龙之谷曜刷图加点wall of laments是哪个图

The King of Omashu
The King of Omashu
(Scene opens with a shot of
partially snow covered ground. The shot pans up to reveal the
Katara, Aang, Sokka and Appa mounting the crest of a small hill.
Aang smiles and spreads his arms wide.)
Aang: The Earth Kingdom city of
(Cut during Aang's statement to a
wide shot of the valley in front of them. A walled city rests atop
a huge rock promontory and is accessible only by a narrow,
switchback road. The city looks both impressive and impregnable.
Cut back to the group.)
Aang: I used to always come here
to visit my friend, Bumi.
Katara: Wow. We don't have cities like this in the South
Sokka (in amazement): They have buildings here that don't
Aang: Well, let's go slow pokes! The real fun is inside the
(Aang launches himself into the
air and lands farther down the hill.)
Katara: Wait, Aang! It could be
dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar.
Sokka: You need a disguise.
Aang: So, what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?
(Cut to Aang wearing a huge fake
head of hair and mustache made out of some of Appa's hair. He is
scratching underneath the wig.)
Aang: Ohh, this is so itchy! (To
Appa) How do you live in this stuff? (Appa grunts at him in
Sokka: Great! Now you look just like my grandfather.
Katara: Technically, Aang is 112 years old.
Aang (picking up his staff and using a fake, old man voice): Now
let's get to skippin', young whippersnappers! The big city
(Aang begins to walk hunched over,
using his staff as a walking stick. Fade to a shot sometime later
of the three walking up the access road.)
Aang: You guys are gonna love
Omashu. The people here are the friendliest in the
(From o.c. a rough voice is heard.
The three stop short at the sound, and the shot cuts a moment later
to a view of the city gate just up ahead. A merchant is trying to
get into the city, but the three guards are giving him
Gate Guard: Rotten cabbages! What
kind of slum do you think this is?
(Cut to a closer shot of the
guards and the merchant. The guard is holding one of the offending
cabbages. He crushes the cabbage in his hand, knocks those in the
merchant's arms over the side of the access road. The guard then
earthbends a lump of the ground, knocking the merchant's cabbage
cart high into the air and over the side of the access road. The
cart and all the merchant's cabbages plunge hundreds of feet to the
valley floor below.)
Cabbage Merchant: Noo! My
(The merchant looks over the side
of the road as he laments. The camera pans left to our group as
they look over as well. Cut to the three now looking ahead to the
gate with some trepidation.)
Aang: Just keep
(Aang walks forward with a big
smile. Katara titters uneasily, but she and Sokka follow. The guard
who has just obliterated the cart walks forward to meet Aang. He
earthbends a huge boulder out of the ground and holds it over
Aang's head.)
Gate Guard: State your
(Aang rushes forward out from
under the rock in a move much too sprightly for his supposed age.
He points an accusing finger at the guard and using his old man
voice begins to speak.)
Aang: My business is my business,
young man, and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend you over
my knee and paddle your backside!
(The guard drops the stone behind
Aang in surprise. Cut to view of Katara and Sokka, both terrified
at what Aang is doing.)
Gate Guard: Settle down, old
timer. Just tell me who you are.
Aang: Name's Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis, the Third, and these are
my grandkids.
Katara (now smiling serenely): Hi, June Pipinpadaloxicopolis. Nice
to meet you.
Gate Guard (pointing to Katara): You seem like a responsible young
lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy
Katara: We will.
(The guard motions them to pass.
The three walk forward into the city with Sokka
Gate Guard: Wait a minute! (He
grabs Sokka by the shoulder just after he passes.) You're a strong
young boy. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your
grandfather's bag.
Aang: Good idea!
(Aang throws bag to Sokka. Cut to
a rear shot of the three at the gate, which is stone and consists
of three movable, interlocking stone walls. The three are shocked
by the size and power of this fortification. The gates begin to
close again as the three move to pass through it. Just as his
vision of Aang is obscured, the guard sees Momo's ears emerge from
Aang's wig. Cut to a shot of three inside the gate and looking over
a railing at the interior of the city. The shot pans up to reveal
many houses with roofs painted in Earth Kingdom green. There are
chutes all over the city with crates and packages sliding along
them. While Aang is speaking, the view cuts to images of
earthbenders working the delivery system as Aang explains the
mechanics of the system to Katara and Sokka o.c.)
