如何评价 this war of mine汉化 这款游戏

异形开发商FPS战争新作《This War of Mine》曝光
近日,《异形2》开发团队 11 Bit Studios宣布即将推出一款全新的移动作品《This War of Mine》,采用了众多玩家喜爱的第一人称射击,并将在3月17日举行 GDC开发者大会上亮相。
近日,《》开发团队 11 Bit Studios宣布即将推出一款全新的移动作品《》,采用了众多玩家喜爱的第一人称射击,并将在3月17日举行 GDC开发者大会上亮相。
游戏背景设定在一个战火连连的现代世界,游戏的视角从机甲战士转移到了寻找,你的目标就是去解救平民。《This War of Mine》有 FPS 的玩法,但更多的是一款惊悚的生存游戏,玩家需要根据个人的道德准则做出艰难的决策。比如,你可以尝试从避难所救出所有的难民,你也可以只带走一部分,剩下的平民安全也会有保障。“战争中,并非人人都想赴前线杀敌”,这是游戏中一句极具讽刺的口号。制作方希望通过本作向世人展示战争的另一面:国破家亡,流离失所。
《This War of Mine》将于3月17日举行 GDC开发者大会上亮相。喜欢这款游戏的玩家可以关注后续的游戏报道。
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如何评价This War of Mine这款游戏
战胜疾病和伤痛来帮助自己熬过漫长的战争,比如,取材于现代史上最著名的萨拉热窝围城战,或者为求自保而对被命悬一线的平民视而不见,甚至对无辜的平民施以毒手,通过搜集物资,加固庇护所,就得到了如潮的好评。玩家通常不得不在游戏中做出各种艰难的抉择《This War of Mine (这是我的战争)》是芬兰制造商11 bit Studios制作的一款战争题材的游戏,玩家需要抢夺游戏内其他平民的物资来延续生命。游戏主角是一群在战火中苟且偷生的平民。游戏一经推出
出门在外也不愁您当前所在位置: ->
-> 这是我的战争简体中文版(汉化V3.0)(This War of Mine) 分享0%(0票)0%(0票)& &《这是我的战争》是由11 bit工作室所制作的黑暗求生游戏,与一般的战争游戏不同,玩家控制的并不是什么士兵,而是一群在战火中求生存的平民,开发商给出的理念是让玩家从另一个角度去看待战争。  可以说战争是游戏常用的故事背景,因为它能为玩家提供最直接的游戏目标:杀死敌人获胜。但历史告诉我们,任何战争,最大的受害者永远是平民。而市面上无数的军事游戏,几乎没有一款对这些无辜的平民的处境进行描绘,而本作将填补这一空白。 暂无数据,小编正在整理资料中....暂无数据,小编正在整理资料中....暂无数据,小编正在整理资料中....这是我的战争简体中文版(汉化V3.0)(This War of Mine)&简体中文版温馨提示:此游戏文件大小(30MB),下载时请耐心等待...警告:如果游戏超过3G,需要NTFS格式硬盘存储,FAT32格式的硬盘无法存储4G以上的文件,详细请参考这篇文章. 下载说明一、下载游戏与工具时请务必使用迅雷7,在下载前建议用户先查看配置要求、游戏说明和网友评论等信息,下载后请按提示安装。二、游戏在安装运行的过程中若出现缺少dll、内存不能读、配置不正确等,请下载对应的游戏插件。下载的资源有可能会被杀毒软件提醒,部分报毒与补丁工具有关。若您有顾虑,请谨慎下载。QQ交流群:提交请勿提交非法信息和广告,违反者查封ID,甚至永久删除!谢谢合作~ ";ss += "";ss += "~牵我的手,带我走~:古剑奇谭详解玉姐和小莲的父亲关系古剑奇谭详解玉姐和小莲的父亲关系古剑奇谭详解玉姐和小莲的父亲关系古剑奇谭详解玉姐和小莲的父亲关系古剑奇谭详解玉姐和小莲的父亲关系";ss += " ";ss += "";ss += "";ss += "";}document.write(ss);}replylist();你可能喜欢这是我的战争 This War of Mine 第一期 探索
远征丶阿飞LeesinMac App Store-This War of Mine
Mac App StoreMac App Store 是发现和下载适于 Mac 的 App 的最简单方法。要从 Mac App Store 下载This War of Mine,您的 Mac 需要有 OS X 10.6.6 或更高版本。
This War of Mine
开发商:11 bit studios s.a.
打开 Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。
The Guardian described This War of Mine as "Grueling but beautiful". Now this experience is available on Mac App Store.Get it now with 15% limited time discount.In This War Of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to surviv struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle. The pace of This War of Mine is imposed by the day and night cycle. During the day snipers outside stop you from leaving your refuge, so you need to focus on maintaining your hideout: crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge through a set of unique locations for items that will help you stay alive. Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them for longer-term survival. During war, there are no g there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better.Key Features:o
Inspired by real-life events o
Control your survivors and manage your shelter o
Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves – anything that helps you survive o
Make decisions - an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience o
Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game o
Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game's themeReviews:IGN:By any means necessary.GAMESPOT:Is this a game you want to play? No. Is it a game anyone with a beating heart should play? Yes. A million times yes.NEW STATESMAN:This, right here, this is what a video game as a work of art looks like.*Please be aware that the game is not compatible with all integrated graphics cards available in Mac computers. We cannot ensure that the game will run smoothly on every configuration out there. Recommended GPU - minimum 512 MB of dedicated VRAM.
版本 1.2.2 中的新功能
Features and tweaks: - A new shelter location. From now on, each time you begin your story, you'll have a chance to start in the new building. - Choice of starting group of characters. From now on you will have bigger influence on shaping your story of civilians in war, making it more challenging or even giving it a totally new perspective. Please keep in mind that you have to play at least once to unlock this option. - A new radio station - Vysena - featuring the music by Cool Kids of Death (Polish alternative punk rock band) - New character setups - Enhanced locations - Bug fixes - Animation improvements Fixes and balancing: - Fixed a bug with blocked container icons in the shelter - Fixed a bug with blocked access to crafting menu (icon disappearing or not responding) - Fixed a bug with the civilian becoming stuck in cover after being shot - Fixed a bug with wrong number of civilians in the shelter simultaneously - Extremely exhausted civilian will now lay on the floor instead of standing blocked after returning from scavenge - The civilian who went to help neighbours on the last day of the war will now have a proper description in the epilogue - Crafting cancel will return some of the resources now - Civilians or NPCs should no longer pass through closed doors during a fight - Eating Raw Food and Vegetables together is now equal to eating a cooked meal or canned food - Quality Rollups price was fixed- "Aggro bug" fix. NPCs should no longer attack or flee without reason. - Fixed broken trade. NPCs should no longer trade their entire stock for one item (Marketplace, Garage)- Price changes now have an impact also on selling items to NPCs. - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to prevent items from getting stolen during night attacks. - Fixed a bug with getting stuck with only one initial characters group. - Fixed a bug with incorrect shelter description when Reinforced Door was built. - Fixed a bug with visible gendertag in shelter description.
?113.00类别: 版本: 1.2.2大小: 826 MB语言: 德语, 意大利语, 法语, 英语开发商: 11 bit studios s.a.偶尔/轻微的现实暴力偶尔/轻微的惊悚/恐怖题材偶尔/轻微的烟酒或毒品使用或相关内容偶尔/轻度医药/医疗信息频繁/强烈的成人/性暗示题材兼容性: OS X 10.7 或更高版本,
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