橙光游戏against the world还没完没了的橙子吗

橙光古风言情作者大梦最新中篇力作《君本红妆》上架app啦~~撒花~~大梦是一位平时非常喜欢阅读古风小言作品并会进行小说创作的一位萌(nv)妹(han)纸(zi),在接触了橙光之后,她突然发现如果言情小说加上帅气的男主会更加吸引女性读者的注意~~于是这位古风小言作者便华丽丽的成为了出色的橙光游戏制作人(不会高级模式一样很厉害有木有)~~希望喜欢她作品的玩家都关注橙光 关注大梦哟~~~相信她的作品一定不会让喜爱古风言情的你失望的~~橙光游戏的每一个作品都是橙光作者呕心沥血的精心之作哟~橙娘希望每一位玩家都可以尊重并且和橙娘一起为每一位作者加油~~~橙娘一定会继续为大家带来品质更好的游戏而努力的~~橙娘在这里感谢每一位玩家 ~~民那么么哒~~~ 游戏介绍:叶臻。叶家唯一的嫡子。本该是家中娇客,却不得不以男儿的身份,顶起家族一片天。成天只爱涂脂抹粉,一掷千金的两位姐姐,还有两位入赘到叶府,却空有一副副好皮囊,只知道拉后腿的姐夫。对待自己严苛无比的父亲,软弱可欺的母亲,嚣张跋扈的姨娘。他,身体孱弱,却似乎富可敌国,一切都在运筹帷幄中。他,心狠手辣,商场上所向披靡,而在这一次和叶臻的过招中,似乎改变了些什么。他,身为叶家义子,身份尴尬,却一直在背后默默的帮着叶臻。这三个人在叶臻的生命中扮演着什么角色呢,一切,还不得而知。制作工具:橙光文字游戏制作工具授权与发行:橙光游戏中心作者:大梦客服QQ:原站玩家评论:“=3=可惜我花不够上不了榜,等我攒多了花一定要刷上去【握拳】感觉这个游戏比珠光宝气显得更加成熟,早在月如的那个游戏里我就发现大梦文笔很细致,很善于塑造人物,揣摩内心。因为我也最喜欢琢磨这个,所以更加喜欢了。这个游戏虽然篇幅不长,但是剧情紧凑,毫不拖沓。我上班偷偷玩游戏总是玩一会儿停一会儿,但这个游戏是一口气玩完的,停不下来hhh。我平时因为工作忙加上人又懒,不太写长评。但这个游戏总觉得不多写点评论实在辜负这个游戏带给我的感受。早上也看到了前面几页有不愉快的评论,想让大梦放宽心,好的游戏好的口碑是不会被三言两语的辱骂就给埋没的。他欣赏不了的东西,自然多得是人去欣赏和喜欢。等我晚上下班了再回去看番外篇~抽空去跑跑大哥路线,么么哒!”“很喜欢,是那种一玩会想知道“然后呢”“然后呢”的故事,玩的时候的感觉吧是突然遇到乐康,有一种清润吸引人的感觉,慢慢的发现身旁有一位一直默默守护的大哥,和虽然目中无人,却也因为喜欢上一个“男人”而不知所措、同时又瞒不住心意的云旗。最初一见乐康的小惊艳和挂心倾心到后来;对景云心生感动感激,希望能深情陪伴与之欢喜;更是对云旗笨拙却真切的表达感情而惊喜、窃窃地开心,进而狂喜如此有幸,都是作者给的美好的感觉感情。谢谢,让人能心生投入的,都是很好的作品。”“番外棒呆了!叶老爷不待见阿臻的原因真是让人叹息,阿臻太委屈了~云旗番外好有趣,他那纠结自己喜欢男人的心里写的太细致了,好搞笑~三个男主都很好,都珍爱着阿臻,一生一世一双人,这样真实又美满永恒的爱情真的让人无比动容,给大梦点赞一万年!真心灰常喜欢大梦创造的各色人物,真实自然不矫揉造作,而且游戏过程中很清楚地可以看到他们的各种成长与变化,令人喜爱!”