Aang: This is the Omashu delivery
system. Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings
the packages up and gravity brings them down. (Cut back to the
Sokka: Great, so they get their mail on time.
Aang: They do get their mail on time, but my friend Bumi found a
better use for these chutes?
(Aang smiles mischievously,
looking slightly o.c. Fade to a flashback scene. A young boy with
spiky orange hair tied with a headband looks out over the city.
Aang's torso appears on the left side of the screen and the boy
turns to face him. The boy, Bumi, has a missing tooth and a
slightly insane facial expression.)
Bumi: Look around you, what do you
Aang: Umm? the mail system?
Bumi (conspiratorially): Instead of seeing what they want you to
see, you gotta open your brain to the possibilities.
Aang: A package sending system?
Bumi: The world's greatest super slide!
(Cut to a wide shot of the top of
the chute they are looking at. The shot expands to show that is
does look like a huge slide. Cut back to the pair.)
Aang: Bumi, you're a mad
(Cut to Bumi, who smiles widely,
laughs and snorts. Cut to Aang and Bumi in one of the transport
bins rocketing down the slide. The flashback ends, but it is clear
that Aang, Katara and Sokka are now at the same place in the city
where the flashback occurred. The view pans up to the top of the
slide where the three are now sitting one of the transport bins,
teetering. Aang is excited, the other two are leery.)
Aang: One ride, then we're off to
the North Pole, Airbender's honor.
Katara: This sounded like fun at first, but now that I'm here, I'm
starting to have second thoughts!
(As Katara finishes her sentence
the view cuts to an overhead shot that shows the initial vertical
drop. It is intimidating. As she finishes, the bin drops into the
chute and they rocket away. As the accelerate down the chute, a
neighboring chute becomes visible in the background. It is clearly
going to merge with the chute our group is in. A rack of spears is
dropping down this other chute and after the two paths merge, Sokka
is soon ducking to avoid getting killed. Katara and Sokka start
making distressed noises as they try and avoid the
Aang: I'm on it! I'm on
(Aang starts rocking the bin back
and forth in the chute. He soon derails them out of the chute and
their bin freefalls onto a rooftop below. Cut to a view of a group
of Earth Kingdom soldier being addressed by an officer.)
Officer: Men, you'll be going off
to combat soon. It's important that you be prepared for
(At this moment, the bin with our
group falls into view, shocking the audience. The frame stops with
the accompanying sound effect of an egg-timer going off.. Aang has
grabbed the front of the bin and is apparently trying to pull it
up, his foot in Katara's face. Sokka is panicking in the back. The
frame rate speeds up again as Aang airbends to propel the bin back
into the air and out of the screen. Within a shot or two they have
managed to drop back into a chute and are rocketing down once
Katara: Aang, do something! Use
your airbending!
Aang: Yeh! Good idea! That'll make us go even faster!
(Aang blasts air behind them,
making them speed up. Cut to city dwellers looking at them in alarm
as they whiz by down the chute. As they approach the drop down of
the last major chute, they all screen as they see the off-load
point just in front of them. The off-load has a package on it that
they will hit. An earthbender next to it moves the package. Cut to
the kids, who breathe a sigh of relief. Cut back to the
earthbender, who raises another package into the off-load point.
Cut back to the kids, who scream again. Rather than hit the
package, they hit the side of the trench and run off the track
again. They all fall out of the bin and are falling, but Aang
airbends them each back into the bin. They bounce off a roof and
into a man's work room, destroying his pottery. They bounce of his
floor and out the window opposite the one they came in.)
Aang: Sorry!
(They drop into someone's living
room and fly through their house. Outside they crash through the
wall of the balcony and drop again, screaming. Cut to the merchant
from the earlier scene, fondly shaking one of his cabbages. The
sound of a bomb falling is heard. He looks up and jumps back as the
bin and the kids fall onto the cabbage cart, totally destroying it,
blowing cabbages all over the place. The kids land in a heap and
Aang's disguise is now gone.)
