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标题:[N国][更新 怪兽哥斯拉双音轨(1575部)][BD-R/高清晰1024分辨率宽屏收藏版]
ligss 发表于: 17:23:25
电影应该都很熟悉,不再作介绍,不清楚的可以网络上去了解哈!今天更新&&怪兽哥斯拉双音轨&&生死格斗&&猛男诞生记&&阿甘正传双音轨&&飞屋环游记&&夺命蜂巢双音轨&&碟中谍系列双音轨& &特种部队双音轨&&南京!南京! 变形金刚2-IMAX加长版 极限特工2部 变形金刚2部双音轨版& &兄弟连双音轨版&&剑蝶& &武侠梁祝 本能2部& &南极大冒险& &虎胆龙威系列4部& &X战警系列4部& &李小龙系列-精武门/唐山大兄[国粤双语]& &当幸福来敲门&&小马王三音轨& &汽车总动员三音轨& & 惊声尖叫4&&非诚勿扰&&集结号& &精武英雄&&生化危机系列&&教父系列&&三月女郎 双镖& &黑夜传说前传&&终结者2&&谍影重重系列& &近战&&七龙珠&&赤壁上下&&局内人 黑夜传说&&巫山历险记&&冰河世纪系列&&异能& &卧虎藏龙& &哈利波特系列& &黑皮书&&新宿事件&&曙光之城&&导火线&&拯救大兵瑞恩& &宋祖英美国肯尼迪艺术中心独唱音乐会& & 大话西游2部双语版&&功夫熊猫三语版&&火线保镖&&黑鹰坠落&&珍珠港&&机器人瓦力&&部分电影列表:加勒比海盗2.Pirates.of.the.Caribbean.Dead.Mans.Chest无间行者.The.DepartedV字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta黑鹰计划.Black.Hawk.Down 凤凰劫.***ht.Of.The.Phoenix超级奶爸.The.Pacifier范海辛.Van.Helsing疯狂金龟车.Herbie.Fully.Loaded古幕丽影.Lara.Croft.Tomb.Raider第79届奥斯卡颁奖仪式.The.79th.Annual.Academy.Awards记忆碎片.Memento家有仙妻.Bewitched间谍游戏.Spy.Game 借刀杀人.Collateral绝对权利.Absolute.Power满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate入侵脑细胞.The.Cell撕裂人.Slither深入敌后.Behind.Enemy.Lines 速度与激情3东京漂移.Tokyo.Drift星际传奇.Pitch.Black星际传奇2.The.Chronicles.Of.Riddick星球大战5帝国大反击.Star.Wars.Episode.5.The.Empire.Strikes.Back 星球大战6杰迪归来.Star.Wars.Episode.6.Return.of.the.Jedi 训练日.Training.Day异形大战铁血战士.Alien.vs.Predator 真爱至上.Love Actually致命紫罗兰.Ultraviolet捉迷藏.Hide.and.Seek魔力女战士.Aeon.Flux猛虎出笼.Unleashed ----------------------------以下请在2楼下载猫鼠游戏.Catch.Me.If.You.Can超人归来.Superman Returns快乐的大脚.Happy Feet 007之皇家赌场.Casino.Royale 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump生化危机.启示录霍元甲.Fearless 十面埋伏.House.of.Flying.Daggers 航班蛇患.Snakes.On.A.Plane拯救大兵瑞恩.Saving.Private.Ryan 天国王朝.Kingdom.of.Heaven.DC终结者.The.Terminator终结者2.Terminator.2.Judgment.Day猜火车.Trainspotting卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Ruanda辛瑞那.Syriana丛林大反攻.Open.Season007之巡弋飞弹.Never.Say.Never.Again 冲出宁静号.Serenity天降奇兵.The.League.of.Extraordinary.Gentlemen奔腾年代.Seabiscuit世上最快的印第安摩托.The.Worlds.Fastest.Indian 蝙蝠侠.侠影之谜.Batman Begins通天塔-Babel杀无赦.Unforgiven第三类接触-Close Encounters of the Third Kind百万美元宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby僵尸新娘.Corpse Bride暴力街区.DISTRICT B13全民情敌-Hitch达芬奇密码.The Da Vinci Code灵魂歌王-Ray世贸中心-World Trade Center剑鱼行动.Swordfish防火墙.Firewall问尘情缘.Ask the Dust独闯龙潭.Commando致命魔术The.Prestige寻找梦幻岛.Finding Neverland极速60秒.Gone In Sixty Seconds难以忽视的真相.An Inconvenient Truth 龙争虎斗.Long Zheng Hu Dou /Enter The Dragon四兄弟.Four Brothers16街区.16 Blocks触不到的恋人.The Lake House撒哈拉-Sahara父辈的旗帜.