游戏restorein app purchasess

iOS In-App Purchases [Tod Cunningham] - 推酷
iOS In-App Purchases [Tod Cunningham]
This is hopefully a concise getting started with in-app purchases article.
has had a fair&amount&of success with leveraging
, and I wanted to share some of the lessons we have learned along the way and also share some code to help make basic in-app purchases a little easier. &This article focuses on non-consumable purchases with built-in product (app)&delivery.
Setting Up Your Account
In order to use in-app purchases you have to complete several steps. &A good guide to how to do this is &
. & I would recommend taking some time and reading it&thoroughly.
One of the key things you need to do is make sure your app has a specific AppId such com.appleseedinc.MyGreatApp. & If your current AppId is using wildcards (&.*&) you will need to replace it with a fixed AppId and regenerate and reapply the provisioning profiles. &This is because in-app purchases can't be shared across multiple apps.
Creating Test Accounts
You will also need a test account. &These can be created using your iTunes Connect account.
In order to test with the test account, you will need to logout of your current iTunes AppStore account. &You can do that in the &Settings& app under &iTunes & App Stores&.
However, don't try to login with the test account through the Settings app. &The test account is only valid in the sandbox environment. &In order to use it, you enter it from within you app when you initiate the in-app purchase. &It will then ask you to login and then you can use the test account you just created. &Once you do this, you can logout of the test account through the Settings app.
Setting up In-App Purchases
You setup the items you want to be purchasable via
This includes picking the type of in-app purchase, it's product id used to reference the purchase from within you app, pricing, and finally the actual text displayed to the user during the purchase process.
This&article&focuses on Non-consumable In-App Purchases. &These type of purchases only need to be purchased once by users. They do not expire or decrease with use and they can be restored.
Purchasable items need to be approved by apple, and they must include a screenshot. &When you define a new release of an app you can pick which new in-app purchases are available in the app.
It's App Time
Now it's time to start doing work in the app. &At this point, you should have your AppId provision profile set, a test account setup, and one or more non-consumable purchases configured in the App Store through iTunesConnect. &The
is used to communicate between your app and the AppStore.
The&simplest&type of in-app workflow to implement is for built in product delivery. &The workflow looks like:
The other workflow is a server based authentication workflow which is significantly more&complicated&and isn't a focus for this&article.
I have made available a class called FLOStoreManager that helps manage the built in product deliver workflow and is part of the
I'm happy to make&FLOStoreManager&available under the MIT license as part of the&
. &The FLOStoreManager class does most of the work to manage the in-app purchase process. & I suggest you download it and at least use it as an example. &
NOTE: The FLOStoreManager makes reference to featureId which is&equivalent&to to the App Store productIdentifier.
There are 3 main parts to the in product delivery process: Download, Present, and Purchase.
Downloading Purchasing Information
The in-app product definitions are stored on the App Store and must be download to the app before presenting or trying to purchase the item. &This is a download of the product information or meta-data such as product price. & Apple enforces this through the App review process so don't try to skip this step even if you think you can just embed all the meta-data in the app. &Apple still&requires&your to download and honor this information as it exists in iTunesConnect.
The product definitions contain information such as product description and price. In order to fetch the product definitions, the app needs to know the product ids in advance. &There is no method to query the product ids from the App Store. &This means the App needs to know the product ids by either hard coding them or by other means such as downloading them from a server.
class is used to fetch the product definitions for a set of feature id's. &The FLOStoreManager wraps this in a handy method called startAsyncFetchOfProductForFeatureList.
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
NSSet *featureSet
= [[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:@[@&ProductId1&, @&ProductId2&]];
[[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] startAsyncFetchOfProductForFeatureList:featureSet];
This implementation also does some handy work for you automatically:
Auto retry on failed attempts
(kFeatureListReady) when the feature list has been&successfully&retrieved.
If the feature list has already been retrieved and matches the given feature then it will only try and update the list once a day. & This is handy since it is called in&
which may get called multiple times as users enter and leave the app.
Keeps track of the &registered& features and the product information associated with them
I usually request the product information during applicationDidBecomeActive so it will be downloaded and&available&as soon as is possible so the purchasable items can be presented to users.
Present Purchasable Items
It's up to you to decide how to present the in-app purchases to your users. &However, the App Store uses UIAlert messages which you can not control other then through some text&customization. &These customizations are done through iTunesConnect when defining the in-app purchase.
You also shouldn't present&purchases&for items&whose&purchasing information hasn't been downloaded. &Apple can reject your app if you try to do that.
One of the things you are going to want to know from the server is the price of the item. &This can vary based on the country and also can be changed in iTunesConnect. &FLOStoreManager has a handy routine to allow you to retrieve the localized price of the product formatted in a nice string.
NSString *price = [[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] formattedPriceForFeatureId:@&ProductId1&];
You will also want to take into account some other factors in the UI such as:
The act of purchasing an item is done asynchronously so you will probably want something to indicate when a purchasing is in progress,
You will need to handle the notifications when the purchase either completed or failed.&
is used to initiate a purchase. & It's easy to initiate a purchase, but it does require some tricky handling of the payment queue. &FLOStoreManager tries to make this really easy. &You just call startAsyncPurchaseOfFeature to begin the purchase:
[[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] startAsyncPurchaseOfFeature:@&ProductId1&];
Once the request is&completed, one of two NSNotifications will be sent:
kFeaturePurchased is sent if the purchase is successful.&The notification&object with be the featureId NSString
kFeaturePurchasedFailed is sent if the&purchase failed. &The notification&object with be the featureId NSString
FLOStoreManager also keeps track of which product ids (features) are in the process of being purchased. &This is handy when updating or displaying a view and you need to know if something is being purchased.
if( [[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] isFeatureBeingPurchased:@&ProductId1&] )
// The feature is in the process of being purchased
if( [[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] isAnyFeatureBeingPurchased] )
// Some feature is being purchased, we don't care which one
One of the limitations with FLOStoreManager is that it doesn't try to do purchase receipt validation. There is a vulnerability in iOS 5.1 and earlier related to in-app receipt validation. & It is not a simple topic to validate a receipt. &Apple has a handy&article&that talks through the &
&. &If people are willing to go through the hassle to hack my app to save a buck or two then so be it, I don't think they would be willing to pay for it anyway. &Perhaps some day they will change there ways.
