
《德拉诺之王》 beta 测试改动
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《德拉诺之王》 beta 测试改动
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来源:[url]http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog//#druid[/url]===德鲁伊===[b]技能精简[/b][list][*]厚皮已移除,并且他的效果整合到[del]守护德鲁伊的[/del]熊形态中。[list][*]熊形态现在提高所有德鲁伊专精600%[del] 330%[/del]的护甲, 并且不再提高使物品中获得的急速和爆击提高50%, 但能使急速降低公共冷却时间。[*]对守卫德鲁伊, 熊形态也能使受到的法术伤害降低25%, [del]物理伤害降低12%[/del],被暴击的几率降低6%,并且攻击被招架的几率降低3%。[/list][*]猛虎之怒现在在狂暴期间可以使用。[/list][b]平衡[/b][list][*]周期性伤害效果的伤害现在随日月之蚀的变化动态变化。[*]当到达100月能时,你下一个月火术额外造成100%的初始伤害。[*]当到达100日能时,你下一个阳炎术额外造成100%的初始伤害。[/list][b]恢复[/b][list][*]清晰预兆: 现在只能由最近施放的生命绽放触发, 并使下一个愈合免费。[/list][collapse=7.23之前更新内容](6.19改动引用自[url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=7148421[/url])红字为更动部份。Leader of the Pack is now only available to Feral Druids, and no longer restores Mana.兽群领袖只有野性专精德鲁伊才有。Moonkin Form now grants increased Mastery instead of 5% to Spell Haste.枭兽型态现在给予5%精通,不再是5%急速。Survival Instincts no longer requires or forces the Druid into Cat or Bear Form, and is now available to all Druid specializations.生存本能不再要求(或强制)德鲁伊进入熊/猫型态。 [/collapse][collapse=4.19之前更新内容]===[size=150%]德鲁伊[/size]======[size=120%]守护[/size]===[list][*]Mastery: Primal Tenacity now also passively increases Attack Power by 8% (percentage increased by Mastery), in addition to its current effects.精通除现在效果外,现在也被动提升8%的AP(百分比随精通提升)[*]Note that Primal Tenacity's calculation uses the damage before any other absorbs you have, and before Tooth and Claw's effects, so that it isn’t negatively affected by any of those. Note that Primal Tenacity's calculation uses the damage before any other absorbs you have, and before Tooth and Claw's effects, so that it isn’t negatively affected by any of the changes. [del]We also slightly reduced the power of Primal Fury, in order to better balance secondary stats for Guardians.[/del]Tooth and Claw can now accumulate 2 charges, and its effects stack on the target. Its effects are affected by Resolve.尖牙和利爪现在可以叠加两层,效果受目标影响。也会受到取代复仇的新能力决心的影响。[*]Ursa Major is a new passive ability for Guardian Druids:Ursa Major: Multistrikes from auto attacks and Mangle grant the Druid Ursa Major. Ursa Major increases maximum health by 5% for 15 seconds. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining portion is added to the new effect.Ursa Major是守护专精的新能力。Ursa Major(新):自动攻击和芒果可以获得Druid Ursa Major。Ursa Major增加5%最大生命值,持续15秒。当这个效果刷新时,剩余的部分将会叠加到新效果里去。[/list]===[size=120%]野性[/size]===[list][*]Feral Druids received one major change, and few tweaks beyond what's been mentioned above in Ability Pruning and Facing Requirements. Combo Points are now stored &on the player&, meaning that when you switch targets, any accumulated Combo Points remain with you. Pounce was buffed significantly, in order to bring it up to par with Ravage. Primal Fury was changed to let it affect area attacks as well. Glyph of Savagery was reworked to better achieve its intended effect.Combo Points for Feral Druids are now shared across all targets, and are no longer lost when switching targets.