Cabbage Merchant: My cabbages!
You're gonna pay for this!
(The three are quickly surrounded
by soldiers.)
Aang (sheepishly): Two cabbages
(Fade to scene of King Bumi's
throne chamber. It is decorated in shades of Earth Kingdom green.
The aged King sits on his throne in the distance, for it is a large
room. Cut to the King, who wears the same crazy expression as in
Aang's flashback, though he is now clearly ancient. The King looks
upon the three, and the guards behind them force them to
King Bumi: Mmm?
Guard: Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism,
traveling under false pretenses and malicious destruction of
(Screen pans right to reveal the
irate cabbage dealer.)
Cabbage Merchant: Off with their
heads! One for each head of cabbage!
Guard: Silence! Only the King can pass down judgment. What is your
judgment, Sire?
(Close up of King Bumi. He looks
at each in turn. Sokka is nervous, Katara hopeful, and Aang tries
to act like he's invisible.)
King Bumi: Throw them?a
(Guards make noises of surprise,
the merchant of chagrin. Carnival music plays in the
Aang: Huh?
(Fade to a table loaded with food,
camera pans right. Momo eats goodies on the right side of the
table. Cut to the three seated, with Aang in the middle. Behind
them King Bumi stands.)
King Bumi: Heheh! The people in my
city have gotten fat from too many feasts, so I hope you like your
chicken with no skin.
Aang: Thanks, but I don't eat meat.
King Bumi (to Sokka): How about you? I bet you like meat. (He
sticks the drumstick in Sokka's mouth.)
Sokka (chewing): Mmm!
Katara (to Aang): Is it just me, or is this guy's crown a little
(She makes cukoo motions at the
side of her head as she says the latter. Cut to King Bumi moving to
take his seat at the opposite end of the table.)
King Bumi: So, tell me young bald
one. Where are you from?
Aang: I'm from?Kangaroo Island.
King Bumi: Oh, Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really
(Cut to the three. Silence is
broken by Sokka's laughter, the other two look at him like he has
grown a third head.)
Sokka: What? It was pretty
King Bumi (yawns): Well, all these good jokes are making me tired.
Guess it's time to the hay.
(As he ends his sentence, he
suddenly throws another drumstick at Aang, who airbends it to a
standstill, though he is very surprised. It spins in the air in
front of him. The guards draw breath in surprise.)
King Bumi: There's an airbender in
our presence and not just any airbender, the Avatar! (He stands.
Aang drops the drumstick, trying to act like he did not just reveal
himself.) Now what do you have to say for yourself, Mr.
(Cut to commercial
(Long shot of the city, cut back
to the feast table. Aang stands and spreads his arms wide in a
gesture of defeat.)
Aang: Okay! You caught me. I'm the
Avatar, doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe. Everything
checks out (looks under the table), no firebenders here. So, good
work everybody. (Puts his arms around his companions and together
they stand.) Love each other, respect all life and don't run with
your spears. We'll see you next time!
(The three have been walking
backwards to the door, but the guards stop them. The shot widens to
show the back of King Bumi in the foreground looking at
Katara: You can't keep us here.
Let us leave.
King Bumi: Lettuce leaf?
(He picks up a lettuce leaf from
the plate in front of him and takes a bite. Cut to the three as
Sokka leans over to speak in a low voice to the others. The
carnival music has begun to play in the background.)
Sokka: We're in serious trouble.
This guy is nuts.
King Bumi (now very serious, the music stops): Tomorrow the Avatar
will face three deadly challenges. But for now, the guards will
show you to your chamber.
Guard: My liege, do you mean the good chamber, or the bad
King Bumi: The newly refurbished chamber.
Guard: Wait, which one are we talking about?
King Bumi: The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the
recent refurbishing that is. Of course, we've been calling it the
new chamber, but we really should number them. Uh, take them to the
refurbished chamber that was once bad!
