DH安装好darkest dungeonHour Launcher怎么不能运行

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打开主文件下的settings.cfg把下面的粘贴进去0 # LANGUAGE (0 = English, 1 = French, etc.)0 # MUSIC (1 for on) # Remote path of the latest game version information, used by the launcher for updates6 # Display resolution: 0 = do not change (default: ), 1 =
= , 6 = user specified - see below1024 # Screen Width (used if 6 is selected as screen resolution - see above)768 # Screen Height (used if 6 is selected as screen resolution - see above)1 # Display mode: 0 = full screen, 1 = windowed0 # Start-up movie: 0 = skip, 1 = play0 # Extra debug logs (savedebug.txt): 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled + extra map statistics0 # Load game sounds: 0 = no sounds, 1 = load sounds1 # Load unit sprites: 0 = no sprites, 1 = load unit sprites1 # Load country specific unit and brigade pictures/models: 0 = load only generic pictures/models, 1 = load all available0 # Refresh map on resolutions higher then
when not on Map mode. Enabling this will decrease game speed a bit (on higher resolutions only!), but resolves some cosmetic problems. 1 = Enabled, 0 = DisabledMods # MODDIR folder. Default is ModsDarkest Hour Full # Selected mod (must be a folder into MODDIR)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Darkest Hour Team\Darkest Hour # Location of the game information in the Registry, lets the launcher determine the current game version
收起回复6楼 08:01&|
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或在DH中安装好MIH0.42后Darkest Hour Launcher不能打开,求解_钢铁雄心吧_百度贴吧
在DH中安装好MIH0.42后Darkest Hour Launcher不能打开,求解收藏
如题,按照MIH的安装步骤弄好了,但进Darkest Hour Launcher提示应用程序错误,求解
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Buy Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
$9.99 USD
Recent updates
1 February
IMPORTANT: Savegames of patch 1.03 are not compatible with patch 1.04
IMPORTANT: As a general rule (with few exceptions) mods for patch 1.03 do NOT work with patch 1.04
After many months of work on the new patch, it's finally here!
Installation note for steam users: open your steam library, find &Darkest Hour a Heart of Iron Game& in the list of your games, then right click on it and select &Properties&.
In the Properties, select the &Beta& tab and from there you can select the new 1.04 beta (remember to choose 1.04_rc1 - Darkest Hour 1.04 RC1 and not 1.02 - Darkest Hour 1.02)!
Just select it and close the properties, the update should begin immediately!
And now a very quick list of the changes, but please
for the Dev Diary that we just wrote about the new patch. You can even find a complete patch log at the third post.
Very short list of changes:
- many ministe
- new events for suicide of Hitler and
- new event for Germany to Repudiate the Locarno Treaties after the Remilitarization of the R
- new Finnish and Soviet events to handle the Moscow A
- new ETA tooltip for units (just select a unit and place your mouse over a different province to see the tooltip with the Estimated Time of Arrival);
- new distance tooltips (both naval distance and air/land distance) between provinces (just select a province and place your mouse over another province to see the tooltip);
- major overhaul of weather and night attack and defense mod
- reviewed Organization Regain system: the new system will be fully moddable from misc.txt!
- added &Disengage from combat& checkbox to some naval missions (convoy raiding, move, sneak move, sea transport and amphibious assault): such fleets will break off naval combat ASAP without
- on the other hand, fleets during amphibious assaults will be instantly detected by air and naval units searching the a
many improvements to combat logic, with many new modifiers exported to misc.
- new complete event chain for the Finnish Civil War, with the struggle against the Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic, the Regency of the German King and the Baltic Sea Division of Rudiger von der G
- new events to let Germany handle the conquered territories post Brest-Litovsk Treaty: United Baltic Duchy, Kindgom of Lithuania, Regency Kingdom of Poland, Belarusian Democratic Republic and Ukranian S
- new events for Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria to decide the future of Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania after winning the Great W
- a complete overhaul of the Chinese and Japanese Theater, with dozens of new events in particular for , including the Long March, which will now be an event-driven mini-game where you have to lead your troops to safety (as the Communist) or trying to bleed the enemy to death (as the Nationalist);
This is just a short list, read about everything new .