野德现在对所有目标共享连击点数,并且当他们改变目标时不再丢失。[*]Strict facing requirements can be frustrating to deal with, especially in hectic Raid combat or PvP environments. In order to ease this frustration, we decided to remove or significantly loosen the facing requirements of all attacks that required the player to be behind their target.Druid: Ravage no longer requires the Druid to be behind the target.毁灭现在不需再找背了。[/list]===[size=120%]平衡[/size]===[list][*]Overall, we are happy with Balance's rotation, however there are a few tweaks coming through Draenor Perks. With the changes to Periodic Effects, we're slightly modifying Eclipse to allow it to retain the gameplay it had before.整体来说,我们对目前平衡德的输出机制很满意,但是我们仍然在即将到来的德拉诺专长中做了些小改动。随着快照机制的修正,我们稍微修正了下日月之蚀,好让它能遵循原有的作用机制。[*]Eclipse now increases the damage of all Nature spells (or Arcane, depending on which Eclipse state is active) cast while it is active. This means that for example: a Moonfire cast during Eclipse will receive the Eclipse benefit through its whole duration, even after leaving Eclipse. The rev a Moonfire cast before entering Eclipse will not benefit from that Eclipse until it is recast.当日月之蚀被激活后,日月之蚀现在增加所有自然法术(或是奥术法术,取決于哪个蚀被激活中)的伤害。举个例子例子:一个在月蚀施放的月火术,即使在离开月蚀后,其周期性伤害仍会继承月蚀的加成效果;换句话说,在蚀外施放的月火术即使在进入蚀后也不会自动获得加成效果,除非它被刷新。[*]And the Druid changes are capped off by merging Glyph of Stampede's effects into Glyph of Stampeding Roar.Glyph of Stampede has been removed. Its effects have been merged into Glyph of Stampeding Roar.&狂奔雕文&和&狂奔怒吼雕文&合并。&狂奔雕文&移除,其效果將合并至&狂奔怒吼雕文&中。[/list]===[size=120%]恢复[/size]===[list][*]Tranquility is now only available to Restoration Druids.宁静现在是恢复专属技能。[/list]===[size=120%]PVP[/size]===[list][*]Cyclone now shares Diminishing Returns with Fears, and can be canceled by immunity effects (i.e. Divine Shield, Ice Block, etc.), and can be dispelled by Mass Dispel.旋风现在与恐惧共享递减。[*]Disorienting Roar has been renamed to Incapacitating Roar, incapacitates enemies instead of disorienting them, and its effect now shares Diminishing Returns with other Mesmerize effects.惊魂咆哮的效果现在使敌人瘫痪,取代以前效果。[/list][/collapse][collapse=之前更新部分][quote]===[size=150%]德鲁伊[/size]======[size=120%]技能精简[/size]===[list][*]Enrage has been removed.激怒被移除[*]Innervate has been removed. Mana costs for Druids have been adjusted accordingly.激活被移除,德鲁伊蓝耗做了相应调整[*]Mangle (Cat Form) has been removed. Mangle (Bear Form) remains unchanged.猫形态裂伤被移除,熊形态裂伤保持不变[*]Nourish has been removed.滋养被移除[*]Shred is now available to all Druids.撕碎全系通用(并且不用找背了)[*]Swipe (Bear Form) has been removed. Swipe (Cat Form) remains unchanged.