(Cut to the three being led out by
guards, then a close up of King Bumi looking mad and chomping on
lettuce. Cut to a wall that is torn open by earthbending. The three
are thrust in and the ?door? is closed by earthebending. The
chamber is beautiful, spacious and furnished with three comfortable
Katara: This is a prison cell? But
it's so nice.
Aang: He did say it was newly refurbished.
Sokka: Nice or not, we're still prisoners.
Aang: I wonder what these challenges are gonna be.
Katara: We're not sticking around to find out. There's gotta be
some way outta here.
Aang (smiling and pointing o.c.): The air vents!
Sokka: If you think we're gonna fit through there then you're
crazier then that king.
(Cut to view of the air vent. It
is a small circular hole in the wall.)
Aang: We can't, but Momo
(Cut to view of Momo sprawled on
the bed, gorged on an apple, his tongue still licking the fruit.
The shot expands to show Aang entering from the right.)
Aang: Momo, I need you to find
Appa and bust us outta here!
(Camera switches to a view from
inside the air vent. The light from the room is blocked as Aang
stuffs Momo face first into the vent. Soon Momo's face is right up
against the camera. Cut to shot of Aang stuffing the little animal
into the vent and having some trouble.)
Aang: Go on, boy, get
(He stops, only to have Momo's
behind dangle from the vent. He is stuck.)
Sokka: Eh, how was Appa supposed
to save us anyway?
Aang (from o.c., as Momo tries to free himself, but fails): Appa is
a ten ton flying bison, I think he could figure something
Katara: Well, no point in arguing about it now. (She gets in a
bed.) Get some rest, Aang. Looks like you'll need it for
(Aang walks dejectedly over to the
last unoccupied bed. Fade to a shot of Aang asleep, snoring loudly.
The room shakes as an earthbender opens the ?door.? Aang opens his
eyes to see the other beds empty.)
Aang: Sokka! Katara! (Turning to
guards) Where are my friends?
Guard: The King will free them if you complete your
Aang: And if I fail?
Guard: He didn't say. Your staff please?
(Aang gives the staff to the
guard. Cut to Aang entering the throne room flanked by two guards.
King Bumi's torso appears on the left side of the screen. He is
wearing a horrible, blue, purple and light green robe.)
King Bumi: First, Avatar, what do
you think of my new outfit? I want your honest opinion.
(Cut to Aang who has no reaction.
A cough is heard in the background. Cut back to the
King Bumi: I'm waiting.
Aang: I?guess it's fine.
King Bumi: Excellent! You passed the first test.
Aang: Really?
King Bumi (thinking): Well, not one of the deadly tests. The real
challenges are much more?challenging.
(Aang's expression becomes angry.
He airbends his feet to run in an instant up to King
Aang: I don't have time for your
crazy games! Gimme my friends back! We're leaving!
King Bumi: Ohh, I thought you might refuse?
(Cut to a shot with the King on
the left, Aang on the right, and a view of the wall of the chamber
between them. At this moment a ?door' is opened by guards holding
Katara and Sokka in the corridor beyond. The guards place small
rings on one of their fingers which contract to fit snugly as soon
as they are worn. Sokka and Katara struggle to take off the rings,
but can't.)
King Bumi: ?so I will give your
friends some special souvenirs. Those delightful rings are made of
pure genemite, also known as creeping crystal. It's crystal that
grows remarkably fast. By nightfall your friends will be completely
covered in it. Terrible fate, really. I can stop it, but only if
you cooperate.
(Close up of the ring on Sokka's
finger. It grows in front of the camera. Cut to Sokka's
Sokka: Ah! It's already
Aang (to King Bumi): I'll do as you want.
King Bumi (grinning evilly): Mmm!
(Fade to new scene of a cavern.
Camera pans left to reveal Aang standing on a small stone parapet
with a waterfall in the background. The cavern floor is covered in
stalagmites. In the upper left corner of the screen, King Bumi, the
guards and the prisoners stand on a balcony. Crystal already covers
the forearms of both. King Bumi laughs.)
King Bumi: It seems I've lost my
lunch box key and I'm hungry.