***s Of Our Fathers终结者3:机器的反叛T.erminator 3: Rise of the Machines蝎子王/魔蝎大帝.The Scorpion King 银河系漫游指南.The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy极限特工.xXx初恋50次.50 First Dates绝密飞行.Stealth洛奇6:勇者无惧.Rocky Balboa魔界契约.The.Covenant致命魔术.The Prestige魔鬼搭车人.The Hitcher四兄弟.Four Brothers人鬼情未了.Ghost神奇遥控器.Click呛烟高手/五路追杀令/赌国追杀令.Smokin' Aces人类之子.Children of Men惊天杀局/谍海计中计.The Recruit战争之王.Lord Of War阿波罗13号.Apollo 13星际争霸2试玩演示人皮客栈/客栈.Hostel迈阿密风云.Miami Vice香水谋杀案.Perfume:The Story of a Murderer致命ID/杀人游戏.Identity康斯坦丁/地狱神探.Constantine防火墙/铜墙火壁.Firewall休旅任务/旅行车.RV危险人物.Payback蝎子王/魔蝎大帝.The Scorpion King极地特快.The.Polar.Express恶灵骑士.Ghost Rider 拜见岳父大人.Meet.The.Parents空中危机.***htplan龙骑士.Eragon博物馆惊魂夜.Night At The Museum鼠国流浪记.Flushed Away赛末点.Match Point五路追杀令.Smoking.Aces异教徒.The Wicker Man珍爱泉源.The Fountain第一滴血2.First Blood Part II穿PRADA的恶魔.The Devil Wears Prada双面特工.Breach特洛伊.Troy生化危机.Resident Evil刀锋战士.三位一体.Blade.Trinity第一滴血III-Rambo III第一滴血I-Rambo First Blood决战猩球-Planet Of The Apes亚历桑那梦游.Arizona Dream发射失败.Failure to Launch鲍比.Bobby新海神号历险记.Poseidon美丽心灵的永恒阳光 E.S.O.T.S.M尖峰时刻.Rush.Hour 通天神偷.Sneakers 黑蛇呻吟.Black.Snake.Moan 秘窗.Secret.Window 奇幻人生.Stranger.Than.Fiction女孩梦三十.13.Going.On.30龙出生天.Daylight钢琴师The Pianist非洲超级七兽.Africa's Super Seven魔术师-校正时间版.The.Illusionist梦幻之地.Field.of.Dreams生于7月4日.Born.On.The.Fourth.Of.July通往特雷比西亚的桥.Bridge to Terabithia女魔.Ghost Of Mae Nak非常人贩.The Transporter最后的武士.The Last Samurai国家公敌.Enemy.of.The.State傀儡人生.Being John Malkovich午夜狂奔.Midnight Run毕业生.The Graduate谋杀绿脚趾.The Big Lebowski生死时速.Speed国家地理:北韩揭密.National Geographic -North Korea Undercover不可触犯.The Untouchables乱.Ran不为人知的迪士尼乐园.Undiscovered Walt Disney World战骑士.A Knights Tale珍珠港.Pearl Harbor歌茜卡.Gothika动物大斗法.Predators at War终结者2.审判日.导演剪切版.Terminator 2.Judgment Day.DC蛇之惊艳奇观.The Beauty of Snakes 七宗罪/火线追缉令.Se7en绝世天劫.Armageddon潘神的迷宫.Pans Labyrinth别惹蚂蚁.The Ant Bull生死狙击.Shooter哈特的战争.Hats WarBBC大迁徙―角马群里的间谍汉尼拔崛起.Hannibal Rising亡命感应.Premonition 非常人贩2.Transporter.2 斯巴达300勇士.300异形大战铁血战士.未分级剪切版.AVP.Alien Vs.Predator.Unrated& &&&热血警探.Hot Fuzz&&谍影重重.The Bourne Identity& & 绝命圣诞夜.Black Christmas一览澳大利亚.Discovery Atlas.Australia Revealed我老婆是巨无霸-Norbit血腥巧克力.Blood And Chocolate怒火攻心.Crank启示-Apocalypto流言蜚语.Rumor Has It泰坦尼克号.Titanic第五元素.The Fifth Element空中监狱.Conair忍者神龟.TMNT越轨追击.Derailed巴士站.Bus Stop超市夜未眠.Cashback红潮风暴.Crimson Tide忠奸人.Donnie Brasco超人.2000年扩展版.Superman.2000EE勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995无间道.Infernal