熊形态横扫被移除,猫形态横扫保持不变[*]Symbiosis has been removed.共生被移除[*]Survival Instincts is now available to all Druid specializations. Survival Instincts now reduces damage taken by 70% (up from 50%) with a 2-minute cooldown (down from 3), and for Feral and Guardian specializations can have up to 2 charges (up from 1).生存本能全系通用(用来补偿共生)。减伤70%,冷却2分钟。猫和熊天赋下有两层充能[*]Tranquility now heals every Party and Raid member within range every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. It no longer places a periodic effect on each target. The total amount of healing it generates in Raids should be approximately the same as before this change.宁静现在治疗所有团队和小队目标,两秒一跳,持续8秒。hot部分被移除,治疗总量和更改前大体持平[/list]===[size=120%]守护[/size]===[list][*]Guardian Druids' Mastery (Nature’s Guardian) has been replaced with a new Mastery: Primal Tenacity. Mastery: Primal Tenacity causes the Druid to gain a Physical absorb shield equal to 16% of the attack’s damage when they are hit by a Physical attack. Attacks which this effect fully or partially absorbs cannot trigger Primal Tenacity.熊坦精通重做。受到物理伤害获得伤害值16%的吸收盾,被精通盾吸收或者部分吸收的攻击不会触发精通盾。[*]熊坦怒气机制[list][*]Auto-attacks now generate 5 Rage (down from 10.9 Rage).平砍产生5怒气(从10.9怒气下调)[*]Lacerate now generates 10 Rage, has no cooldown (down from a 3-second cooldown), but no longer has a chance to reset Mangle's cooldown.割伤产生10怒气,无cd(从3秒CD下调),不触发裂伤[*]Thrash now generates 2 Rage every time it deals direct or periodic damage, has no cooldown (down from a 6-second cooldown), but no longer has a chance to reset Mangle's cooldown.痛击每次造成伤害(包括直接伤害和dot)产生2怒,不再有cd(从6秒CD下调),但不再刷新裂伤CD[*]Faerie Fire no longer has a chance to reset Mangle's cooldown.精灵火不再刷新裂伤CD[*]Primal Fury now generates 5 Rage (down from 15 Rage) when you dodge or non-periodically critically strike (up from only Auto Attacks and Mangle).原始狂怒产生5怒气(从15怒气下调),触发条件改成躲闪或者非dot伤害爆击(以前只能由平砍和芒果触发)[*]Mangle now generates 30 Rage, and its cooldown is reduced by Haste.裂伤产生30怒,并且急速会减少它的cd[*]Bear Form no longer increases Haste and Crit from items by 50%, but instead causes Haste to reduce the global cooldown.熊形态的急速与爆击加成被移除,但急速会降低gcd[/list][/list]===[size=130%]野性[/size]===[list][*]Pounce's damage has been increased by 100%.突袭伤害翻倍[*]Primal Fury now also grants a combo point for area attacks that critically strike the Druid's primary target.Aoe技能如果对德鲁伊的当前目标造成爆击也会触发原始狂怒从而获得一个额外的连击点[*]Glyph of Savagery now grants a free 5 combo point Savage Roar when leaving Prowl, instead of allowing Savage Roar to be used with 0 combo points.猫叫雕文改成离开潜行时获得免费5星猫叫,而不再允许在无星时候使用猫叫[/list]===[size=120%]恢复[/size]===[list][*]Swift Rejuvenation has been removed.迅捷回春(1秒gcd回春被动)被移除[*]Swiftmend no longer causes Efflorescence. Instead, Wild Mushroom (Restoration) now causes Efflorescence to appear at the mushroom’s location.绿地毯改为蘑菇触发[/list]===[size=120%]天赋[/size]===[list][*]Heart of the Wild no longer provides an increase to Hit chance or Expertise while active, and no longer increases Stamina, Agility, and Intellect.野性之心不再提供耐敏智加成(同时不再增加命中精准,与资料片移除命中精准保持一致)[*]Dream of Cenarius
