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441 After four chunky content packs, two add-on characters, and an assortment of downloadable character skins/heads, not to mention a core game that can easily consume an 50 hours or more, you’d think that Gearbox Software would be ready to move on from Borderlands 2. Nope. There’s another level cap bump incoming on September 3, 2013, complete with new playable content and three more “Headhunter” packs, the first of which is the Halloween-themed TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest, due in October. The September 3 release is much more than a boost to the level cap. That’s there too, giving players the opportunity to reach as high as level 72, but the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge also introduces a new area and mission that links to an entirely new ranking system of “Overpower” levels. We’ll get to that last bit shortly.The location is Digistruct Peak, a mountaintop training ground for the Crimson Raider. When you first arrive, the slightly psychotic researcher-turned-freedom fighter Patricia Tannis is waiting to give you the rundown on what’s in store. The mission, which is balanced for a full team of four players and takes roughly an hour to complete, winds through a series of twisting mountain paths and open spaces, all of which function as battlegrounds in which you’ll meet the full rogue’s gallery of Borderlands 2 baddies. At first, the types, numbers, and locations of each enemy you encounter is static, but an element of randomness is introduced as your Overpower level climbs higher.“It truly is a very challenging area,” Gearbox designer Jason Reiss says of Digistruct Peak. “I’m hoping that the fans are prepared for it and willing to take it one step at a time. It’s about learning the area and learning the encounters. Until you get to the higher ranks, when we start mixing it up and add the randomness.”Even though the new cap is 72, the new ranking system creates an opportunity for players to take on monsters and collect loot rated up to level 80. You’ll have to max out at the new cap first and get yourself to the earlier level cap bump’s third playthrough in order to enjoy the over-leveling in Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2. ”The idea there is you complete this arena and, if you’re at level 72, then you’ll unlock Overpower level 1,” Reiss explains. “You’ll exit the map and when you re-host the game, you’ll have a prompt that will let you decide what Overpower level you want to play at.” The entire world is affected when you load up a game set to a certain O monsters are more deadly, and they drop more powerful loot. Your skill advancement still caps out at level 72, but the eight Overpower levels allow you to use this higher-level gear. Once you’ve unlocked all of the Overpower levels and jump into a max-level game, you’ll face monsters at level 80+ and find gear rated for level 80 that you can now use.You’re probably wondering at this point why Gearbox is even bothering with the new Overpower leveling system when the new level 72 cap could just as easily have been a level 80 cap. “If you look at our skill tree, you’ll definitely notice that we’re running out of skill points,” Reiss says. “We’re trying to keep the diversity there. We do want players to level up and get more skills and have a lot of fun with that, but Digistruct Peak adds the icing on top of the cake, pretty much. More challenge, more adventure, more gear to collect.”“I’m hoping that the fans are prepared for it and willing to take it one step at a time. It’s about learning the area and learning the encounters.”After the release of Digistruct Peak Challenge comes TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest, due in October as the first of three planned “Headhunter” packs that are all scheduled for release by the end of 2013. There’s no price yet, but we can confirm that these will cost less than previous story add-ons. The basic idea with these content packs is simple: defeat a boss, get that boss’s head added to your collection of wearable heads. These are smaller content offerings than the four previous story DLC packs that Gearbox released. Bloody Harvest amounts to a single, medium-sized environment that’s been built around a fetch mission and the aforementioned boss fight, in this case with the Pumpkin Kingpin. If the boss’s name and the October release didn’t give it away, there’s a Halloween theme here.A much smaller take on Bloody Harvest was first conceived in 2012 as a Halloween treat, level designer Josh Jeffcoat tells us. It was an idea hatched by Borderlands 2 art director Jeramy Cook and lead creature designer Ruben Cabrera. “They sat down for a couple weeks [to work on the DLC] and then they realized that even if they were to ship it right that second, with the time it would take to get through certification, the soonest it could be released would be about two weeks after Halloween,” Jeffcoat says. “So we were all real sad about that. It went back onto the shelf and just sat there for awhile.” Jeffcoat started on the DLC in early 2013, after being asked to finish off what Cook and Cabrera started for an eventual release. He worked on it by himself until he was pulled away to join the Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep DLC team, and Bloody Harvest was shelved once again. It stayed that way until July 2013, when half of the Tiny Tina crew, including Jeffcoat, was tasked with polishing the first Headhunter pack up for a Halloween 2013 release.