橙光最负盛名的鬼才作者weiluzi最新传奇作品《嘴炮大作战》目前登陆AppStore ~这回她又会给我们带来怎样的惊喜呢~~~~(≧▽≦)/~橙光游戏的每一个作品都是橙光作者呕心沥血的精心之作哟~橙娘希望每一位玩家都可以尊重并且和橙娘一起为每一位作者加油~~~橙娘一定会继续为大家带来品质更好的游戏而努力的~~橙娘在这里感谢每一位玩家 ~~民那么么哒~~游戏介绍:江湖上有一个隐秘的门派,从三国传承至当代,这个门派以口为刀,以脑为剑,不动兵戈,专事与人辩论。主人公诸葛辩是诸葛亮的第六十三代传人,肩负着振兴门派的使命,在得承门派秘笈后,他踏上了与各类名人辩论的旅程。戳穿“情感大师”的伪装,将“抄袭之王”赶出娱乐圈,在甜咸豆腐脑之争中清除异党,与“脑残粉”展开一场生死之战,改变外地人受歧视的命运,探讨“转鸡因”食品安全问题。你要做的,就是不断挑战权威,收获粉丝,完成从“小炮灰”到“嘴炮之王”的进击之旅!还可以在游戏中收获手下败将的公仔,数量有限,收完为止~游戏人设请勿对号入座,如有雷同纯属巧合。制作工具:橙光文字游戏制作工具授权与发行:橙光游戏中心作者:weiluzi客服QQ:原站玩家评论:“很喜欢这个游戏 人物设定画风什么的炒鸡棒 这个游戏逻辑好强 刚开始玩的时候以为逻辑渣会被分分钟秒掉 Σ( ° △ °\|\|\|) 但是发现逻辑渣还是能玩好噢 玩到后面的时候看到需要鲜花心都碎了\撇嘴 不过还是无法阻挡对这个慢慢滴爱~ (σ`?д?)σ”“很棒的游戏!特殊的游戏体验让我们都热血沸腾了起来,这种辩论的感觉真是太棒了!音效配的也特别棒!!作者大大~我好膜拜你”“好标新立异的游戏啊 作者真的很有才哦 你的娱乐圈那个游戏我也玩了 也很有意思。一直鬼马星空的想象力 大赞。”
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史上最强的湖南卫视《快乐大本营》谁是卧底升级版!新用户送金币!!【线上】随时跟各地的美女帅哥凑局玩卧底!【线下】最创新最简便的线下助手,不用传手机、不用法官!功能介绍:“谁是卧底”是一款超级考验智商、语言能力、知识面的多人玩游戏,我们将线下面对面才能玩的游戏做成了线上游戏,希望可以给大家带了更多的欢乐!产品特点:- 由电脑来当法官,大家只要玩就可以啦!- 新鲜词库,大开眼界!- 自动分配玩友,不用找人!- 大量用户,保证总有人和你玩!- 最创新的线下助手功能,试过就知道有多方便!游戏规则:- 在场6人中5人拿到同一词语,剩下1人拿到与之相关的另一词语。- 每人每轮用一句话描述自己拿到的词语,既不能让卧底察觉,也要给同伴以暗示。- 每轮描述完毕,所有在场的人投票选出怀疑谁是卧底,得票最多的人出局。若卧底出局,则游戏结束;若卧底未出局,游戏继续。- 反复2-3流程。若卧底撑到最后一轮(场上剩3人时),则卧底获胜,反之,则大部队胜利。
游戏玩家人数超百万!!橙光殿藏级乙女恋爱游戏始祖!!游戏好评数超万条!!这个冬天,让《七个小矮人》的爱情温暖你~~~可爱的少女们~让我们抛弃王子和“小矮人们”恋爱吧~~~\(≧▽≦)/~你有没有一天,梦想着穿越进格林童话中,在王子追来前,回身捡起掉落的水晶鞋?在小木屋中,听七个小矮人讲他们每个人有趣的往事?现在,机会来了!莫名其妙的掉进了一个童话般的世界,被一家濒临倒闭的旅馆收留,在一堆帅气可爱的小正太的赞叹声中,你成为了小人国里的白雪公主。这里只有小孩子,而你却成为了唯一的大人——在他们看来“一发脾气就能空手捶死一头牛的生物”。然而看似美好的童话世界却危机暗涌。神秘而冷酷的旅馆主人,看似温和实则可怖的旅馆佣人,迷糊的机器人点心师傅,迷倒万千少女的设计师,勇敢乐观的运动少年,时刻卖萌的大朵蘑菇,诡异而执着的吹笛人,七个不同的少年等你来一一揭开他们的秘密!在经营旅馆的过程中,你与这七个不同款型的少年发生了怎样的故事呢?你又能否解救童话世界的危机重返现实呢?一切都等你自己来书写,在新的童话世界中,改变白雪公主的命运吧!游戏特点:原创的恋爱冒险女性向文字游戏,带你走入沉睡着童话般的世界。如果有一天你成为白雪公主,是会选择优雅高傲的王子,还是各具特色却神秘色彩十足的小矮人?丰富的剧情选择,自由的感情走向,萌系的精致画面,多达12种不同结局,8个不同性格的美少年、萌系小正太等你来攻略!攻略提示:* 一次游戏中,请尽量只调戏一个人~* 7号结局是真结局,需要成功攻略任意一人后,才能开始攻略。原站玩家评论:“这是一个非常好的游戏,记得一开始玩的时候,觉得很有点神秘的味道。然后慢慢地开始了解这个游戏,才发现作者设定的七个人物角色都很有自己的性格。在其中最喜欢一号这个形象,他为了自己回到现实世界的梦想一直在努力,玩到结局还把女主一起带回了现实世界。是一个很有智慧,很有担当的人,非常喜欢他。二号也是我很喜欢的人物,只是开始的时候,玩到最后不小心选择错误,触发了二号的BE,看到二号把所有人都杀死了,那个心痛不是能形容的。我也喜欢三号,虽然是一个机器人,但是感觉也很呆萌。相反人气最高的七号不是我的菜。嗯,最后祝福作者一切幸福!”“第一次玩游戏。选的是二号路线。看了番外以后,会觉得外界许多的压力导致一个开朗的小男孩变成了走不出去内心幽暗的人。作者采用第一人称,内心独白的方式。给我感觉就是非常贴切、十分真实,甚至有一些心疼这个男孩子。而且作者在游戏过程当中也埋下了伏笔,通过男2的一系列小细节表现出了他隐藏外表下的内心。游戏主线还是觉得很不错。虽然我每次玩都会BE,但最终还是开辟出了HE。结局也很有意思,男生直接已男朋友自居。很可爱,很霸道。其实这个角色在年幼的时候就已经表现出了强悍强大的内心与性格。可惜,现实的打压。在我第二次玩这个游戏的时候,选的是一号路线,可以说是一个学霸青年的人物,非常符合我的胃口。走的也是非常正常的路线。——这个主线给我的感受是,对爱情的最初憧憬。两个人,默默的相处,看着书,安安静静的度过下午。共同面对未来的艰难险阻。最后结局那里男生出现的瞬间真的很感人。像是两个相知相守的人终于见得月明云开了。