About This Game
Developed by a team of experienced modders from the Paradox forum, Darkest Hour is a stand-alone Hearts of Iron game. The game features a mixture of short and in-depth campaigns set across the darkest chapters of the 20th century. Play from the outbreak of the Great War up until the onset of the Cold War.
Darkest Hour will introduce a new artificial intelligence that is now able to react to hundreds of different situations simultaneously. It implements a dynamic diplomatic system that will allow the player to have a real impact on the course of history.
Short and grand campaigns allow players to experience the darkest hours of the 20th century, from the Great War to the onset of the Cold War
New map, redesigned to offer greater detail as well as strategic and tactical opportunities
Dynamic diplomatic system giving the player greater influence on the course of events
New artificial intelligence capable of reacting to hundreds of different situations
Grand campaign scenarios (where it is possible to choose any of the nations involved):
1914 The Great War (starting on June 27, 1914)
1933 Day of Decision (starting on March 4, 1933)
1936 The Road to Another War (starting on January 1, 1936)
1939 Invasion of Poland (starting on September 1, 1939)
1940 Burning Europe (starting on May 10, 1940)
1941 Awakening the Giant (starting on June 22, 1941)
1942 Enemy at the Gate (starting on November 22, 1942)
1943 Allied Invasion of Sicily (starting on July 26, 1943)
1944 Allied Landing in Normandy (starting on June 20, 1944)
1945 Battle of the Bulge (starting on December 16, 1944)
Battle scenarios which focus on specific battles or wars and where players can choose between a small number of nations:
1904 Russo-Japanese War
1939 Invasion of Poland
System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Pentium III 800 MH
Memory: 128 MB Ram
Hard Disk Space: 2
GB hard disk space
Video Card: 4 MB DirectX-compatible
Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
DirectX(R): DirectX 9.0 or higher
Additional: Mouse with scroll wheel, keyboard and internet for multiplayer
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1 person found this review funny
390.9 hrs on record
With the 1.03 patch we have plenty of scenarios, including the 1945 one wich is fun to play ! In my opinion is better than HoI3 because is easier to learn and the UI is really friendly for new players . Unlike Hearts of Iron 3 you can have different aproaches on the game , based on your decisions , a communist Germany for example right from the beginnig of the 1933 scenario ! On the official forum you can find many mods wich can extend the regular timeline of the game , for example New World Order 2 mod ( a Cold War Mod ) and Modern Day scenario mod ! Alternate history:Kaiserreich (What if Germany had won the First World War )
Fatherland (What if Germany had won the Second World War )
All in all I really recommend Darkest Hour !
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337.2 hrs on record
This is THE BEST GAME EVER. Firstly, even excluding mods it covers: - WWI- WWII, including a two pre-war startdates- Beginings of Cold War/post WWII restructuring of the world stage.Second, the features are awesome. You can trade and claim land, determine your government type, install puppet nations, preform espionage, and found alliances. It has a boat-load of events and decisions, too. And they are not deterministic, the game is not a complete sandbox, but it has several alternative paths, nations, and events for several senarios.Best of all, its entirely moddable, and has some amazing mods. It has mods to improve each senario and even a killer mod to add in Cold War Senarios and events.And the best thing? Its still being worked on~
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12.7 hrs on record
Darkest Hour is definitely a better HoI game than HoI3, despite its age. There's no unnecessarily complex OoB system that you'd need to graduate West Point to master, there aren't a billion shapeless provinces in sparsely populated areas, and although the map and UI are pretty dated they're comfy to use. In contrast to the dryness of HoI3 which has maybe half a dozen decisions solely for the purpose of railroading the AI into doing what it's supposed to do, DH has plenty of dynamic event chains, and it feels like you're really impacting the world. DH also has more of a sandboxy feel to it, with different outcomes every game, but in HoI3 once you've played each of the 3 factions you've more or less experienced it all. Then there's the timespan, with a grand campaign in DH potentially lasting from , 50 years, compared to , or 12 years, in HoI3. And last, but definitely not least, DH is tremendously easier to mod than HoI3, and so has a very active and skilled modding community. Which brings me to my last point:Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg. The amount of detail put into this alternate-history mod for Darkest Hour is pretty stunning, and is definitely a justification all on its own for buying the game. If you have even a slight interest in alt-history, you'd be doing yourself a huge favor by picking this up and installing KR.The base game is easily a 9/10, but Kaiserreich bumps that up to a 10/10.