(Cut to a close up shot of a key
hanging by a long chain in the middle of the waterfall. A ladder
reaches up from the ground of the cavern to about where the key
King Bumi: Ooo, there it is. Would
you mind fetching it for me?
(Aang jumps into action. Using his
airbending skills he bouces from stalagmite to stalagmite. He
charges into the waterfall, holding his breath, and begins to climb
the ladder. The force of the water stops him from making progress,
King Bumi: Ooo, climbing the
ladder. No one's thought of that before.
(Aang loses his grip and is shot
out of the waterfall. He is about to get impaled when he recovers
and slides between two stalagmites, one foot on the side of each.
He breathes a sigh of relief. He looks up at his friends and
regains his determination. This time he flies up to the stalactites
on the ceiling and is soon looking down at the key. He
concentrates, jumps into the waterfall, and is shot right back out,
managing to grab onto a stalagmite. Cut to King Bumi and the
prisoners. The crystal now covers them up to the
King Bumi: That's right. Keep
diving head in, I'm sure it'll work eventually.
(This gives Aang an idea. He
breaks off the top of the stalagmite he is holding and throws it at
the chain holding the key. Using his airbending skills he makes
sure it breaks the chain and carries the bottom part of it along
with the key up to the balcony. The tip of the stalagmite embeds
itself like a spearhead into the top of the doorway. The key now
dangles just over the surprised King's head.)
Aang: There, enjoy your lunch! I
want my friends back, now!
King Bumi: Uh, not yet. I need help with another matter. It seems
I've lost my pet Flopsy.
(Cut to a fluffy bunny sitting on
a rock. The scene expands to show Aang landing in the
Aang: Okay, found him!
(The view expands again to reveal
Aang and the bunny in the middle of a shallow arena. King Bumi and
the prisoners are at the railing around the top of the
King Bumi: Bring him to me! Daddy
wants a kiss from Flopsy!
(Cut to Aang and Flopsy. Behind
Aang a huge monster is landing.)
Aang: Come here,
(Aang turns around to face the
monster while the bunny squeaks and runs off. The monster crushes a
huge boulder in front of Aang. He flips backwards and lands as the
bunny runs by him, squealing in terror.)
Aang: Flopsy, wait! Flopsy!
(Aang chases the bunny while the
monster chases Aang. Cut to King Bumi, who is cackling maniacally.
The bunny runs into a rabbit hole in the wall of the arena. Aang
slides up next to it and sticks his hand in the hole. He rummages
around, but finds nothing. Meanwhile, the monster closes in. Aang
has another idea. He stands up and faces the monster just as it
Aang (to monster):
(The monster stops instantly and
wags its tail. Flopsy picks Aang up tenderly, making gentle noises.
Aang is surprised and starts screaming. He stops when Flopsy gives
him a huge lick.)
Aang: Flopsy!
(He rubs Flopsy's head. Flopsy's
drops Aang and scales the arena wall in response to King Bumi's
o.c. whistling and kissing noises. He flops on back in front of
King Bumi. Carnival music begins to play.)
King Bumi: Awww, that's a good
boy! Yes, who has a soft belly?
(He begins to rub Flopsy's belly.
Flopsy's left leg paws the ground in pleasure. Cut to Aang jumping
up onto the railing of the arena. Katara is in the foreground,
covered from head to ankle in crystal. The carnival music
Aang: Guys, are you ok?
Katara: Other than the crystal slowly encasing my entire body,
doing great.
(Camera pans right to Sokka who is
in similar straits. A new length of crystal grows on the left side
of Sokka's head. He loses his balance and keels over. Cut to King
Bumi rubbing Flopsy's belly.)
King Bumi: Awww, yes.
Aang (looking severe): Come on. I'm ready for the next
King Bumi: Ahh! Hahaha!
(Fade to next scene with King Bumi
still laughing maniacally o.c. The new scene is of an earthbending
arena. It is ill-lit and largely featureless except the dirt floor.