我还没有解锁所有路线,缺积分缺鲜花的我现在正在拼命评价已获得可以完成全部主线的机会。作者再接再厉,我会一直关注你的。我看好你哦。”“首先呢,游戏确实很萌哈~正太们长的都很有爱,一开始进剧情就比较喜欢2号这个人物,所以就走了2号线,感觉2号真是让人心疼的人,就是2号结局有点过于平淡,因为一开始没有送花花所以接着就玩了1号,说实话,一眼看过去1号并不是我最喜欢最想玩的那个人物,但是随着剧情的发展感觉1号还真的是我喜欢的那个型唉~噢哈哈~,所以呢,玩完了一号我就立马来了个会员送花花来了^-^~,接下来按顺序玩的都是,不过把7号留在了最后,因为预测的他是ture end。3号真是太让人心疼了,小机器人太呆萌了,那种依赖感感觉很不错,玩到最后要走那块居然把我玩哭了啊····我觉得他的那个对白好像说他可以抱6个白雪公主那段很可爱。4号也是比较喜欢的一个,因为本人对于那种心理年龄大一点的比较来感哦,所以比较喜欢那个性格。5号、6号还有0号不是很喜欢就不评论了。铛铛~下面就是7号了,把帽子摘了长得真是太萌了,又帅又萌型的,因为剧设是有记忆的大人,所以我很喜欢7号的性格,果然还是喜欢心理年龄大一点的哈···哈····7号的剧情是所有里面最波折的了,愿意为喜欢的人和朋友付出,真的很喜欢他,要是有个人也能那样奋不顾身救我多好~~最后的结局的那张图也很喜欢唉·~~这个游戏总的来说构思很有爱,很新颖,一开始玩的时候不觉得好玩,但是越玩越感觉游戏还是可以的,可以符合大家的各种口味倒是,但是说实话是有些人物的剧情过于平淡,线路有点单一,不过觉得剧情平淡也是和我对不同人物的喜好有关的。总之最后玩完感觉还是挺好玩的^-^~尤其是这个植物人精神世界的构思这一点我很喜欢呢,作者再接再厉哦~”
2014年最新制作的填字题库,现在就来下载吧! 最疯狂的中文填字游戏登陆手机,你还等什么! 一键求助微信朋友圈,时下最疯狂的社交游戏!疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗? 1、游戏一开始只有几道题可以选择 2、游戏时请选中空格查看提示 3、点击字母按键输入首字母拼音 4、正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示 5、点击+号弹出功能菜单6、完成题目80%解锁下一题 7、完成100%可以解锁答案,而且再奖励解锁一题 8、完成或购买道具解锁后可以双击查看答案 帮助中心还可以1、切换音效开关2、切换标准键盘模式3、切换答案双击显示4、查看操作介绍5、推荐给微信朋友圈应用提供两个付费道具,一个解锁全部关卡,另一个是开放全部答案,如果你有能力,请支持我们。我们承诺提供不少于120题的持续更新,请放心购买。资深填友请加官方QQ群:欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字 /chinesewordcross 官方网站 /
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! DOWNLOAD NOW!What is the best way to learn from the masters? Look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see ____ the master, become the master. - Eric Steven RaymondMissing Word contains more than 200 (and counting) hand-picked quotes. Every quote has a missing word. You need to think in the way as the master did, and figure out the missing word to complete the quote. Every time you finish a quote, not only have you read the quote, but also deeply understand it.Learn from the masters, one quote at a time.Missing Word has 6 colorful built-in themes, you can also randomly shuffle themes when you play.
疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗? 1、游戏一开始只有几道题可以选择 2、游戏时请选中空格查看提示 3、点击字母按键输入首字母拼音 4、正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示 5、点击+号弹出功能菜单6、完成题目80%解锁下一题 7、完成100%可以解锁答案,而且再奖励解锁一题 8、完成或购买道具解锁后可以双击查看答案 帮助中心还可以1、切换音效开关2、切换标准键盘模式3、切换答案双击显示4、查看操作介绍5、推荐给微信朋友圈应用提供两个付费道具,一个解锁全部关卡,另一个是开放全部答案,如果你有能力,请支持我们。我们承诺提供不少于120题的持续更新,请放心购买。资深填友请加官方QQ群:欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字 /chinesewordcross 官方网站 /