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38.8 hrs on record
The music in this game makes you want to invade Poland.10/10
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179.5 hrs on record
Exceptional. I only wish the modders would keep putting out more updates. That being said its the best Grand Strategy game ever made. Endless replay value. Countless &What if& potential to remake history.
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130.4 hrs on record
I find this game better than Hearts of Iron 3. I always was very found of Hearts of Iron 2, and this game makes it better. If you're a fan of grand strategy games and of games based on the World Wars, then this is a must buy. One of the best time wasters on steam.
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25.2 hrs on record
It's a good remake of Hearts of Iron 2.If you think there is not enough content you can just download some mods like Kaiserreich,1914 or Fatherland.The game isn't the most beautifill,but looks decent.The interface is not userfriendly but you can get used to it in like 15 minutes.If you like challenge
you can play as a small country like Guatemala or play as a big one like Germany.It's a great game overall,not perfect just great.Also Germany took over Greece.It's a 8.5/10 game
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165.8 hrs on record
The pinnacle of World War era grand strategy games with scenarios spanning approximately . An astounding amount of depth and possibilities will keep the game fresh for many, many hours of gameplay.If you are determined enough, a but what will the consequences be?Low price with lots of content. 10/10.
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287.4 hrs on record
Damn, this game is so good. It was the first Paradox game I ever tried, and although there is a &learning curve&, the events and gameplay compesate for any incovience and awkwardness in the begginning. Also, the mods (e.g. Kaiserreich, NW2) add another touch to the game, especially Kaiserreich, with it's alternate WWI theme.11/10
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213.6 hrs on record
You can nuke detroit10/10
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188.5 hrs on record
Started in 1933 with the AI on &furious& setting. In a year, France attacked Germany, Germany attacked USA, Soviets attacked Poland, France attacked the Soviets. 10/10 would get blitzkrieged again
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15.8 hrs on record
Great game - but how on earth do you delete saved games?
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5.1 hrs on record
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8.9 hrs on record
Best version of Hearts of Iron II. Allows you to play the Great War, World War 2, and the Cold War.Mod support is still strong and helps provide a fun experience which can last forever.
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144.6 hrs on record
Up among the very best strategy games i have ever played, and will buy the new without a doubt but only thing negativ about this gam eis it's graphics but hopefully the new game will do better in that aspect :)
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193.3 hrs on record
This game is great.More content than Hearts of Iron II.I can play in full HD resolution with Windows 8.1 64 bit, but there are some laggy issue, however.If you have many &what if& questions about the Great War and the Second World War. Buy this game and you won't regret.
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0.5 hrs on record
I have no idea what I am doing.
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139.3 hrs on record
For me, this is the best Hearts of Iron experience. I enjoy playing with Darkest Hour Light mod which adds more options to the orginal gameplay, but doesn't change it too much. I would recommend buying this over the original, since this inclued also the orginal game (as you have option to play without mods) and the easy to use launcher lets you select higher resolutions for modern systems (instead of the old
fullscreen).Word of warning to Win8 users though. You need to play around with settings-file and play in windowed mode, because the full screen mode is not working properly (poor fps and sometimes mouse cursor missing).
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4.0 hrs on record
The tutorial to this game is terrible so the game is hard to get into, though even if it had as good a tutorial as EU4 the game would still be hard to get into. If you want to learn this game the only way is to play the game as some easy nation. You may feel useless at the start, but it is truly a great game when you learn it.
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39.2 hrs on record
This is a fantatsic game, especially with the Grand Campign mod. You can take weeks to get even started into WW2 and the economy managment seems seocnd to none. It is complex and takes a while to learn but once you have the depth of startegy is great.
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Title: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Release Date: 8 Apr, 2011
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