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Toy Box - Disney Infinity Wiki Guide - IGN
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4 months 11 days ago
Disney Infinity
makes considerable changes to the Toy Box. Many of the original features such as the
have been replaced by different features. Check out the
page for information specific to the new Toy Box features.
In the Toy Box, players have the opportunity to wield a (literal) magic wand.& This is used to build, remove and customize your own unique virtual world using your favorite characters, vehicles, settings and accessories.& While the
to their own worlds/properties, anything goes in the Toy Box.& Want to have a showdown between
and ?& How about having
with a missile launcher?& It's all possible in the Toy Box.
While there are structured games and challenges within the Toy Box, (i.e. &,
and ) there are&also premade , which place an emphasis on user created experiences.& User created content can be uploaded for sharing with friends across platforms, or submitted to a moderated online community and then checked by Disney before being accessible to all Disney Infinity players.
Don't expect to be able to create everything right off the bat. Many of the toys will have to be unlocked through various playthroughs of the Play Sets, finding capsules in the Toy Box, and unlocking them through the Toy Box Vault. You can earn tokens to unlock these vault prizes by playing, creating and performing small diversions like races. Of course, due to the console's memory limitations, there is a meter that will fill up everytime you add pieces when creating your own world inside the Toy Box. The bigger the pieces, the more your meter will fill. The meter will get full when you have added the maximum amount of toys to your Toy Box and will no longer be able to add any more.
When you start in the Toy Box, you'll find many scattered capsules throughout the world to pick up&and you'll notice some out of reach. Once you get the hang of opening up the editor mode, feel free to drop in blocks and ramps or whatever necessary to obtain those capsules. &Every single one helps you add to your Toy Box collection, as well as give you added spins for the Vault. However, once you've collected the first capsule that gives you more spins in the vault, when you revisit the Toy Box later on, most of these capsules will be full of Sprites rather than another spin. Luckily, there are still one or two capsules around the Toy Box that will have a spin. These are usually found in the hard to reach areas or tucked away on a cliffside below the surface.
Players can join together to create Toy Box Worlds with 2 player local co-op and 4 player online co-op.
The Toy Box comes with a small set of toys and tools for building amazing worlds, and new items are added as players earn spins in the .& Progressing through the campaigns in the , you will find capsules that unlock Toy Box items. Each of the
will have items that only they can unlock in a Play Set, so the more figures that are played in their specific , the more tools will become available in the Toy Box. These are found in the character specific chests scattered throughout the Play Sets. Each figure can have multiple chests to themselves, as well as a lock on the Infinity Vault. The Infinity Vault will only open once all figures from that Play Set have been to it and opened their locks. Once opened, the player will recieve a lot of money and sprites, as well as a themed Prebuilt Toy Box of the current Play Set. Figures that do not belong to a Play Set will have their chests spawn at random within the Toy Box.
are another way to add unique toys and customization to the Toy Box. Power Discs are sold in blind packs of two and offer items such as &or themes and terrains from movies such as
and . This also includes rare items like
from the Disneyland theme parks.
The hexagonal Power Discs are placed where you would put your Play Set pieces. They change how the world looks, and add new toys to play with. The circular Power Discs are placed under the characters. They give the figures special attributes like faster movement speed or extra health.
The Power Discs can change a lot about your world. For example, one Power Disc can make the sky look like The Nightmare Before Christmas, where as a different disc could make the ground look like it's from Finding Nemo. There are endless combinations of what you can do with the Power Discs. They add a ton of depth to the already awesome Toy Box. Power Discs will also add in new toys to your world allowing you to make bigger and better creations.
Also, it is worth noting that if someone makes a Toy Box with a Power Disc you do not own, you will still be able to play in their Toy Box and interact with all the items. However, you will not be able to use those items in your own Toy Box. You must have the Power Disc to be able to create things within your own Toy Box.
What you do in the Toy Box is completely up to you. People have already made recreations of famous Disney properties, awesome race tracks, fun mini-games, and so much more. This is only scratching the surface of what you can do in the Toy Box. With your figures, Power Discs, and imagination, anything is possible.
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  Disney Interactive 于6月28日宣布,有史以来第一次《迪士尼无限:玩具盒》峰会——“超级玩具盒竞赛”,将于8月15日- 17日在美国犹他州的盐湖城举行。该公告声称:“这个深受粉丝支持的活动将把来自世界各地的顶级玩具盒创意艺术家们聚集在‘超级玩具盒竞赛’中。活动中选出的最佳作品将运用到游戏中于秋季一同推出。”
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今日关注游戏迪士尼无限玩具盒2.0无限宝石破解iOS存档(Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0)
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迪士尼无限玩具盒2.0无限宝石破解iOS存档(Disney finity: Toy Box 2.0)是一款iOS开放式沙盒游戏的存档文件,《迪士尼无限玩具盒2.0》是《迪士尼无限》系列的最新作,网侠小编给大家修改了游戏中金币数量,让你获得大量宝石!