超过百万玩家热捧,史上最强疯狂填字游戏4!创新填字玩法挑战你的脑细胞,现在就来下载! 一键求助微信朋友圈,时下最疯狂的社交游戏!疯狂填字是最早的在线中文填字游戏,现在你可以在手机上玩填字了,既打发了时间,又增长了知识,你准备好挑战史上最疯狂的中文填字游戏了吗? 1、游戏一开始只有几道题可以选择 2、游戏时请选中空格查看提示 3、点击字母按键输入首字母拼音 4、正确完成词条就会转换为汉字显示 5、点击+号弹出功能菜单6、完成题目80%解锁下一题 7、完成100%可以解锁答案,而且再奖励解锁一题 8、完成或购买道具解锁后可以双击查看答案 帮助中心还可以1、切换音效开关2、切换标准键盘模式3、切换答案双击显示4、查看操作介绍5、推荐给微信朋友圈应用提供两个付费道具,一个解锁全部关卡,另一个是开放全部答案,如果你有能力,请支持我们。我们承诺提供不少于120题的持续更新,请放心购买。资深填友请加官方QQ群:欢迎关注新浪官方微博: @疯狂填字 /chinesewordcross 官方网站 /
《十万个冷XX 》是一款集答题、自主出题于一体的益智类答题游戏。题目类型涉及热点娱乐、生活时尚、地理旅游、历史人文、动漫游戏等多种类型,还有最为挑战智商的天马行空题。在这里玩家不但可以通过答题来角逐传说中的知识大王,受众人膜拜;亦可出一些刁钻冷门的题目来让各位答题者抓耳挠腮,百思不得其解。
Join the Ring with the latest innovation in word games on iPhone & iPad.2 GAME MODESo ClassicCreate words quickly as you progress through levels of increasing difficulty.Rings of letters and blocks will fall more and more rapidly.o RushFind as many words as possible in 2 minutes. For every word you findyou'll gain more time.WORLDWIDE LEADERBOARDTest your skills against the world !Each dictionnary has more then 80 000 words. It's up to you to chain amaximum number of words or take your time to find complex ones.SCORING SYSTEMFind words between 3 and 10 letters.Avoid repetitions to score more pointsUse tactics and memorize the ring to compose longer wordsFeature :o 2 innovative
game modeso 3D graphics never seen in a word gameo Gamecenter with tons of achievementso Leaderboardo English, french, german, spanish, italian,dutch and portuguese dictionnariesTwitter :
/sunlaris_comFacebook :
*** Come join the Word Seek HD crowd! This is the game for you if you love social word games or puzzles! ***Sharpen your mind, expand your vocabulary, and challenge yourself to solve a puzzle with this innovative, interactive, and addictive play off a classic word search game. You’ll have tons of fun as you find as many words as possible by yourself or live online against your friends in this board game!___________________________________________Not ready to buy? Download the FREE version - Word Seek HD Free___________________________________________If you see any crashes with the newest updated game, PLEASE tell us about the crash at
to help us fix our issues!
We hate crashes.*** Reached #1 Word Game in the Belarus, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand ****** Reached #2 Word Game in the US ***Rated 5 stars -"OMG........I can't put it down....this game is not only edifying but addictive. I guess having an addiction to building upon my vernacular is not such a bad thing. Great game...!!!!!”- Ron LewisRated 5 stars -"Fabulous! Love love love this game! You can play for hours and also learn new words. Have to keep coming back to see if I can get more words and better my personal score. Don't miss it!”