“The original version of was just the pumpkin patch and the pumpkin kingpin. TK Baha was sitting about 20 feet away from the pumpkin patch.”“It’s actually had a really long history, and because it’s seasonal, we couldn’t just release it when it’s done,” Jeffcoat says. “The original version of it was just the pumpkin patch and the pumpkin kingpin. TK Baha was sitting about 20 feet away from the pumpkin patch and he just said, ‘Hey, my friend kingpin here. He’s messing with everybody. Go kill him.’ And that was it. It was literally [a situation where] two people spent about a week and a half throwing this together as quickly as they could before they realized that there was no way we could do it fast enough.”The fetch quest, which involves fighting your way through a graveyard and haunted town as you assemble the pieces of a key to the Pumpkin Kingpin’s pumpkin patch, wasn’t constructed until the development pile-on that started last month. The heart of the original Halloween-themed idea is still the focus: the boss fight arena, a zombified TK Baha as the mission-giver, and ability-enhancing collectible candy.Downed enemies in Bloody Harvest occasionally leave behind a little piece of candy that you can collect for a temporary boost to some aspect of your character. Each morsel of candy
highlight it in your crosshairs and you see a rhyming item description that hints at what sort of ability boost you can expect. You might recall that the recent Tiny Tina DLC also offered temporary boosts from a series of color-coded, Eridium-consuming altars, and that’s not a coincidence. Not a new image, but appropriately epic“The concept of the candy was originally created by Rob Heironimus, who is actually our grenade guy. He’s the guy that builds all the grenades in Borderlands,” Jeffcoat says. “They originally didn’t look like candy, but [lead writer Anthony Burch] wrote little rhyming poetry to suggest what they do, because we didn’t want to just say ‘gives you damage’ or ‘speeds you up,’ because that’s boring.”“That actually was implemented for the original version a year ago and it sat on the shelf. We took the candy concept and that got rolled into Tiny Tina as those little altars that give you temporary buffs. Those actually came from the Halloween candy, but now the Halloween candy is coming out after that.”We recently paid a visit to Gearbox Software’s Texas home base for an up-close look at the team’s approach and creative process for DLC. Stay tuned for plenty more exclusive Borderlands 2 content this week, including deep dive looks at how the team assembles both add-on story content and new characters. And if you’re headed to PAX Prime, be sure to visit the 2K booth if you want an early hands-on shot at taking on the Pumpkin Kingpin. 原文:
某某的节操翻译 不是我哈在四个很牛(keng)逼(die)的DLC,两个很弱(diao)逼(bao)的附加角色,还有一坨一坨的坑钱角色皮肤之后,更不用说那可以浪费你50+小时的游戏之后,你可能会认为MONEYBOX的坑钱事业会到此为止。滚泥煤啊!GB才不会这么有良心呢!其实,马上就会有另外的等级上升“活动”,就在⑨月3号。它含有一个DLC和三个“猎头者”坑爹包,而DLC名为:TK巴哈的血腥收获(没错就是万圣节主题@惨死的TK )(坑你大爷啊我不想再打僵尸了啊),不过,这DLC得跳票到十月。(心动了么)。⑨月3号发售的玩意儿不仅仅是提高了等级到72(废话),并且——这脑残GB还TM给你丫附加了一个叫做什么“信息结构之峰”的操蛋玩意还说什么有个新地图新任务新装备新XXXX一股子油腻的师姐的感觉并且还附加了一个“超强力”等级而且TM就是最近几天刚刚做好的。没错那个叫做“信息结构之峰”的玩意儿,是训练赤红骑士的一座山的山顶,而当你第一次到了那里,有个稍微有点精神分裂的研究员——后来转正的自由斗士——坦尼斯会马上过来给你推销商店里的小玩意儿。并且,这一系列为四人联机量身定做(去你大爷)的信息结构之峰任务居然TM只要一个小时就能爆出翔(去你大爷),包括了山间小路啦,开阔空间啦。。。(好像挺靠谱)什么的。而且这些地形全部都是用来和BL2出现过的所有敌人搞基的。一开始敌人的强度、数量、种类和分布全都是很简单、弱逼的,但是你一旦手贱调高了“超强力”等级了的话马上愤怒的敌人就会把你的小雏菊变成秋天盛开的团菊。(随机度增加什么的。。)“那绝壁是个很有挑战性的地方,呵呵。”GB的。。。设计师J(ason)R(eiss)(诶)关于信息结构之峰就说了这,“我希望那些脑残粉们可以把自己的小雏菊洗洗干净并且可以抵抗那些敌人愤怒的攻势,去了解那些地图和遇敌规律,就在你手贱调高了超强力等级之后。”尽管新的等级上限是72,但是新的等级制度给玩家们制造类一个机会——把怪物爆菊之和可以拿到最高80级的装备(一堆不依赖装备的BUILD就这么废了),意味着你可以手贱提高那个等级然后回三周目虐杀BOSS和小怪。附:还会有一个UHP2...意味着更多的青么。。而JR还说:“你72以后,就会解锁超强力模式1,这时你可以离开信息结构之峰这个竞技场,然后手贱去提高这个模式的等级。”然后你手贱了。结果就是敌人越来越残暴、掉落越来越碉堡——但是你的人物等级还TM是72.可能最高83级的怪物会把你虐得死去活来哟~然后JR又说,他不想让玩家获得太多的技能点以免丧失游戏的乐趣(也对),所以玩家们可能会蛋疼相当长的一段时间。。。在信息结构之峰的挑战发售之后就迎来了巴哈的血腥收获了。因为之后的三个“猎头者”坑爹包,所以这四个玩意都要等到13年年末才能发售。虽然现在还没有定价(正版党们。。),但是GB会让这几个坑爹包比以前的大坑爹包“稍微”便宜一点。这几个坑爹包的主基调是:打败坑爹的BOSS,然后这坑爹BOSS坑爹的头就会变成你的头(诶),所以这几个坑爹包的内容会比之前的少一点(变相涨价??)而血腥收获的地图就是在此基础上建造起来的(方便打BOSS什么的)。(中型地图)(南瓜头回归)。
我就这样告别山下的家  我实在不愿轻易让眼泪流下 我以为我并不差


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