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"An enjoyable team-focused modern military shooter with a flare for the realistic. A very tense and rewarding experience, not for the easily frustrated."
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Recent updates
14 February
We'll be livestreaming today, Saturday February 14th, at 3:00 pm EST with Youtubers
We’ll start out with some official coop and then maybe transition to some PvP. Feel free to join the server if you want to play with us. Any passwords will be given out in the stream. As always, I'll be happy to answer any questions about Insurgency. :security:
7 February
We are streaming live right now, Saturday at 3:00 pm EST, with Insurgency’s weapon animators Nik Sumnall and Ben Turtell, also known as MrBrightside.
Nik Sumnall is New World Interactive’s senior animator, and has animated every weapon that you see in Insurgency. He’s also helped model some weapon attachments.
Ben Turtell (or MrBrightside as some of you may know him from the Workshop) is a new here at NWI and just getting started animating for us. We saw his stuff on the workshop and liked it so much we hired him.
Today we’ll be playing some cooperative gameplay, including Checkpoint, Survival, and Hunt. Feel free to join up, the password will be given in the stream chat. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about Insurgency, and especially if you’ve ever been curious about our animation department. See you in the server! :security:
“This game has me hooked and I see it as a proudly raised middle finger in the face of large developers who seem to completely ignore fairness and player equality in favour of potential income.”
9.0 –
“Insurgency is going to win fans for its gameplay. The action is highly competitive and focused. It brings me about as close to a real gunfight as I’ll likely ever want to get.”
75 –
“Insurgency is a well paced tactical shooter that's just a couple of big fixes away from competing with Counter-Strike.”
75 –
About This Game
Take to the streets for intense close quarters combat, where a team's survival depends upon securing crucial strongholds and destroying enemy supply in this multiplayer and cooperative Source Engine based experience. The follow-up game to the award-winning Source mod, Insurgency is highly competitive and unforgivingly lethal, striking a balance between one-life gameplay and prolonged action.
Over 20 weapons with numerous attachments, no crosshair, and a focus on realistic weapon behavior including a free-aim system and intense suppression effects.
27 multiplayer and cooperative maps that take place in 12 distinctive environments ranging from Iraq to Afghanistan to Somalia.
9 multiplayer game modes supporting up to 32 players, with a focus on territorial control, destroying weapon caches and escorting high value targets.
Cooperative game modes where you and your friends team up to complete mission-based objectives.
Offline practice mode, playing with bots on all game modes.
Squad system built upon role-based player classes, which are customizable and asymmetrical based on what team you are on.
Squad-based communication system which includes 3D VOIP, allowing friendly and enemy players within proximity to hear you.
Overhead map detailing objective and teammate locations.
Accumulate supply to customize and upgrade your gear, affecting your weight, stamina, and movement speed.
Simplified HUD and UI for a clean, immersive user experience focused on the action and environments.
Highly immersive particle FX and audio to intensify the game experience.
Create custom maps and content using the Insurgency SDK and scripting system.
Playable on both PC and Mac OSX and supports multiplayer cross-compatibility.
Dedicated Server Support for PC and Linux.
Push --- Three territorial objectives must be captured by the attacking team in sequential order. For each objective captured, they gain more reinforcement and time to attack the next. Defenders have a finite amount of reinforcements and must use each wisely. Once the third objective is captured by the attackers, a fourth cache objective must be destroyed, while the defenders have only one life to make a last stand.
Firefight --- Three territorial objectives, one for each team, plus one neutral. Each team only respawns when they secure an objective. Secure all objectives or eliminate all enemy to win. Every life counts, making this a very suspenseful experience dependent upon teamwork.
Skirmish --- In addition to three territorial objectives, each team has a supply cache to protect. Teams gain extra reinforcement waves until their cache is destroyed. When both teams have lost their caches and all reinforcement waves, it becomes a Firefight match.
Occupy --- There is one central territorial objective in the area. The team that controls it does not deplete reinforcement waves. This gameplay in this mode is reminiscent to King of the Hill or &tug of war&.
Ambush --- A high value target (&HVT&) must be escorted to an extraction point. It's one team's goal to make this happen and it's the other team's goal to stop this from happening at all costs. The HVT is only armed with a silenced pistol, but can pick up a weapon from a fallen enemy or teammate.
Strike --- In this attack and defend mode a weapon cache must be discovered and destroyed. There are three potential locations for the cache that the attacking team must get eyes on. The defending team must set up a strong defense, and perhaps even make use of a diversion to fool the attacking team into thinking the cache is somewhere that it's not.