- Si galYou’ve always loved word find puzzles, think you’re pretty good at them, too. Sure, it’s kind of a lonely game but you don’t mind so much. You have the words and the board to keep you company.But wait, it doesn’t have to be like that! Playing word finding games isn’t a solitary pursuit anymore, now that there’s Word Seek HD. This app offers the very best in high quality game boards and stunning HD graphics, as well as interaction with others who love word finds as much as you do.If you enjoy playing Scrabble, Text Twist, Scramble With Friends, or Words With Friends, then we're sure you'll love Word Seek HD.Avid users have already played more than 50,000 hours worth of Word Seek HD and hundreds of games are being played every single minute!Don’t think that the games are too easy, just because they’re in an iPhone or iPad app! Select a 4x4 or 5x5 grid to play and find out for yourself how fun and challenging these word finds can be.
Missed some words?
Don’t worry, the app will show you a list of all the possible words at the end of the game, to help you out for your next try.One of the things you’ll notice, right off the bat, is the amazing HD quality graphics in Word Seek HD. Combined with the easy-to-use interface, this app is an absolute pleasure to use.Feel like mixing things up? Great! Try your hand at some of the other challenges available in Word Seek HD. Play online live against others just like you, and see if you can score more points than them!Once you’re done a game, it’s okay to brag about how well you did. Go ahead and share your scores with Facebook and Twitter fans, maybe even challenge them a match. Competing with others is easy, using the Apple’s Game Center. Look for the top scores on the leaderboards then try to beat them.Check out some of the incredible features waiting for you in Word Seek HD:* Easy, attractive interface* Amazing HD quality graphics* Full, ad-free version* Just drag or tap to find your words* Share your scores with friends on Facebook and Twitter* Compete with others using the Apple Game Center leaderboardsNo matter how you look at it, Word Seek HD is just lots of addictive fun. There’s no downside to this app, whether you’re a veteran word puzzler or a beginner. You’ll expand your vocabulary and join the world of avid word find fans.Got feedback, questions, or ideas for the next version? Drop us a line at ! We will read everything from rants and raves to media inquiries and more.
