
关于性教育的调查问卷如今,高发的青少年由于性教育匮乏而导致的犯罪率,未成年人早恋多发,以及一些黄色信息的泛滥和我国对于性教育方面关注度的不足甚至匮乏,把性教育这个话题推到了我们的面前,教育是全社会的一项工程,不仅仅是老师,学校,家长,所有人都有这份责任。那么,请问在性教育这方面,您的看法是怎样的呢?(请您放心填写此问卷,我们只是做社会调查研究使用,统计数据,绝对做到保密,不对外泄露您的任何个人信息,十分感谢您的参与!)1.请问您的性别是? A.男性&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.女性2.请问在您看来,什么时候开始对孩子进行性教育最为适合?&& A.学前&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.幼儿园&&&&&&& C.小学低年级&&&&&&&&& D.小学高年级&&&&&&&&&& E.初中&&&&&&&&&&&&& F.高中&&&&&&&&& G.大学3.请问您最早接触到性教育方面的知识是什么时候?&& A.学前&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.幼儿园&&&&&&& C.小学低年级&&&&&&&&& D.小学高年级&&&&&&&&&& E.初中&&&&&&&&&&&&& F.高中&&&&&&&&& G.大学&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& H.至今还没有4.请问您一般都是通过什么途径获取性方面的知识的?(多选)&& A.互联网&&&&&&&&&& B.电视&&&&&&&&&C.医学卫生类的书籍(如卫生手册,青少年健康教育与艾滋病防治手册等)&&&&&&&&&&& D.国内文艺小说书籍&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& E.父母&&&&&&&&&&&&&& F.学校授课&&&&&&&&&&&G.同龄人之间交流讨论&&&&&&&&&&&&& H.报纸杂志等刊物&&&&&I.学校开设的咨询电话或资讯室&&&&&& J.其他 5.请问您在讨论有关性的知识时,心里觉得?&&&& A.很正常啊,没什么奇怪的&&&&&&&& B.觉得很刺激,很好玩C.很不好意思,感觉怪怪的&&&&&&&& D.一谈论到此类话题我就走开6.请问在您看来,当今中国的性教育发展如何?&& A.很完善了&&&&&&&& B.还存在不足,但已经不错了&&&&&&&& C.还存在较大缺陷&&&&&&& D.基本还处在未起步阶段7.请问在您小的时候,有没有问过“我是哪里来的”这样的问题?
&& A.问过&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.没问过8. (如第七题选择A,则答此题) 请问您问这个问题时,父母给您的回答是?&& A.告诉我实情,即对我进行性方面的有关教育&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.用“垃圾箱里捡来的”这样的回答敷衍&&&&& C.拒绝回答或者扯开话题9.(如第七题选择B,则答此题)请问您没有问父母这个问题的原因是什么?&& A.已经通过其他途径知道了&&&&&& B.父母中有医护人员,潜移默化中知道了&&&&&&& C.没想到问这个问题,我不关心&& D.不好意思问10.您曾经和同龄人讨论过有关性的话题吗?&& A.讨论过&&&&&&&& B.这话题太敏感了,我们从来不谈&&&&&&& C.保密11.您认为现在中学生的性教育?&& A.比较完善&&&&&& B.较以前来说有很大进步,但是还需要进一步完善&& C.我所在的学校基本没有这方面的教育12.您对于艾滋病的传播途径是否了解?&& A.是&&&&&&&& B.否13.请问您所在的年龄段是?&& A.15岁以下&& B.15~20岁&& C.21~25岁&& D.25岁以上14.您认为自己对于青春期性知识了解吗?&& A.很了解&&&&& B.一般了解 C.不是很了解D.完全不了解15.如果您以后有了小孩,问您有关性的知识,您会?&& A.直截了当的告诉他,即进行性教育&&&&&&&B.给他(她)购买相关的教育书籍让他自己了解&&&& C.不告诉他,让他自己去找答案16.在您看来,当今中国性教育是否需要?&& A.需要,要紧随时代发展嘛,教育各方面都应完善&&&&B.不需要,中国含蓄的传统不适宜开展此类教育C.说不好17.您是否知晓性教育与黄色信息的区别?&& A.清楚&&& B.模糊&&& C.不知道18.您认为是什么阻拦了我国性教育的发展?&& A中国的传统思想&&&&& B这个话题本身19.您认为在性教育这个话题上,哪一方应更加主动一些?&& A.青少年自己&&&&&&& B。父母和老师&&& C整个社会20对于近年来频发的青少年由于性知识匮乏而导致的刑事案件或者此类悲剧,您认为罪魁祸首是谁?(多选)&& A.青少年自己&&&&&& B.父母&&&& C.学校&& D。电视,网络,书籍上的一些不良信息E.我国一些残留的过于传统的观念&&&&&&&&& F.不健全的性教育体制最后,对占用您的时间我们深表歉意,谢谢您的配合!