Infiltrate --- The standard Capture the Flag mode, but with a twist. Your team's goal is to take the enemy's intel and return it to your base. Your team will only gain reinforcements when someone takes the enemy's intel, or when an enemy stealing your team's intel is neutralized. This mode requires very strong team coordination and strategy.
Flashpoint --- One neutral territorial objective and two caches on each side. The goal is to secure the entire area, controlling the middle and destroying the enemy's caches. Your team respawns when they secure the territorial objective or destroy a cache objective.
Checkpoint --- Complete mission-based objectives in sequence against AI enemy. Each successful objective will respawn anyone who was eliminated along the way.
Hunt --- Insurgents are dispersed in the environment, and your squad must eliminate all targets while locating and destroying the weapons cache. High on tension, with only one-life.
System Requirements
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:DirectX 9 and Pixel Shader 3.0-compatible video card 512 MB or higher
Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom(TM) X3 8750 processor or better
OS:Windows(R) 8/7/Vista/XP
Memory:8 GB RAM
Graphics:Video card 2048 MB or higher
Hard Drive:9 GB SSD space
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better / NVidia 8600M or better
Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
Processor:Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
OS:MacOS X 10.6.6 or higher
Memory:8 GB RAM
Graphics:Video card 2048 MB or more
Hard Drive:9 GB SSD space
(C) 2010 - 2017 New World Interactive LLC. Insurgency and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of New World Interactive LLC. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.
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2 people found this review funny
21.9 hrs on record
Visually, Insurgency isn't anything special, but the detail put into the guns is extremely well done. Nothing here will jar you out of enjoying the game, though there are some quirky animation glitches that give some good laughs.
Hands down one of the most intense firefight games I have ever played. If you want to win, you need to be tactical, or you're going to get picked off real fast. The firefights are intensified through audio and visual effects, from the crack of a sniper's bullet, to the hiss of a round passing by your head, to the pings and putters of the bullets hitting the environment around you. The controls are solid, and lend themselves to improve the gamplay (there is lean in this game, use it). With several different game modes to choose from, including playing against AI bots, you're able to have hours of endless fun without getting bored. There is a timer between spawns, but it goes fairly quick, and spectating your friends is entertaining in and of itself.
You're a soldier in Iraq. That's about as deep as it gets.
The mixture of new gameplay styles (you can't just run and gun here, you'll die), tactics, and some funny glitches on occassion, add up to be one of the most wonderful times I have had playing a game with friends in a long, long time. There are many, many laughs to be had here. If you're into moving tactically, this game is also your ticket to a good time. Even if that's not your thing you'll enjoy this one.
Some tidbits of my friend's and I playing, for everyone curious (I did not create the video, was merely playing with them at the time):
This one will keep you coming back for a long, long time. With free DLC releases containing new content, and the recently boosted community, there are few things to keep you from returning to play another round of Insurgency with your friends.
I'll be honest, I didn't expect to have such a grand time with Insurgency, but it is easily the most fun I have had with a group of friends in several years. If you're playing this one alone, it's good. But when you're playing it with buddies, it is absolutely grand. A refreshing game in a field of run-and-gun FPS games, demanding you to take your time and not go rambo. If you liked this review, feel free to check out my curator page:You are also welcome to join our group and play/discuss games together, here:
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56.9 hrs on record
This game looks so awesome and challanging.NO SPOTTING, NO HIP-FIRE CROSHAIR NO MINIMAP, NO KILLCAM, NO HEALTH METER, NO HIT /KILL NOTIFICATION, NOT EVEN AN AMMO COUNTER.it really forces you to trust your instincts and your teamates due to the lack of information.It feels so rewarding to confirm a kill or win a game.