蒙学填字 是一款幼儿启蒙教育的寓教于乐的应用。将《三字经》、《百家姓》、《弟子规》和《千字文》公认的蒙学作为游戏的蓝本,使孩子在游戏的过程中得到启蒙教育,加深记忆。蒙学是中国古代最重要的入门教育课程,在清朝列为国民必读。游戏设计采用符合中国古典教育的风格,按照从下到下,从右到左的顺序。每竖行会随时出现一个空需要填字,先选中空位,再在底部的选项中选择答案即可,如果正确,答案会飞向之前选中的空位并抱以掌声,得一分;如果错误,则会出现嘘声,答案会在原地不动,扣1分。如果不会作答,按问号提示按钮,即可自动做答,正确答案自动飞向相应的位置,但会扣掉2分,并会出现嘘声。本游戏适用于幼儿园以及家庭教育使用,适合由老师或家长陪同儿童一起玩耍。本应用支援繁体和简体中文,设置成大陆地区时自动显示成简体中文,其它国家或地区时,自动显示为繁体中文。为体现复古感觉,游戏内容采用隶书,如儿童或有不识,需有老师或家长指教。
The award-winning word-puzzle game from the makers of Bejeweled(R)!Have an appetite for words? Then join Lex the Bookworm in the hit word-puzzle game created by PopCap Games! Link letter tiles left, right, up and down to build words and keep Lex sated and smiling. The bigger the word, the better the bonus. But watch out for burning letters — they could spell disaster for you and Lex! If you need a quick word break, link letters fast in Arcade mode. If laid-back wordplay is more your style, go with Classic. No matter which mode you like best, you’ll relax and tune up your brain every time you play! Game Featureso It’s easy to learn — start working wordy wonders in relaxing Classic mode or race against the clock in Arcade modeo Boost scores and advance faster by spelling bonus wordso All new shake-to-scramble — just shake your iPhone/iPad or tap Lex to re-scramble the letterso All new bonus books — unlock themed tomes and complete special word collectionso Instant stats to track your progress — just turn your iPhone/iPad sideways for a quick view of your word historyo Unlimited levels to keep you rising up the ranks in the Hall of Fame o Uses the Oxford English Dictionary — the most authoritative vocabulary available o Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (4th Generation), and iPad.
Requires iOS 4.3 or later.o Gameplay dictionary is ENGLISH ONLYMore Apps from PopCap: BEJEWELED(R) – Match sparkling gems in the world’s #1 puzzle game. PLANTS VS. ZOMBIES(TM) — Soil your plants in the award-winning action-strategy game. iTunes Rewind 2010 iPhone Game of the Year. SOLITAIRE BLITZ(TM) – Discover a whole new world of Solitaire in this fast-paced treasure hunt! ZUMA’S REVENGE!(TM) — Take on the tikis in this ball-blasting challenge! PEGGLE(R) — Clear the orange pegs in this epic blend of luck and skill. CHUZZLE(R) — Slide and match cute, cuddly — and surprisingly explosive — furballs. POPCAP MAKES LIFE FUN!Visit us Follow us /PopCapLike us /PopCap
Get set to challenge over 1 Million players from all across the globe with New Power-Ups!Thanks for making WordsWorth the #1 Word Game on the Mac App StoreHere’s what gamers had to say:- Next best thing since Scrabble board… Kind of Angry Birds with intelligence!!!?- I love this game! I’ve met people from all over the world playing this game?- My kids love to play and it’s a family affair with an educational edge!!?- I’ve played it everyday for about 2 years so far, with no plans to stop anytime soon- ‘Scrabble on Steroids!’ – Macworld- ‘Challenging & Addictive Gameplay’ – Gamezebo- ‘It’s one of the best Word Games for iPhone!’ - cnet- ‘WordsWorth is a great game that you'll want to play again and again!’ - TopTenREVIEWSIs it any wonder then that WordsWorth has received so much adulation?- Silver Award from PocketGamer- Honorable Mention among Word Games in the 2009 and 2012 Best App Ever Awards.CALLING ALL WORDCRUNCHERS ABOARD!Calling all Word champs! Experience the thrill of wordplay as you link letters to trace words on a beautiful honeycomb structure. Create longer words using Letters with more 'Dots' to earn hefty points and unlock quests! Play with our rapidly increasing community of players and befriend Word Pros from all across the globe!AMP UP YOUR GAME WITH POWER-UPS!Earn Stars based on