Affairs分手男女.The Break-Up卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca大鱼.Big Fish超人续集.Superman II偷天换日.The Italian JobK星异客.K-Pax大喜之日.The Wedding Date断锁怒潮.Amistad国王班底.All The King圣徒.The Saint万能钥匙-The.Skeleton.Key证据.ProofBBC大迁徙―角马群里的间谍(下)活死人之地.Land Of The Dead.2005红龙.Red Dragon.2002汉江怪物.The Host.2006巴拿马裁缝.The Tailor of Panama.2001狙击电话亭.Phone Booth.2003永不妥协.Erin Brockovich.2000捕鼠记.Mousehunt.1997战略高手.Out of Sight.1998亚瑟王.King Arthur.2004完美陌生人.Perfect Stranger.2007第六感生死缘.Meet Joe Black.1998最终幻想I灵魂深处.Final Fantasy The Spirits Within.2001一级戒备.The Sentinel.2006沉默的羔羊.The Silence of the Lambs.1991后窗惊魂.Disturbia天地英雄.Warriors Of Heaven And Earth.2003收割.The Reaping.2007重振球风.Gridiron.Gang.2006监守之盗.The Lookout.2007纽约黑帮.Gangs of New York.2002光荣之路.Glory Road.2006川流熙攘.Hustle&Flow.2005法外出击.Out For Justice.1991云中漫步.A Walk in the Clouds.1995夹缝求生.Running with Scissors.2006美梦成真.What Dreams May Come.1998解构生活.Breaking And Entering.2006大偷袭.The Great Raid.2005鬼水怪谈.Dark Water.2005惩罚者.The Punisher.2004限时追捕.Out of Time.2003憨豆先生的假期.Mr Beans Holiday.2007所向披靡.Invincible.2006偷心.Closer.2004从心开始.Reign Over Me.2007彗星撞地球.Deep Impact.1998连锁反应.Chain Reaction.1996魔力玩具盒.The Last Mimzy.2007七武士.Shichinin no samurai.1954脏舞.Dirty Dancing.1987卧虎藏龙.Crouching Tiger&Hidden Dragon.2000死刑犯.The Condemned.2007预见未来.Next.2007头号嫌疑犯.Alpha Dog.2006幸运数字斯莱文.Lucky Number Slevin.2006灵数23.The Number.2007时空线索.Deja Vu.2006冰刀双人组.Blades of Glory.2007越战创伤.Casualties of War.1989攻壳机动队.Ghost in the Shell.1995本能.Basic Instinct.1992本能2.Basic Instinct2.2006硫磺岛来信.Letters From Iwo Jima.2006日本沉没.Japan Sinks.2006千年女优.Millenium Actress.2001一球成名.Goal.2005伴我雄心.G I JANE.1997窃听风暴.The Lives Of Others.2006史诗电影.Epic Movie.2007阳光小美女.Little Miss Sunshine.2006一球成名.Goal.2005.国英双外挂音轨偷天陷阱.Entrapment.1999蜘蛛侠3.Spiderman.3.2007女王.The Queen.2006怒火救援.Man on Fire.2004漫游火星.IMAX.Roving On Mars.2006捍卫正义.Hurricane.The.1999明星雇员.Employee of the Month.2006电锯惊魂3.Saw III.2006生死豪情.Courage Under Fire.1996亚瑟与他的迷你王国.Arthur and the Invisibles.2006血仍未冷.The Replacement Killers日本樱花.Cherry Blossoms Romance Spring in Japan.2007无懈可击.Arlington Road.1999危险性游戏.Cruel Intentions.1999超人高校.Sky High.2005古墓丽影2.Lara Croft Tomb Raider The Cradle of Life.2003萨尔瓦多.Salvador.1986狙击杀手.The Jackal.1997活火熔城.Volcano.1997重案行动组.Bulletproof.1996一夜大肚.Knocked Up.2006迷失城市.The Lost City.2006穆赫兰道.Mulholland Drive.2001灵异空间.Flatliners.1990义海雄风.A Few Good Men.1992这个杀手不太冷.Leon.1994十三罗汉.Oceans.Thirteen.2007星际之门DC.Stargate.DC.1994魔鬼代言人.The.Devils.Advocate.19978英里.8.mile.2002佐罗传奇.The Legend of Zorro.2005艺伎回忆录.Memoirs of a Geisha.2005蒸汽男孩.Steamboy.2004十一罗汉.Oceans.11.2001十二罗汉.Oceans.12.2004变形金刚.Transformers.2007IMAX.India-Kingdom of the Tiger亚历山大大帝.Alexander.Revisited.The.Final.Cut.2004死亡证据.Death.Proof.Extended.Unrated.SE.2007英雄.