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736.6 hrs on record
I decided to hold off on writing a review until there were a few more updates and for me to have at least 500+ hours invested into the game. I am going to keep this straight up what i think about it as a whole with no fluff. Short and sweet.Should you get it? It depends on what type of fps's you like. Many CS players have fell in love with it because they like the realism and they've grown tired of the arcade feel that most other shooters have. Don't doubt it for a second, this game is hard to pick up on but once you do, you realize how well reflexes really help if you're rushing but don't expect to be 360 no-scoping people because there is almost no chance in hell that that will happen. Those with good aim that are looking down sight as you turn a corner will get you every time so this is a game best played instinctively and safe (just don't be one of those snipers that sit at spawn and let the enemy capture everything). There are few grenade, C4, or launcher spots that few people know of and use at the start of some maps which can be frustrating, so that is why I'm really hoping that much larger maps will be released in the future that are more open and don't feel as constrained/guided (Heights and Buhriz are like that but i still love them). Maps that were easy to spawn camp have been updated heavily to prevent that which is great. The devs are absolutely brilliant at balancing and opening new areas of maps, always on top of it so kudos to them. Community engagement is stronger than i've ever seen it, there was a public playtest of player submitted maps that were voted on in hopes of them being added to the game and the rise of The Digital Gaming League is starting their first official Insurgency competitive season with a multitude of teams signed up. The Nightfall update just added so much more to the game, it feels totally different than it used to in every good way possible. Noises are made when crossing though brush and leaning, leaning mechanic feels more 'stiff' (meaning not fluidly unnatural), the night vision is spot on and well-balanced, flares look awesome in the night sky, but my only complaint is that the running animations with weapons look kinda wonky now, i preffered it the way it was before but i won't nit-pick things for the sake of the length of this review. Also the new co-op survival is an amazing idea, i could see myself spending hours on that alone with friends. I could write a list of 10,000 reasons to get this game but none of that could possibly describe the feeling that it would give you if you were playing it yourself. It needs to be experienced, the feelings it gives never dies and that in itself says something. Kills are rewarding, objectives are highly valued, teamwork is vital. You need this game in your life if you are looking for a realistic shooter!*12/20/14 edited formatting*
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41 people found this review funny
4.7 hrs on record
i killed 4 people with an rpg and my entire team started screaming ALLAHU AKBAR for 5 minutes 10/10
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141.0 hrs on record
This is hands down the BEST first person shooter I have ever played when it comes to realistic warfare.Are you used to running about the map and spraying down enemies in your favorite FPS? Good luck with that in Insurgency. If you ARE peeking around every corner, moving as quietly as possible, aiming down your sights trying to see just WHERE THE HELL THOSE BULLETS ARE COMING FROM, then theres still a fantastic chance that youll be shot from an unknown location, ending your short, short life.In most cases, one bullet to anywhere above the waist will put you six feet under, and even if they DO miss that first shot, the suppression effect will make your vison so blurry, youd think that you WERE dead. And then you wouldnt think at all. Because youd be dead.This game is what EA wishes It's battlefield series was.I rate this game 9/10. The gameplay is head and shoulders above any other game in the FPS genre. There are a few prevalent bugs that could be fixed, but they are very minor.The only REAL problem with this game is that there isnt enough people playing it.
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34 people found this review funny
405.1 hrs on record
T10% Luck20% Skill15% Concentrated power of the will5% Pleasure50% PainAND 100% REASON TO PURCHASE THE GAME.
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13 people found this review funny
94.7 hrs on record
First game that has killed me in the training.10/10
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20.2 hrs on record
It's like Battlefield and Counter Strike made a kid.That kid is now dealing out cigarettes at school. 10/10
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14.1 hrs on record
I literally stopped playing cs since i started this game. original cs 1.6 i still love. But this game is a beast compared to csgo. No colorful toy guns.. haven't encountered hackers yet and the immersion is epic. Very realistic fps game. And after the last 'night' update, it just got so much better. For me it beats all the other fps games that are out there right now.PS: Its hard to find good servers from SE Asia, but I play fine in European and other servers even with 200 ping. Wish we had servers here but game still is very playable for me in that ping.
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15.1 hrs on record
Insurgency is relatively realistic. It looks like a Ken Burns documentary compared to Call of Duty’s and Battlefield’s more Hollywood approach. For one thing, your screen isn’t filled with information. You have no health bar, no compass, no map, and no aiming reticule. Flashy text doesn’t congratulate you after every kill.Without it, Insurgency looks cleaner and more authentic than its peers, letting you focus on strategy and action instead of keeping track of an enemy’s location on a minimap in the corner of the screen.Insurgency also doesn’t have a lot of the flash you see in modern shooters.At first glance, you’ll want to compare Insurgency to Counter-Strike. Both are competitive, team-based shooters that pit terrorists against counter-terrorist forces, but the two play differently. While you only get one life per a round of Counter-Strike, most game modes in Insurgency permit you to revive your entire team if you complete an objective, like capturing a certain point on the map or destroying a weapon cache.This dynamic provides for some fun comebacks.Insurgency offers roles like demotion, sniper, and recon, but you can’t necessarily be whatever you want. Each match offers a set number of slots for each class. The available loadouts change depending on the map and mode you’re playing. Since Insurgency is so much more realistic than most shooters, it’s also a good deal more complicated and less forgiving.Also, you won’t find any sort of training or single-player mode, so your only option if you want to improve is to jump into some online matches and suffer through some punishment. Insurgency was originally a Source-based mod, but this standalone release still uses the almost 10-year-old game engine. As a result, Insurgency isn’t the most-detailed game, with a lot of textures looking flat and dated. Ultimately, Insurgency is going to win fans for its gameplay. The action is highly competitive and focused.Sure, it doesn’t have the flash that most shooters proudly throw at your face these days, but Insurgency’s quieter, more realistic, and tenser take on modern warfare deserves a look, especially if you’re tired of instant knife kills and exploding buildings.