Cut to two balconies, Aang and King Bumi on one, the prisoners, now
encased in crystal except for their faces and feet, on the
King Bumi: Your final test is a
duel and as a special treat you may choose your opponent. Point and
(Two enormous gladiator type
characters show up to flank King Bumi. The champion on the left is
a muscular man with a nasty smile and a huge axe. The champion on
the right is a mammoth fighter whoe looks like he relies upon brute
strength. Aang is terrified.)
Aang (thinking): So, you're saying
whoever I point to, that's the person I get to fight?
King Bumi: Choose wisely.
(Cut to Aang's p.o.v. as the
camera ranges between the King and the two champions.)
Aang: I?choose?you! (He is
pointing at King Bumi.)
King Bumi: Haha! Wrong choice!
(King Bumi, with some effort,
corrects his lumped posture. He dumps his robes to reveal a
surprisingly muscular physique for such an old man. He is clearly
formidable and Aang recoils, realizing his mistake. The King is
also apparently a master earthbender, for he immediately stamps the
ground, blowing Aang far out into the arena. He lands in the dust.
King Bumi launches himself off the balcony and lands close to Aang.
He laughs evilly as the scene cuts to commercial break.)
(Return to a long shot of the
arena. Cut to King Bumi staring Aang down.)
King Bumi: You thought I was a
frail old man, but I'm the most powerful earthbender you'll ever
Aang: Can I fight the guy with the axe instead?
King Bumi: There are no ?take-back-sees' in my kingdom. You might
need this!
(King Bumi motions to a guard who
throws Aang his staff. King Bumi immediately launches several
boulders at him which Aang dodges.)
King Bumi: Typical airbender
tactic: avoid and evade. I'd hoped the Avatar would be less
(He launches another boulder at
Aang, who dodges and launches himself into the air.)
King Bumi: Don't you have any
surprises for me? Sooner or later, you'll have to strike
(The King launches another stone
at Aang which misses, but explodes upon impacting the ceiling of
the arena. The debris knocks Aang to the ground and he loses his
staff as he falls. Aang gets back up as King Bumi begins walking
around. With each turn he makes a huge pillar of rock block Aang's
path. One of them catches Aang in the gut as it rises into the
King Bumi: Oh, you'll have to be a
little more creative than that!
(Aang jumps off the pillar, riding
one of his famous airballs. He rides the wall of the arena and
approaches the King from his right. He launches a huge gale at his
opponent, who blocks it with a sheet of stone raised from the floor
of the arena. Cut to the King emerging from behind the stone
shield, a smile on his face. The carnival music plays
King Bumi: Did someone leave the
windows open? It feels a little drafty in here! (Screen zooms to a
close up of the King, who drops his smile.) Are you hoping I'll
catch a cold?
(Cut to Aang dropping off his
airball and a quick cut back to the King, who kicks over the stone
sheet and begins to raise it on earth dug out of the arena's
surface. He shoots the earth underneath the stone sheet at Aang
which knocks him over. The King strikes the ground with his fist,
sending a shock wave through the arena surface right at Aang. The
Avatar flips backwards and avoids the shock wave, but now is close
to the rear wall of the arena.)
King Bumi: How are you going to
going to get me from way over there?
(Aang looks determined and begins
to run to his opponent. Cut to King Bumi who uses the side of his
foot to dash the earth. The ground around Aang becomes quicksand
and he falls in. The King raises two boulders and sends them to
smash the struggling Aang. He escapes just in time as the rocks
smash together. Aang jumps straight at his opponent, unleashing a
blast of wind that knocks him and the stone sheet he stands upon
back against the wall of the arena. The King raises one of the
boulders from where he had just failed to crush Aang and pulled it
back towards him at frightening speed. The Avatar sees it just in
time and does a backflip that barely allows him to get up and over
the flying boulder. The boulder of course moves on to almost crush
the King, but he breaks it into many pieces as it reaches him. With
tremendous effort, King Bumi tears the entire gate area of the
arena out of the ground and holds it over his head. Aang screams in
terror and begins to run in circles, creating a tornado. The King
throws the massive earth mound, but the tornado grabs it and throws
it back at him. As it reaches King Bumi he bisects it neatly in
two. Aang appears between the rock pieces and pins the King with
his staff. The King smiles and looks up. Cut to Aang who also looks
up as a little piece of rock bounces off his head. Overhead hovers
one of the two halves of rock, ready to crush them
King Bumi: Hehe! Well done,
Avatar. You fight with much fire in your heart.