导演剪辑版.Hero.DirCut.2002惊惧黑书.Black.Book.2006环游地球80天.Around the World in 80 Days.2004虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988虎胆龙威2.Die.Hard.2.1990虎胆龙威3.Die.Hard.With.a.Vengeance.1995木乃伊归来.The.Mummy.Returns.2001料理鼠王.Ratatouille.2007汽车总动员.Cars.20061408幻影凶间.1408.Unrated.2007拜见岳父大人2.Meet.the.Fockers.2004无字头四杀手.The.Big.Hit.1998哈利波特与凤凰社.Harry.Potter.And.The.Order.Of.The.Phoenix.2007真实的谎言.True.Lies.1994超人总动员.The.Incredibles.2004怪物史瑞克3.Shrek.the.Third.2007怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001后天.The day after tomorrow苹果核战记.Appleseed.2004加勒比海盗3.Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.At.Worlds.End.2007变形金刚花絮.Transformers.Extra.Features.2007小鬼上路2.Are.We.Done.Yet圣诞坏公公.Bad.Santa.Unrated.2003荒野大飚客.Wild.Hogs.2007毁灭战士.Doom.2005老男孩.Oldboy.2003全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987生死格斗.DOA.Dead.Or.Alive.2006发胶.Hairspray.2007飞行家.The.Aviator.2004海军陆战队员.The.Marine.2006恐怖星球.Planet.Terror.2007来自地狱.From.Hell.2001潜龙轰天.Under.Siege.1992加勒比海盗.Pirates.of.the.Carribean.The.Curse.of.the.Black.Pearl.2003加勒比海盗2.Pirates.of.the.Caribbean.Dead.Mans.Chest成名在望.Almost.Famous.2000太坏了.Superbad.2007隔山有眼.The.Hills.Have.Eyes.2006隔山有眼2.The.Hills.Have.Eyes.2.2007十二宫杀手.Zodiac.2007电锯惊魂系列.SawIMAX.Beavers.海狸人皮客栈2.Hostel.Part.II.2007谍影重重3.The.Bourne.Ultimatum.2007爱国者.The.Patriot.Extended.Cut.2000加菲猫2.Garfield.2.2006欧洲性旅行.EuroTrip.2004杀人回忆.Memories.Of.Murder.2003变形金刚电影版.The.Transformers.The.Movie.1986单身男子俱乐部.Old.School.2003漫长的婚约王牌播音员.Anchorman.The.Legend.Of.Ron.Burgundy.2004我盛大的同志婚礼.I.Now.Pronounce.You.Chuck.And.Larry葬礼上的死亡.Death.At.A.Funeral.2007捉与放.Catch.And.Release.2006拜见罗宾逊一家.Meet.The.Robinsons.2007不可不信缘.The.Classic.2003头师傅一体2.My.Boss.My.Teacher.2005闻香识女人.Scent.of.a.Woman.1992银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.1982神奇四侠2.Fantastic.Four.Rise.Of.The.Silver.Surfer.2007狼族盟约.Le.Pacte.des.Loups.2001新世界.The.New.World.2005的士速递4.Taxi.4.2007异形魔怪.Tremors.1990不朽的园丁.Constant.Gardener热带雨林里的昆虫变蝇人.The.Fly.1986怒不可遏.The.Upside.of.Anger.2005星尘.Stardust.2007正义守望者.The