generated puzzle dungeons created infinite replayability.
Environmental variables including treasure chests, pit traps, healing blocks, and magic beacons.
3 heroes to choose from with powerful unique abilities.
Useful items including potions, fireballs, teleport orbs, and magic crystals.
Collectible hidden artifact pieces meta game with artifact summary screen.
A fun, lighthearted story line.
An original soundtrack including 23 unique tracks by Disasterpeace
Detailed stat tracking including gold, high scores, types of monster kills, etc.
System Requirements
OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP (32 bit)
Processor: 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 128MB of graphics memory
Hard Drive: 64 MB available space
Sound Card: N/A
(c)2014 Oryx Design Lab
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2.0 hrs on record
FAMAZE is the simplest rogue-like i know. Originally made for phones and the browser FAMAZE was a really fun little rogue-like that was perfect if you only had 5
minutes or so. The goal of FAMAZE is to find a key and to get to the end of the dungeon. In most rogue-likes, when you move, the monsters move too but in FAMAZE most monsters are stationary. They just block your way. Attacking monsters causes you and your foe to lose 1hitpoint. In order to stay alive you need potions that refill your life. The catch however is that you only have 2 inventory slots. This mechanic leads to alot of strategic thinking. FAMAZE also has a rather interesting lightning mechanic. If the light touches an enemy it turns into an healing item. This is an easy way of defeating your foes. So FAMAZE is a fun little rogue-like that is perfect to play while downloadinD. If you want a strategic rogue-like that is really complex look somewhere else(ToME is perfect if you'D) Simple but fun!
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2.6 hrs on record
Famaze is a unique, casual sort of dungeon crawler that borders on being strategy and planning. There are two halves of the game, the top and bottom. The lower half shows a 2D side view of you and everything around you. The top shows the mini map. This map is what you'll really be paying attention to. You move north, south, east and west by moving up, down, left and right. This is why I say you'll be paying attention tot he map, because the bottom of the screen is a 2D side view of the action. Right and left on the side view isn't always east and west on the map. So if you're pushing left looking at the bottom of the screen and you can't head west on the map, you won't go anywhere. The object of the game is to find the key and get to the locked door. There are a certain amount of randomly generated mazes to get through, where you then see your statistics and get an ending. Its not about the finish though, its about the journey. With the randomly generated mazes, every play through is different. Every death means a new dungeon to explore.The map is a maze of hallways, with no rooms. On the map you see the halls, walls, your location, enemies in red, items in dark blue, rutabagas in sky blue, treasures in yellow and sleeping enemies are dark red. You can see these things a certain distance away from you so you can plan to avoid things accordingly. Some enemies will move, but treasures, rutabagas and items will not. Your map starts out dark, but the more you explore, the more of the map gets uncovered.These enemies are easy, you don't fight them so much as bump into them with you both dealing damage to one another. To fight, just walk in their direction on the map. Its that easy. You can stand in front of a foe without them attacking. There are a variety of enemies with different habits. Purple slimes will blot out some of your explored map. Skeletons will rise up after you walk by them. Ghosts will steal your items. Wizards will chase after you. Cycloptic floating heads are asleep in the dark until you light up an area near them, then they'll wake. There are of course standard attackers like paroling spiders, goblins and the more difficult fat red trolls. You can run from most enemies without them following you.When you start the game, you select from three classes. The knight starts with a health potion and can use a charge attack. The thief can see and disarm traps, and has a teleport potion to almost completely avoid combat. The wizard can transmute an item and has a powerful fireball. This fireball plows through enemies on your map. Even enemies that you're not fighting, the fireball travels straight down the hallway destroying lesser foes in its path. Its effective, to make up for the wizard's low attack power. The only problem is that the fireball counts as an item and can only get used once before its gone.You can get XP from defeating enemies and lighting torches in order to level up and make combat easier. The torches lit are worth far more XP than enemies you defeat. After the first level, its difficult to increase XP, so it becomes worthless in my opinion.There are no weapons or armor. You have what you have