塞纳留斯之梦[list][*]Balance: Casting Healing Touch no longer increases the damage bonus of the Druid’s next Eclipse. Eclipse now causes the Druid’s next Healing Touch to become instant cast and reset the cooldown on Starsurge.平衡:施放治疗之触不再增加下个日月之蚀的伤害。改为进食触发瞬发触并重置星涌cd[*]Feral: Casting Healing Touch no longer increases the damage of the Druid’s next 2 melee abilities, or increases the healing of Rejuvenation.野性:施放治疗之触不再增加下两个近战技能的伤害或者增加回春的治疗效果[*]Guardian: No longer increases the critical strike chance of Mangle.守护:不再提供裂伤爆击率加成[/list][*]Nature’s Vigil, while active, increases single-target damage and healing caused by healing spells by 16% (down from 25%), and all single-target damage spells also heal a nearby friendly target for 35% of the damage done (up from 25%).自然的守护激活时,所有单体伤害技能造成的伤害和治疗技能产生的治疗效果增加16%(从25%下调),同时所有单体伤害技能也会治疗附近一个受伤的友方目标伤害值的35%(从25%上调)[/list]===[size=120%]91-99级解锁技能被动[/size]======守护===[list][*]Enhanced Tooth and Claw - Tooth and Claw now also makes Maul free, and can accumulate 1 additional charge.强化利爪与尖牙—利爪与尖牙现在也会使重殴免费,并且可以额外充能1次[*]Empowered Berserk - Increases the duration of Berserk by 5 sec.增效狂暴—提高狂暴持续时间5秒[*]Enhanced Bear Hug - You are no longer immobilized by using Bear Hug.强化熊抱—你在熊抱时不再无法移动[*]Improved Mangle - Your Mangle deals 20% additional damage.强化裂伤—你的裂伤造成20%的额外伤害[*]Improved Maul - Your Maul deals 20% additional damage.强化重殴—你的重殴造成20%的额外伤害[*]Empowered Thrash - Increases the periodic damage of your Thrash by 50%.增效痛击—提高痛击的持续伤害50%[*]Empowered Bear Form - Bear Form grants you an additional 20% Stamina.增效熊形态—熊形态给予你20%的额外耐力[*]Improved Barkskin - Barkskin provides 10% additional damage reduction.强化树皮—树皮术提供额外10%的减伤[*]Improved Frenzied Regeneration - Increases the healing from Frenzied Regeneration by 10%.强化狂暴回复—提高狂暴回复10%的治疗[/list]===野性===[list][*]Enhanced Berserk - Your maximum energy is increased by 50 while Berserk is active.强化狂暴—当狂暴激活时,你的最大能量值提高50[*]Enhanced Cat Form - Your movement speed in Cat Form is increased by an additional 5%.强化猎豹形态—在猫形态下你的移动速度额外提高5%[*]Enhanced Tiger's Fury - Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury by 2 sec.强化猛虎之怒—提高猛虎之怒2s持续时间[*]Enhanced Prowl - Removes the movement speed penalty from Prowl.强化潜行—移除潜行的移动速度惩罚[*]Improved Shred - Your Shred deals 20% additional damage.强化撕碎—你的撕碎造成20%的额外伤害[*]Improved Pounce - Your Pounce deals 100% additional damage.强化突袭—你的突袭造成100%的额外伤害[*]Improved Ferocious Bite - Your Ferocious Bite deals 20% additional damage.强化凶猛撕咬—你的凶猛撕咬造成20%的额外伤害[*]Enhanced Rejuvenation - You can cast Rejuvenation while in Bear Form or Cat Form.