(The King throws the rock to the
side of the arena. He then falls backwards into the floor,
disappearing and leaving a Bumi shaped hole. Aang is
Aang: Huh?
(Cut to the prisoners. A hole
opens up in the floor of the balcony and the King emerges, the hole
closing instantly beneath him. Aang, using his staff as a
helicopter blade, lands on the balcony.)
King Bumi: You've passed all my
tests. Now, you must answer one question.
Aang: That's not fair! You said you would release my friends if I
finished your tests.
King Bumi: Oh, but what's the point of tests if you don't learn
Sokka: Oh come on!
King Bumi: Answer this one question and I will set your friends
free. (Cut to a close up of King Bumi's face) What?is my name? (Cut
to Aang, who does not have a ready answer.) From the looks of your
friends, I'd say you only have a few minutes. (Exit King
Aang: How am I supposed to know his name?
Katara: Think about the challenges, maybe it's some kind of
Sokka: I got it!
Aang: Yeh?
Sokka: He's an earthbender, right? Rocky! (Silence, followed by a
cough in the background.) You know, because of all the rocks?
Katara: We're gonna keep trying, but that is a good backup.
Aang: Okay, so back to the challenges. I got a key from the
waterfall. I saved his pet and I had a duel.
Katara: And what did you learn?
Aang: Well, everything was different than I expected.
Katara (a piece of crystal growing into her cheek): And??
Aang: Well, they weren't straightforward. To solve each test, I had
to think differently than I usually would. (Realization sweeping
his features.) I know his name!
(Fade to the King's throne room.
Aang and the King stand opposite each other. King Bumi is once
again hunched over and in his regular green robes.)
Aang: I solved the question the
same way I solved the challenges. As you said a long time ago, I
had to open my brain to the possibilities. (Cut King Bumi, who
begins to laugh and snort, just as the younger version had in the
flashback.) Bumi, you're a mad genius! (He runs and hugs the old
King Bumi: Oh, Aang. It's good to see you. You haven't changed a
bit. Literally.
(Aang's old friend rubs Aang's
head. Katara and Sokka approach from the left side of the screen,
still encased in crystal. Cut to Katara's face, which is now all
that is visible.)
Katara: Uh, over here!
(Pan to Sokka's mouth, which is
all that is visible of him.)
Sokka: Little help?
(Cut to the King and Aang, the
former of which makes a pulling back gesture with a fist,
shattering the crystal from around both water tribe members.
Crystal flies all over and King Bumi catches a piece.)
King Bumi: Genemite is made of
rock candy. (He takes a bite). Delicious!
Katara: So this crazy king is your old friend, Bumi?
King Bumi (annoyed): Who you calling old? (Pause.) Okay. I'm
Sokka: Why did you do all this instead of just telling Aang who you
King Bumi: First of all, it's pretty fun messing with people, hehe
(snort! snort!), but I do have a reason. (Turning to Aang). Aang,
you have a difficult task ahead. The world has changed in the
hundred years you've been gone. It's the duty of the Avatar to
restore balance to the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai. You have
much to learn. You must master the four elements and confront the
Fire Lord, and when you do, I hope you will think like a mad
genius! (Cut to Aang, who smiles, clasps his hands together in
thanks, and bows.) And it looks like you're in good hands. You'll
need your friends to help defeat the Fire Nation. (Momo jumps onto
Aang's shoulder.) And you'll need Momo too.
Aang: Thank you for your wisdom. But before we leave, I have a
challenge for you!
(Cut to a shot of the city. Pan
right to reveal a chute. A moment later a delivery bin flies by,
King Bumi at the front, Aang in the back. Both are having a blast
as the air rushes by them. Cut to long shot of the city where a
plume of dust and smoke rises after an impact sound is
Cabbage Merchant (in anguish): My


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