from start to finish, so this isn't a traditional dungeon crawler. Less micro management makes it easier for casual players. Instead, it is the items that mix up the game. You can hold two items at a time, to use them, hit the number keys. Potions refill your health. Flares light up a small part of the map while killing nearby enemies and turning distant ones into rutabagas. Even if an enemy walks into the light, they will transform. A teleport potion will let you transport yourself to anywhere on the mini map in the upper half of the screen, but not the full map. The key counts as an item, so it takes up a slot in your inventory to make things more interesting. There are several items and objects littered through a maze. Dare I say almost an item for every enemy depending on the map.Along the way through each maze, you'll find all these items, but you'll also find torches, lights or lanterns. Whatever they are, when you light them up, the map around the area brightens up. Much like a flare, but a larger size. So active enemies turn into rutabagas, cycloptic heads wake up and traps now show up on your map. That's right, Famaze has traps, so if you spend your time completely avoiding enemies and running from them, eventually, you'll find hidden traps. These traps only damage you and without the light from a stationary torch or a flare, you won't see them.The entire story revolves around the rutabagas, the mad king has turned them all into monsters, and you need to turn them back. So the real object is to hit lights, that turn the enemies into rutabagas and then collect them. These rutabegas give you health for touching them, so it leads me to believe, you're actually eating them. Eating the things you're trying to save. It is probably a lot easier to transport them in your stomach than to carry them in a sack. It doesn't matter though, it all goes to statistics at the end of each level and the end of each game.As for the treasures, they are nothing more than a score at the end of each level and I'm sure add up to more at the end of each play through. You'll find standard treasures and treasure chests. Sometimes the chests contain more gold for your score, other times its spikes. Risk and reward. There are even health floor tiles that refill your energy just once and teleportation tiles that send you to a different part of the map. These all blend together to make the game more interesting and engaging beyond what I find in deeper less casual dungeon crawlers.Also in the maze are seven collectable artifacts. I'm not sure if all seven are in each play through, but I was able to find the first two on my first play through. Then I found the rest in following play throughs. I think it is a way to extend the life of what is an hour long game. On top of that, you unlock a harder difficulty after completing the default quest.Between each level you'll see a random charming scene over your treasure and rutabaga score. Its a nice addition to what could have just been a score screen.The lower half has a great 8-bit art style. Charming sprites without much animation. As the game progresses and you go maze to maze, the backgrounds and music both change. New enemies get thrown in, so I feel like there's a good sense of progression. The music itself is good and fits into a dark chip tune feel of wandering through a dungeon. Yet, the music doesn't loop it just stops until you find the key. Maybe less is more, but I wish the music would loop or something.Now for the downsides. The game is vertical since it has a top and bottom half. I feel like its meant for a smart phone and not a computer screen. Double clicking the game will make it full screen windowed, but it does nothing for the resolution. Its just a black screen with the game in the center. The game has no mouse or native controller support. I'd much rather play the game with a controller especially with how simple it is.With everything said, I can recommend it. Maybe its not for hardcore dungeon crawler fans since it feels more like a strategy, but people that want an easy little pick up and play game that strays from the norm. While its a charming, easy to play game, I don't think there's enough fun here to keep me in it for that long. It would be the perfect game for a phone.
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3.2 hrs on record
Famaze is a pretty neat indie game, I dont know how to describe it really apart from what you can learn on the store page. I was able to complete the game on normal and collect most of the artifacts in around 45 minutes, so the game is pretty short, after you beat normal mode however you unlock a harder difficulty, so the game could last you quite a few hours. The game feels alot like a rougelike game so you probably wont get tired of the game a second time around if it held your attention long enough to complete it once.
Famaze is free on Steam now, so I hope if it looks interesting to you you will take the time to try it, its simple and small, and if you like retro games you're sure to think its pretty neat.