words with more 'Dots' get youStars faster. Then use them to unlock 4 Power-Ups and dominate your word battles!- FINDER: Locates the best word in the grid for you!- REPLACER: Replaces all instances of a letter with one of your choice!- RESETTER: Resets the Timed Tile back to zero!- REVIVER: Game Over? Use the Reviver to earn a new life and continue the game from where you lost.FEATURES* Play it on the gorgeous 4" display of the iPhone 5* Universal Binary: Enjoy the WordsWorth experience on iPhone and iPad* Play alone or challenge your Facebook friends online* 3 exciting game modes - Classic, Timed and Tumble* Choose from 6x6, 7x7 and 8x8 grids* Unlock special tiles and new strategies as you progress* Use Power-Ups – Finder, Replacer, Resetter and Reviver to dominate the word battles* Earn Stars as you play to unlock Power-Ups* Check meaning of words formed and expand your vocabulary* Chat with friends as you play* Complete numerous levels with different rankings* Supports official Scrabble word lists – TWL/SOWPODS/ENABLE* Hop on the global leaderboard and Improve your Vocab PowerFollow us on Twitter/99GamesLike us on Facebook/99GamesSubscribe to our YouTube Channel/ninetyninegames
Discover the new word game from the creators of Word Ring (the number 1 word game in many countries on the Appstore)Acquire the wisdom of Master Panda by challenging your brain and your virtuosity through three game modes with a simple, intuitive and SHARP gameplay.Make combos by cutting the maximum letters in a single move to impress Master Panda and improve your score!Use the power of the great masters that will allow you to freeze time, skip full words, increase your combo meter, automatically place letters at the right position. All this in order reach the highest levels of wisdom! 3 GAME MODES- NinjaSlash as fast as you can to form the word given by Master Panda. You have one try per word and a limited number of lives.- ZenSelect how many words you'll have to find. Be fast and be zen.- ChallengeDare you face the test of the great masters? How many words will you find in the allotted time?WORLD RANKINGWill you remain a mere apprentice or you will rank you among the elite grand masters? Earn your place in the pantheon.PLAY IN SEVEN LANGUAGESChoose to defy Master Panda in the language of your choice from the French, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch dictionnaries.Features:- 3 game modes- World Ranking Game Center- Universal Application- HD Retina display graphics- Optimized for iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad 2, 3, 4, iPhone 4 & 4S
? Featured by Apple in "WHAT'S HOT"! ? "Spelling Word Search for iPad is designed for curious young readers and spellers." Kids will learn new words and enhance their vocabulary skills by practicing Word Search with grade-level word list from K-8th.? Added word list "US States and Capital Cities" - learn 50 US states names. ? Word lists are now available from Kindergarten level to 8th grade. ? More Word Lists are planned for future updates so grown-ups can enjoy this game too.? Still 33% off the full price. Download it now before price increases at the next update.Our word lists are carefully selected by parents and teachers such that kids can learn words and their spelling while playing this traditional puzzle game. The game is family friendly even parents can join the fun. It is time to toss out the paper sheets that your children used to play word search on. ? Super simple and intuitive to play.? Bright colored theme helps players engaged.? Family with multiple kids can easily enjoy the game by choosing appropriate word list. ? Two more themes added since the first version.** To achieve the best learning experience, parents should consider playing the
asking them to pronounce the words before each game starts.
*** Note to parents and teachers: if you have a specific word list you want to see in the game, submit it here http://bit.ly/ipadwords and we will include them in future game updates.