强化回春术—你可以在熊形态或猫形态下使用回春术[*]Improved Healing Touch - Increases the healing done by your Healing Touch by 20%.强化治疗之触—提高治疗之触20%的治疗[/list]===平衡===[list][*]Enhanced Mushrooms - Each time your Hurricane or Astral Storm deals damage, your Wild Mushrooms will grow, dealing 5% additional damage, up to a maximum of 300%.强化蘑菇—每当你的飓风或者星界风暴造成伤害,你的野性蘑菇将会生长,增加5%的额外伤害,最多可达到300%[*]Enhanced Storms - Every 1 sec, your Hurricane and Astral Storm will generate 10 Lunar or Solar energy, whichever is more beneficial to you.强化飓风—每一秒,你的飓风或者星界风暴将会获得10点日能或者月能,取决于哪种对你更有利[*]Enhanced Moonkin Form - Your Moonkin Form grants an additional 100% armor increase.强化枭兽形态—你的枭兽形态获得额外的100%的护甲加成[*]Enhanced Frenzy - Triggering Owlkin Frenzy also makes your next damage or healing spell cast within 10 sec instant.强化枭兽形态—触发枭兽狂乱也会使你10秒内的下一个伤害或者治疗法术瞬发[*]Improved Starfire - Your Starfire deals 20% additional damage.强化星火术—你的星火术造成20%的额外伤害[*]Enhanced Starsurge - Your Starsurge generates an additional 10 Lunar or Solar energy.强化星涌术—你的星涌术获得额外的10点月能或者日能[*]Empowered Starfall - Your Starfall and Sunfall strike an additional target every 1 sec.增效星落—你的星落术和日落术每一秒打击一个额外的目标[*]Improved Wrath - Your Wrath deals 20% additional damage.强化愤怒—你的愤怒造成20%的额外伤害[*]Improved Moonfire - Your Moonfire and Sunfire deal 20% additional damage.强化月火—你的月火术和阳炎术造成20%的额外伤害[/list]===恢复===[list][*]Improved Wrath - Your Wrath deals 20% additional damage.强化愤怒—你的愤怒造成20%的额外伤害[*]Improved Moonfire - Your Moonfire and Sunfire deal 20% additional damage.强化月火—你的月火术和阳炎术造成20%的额外伤害[*]Improved Healing Touch - Increases the healing done by your Healing Touch by 20%.强化治疗之触—提高治疗之触20%的治疗[*]Empowered Rejuvenation - Increases the duration of Rejuvenation by 3 sec.增效回春术—提高回春术3s的持续时间[*]Enhanced Rebirth - Rebirth no longer has a cast time.强化复生—复生不再拥有施法时间[*]Empowered Regrowth - Increases the non-periodic healing from Regrowth by 30%.增效愈合—愈合的直接治疗量提高30%[*]Empowered Ironbark - Your Ironbark also increases the healing the target receives from your periodic healing spells by 20%.增效铁木树皮—受到你的铁木树皮影响的目标也会使你对其的持续性治疗效果提高20%[*]Improved Living Seed - Living Seed now heals for an additional 20% of the amount initially healed by your critical heals.强化生命之种—生命之种额外治疗相当于(触发生命之种的那次)暴击治疗的治疗量的20%[*]Enhanced Lifebloom - Healing Touch has 20% increased critical strike chance on targets with your Lifebloom.强化生命绽放—治疗之触对有你施放的生命绽放的目标有20%的额外暴击几率加成[/list]===[size=120%]属性[/size]===[list][*]命中和精准已经被移除。[list][*]所有角色对不高于3级的目标(包括首领)的攻击有100%的命中几率、0%的被躲闪几率、3%的被招架几率,0%的偏斜几率。[*]所有物品和物品强化的命中和精准全部转化为爆击、急速和精通。[*]德鲁伊[list][*]能量平衡(精神转命中的被动)移除[*]自然专注不再提高恢复德的愤怒与月火术的命中几率[*]厚皮现在也使得你的攻击被招架的几率降低3%[/list][/list][*]敏捷不再提供爆击几率。[*]所有职业的基础爆击几率现在都是5%。猎人和盗贼、野性德鲁伊、守护德鲁伊、酒仙武僧、踏风武僧和增强萨满一样习得一个提高10%爆击几率的被动。[*]攻击强度和法术强度的作用机制合并,调整了法系与物理武器的成长问题。[*]敏捷现在只提供1点攻击强度,所有的攻击强度提高效果减半。[*]所有武器的武器伤害下调了20%。[*]攻击强度对武器伤害的加成提高,现在是3.5AP提高1DPS,之前是14AP提高1DPS。