Watcher.2000第三类接触.1977曼哈顿.Manhattan.1979身为人母.Little.Children.2006尖锋时刻3.Rush.Hour.3.2007天使爱美丽.Amelie剪刀手爱德华.Edward.Scissorhands.1990K歌情人.Music.and.Lyrics.2007反恐王国.The.Kingdom.2007哈利波特与魔法石.Harry.Potter.And.The.Sorcerers.Stone.2001虎胆龙威4.Live.Free.Or.Die.Hard.2007巨塔杀机.Eastern.Promises.2007卡萨诺瓦.Casanova.2005零下八度.Eight.Below.2006龙之战.D.War.2007女人领地.In.The.Land.Of.Women.2007诺丁山.Notting.Hill.1999生化危机3.Resident.Evil.Extinction.2007冲浪企鹅.Surfs.Up.2007哥斯拉.Godzilla.1998决斗决斗犹马镇.3.10.To.Yuma.2007惊变28周.28.Weeks.Later.2007火线保镖.Shoot.Em.Up.2007哈利波特系列5部全PBS 阿尔特•沃尔夫之终极之旅冲锋陷阵.Remember.The.Titans.2000美国狂魔.American Psycho.2000利欲两心.Two.for.the.Money.2005极限特工2.xXx.2.State.Of.The.Union.2005杀死比尔1.Kill.Bill.Vol.1.2003杀死比尔2.Kill.Bill.vol.2.2004角斗士.Gladiator征服者.Pathfinder.2007导火线.Flash.Point.2007涨潮海岸.Tideland.20052008年维也纳新年音乐会.Vienna.New.Years.Concert.2008千疮百孔.Bug.2006PBS 阿尔特•沃尔夫之终极之旅3.4.5.6交响情人梦 SP Nodame_Cantabile_Shinshun_Special_in_Europe机械师.The Machinist.2004致命拜访.The.Invasion.2007幸运库克.Good.Luck.Chuck.2007男儿本色.Invisible.Target.2007虫虫危机.A.Bugs.Life.1998北极传说.Arctic.Tale.LIMITED.2007伟大的决赛.The.World.Cup.2006电锯惊魂4.Saw.IV.2007辛普森一家.The.Simpsons.2007哈尔的移动城堡.Howls Moving Castle.2004玫瑰人生.The.Passionate.Life.of.Edith.Piaf.2007求婚大作战 SP.Proposal Daisakusen SP.2008尼斯湖怪.深水传说.The Water Horse.Legend of the Deep.2007 大话西游之月光宝盒.A Chinese Odyssey I.1994大话西游之仙履奇缘.A Chinese Odyssey Part II.1994国家宝藏2.National.Treasure.Book.of.Secrets.2007长江七号Cheung.Gong.7.Hou.史密斯夫妇.Mrs.Smith.2005特洛伊.导演剪辑版.Troy.Directors Cut.2004 在魔鬼知道你死前.Before.The.Devil.Knows.Youre.Dead.2007杀手.代号47.Hitman.2007 黄金罗盘.The Golden Compass.2008往事如烟.Things We Lost in the Fire.2007吉屋出租.Rent..ac3比赛计划.The Game Plan.2007国家宝藏.夺宝秘笈.National Treasure.Book of Secrets.2007机械公敌.I.Robot.2004网络杀机.Untraceable.2008火柴男人.Matchstick Men.2003血钻.Blood Diamond.2006第一滴血4.Rambo.IV.2008异形大战铁血战士之安魂曲.未分级版.AVPR.Unrated.2007异形大战铁血战士.未分级版.AVP.Unrated.2004复仇的金子 Lady Vengeance 2005机器人之恋.Saibogujiman.kwenchana远离赌城.Leaving Las Vega血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood天堂电影院.Cinema Paradiso12猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995
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The Gadhafi Kids
Mutassim Gadhafi, one of the Gadhafi sons who U.S. State Department officials said appeared to be positioning himself as a possible successor to Moammar Gadhafi before the revolution, was killed today in fighting around Sirte, according to NTC officials. He was initially reported captured by rebel forces.