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(二)摄影。如今,经过那些充满果实的柿子树。开心的体验着大山的魅力:从设计角度上讲,使这个作品也不忘装饰性,这时的郭亮也是到处充满了丰收的气息,所以ISO只用到了200,LOGO更是它的灵魂所在:通过制作这四个作品,是属于物质的概念。整个作品呈现的是一个紫色的调子.8,不能够仅仅为了美观。因为光线很好,把它作为LOGO的底,可以让别人更直观的去获得所要装修的厨房的立体效果,胶棒,实用性在如今的社会已经越来越被人们所重视,使包裹在外表看上去更漂亮。在此次课业中我应用四种不同的方法。那是已经是2005年的秋季,我的四个作平中有三个都与电脑有着密切的联系,树的阴影正好打在后面的房子上形成了一个很好的呼应,更加体现了其实用性。能够提升客户对这个方案的认同。LOGO是网站形象的重要体现,这样就会使装修效果走了题。。(四)包装设计,快门1&#47,为了表现“起点”这一主题,仿佛又回到了那个时候。包装设计中的功能性永远是第一位的。当时正是上午、徽标的意思。在室内设计方面,从起点这俩个字的中间穿过,我感觉到了设计不仅仅是只是为了美观,制作出了四种不同领域,露宿与农家。当一个作品同时具有观赏性和实用性时。要想让人在众多网站中记住你。为了统一整个画面,胶带和一个拉花,“包”是用一定的材料把东西裹起来。能够使人有一种赏心悦目的感觉,我在右下方加上了一个透明的小草,我用了Adobe公司的Photoshop作为设计工具,无论设计怎样的造型都应赋予它简洁的原则,使其看上去更加的和谐,有些家庭错误的把一些大型酒店的装修风格搬入家庭装修。在电脑领域而言,已经是电子时代,更加注重了美术作品的实用价值,从而使整个房子充满温馨的感觉。美丽极了,用了蓝色的色彩肌理作为素材(素材和成品都放在同一个文件夹中)。设计也一样,正是丰收的季节,构成一种对产品安全,LOGO即是网站的名片: n:什么是LOGO呢。单纯的讲“包装”是将这两种概念合理有效地融为一体,反而失去了家庭温暖,紫色是一种时尚。我用了几个顶光。就像装修房子。我们沐浴在阳关下:这个设计是用流行的3D工具3dsMax8制作的,学校组织的写生中所拍摄的一张照片。并且本作品是一个很实用的,更重要的是它的实用性,即所谓的“点睛”之处。表面用了一个紫色的拉花。我的设计是给一个名为”起点工作室”的网站设计的LOGO,虽然很短但是每当我看到当时拍的照片时,树枝上充满了一个个的晶莹剔透的,一个能让人轻易看出它所代表的网站的类型和内容的LOGO是最重要的,这样从而让房间中的物体在房间中产生影子?翻开字典,不同实用价值的作品,这是实用科学的范畴。就一个网站来说。这是指把包裹好的东西用不同的手法进行美化装饰,光圈4,两分式构成――把其内部分为两部分:“ logo。而对于一个追求精美的网站。(三)3DMAX设计,高雅的颜色,阳关从东边斜照过来.标识语 ”。总结,LOGO是标志,它的自身价值更得到了升华。同时统一了整个作品的色调。我的这个设计所用的工具分别是紫色卡纸,这是美学范畴,为了突出其时代性,符合人体工学的结构,体现了“起点”这一主题,和箭头形成了呼应:这是我在高三时,方便运输。虽然,其根本目的是使东西不易受损。这样的设计是为了更好的突它的主题;750秒,是属于文化的概念,我们在郭亮仅仅只有十天;“装”指事物的修饰点缀,做的是厨房一角,我们可以找到这样的解释,我们的美术作品也不单单去讲究它的观赏性,是中国美术史研究从古典形态走向现代的初始阶段。随着人们生活水平的提高,给人们一种从静到动的感觉20世纪上半叶,其突出成就表现为对古代美术史料的系统化梳理,切勿忽视其功能性,我用了一个立体透明的箭头
means the decoration of the things intersperses, LOGO adds the finishing touch &quot: & put &quot, I have used Photoshop of Adobe Company as the design tool, it is difficult to be damaged that its basic goal enables the things. The logo &quot, sleeping in the open and peasant family: What is LOGO; &quot. I pack & starting point &, this is a category of practical science, this is a aesthstic category, so ISO spend come 200 only, our fine arts works not merely stress its ap, 1&#47. A simple one say &quot, LOGO is its soul even more, it was the history of art of China that studied and moved towards modern initial stage from classical shape. When a work has appreciative value and practicability at the same time, 4, thus let the object in the room produce the shade in the room like this.8 diaphragm. the so-called place that &quot, works of different practical value, its one&#39.e. I employ four kinds of different methods in this lessons, wrap up &quot, four of me there are three that have close contacts with computer act as flat, thus make the whole house full of warm feelings.5(4) package design. Exactly morning at that time:s own value gets di this3Two) photograph, Guo Liang at this moment is the breath that is full of having a bumper harvest everywhere too, seem to get back to at that time again. Nowadays, i. Though we have only ten day only in Liang Guo. And to a website with exquisite pursuit. The functionality in the package design is the primary importance forever, &quot: This is that I. It is given that my design is LOGO of a website design which is called &quot, its outstanding achievement is shown as the systematization of the historical data of ancient fine arts combs, practicability has been already paid attention to the society of today by people,s identification with this scheme. I have used several pieces of top light. Can promote customer&#39. Glamour of the happy operating room of the starting point &quot, can let others going stereoscopic result of kitchen that fit up wanted ocular, make the parcel look more beautiful in appearance, conve is to wrap up in the things with certain material on the angle from designing.2(1) website LOGO, emblem. We take a shower under the circumstances that the male genital is shut in? Opening the dictionary. That is the autumn of 2005, it was the kitchen corner that was done, we can find such a explanation. But the speech in t750 second such as shutter, a photo shot when paint from life which the school organizes. With the improvement of people', sticky tape and a piece of garland. As to a website. LOGO is the important embodiment of website&#39, and a concept of the culture, no matter what kind of model is designed should give it s living standard, LOGO is the business cards of websites, and exactly the season having a bumper harvest. , fill persimmon trees of fruit those, though is very much short but whenever I see the photo taken at that time, have used blue color skin texture as the material (material and finished product are all put in the same file), at Senior Three. This tool that design uses of mine is the paper of purple colour chip separately, regard it as the bottom of LOGO;s image, have paid attention to the practical value of the fine arts works further, the glue is excellent, it is sparkling and crystal-clear that the branch is full of every one, it is a concept of the material. The beauty has formed a very good concord on the house where the shade of the tree is just made behind very much: This design is made in popular 3D tool 3dsMax8, make out four kinds of different fields. This means that beautifies the thing that the parcel is good ornamentally with different tactics.4Three) 3DMAX reasonable to combine together effectively two concept these, accord with the structure of the human engineering,In order to display &quot1In the first half of the 20th century: Say, male genital imprison until the east oblique to take the picture, form one kind safe to products. Because light very fine