You will also need to handle the condition of a purchase request that gets completed after the user has left your app. &In order to handle this case, one of the first things the app should do is setup the &SKPaymentQueue in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions by adding an observer. &This needs to be done so the app can receive payment notifications from the AppStore. &This is all taken care of by FLOStoreManager just by getting the defaultManager.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[FLOStoreManager defaultManager];
// Allows us to receive AppStore notification
Once the user starts purchasing items, how do you track what has been purchased?
Purchase Tracking
It is up to the app to figure out how to store and keep track of purchased items. &The StoreKit does provide a method called restoreCompletedTransactions which is available as part of SKPaymentQueue &to restore non-consumable purchases. &However, it requires that the user provide their authentication to the Apple Store. &So it's usually called in response to an explicit action by the user to restore purchases.
FLOStoreManager exposes the ability to restore purchases through its own restoreCompletedTransactions method. &Using &FLOStoreManager also has the added benefit of sending kFeaturePurchased notifications for items that where&purchased&and needed to be restored. &It will also send a kPurchaseRestoredCompleted notification after all items have been restored.
The other big advantage of FLOStoreManager is it has a built in mechanism to keep track of non-consumable purchases. &It uses the built-in
&to keep track of purchases. &The nice thing about the keychain is that it persists across deletes of the app. &You can also instantly query FLOStoreManager to see what has been purchased.
if( [[FLOStoreManager defaultManager] isPurchased:@&ProductId1&] )
// The feature has been purchased
Wow you made it this far. &This turned out to be a wee bit longer then expected, but I hope you found it useful.
Please feel free to&contribute&to the&
. &I wasn't planning on making this open source so it wasn't designed to be general use, but I think it provides a good start and example. &It also contains a lot more functionality then discussed here including an extension to handle consumable purchases.
Please feel free to follow me on twitter at
. I would love to hear about your in-app purchase&experiences.
Thanks for reading and be sure to visit us at
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I have implemented in app purchases into my app update for the first time, only too wait 3 weeks and have it rejected for the following reason:
We found that your app offers In-App Purchase/s that can be restored
but it does not include a "Restore" feature to allow users to restore
the previously purchased In-App Purchase/s. To restore previously
purchased In-App Purchase products, it would be appropriate to provide
a "Restore" button and initiate the restore process when the "Restore"
button is tapped.
Now I was thinking of adding a navbar button to the right (top) of my table where the app purchases can be seen/tapped and adding the following code that will be linked to the button:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]
Can someone verify that this is correct and most likely all that is needed? Would like this to pass successfully this time. Thanks in advance!
Alex, i've been rejected for the same reason last week, and this is right what Apple wanted - after adding such a Restore button they didn't ask any other question on this subject.
Of course, you need not only to call [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]
restoreCompletedTransactions];, but implement the restoring itself too (i mean, providing the content to user).
I use a variation of this:
//inside of an IBaction
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]restoreCompletedTransactions];
// Then this is called
- (void)paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue {
NSLog(@"%@",queue );
NSLog(@"Restored Transactions are once again in Queue for purchasing %@",[queue transactions]);
NSMutableArray *purchasedItemIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(@"received restored transactions: %i", queue.transactions.count);
for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in queue.transactions) {
NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productI
[purchasedItemIDs addObject:productID];
NSLog (@"product id is %@" , productID);
// here put an if/then statement to write files based on previously purchased items
// example if ([productID isEqualToString: @"youruniqueproductidentifier]){write files} else { nslog sorry}
Sorry, I'm on my iPad if this makes no sense.
Alternative to restore button could be a restore switch in . It does not overwhelm UI and seems like Apple welcomes it (but be sure to mention that you have implemented mechanics this way).
BOOL shouldRestorePurchases = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"restorePurchasesKey"];
I've been rejected for the same reason. It's due to the fact that you can be signed in with the same Apple ID on different ios devices.
For example, let's say I'm logged into
on an iPad. When I download your application I realize that I would like to remove the ads (let's say you have ads on your app if you don't), so I remove them for 99?. One year later, I decide to buy an iPhone, and sign into
on that account, and I download your app again. The ads are still there, though, even though I already payed for them. Who would like to pay for the same thing twice? With the restore feature, I can restore the purchases that I made on my iPad, and make them work on my iPhone.
To restore the purchase, you could use:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
After that, you need to also provide the content that the user bought.
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password。流程大概是,就进入恢复的流程。(如果已购买的话  restoreCompletedTransactions的方法一般用于恢复购买。例如在app中有一个“恢复购买”的按钮,这个流程和直接购买的效果差不多),先调用restoreCompletedTransactions的方法,点击后,然后这个transaction会和购买一样走一此updatedTransactions的方法,并且state是SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored,输入apple id
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