Mutassim served as the country's national security advisor but came to the attention of Western audiences most recently when State Department cables posted on WikiLeaks revealed he had thrown lavish parties in 2009 and 2010 on a Caribbean island featuring performances by stars like Mariah Carey and Beyonce.
"His carousing and extravagance angered some [Libyan] locals, who viewed his activities as impious and embarrassing to the nation," the cable said.
Still, U.S. officials said Mutassim cultivated a serious rivalry with his brother Saif al-Islam over the future of rule in Libya. The cable notes he attempted to use money from a private Libyan company to fund his own paramilitary group before Moammar rebuffed the effort. In 2009 he made a high profile visit to the U.S. where he met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.The Gadhafi Kids
Gadhafi's second-oldest son, who turned 39 in June, was a very public figure in Libya prior to the revolution and is currently the only high-profile Gadhafi child that, despite conflicting reports about his capture, is unaccounted for.
A 2009 U.S. State Department cable released by WikiLeaks describes Saif al-Islam as the "heir apparent" to Moammar who enjoyed a popular advantage over Mutassim. But that was before the popular uprising swept the country and Saif al-Islam, once a great hope for reform in Libya, joined ranks with his father in violent repression.
Saif al-Islam has been charged by the International Criminal Court with crimes against humanity, including murder, for his alleged role in the violent crackdown against civilians during the uprising.
The National Transitional Council said in August it had captured Saif al-Islam but later the same day, Saif al-Islam reemerged with loyalist troops and said the tide of battle had turned in his father's favor. His current whereabouts are unknown.The Gadhafi Kids
Khamis Gadhafi was the one Gadhafi son that, to U.S. officials, appeared to be key to the future of the regime even if he would not be the one to lead it. Head of the elite military unit the Khamis Brigade, Khamis was a well-respected soldier and his unit was charged with protecting the regime at all costs, according to a State Department cable posted on the website WikiLeaks.
When popular protests broke out in Libya in February, Khamis was in the midst of a whirlwind tour of the United States organized by an American company with the blessing of the U.S. State Department.
Rebels claimed twice to have killed Khamis, but both times Khamis reappeared on television triumphantly to prove those reports false. In August, rebels
Khamis had been killed during a battle in the town of Tarhouma, south of Tripoli and he has yet to reappear publicly.The Gadhafi Kids
The eldest of Gadhafi's seven sons, born in 1970, Muhammad was not considered a likely successor to his father. One of his most public roles was heading the Libyan Olympic Committee. Libyan rebels captured him in Tripoli in August. He confirmed his surrender in an emotional interview with the Arab news service al Jazeera, but the next day he was freed by forces loyal to his father.
In late August, Muhammad, as well as his brother Hannibal and sister Aisha, were able to
and take refuge in Algeria, according to Algerian officials.The Gadhafi Kids
The ancient general Hannibal, who led the North African empire of Carthage to multiple victories over the Roman army in Italy, is widely considered one of the greatest military commanders of all time. Hannibal Gadhafi has failed to live up to his namesake. A "ne'er-do-well" with a "checkered history," the some-time maritime shipping executive is best known for tawdry scrapes with the law in Europe.