?荣登App Store大陆小游戏新品推荐榜?荣登App Store大陆文字游戏新品推荐榜一款基于古典诗词的填字游戏,让您在游戏中增长知识。内容包括:少儿古诗,千家诗。游戏设计采用符合中国古典教育的风格,按照从下到下,从右到左的顺序。每竖行会随时出现一个空需要填字,先选中空位,再在底部的选项中选择答案即可,如果正确,答案会飞向之前选中的空位并抱以掌声,得一分;如果错误,则会出现嘘声,答案会在原地不动,不扣分。如果不会作答,按问号提示按钮,即可自动做答,正确答案自动飞向相应的位置,但会扣掉2分,并会出现嘘声。本游戏适用于幼儿园以及家庭教育使用,适合由老师或家长陪同儿童一起玩耍。本应用支援繁体和简体中文,设置成大陆地区时自动显示成简体中文,其它国家或地区时,自动显示为繁体中文。为体现复古感觉,游戏内容采用隶书,如儿童或有不识,需有老师或家长指教。
The ultimate word extraction game. Weld words in the word machine! Create clever combos and multiply your score using gem and gold tiles. Increase your vocabulary using the in-built dictionary – discover definitions of words you never even knew existed! Earn powerful special abilities like Group, Reverse, and Jump Swaps, and complete particularly tricky terms with blank wooden pieces. Potentially unlimited gameplay!***Unparalleled content and value. Thanks for your support! W.E.L.D.E.R. has been the #1 iPad seller and Apple's iPhone Game of the Week. It's the perfect new word game for an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus!***UNRIVALED FEATURESo NEW: Now play against your friends! Compete against your Game Center friends or random opponents in two-player matches. o Adds addictive word game play to classic pattern matching.o Use special reverse, group, and jump swaps to form words and clear broken tiles.o Use multiplier tiles to score more points and gain more swaps!o Brand new modes including Sandbox (infinite swaps) and Broken Challenge (tough broken tile levels).o Undo your last move and have another go!o Use "Apocalypse Swap" to wipe the board once per level and get a new set of tiles.o Combine multipliers in a single word for thousands of points and tons of swaps!o Game Center features include 47 achievements, competitive score comparison and a Palindrome Ranking.o Use iCloud saving to transfer a game in progress from your iPad to your iPhone!o Look up words you form via the built-in iOS dictionary.To ensure the best W.E.L.D.E.R. experience on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch device, please use iOS 6 or above.We are listening to all of your amazing suggestions, and working hard on more updates coming soon! Thank you to all of our happily obsessed fans!
《海贼王》中乔巴的吃下一个蓝波球后会有多少种变形状态?《火影忍者》中我爱罗额头上刻的是什么字? 动漫达人都不会错过的动漫知识竞赛--《动漫大挑战》!帮您找回童年!接近50个动漫名作! 近2000个经典 动漫问题!4种超强道具助您畅游动漫世界!.42部动漫名作..1700精彩的经典经典问题..智能答题系统,你不会遇到相同的问题..4种超强道具助您畅游动漫世界!
Special offer: Free download of our newest puzzle game FIXUM! download for free now.Think you know movies? How well do you think you can guess a movie if we only show you 4 objects that have something to do with the movie? It's not as easy as you think!"Whats the Movie?" is a devilishly simple game to play that will have you guessing the title of a movie from four simple images. You earn coins for every movie guessed right. Those coins can be used for hints on tough levels, or to unlock new levels. Choose categories from the 1980's, the 1990's, the 2000's (and 2010's), as well from the movie genres of: Classics, Comedies, Horror, Sci-Fi, Musicals, and Comic Books!Ready?.... And... ACTION!"What's the Movie" was developed by JPSquare, which is basically just two dudes who have been buddies since high school, and are somewhere in the middle of their 9-to-5 careers wishing they had gone into computer science instead. We love games and building fun apps. We also like good ideas! Have an idea for a movie that's not in this game? Send it to us! You might see it in our next update!Email us at: Check out our other games at
How well do you know movies? Would you know them if they were portrayed by doodle stick figures?You will be entertained by the humorous drawings while testing your knowledge of your favorite movies.The rules are simple guess the correct movie right to gain points but be warned incorrect answers will take points away and it's possible to have a negative score.Are you up to the Doodle Movie Challenge?FEATURES:- 200+ questions with sound Fx and background music. - Includes Sudden Death mode try and get as many correct as possible before your time runs out.- Levels mode where each level you need a higher score to get to next level plus bonus rounds.- Auto-saves games when app exits. - Random questions and random answers on every new game started. - Local and World High Scores. Warning: If some of the questions seem vague or difficult then you do not know your movie trivia.keywords: flappy saga 2048 crush messenger bird tile pocket edition candy farmville music


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