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28 people found this review funny
65.1 hrs on record
I played so well that ISIS tried to recruit me.10/10
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9 people found this review funny
25.5 hrs on record
Person on enemy team asks how to slide.To mock him the enemy team begins sliding everywhere not telling him how.They slide themselves into me and my team with automatic rifles.They killed us all anyway. 10/10
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14 people found this review funny
74.0 hrs on record
I spawn.I look around the corner.I hear someone yell &RPG!&I die.9/10
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6 people found this review funny
30.7 hrs on record
Counterstrike for men.
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11 people found this review funny
7.8 hrs on record
Triggered my Vietnam nightmares.
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22 people found this review funny
18.7 hrs on record
-Played on the Insurgent Forces.-Did way better than usual.-Couldn't figure out why.-Decided it was because of Allah.-Accepted Islam.-Blew up more Americans.-Allahu Akbar.10/10 would convert again.
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1.9 hrs on record
-------------This is my review account, because the low playtime.Graphics:+ detailed weapon models+ harmonious middle east look- texture mud- low-detail models- water effects of yesterdayAtmosphere:+ realism instead HUD+ intense battles- pale setting
without reference pointsSound:+ realistic weapon sounds+ good grenades sound+ opponent tracking via noise- otherwise sparse soundscapeBalance:+ eight different classes+ balanced teams+ victories opportunities directly linked to cooperation and weapons skills- protective vests without tangible benefit- despite tutorial hard entryLevel Design:+ complex Infantry cards, room for different approaches+ no long walking distances+ tactical and entertainingTeamplay:+ map design is for team strategies+ without cooperation noticeably more difficult+ many communication optionsWeapons:+ different handling+ the shotgun is useful+ sumptuous arsenal+ weapons attachments+ weapons may differ according to fraction- but only superficiallyMultiplayer-Modi:+ co-op exercise mode against bots+ six mission objectives in multiple game modes- which are very similarGame Size:+ playtime around 60 hours+ even without level system long motivationalInsurgency calls for: My reaction, my tactical skills and my nerves. The line between frustrating defeat and a triumphant maneuver at tactical shooters with their brutal learning curve now even a narrower. All the more refreshing, I find that I am growing my own skills, reflexes and strategy - and not on the number of my experience points. And so for me Insurgency end up getting more love than hate. There may be prettier and more heavily populated first person shooters, but few reward teamwork as well as Insurgency. A well placed tactical shooter, Total, Insurgency leaves a good impression.Score: 75 / 100 gamestar.deSorry for my bad english.Thanks for reading! If you Like my Review, give me a Thumbs up in Steam.Your help is greatly appreciated :)My Curator Page:My Steam Group:My YouTube Channel:
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9 people found this review funny
8.3 hrs on record
So realistic I think I got PTSD
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16 people found this review funny
19.8 hrs on record
Every time I die people yell &Aloha Snackbar!& In a bad middle eastern accent at me over their mics. 10/10
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116.5 hrs on record
INSURGENCY!Insurgency is a FPS hardcore tactial shooter, there is no campaign - meaning that all the attention is on multiplayer.There are two teams that are pitted against each other, Sercurity Forces (US) and Insurgents (Middle - Eastern extremist).There are a multitude of very enjoyable maps, some take place in day and some in night - making the flashlight a viable option. The game does a many things very well, the game is extremely realilist 1-2 shots will kill, (please be careful!). Your gun will also lock when jumping in the air, sorry no 360° noscopes. Footsteps are a very good indication of where enemies may reside, so you have to be very silent when moving. Some things that this game does not do well: Hit registration, it is actually horrible, and this subtracts from the immersion of the game when you clearly hit someone, and they don't go down - it can also be very fustrating.Ping really effects your gameplay in this game, as I said before hit registration is even worse when you have a ping of over 100!Another fantastic part of this game is the steam workshop!Find weapon skins, custom UI, custom sound packs, well pretty much custom everything!This game is really easy to run, on almost any system you will run the game at highest settings at atleast 45 fps on almost every map.Overall I really enjoy playing this game, and the team still bring out updates but they are not as frequent as they shoudl be!8/10
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Includes 79 Steam Achievements
Title: Insurgency
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Release Date: 22 Jan, 2014
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