[/list]===[size=120%]Buff和Debuff[/size]===[list][*]精灵之火现在提供物理易伤效果(取代了原先的破甲),现在使被施加目标受到的物理伤害增加4%,持续30秒[*]痛击不再提供虚弱打击效果;虚弱打击被完全移除[*]现在枭兽光环提供的急速效果也包括近战与远程攻击急速。其他的急速类buff也受到了同样的改动。[/list]===[size=120%]瞬发治疗[/size]===[list]Wild Growth (Restoration) now has a 1.5-second cast time (up from instant cast).野性生长(恢复)现在有1.5秒的施法时间(原先是瞬发)。[/list]===[size=120%]坦克及复仇[/size]===[list][*]Vengeance has been removed and replaced with a new passive ability, Resolve.复仇被移除并被一个新的被动“决心”所取代。Resolve: Increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on Stamina and damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 seconds.决心:提高你对自己造成的治疗与伤害吸收量,基于耐力和前10秒内(未计算减伤与闪避之前的)承受伤害Mastery: Primal Tenacity now also passively increases Attack Power by 12% (percentage increased by Mastery), in addition to its current effects.德鲁伊的新精通也会在目前的效果上额外提供被动的12%的攻击强度(并受精通百分比加成)[/list]===[size=120%]PVP[/size]===[list][*]Cyclone can now be canceled by immunity effects (i.e. Divine Shield, Ice Block, etc.), and can be dispelled by Mass Dispel.旋风现在可以被免疫类效果解除(无敌、冰箱等)并可以被群体驱散解除[*]Disorienting Roar's effect now shares Diminishing Returns with other Mesmerize effects.惊魂咆哮的效果现在与其他魅惑效果共享递减[*]Nature's Swiftness can no longer turn Cyclone into an instant-cast spell.自然迅捷不再能使旋风瞬发[*]Solar Beam no longer Silences a target again more than once per cast. Additionally, the Silence effect from this spell now shares Diminishing Returns with other Silences.一次日光术不会重复沉默同一个目标,并且这个法术的沉默效果与其他沉默效果共享递减 [/list][/quote][/collapse]
虽然看不懂英文 但是还很感谢LZ希望熊的精通有点用处但是急速减芒果CD 难道是堆急速的节奏?
不是说要改动技能嘛这改动全尼玛无关痛痒什么时候能把变形GCD 改成0.5秒 1秒?别的职业切形态 姿态 都TMD是1秒
塞梦再见 其他看着还是没什么重来兴趣啊...熊倒是有点意思
[quote][pid=78817,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=7737989]风行百里[/uid] ( 10:14):[/b]熊t改的和ctm时期一样了90级的天赋是闹哪样,野心没智力加成也至少能看吖[/quote]可是共生没了...斗篷啊 绿罩啊...
[b]Reply to [pid=78817,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=6704836]sdjf222[/uid] ( 10:52)[/b]共生作为一些战术技能,比如斗篷躲亚煞极,斗篷吃静电冲击的作用还是很明显的,避免跑位额外伤害等等生存本能能提升到70%的减伤感觉像以前可选的呗一竿子打死了
我个人觉得共生没了反而是好事。。稳定和风险的区别吧。野心那一层不科学, 其他两个天赋或多或少能提升DPS,反而野心没了属性加成, 莫名其妙。
[quote][pid=78817,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=1033366]yun87[/uid] ( 11:08):[/b]猫叫雕文还不错。。。这样最后一层天赋也不一定非要点被动猫叫了猫形态可以用回春,估计掠食者的迅捷要被砍没了[/quote]塞梦没了,迅捷pve又回到wlk的鸡肋了
感觉有些不全,补充一下:Cyclone can now be canceled by immunity effects (i.e. Divine Shield, Ice Block, etc.), and can be dispelled by Mass Dispel.旋风现在可解(无敌、冰箱等),可以大驱散Disorienting Roar's effect now shares Diminishing Returns with other Mesmerize effects.惊魂咆哮的效果现在与其他迷惑效果共享递减Nature's Swiftness can no longer turn Cyclone into an instant-cast spell.大迅捷不再影响旋风成为瞬发Solar Beam no longer Silences a target again more than once per cast. Additionally, the Silence effect from this spell now shares Diminishing Returns with other Silences.太阳光束对同一个目标不会沉默超过1次,并且沉默效果与其他沉默效果共享递减


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