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0.7 hrs on record
The repetitive nature is something you'd expect from a rogue-like game but this one handles it very simply with a level system and dungeon-crawler items like flare, fireball, healing potion, and more. Fun, Cute, and most of all , well done. 8/10
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5.1 hrs on record
First attempt: Played as knight. Lasted around 1 minute. Figured out how to used special ability Smite when I was down to 2 HP. Never even found the key.Second attempt: Played as thief. Disarmed all the traps, open all the chests, snatch all the coins, light all the beacons, stab all the ghosts, run from all the bulky skeleton wizard looking things, accidentally wake all the winged-eyeball ???????s,
murderize and rip out the throats of the 1 HP fodder creeps, hug all the slimes, find most of the
secret rooms, and finish the game.BUT GET THE WRONG RECIPE! but unlock the expert modeBUT...WRONG...RECIPE...HMMMNNNGGGEEEEAAAARRRRHH!!Third attempt: Thief, pape and rillage, THERE ARE SECRET SUB-ROOMS?! WHAT DOES THIS ARTIFACT DO?! closed out of game in The Treasury when I teleported into a walled off area to get a potion.........God I love this game...No love for the wizard. I wanna be the next Lupin IIIrd guys. With permadeath and magic light that turns gobbledygooks into kawaii rutabagas
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0.6 hrs on record
It's free now. It's simple, roguelike and...simple. Give it a try.
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1.1 hrs on record
I like this game, but I just don't really understand what I need to do in it. When I'd finished it, and please note that what I'm about to say would be somewhat of a spoiler, I was told that I had found the Book of Truth (I think that is what it was called) and that there was this recipe. But then I was told that I had to find the Gem of Truth, after which I was led back to the menu screen.This game, I found, was somewhat purposeless. I discovered that all I had to do, or at least what I thought I had to do, was to find the key in each level and use it on a locked door (a square with a keyhole on the 'minimap').
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0.7 hrs on record
This game was actually pretty funny. I really wish it was longer and had some achievements :-)
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0.9 hrs on record
This a simplistic, but beautiful roguelike, It's something I could happily spend hours on even if i did only intend to play it for five minutes, theres not much in the way of deep story telling, or fancy graphics, the game is literally what you see in the pictures, but for anyone, who wants a good way to kill time, I would highly recommend it. 8/10
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1.6 hrs on record
Fun and addictive, this game is certainly unique.Mixing strategy, puzzles and rpg elements, the mazes are totally random giving you a taste of new adventures so you dont get bored seeing the same view over and over again.I would gladly recommend this to anyone, especially to retro gamers.Dont wait to play this game, its free, PLAY IT NOW!
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0.7 hrs on record
This is a fun little Indie game. I recommend because it's alot like older, classic games and the controls are different.You get to choose 1 out of 3 classifications for your character and your characters looks are based off of the classification.Battles are simple, but your health is fragile, so you must be weary of fights.
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3.6 hrs on record
A rather good short little game that you can finish in under an hour.BUT, when it comes to the hard difficulty? My ????ing god, it IS hard.It's free, it's short, might get boring after a while but, if you wanna play a game to kill your time for a bit, try this one.
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0.7 hrs on record
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be........turnips.
10/10 Would Install.
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0.5 hrs on record
HELL of a roguelike idea, needs a LOT more content though.
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1.1 hrs on record
Famaze is an amazing dungeon crawler, me liking dungeon crawlers is probably a good thing to this game!
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1.3 hrs on record
Small taste of what a Rogue-like game is that is more forgiving, than compared to Rogue Legacy where it's a bit more harsh (and more frustrating).It's fun to play and kill time, but not very addicting after awhile.
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2.2 hrs on record
you get to save rutibegas... whats not to like
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1.0 hrs on record
?tletes kis játék, érdemes kipróbálni!
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0.3 hrs on record
Appropriate that it's free,
because it's pretty crappy. Shouldn't use the word roguelike anywhere in the description.
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0.2 hrs on record
Utterly boring. The way the gameplay works is confusing and bad.2/10
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Title: Famaze
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Release Date: 5 May, 2014
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the room(appstore6元) 和the room 2(appstore18元),里面各种装置做的非常逼真,良心作!
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