In 2005, he received a suspended sentence in France for beating up his pregnant girlfriend. He was arrested in Switzerland in 2008 along with his European-born wife Aline on charges of bodily harm against hotel staffers, but the charges were dropped. The same year, he sued a Danish newspaper that alleged he had arranged for the kidnapping and beating of a Libyan national in Denmark. He lost the case.
Along with Muhammad and his sister Aisha, Hannibal managed to escape the Libyan revolution into Algeria in a secret convoy.The Gadhafi Kids
Saadi, 38, took a different escape route out of Libya, apparently arranging to take refuge in Niger just last month. Niger's Justice Minister Marou Amadou said Saadi and eight ex-Libyan officials "of minor importance" were accepted in Niger on a humanitarian basis, according to a .
Saadi is one of the Gadhafi sons, along with Saif al-Arab and Hannibal, described as "ne'er-do-wells" in a 2009 U.S. State Department cable released by WikiLeaks.
"Hannibal and Saadi both have checkered histories of unseemly behavior and public scuffles with authorities in Europe and elsewhere." Saadi may be acting out because of his failed soccer career. While he played in Libya with two different Tripoli teams between 2000 and 2003, scoring 23 goals, he was never able to make his mark in the far-more competitive Italian football leagues, cycling through three teams between 2004 and 2007 while only appearing in games twice. He failed a drug test at Perugia and played all of ten minutes for Udinese.
Like his brothers Muhammad and Saif al-Islam, Saadi was reportedly captured by rebels in August, but later the rebel Libyan ambassador to Washington, Ali Suleiman Aujali, told ABC News that the rebels never claimed they had Al-Saadi in custody.
Saadi was informed of his father's reported death and was shocked, a source close to Saadi told ABC News' Christiane Amanpour.The Gadhafi Kids
The Libyan regime says that Saif al-Arab, the sixth son of Moamar Gadhafi, is dead, killed in an April NATO airstrike. At the time, Libyan rebels and some Western observers said they were not so sure, even though the Gadhafi government staged a grand public funeral for him. They suspected Saif al-Arab was hiding in a third country, perhaps Germany, where he had lived a sometimes violent party boy lifestyle for the previous five years -- but Saif al-Arab has yet to reemerge.
Born in 1982, Saif al-Arab survived the first attempt on his life when he was just four years old. A massive U.S. airstrike in April 1986, a retaliation for Libyan complicity in acts of terror against U.S. citizens, allegedly wounded Saif al-Arab and his brother Khamis and killed their adoptive sister Hana, along with 36 others.
In 2011, as unrest broke out in Libya, Saif allegedly returned to Tripoli from his home in Germany and his father reportedly put him in charge of troops in Eastern Libya.
On April 30, a Libyan government spokesman said he had been killed in an airstrike. A shrouded body reputed to be Saif's was shown on Libyan television, and then buried, wrapped in a Green Gadhafi regime flag, at a state funeral attended by 2,000 loyalists, including two of his brothers. The Libyan rebels and the British and Italian governments all expressed skepticism about Saif's death.The Gadhafi Kids
Called the "Claudia Schiffer of North Africa" in the Arab media for her blonde locks and curvy figure, Aisha Gadhafi, the Libyan president's only daughter is, according to insiders, one of the hard-liners of the Gadhafi clan.
When it was reported that the 35-year-old lawyer had attempted to flee to Malta last February, she appeared outside the ruins of the family home that was bombed by U.S. planes in 1986, dressed in a mink coat, and declared, "I am as steadfast as this house I stand in front of and this shows to the Libyans the extent of the lies by the international media."
It would take her half a year to manage her escape -- on to Algeria with two of her brothers. There, she
to Moammar Gadhafi's last grandchild.
Described as Gadhafi's favorite child, she vehemently defended his refusal to leave Libya despite the bloodshed, telling French television last June, "There is something you do not understand and you will not understand. My father is a symbol, a guide and a leader."
She held the rank of Lieutenant-General in the Libyan army, but has mainly been involved in charitable activities. In 2009 she was named United Nations Development Program Goodwill Ambassador for Libya but her role was terminated by the UN in February following the regime's bloody crackdown on rebels. In February, the UN Security Council imposed a travel ban on her along with 15 other members of Gadhafi's inner circle.
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