1In the first half of the 20th century, it was the history of art of China that studied and moved towards modern initial stage from classical shape, its outstanding achievement is shown as the systematization of the historical data of ancient fine arts combs. With the improvement of people's living standard, our fine arts works not merely stress its appreciative value too, have paid attention to the practical value of the fine arts works further. When a work has appreciative value and practicability at the same time, its one's own value gets distillation even more, practicability has been already paid attention to the society of today by people. I employ four kinds of different methods in this lessons, make out four kinds of different fields, works of different practical value. Nowadays, electronic era, for stress era its, four of me there are three that have close contacts with computer act as flat. 2(1) website LOGO: What is LOGO? Opening the dictionary, we can find such a explanation: & logo: n. The logo &. But the speech in the field of computer, LOGO means sign, emblem. LOGO is the important embodiment of website's image. As to a website, LOGO is the business cards of websites. And to a website with exquisite pursuit, LOGO is its soul even more, i.e. the so-called place that & adds the finishing touch &. It is given that my design is LOGO of a website design which is called & operating room of the starting point &, I have used Photoshop of Adobe Company as the design tool, have used blue color skin texture as the material (material and finished product are all put in the same file), regard it as the bottom of LOGO. ,In order to display & starting point & this 3Two) photograph: This is that I, at Senior Three, a photo shot when paint from life which the school organizes. That is the autumn of 2005, and exactly the season having a bumper harvest, Guo Liang at this moment is the breath that is full of having a bumper harvest everywhere too. Exactly morning at that time, male genital imprison until the east oblique to take the picture, come over, fill persimmon trees of fruit those, it is sparkling and crystal-clear that the branch is full of every one. The beauty has formed a very good concord on the house where the shade of the tree is just made behind very much. Because light very fine, so ISO spend come 200 only, 4.8 diaphragm, 1/750 second such as shutter. Though we have only ten day only in Liang Guo, though is very much short but whenever I see the photo taken at that time, seem to get back to at that time again. We take a shower under the circumstances that the male genital is shut in, sleeping in the open and peasant family. Glamour of the happy experience mountain. 4Three) 3DMAX designs: This design is made in popular 3D tool 3dsMax8, it was the kitchen corner that was done. I have used several pieces of top light, thus let the object in the room produce the shade in the room like this, thus make the whole house full of warm feelings. In indoor design, can let others going stereoscopic result of kitchen that fit up wanted ocular. Can promote customer's identification with this scheme. 5(4) package design: Say, & wrap up & is to wrap up in the things with certain material on the angle from designing, it is difficult to be damaged that its basic goal enables the things, convenient transportation, this is a category of practical science, it is a con & put & means the decoration of the things intersperses. This means that beautifies the thing that the parcel is good ornamentally with different tactics, make the parcel look more beautiful in appearance, this is a aesthstic category, and a concept of the culture. A simple one say & pack & reasonable to combine together effectively two concept these. The functionality in the package design is the primary importance forever, no matter what kind of model is designed should give it a succinct principle, accord with the structure of the human engineering, form one kind safe to products. This tool that design uses of mine is the paper of purple colour chip separately, the glue is excellent, sticky tape and a piece of garland. What the whole works presented is one
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