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迪士尼无限玩具盒2.0无限宝石破解iOS存档(Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0)
v1.1 iPhone/iPad版
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《迪士尼无限2(Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0)》是一款由迪士尼开发制作的沙盒类卡通动作游戏,是《迪士尼无限(Disney Infinity:ToyBox)》的正统续作,游戏中玩家将可以扮演迪士尼旗下的众多位卡通明星,或全新加入的漫威超级英雄们来与恶势力进行对抗。画面上本作延续了系列的卡通风格,并且在质量上与前作相比有了不少的提升,画面更加精致细腻。人物角色方面,除了大家都非常熟悉的唐老鸭,阿拉丁,叮当小仙女等一批经典迪士尼形象外,最近比较火热的《冰雪奇缘》以及《漫威英雄》的角色都有在本作中登场。游戏的玩法基本延续了前作当中的沙盘风格,玩家可以通过在游戏当中向NPC接任务,任务的种类也是十分多样,有些是需要玩家去收集他们,或者救出某一个被困住了的公主,完成任务之后玩家将获得一定的奖励。除了故事模式外,在Toy Box模式下玩家还可以创建和定制自己的世界与游戏。游戏目前最令人诟病的地方就是操作设定,虽然控制角色在普通的行动上,配合移动和视角转换是没有多大问题,但是一旦进行要求精度比较高的跳跃和与敌人进行对战的时候,这种操作就开始凸显弊端,实际上游戏的操作并不复杂,左手控制移动,右手控制镜头和攻击,而滑动除按钮外的屏幕可以让角色使用远程攻击和近战攻击,但是这项操作有时候会误按到镜头图标,而且一边调整镜头一边进行远程攻击,从精确度来讲非常低,而且实际操作中能感受到非常不方便,希望官方能在后续更新中解决这一问题。内购方面,游戏主要花钱的在于购买角色,1只人命币18元,概不还价。总的来说游戏各方面的表现都相当不错,无论是音画还是玩法内容上都对得起它这3.8G的身板,内购也很良心,唯一不足的就是操作方面还存在些问题,这个问题能得以解决的话,相信游戏的表现将会更加出色。本作现已登陆中国区AppStore,感兴趣的玩家朋友一定不要错过。
+内容丰富+玩法多样 +高自由度
-不支持中文-操作体验差Disney Infinity 2.0 review: Toy Box mode the real heart of the experience | Gami
"Disney Infinity 2.0." (HO)
Buzz Lightyear always talks about going to infinity and beyond. But what exactly lies beyond infinity?
That&s easy. Infinity 2.0.
As parents with video-game-obsessed Disneyphile kids probably know, this week marks the release of Disney Infinity 2.0, the Mouse House&s sequel to last year&s mash-up of video games and physical toys.
If you somehow missed the original Disney Infinity phenomenon and/or your kids aren&t slaves to the Skylanders empire that started this lucrative craze, the basic idea is players put poseable plastic figurines onto an electronic pedestal connected to an Xbox, PlayStation or Wii console, and those characters pop onto the screen as playable avatars in their own video game worlds.
What Disney Infinity 2.0 brings to the mix are new characters, new features and & most significantly & the universe of Marvel super heroes. The new $74.99 Disney Infinity 2.0 starter pack includes Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and an Avengers play set, a translucent statue which, when placed on the pedestal, opens up a virtual New York City for Earth&s Mightiest Heroes to adventure in.
Additional play set bundles sell for $34.99 & Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man sets are the first out of the gate for Disney Infinity 2.0 & and additional figures are $13.99 a pop. So if you want the full Guardians of the Galaxy squad to team up on the planet Knowhere, you&re looking at $74.99 for the starter kit, $34.99 for the play set that comes with Star-Lord, Gamora and the Guardians of the Galaxy play set, and $13.99 each for the separately sold Groot, Rocket and Drax. That&s $151.95 all told. Hulk smash your wallet!
For families that have already invested heavily in the original Disney Infinity, the good news is the older figures and accessories are all compatible with Disney Infinity 2.0 (although not vice versa), with the exception of the original play sets. Disappointingly, the Disney Infinity 2.0 starter pack only includes the Avengers& New York City environment, whereas the original Disney Infinity came with play sets based on Pirates of the Caribbean, Monsters University and The Incredibles.
I ran the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy play sets through their paces, and while it&s super-cool to plunk a plastic figure onto an electronic gizmo and see it appear in a game, the games themselves leave something to be desired. Granted, Disney Infinity as a whole is still largely aimed at kids, and the characters are full of wonderful humour and zest, but the action is simplistic to a fault, usually consisting of defeating a certain number of enemies, gathering specific items or protecting a particular object. Rinse and repeat.
Which isn&t bad, necessarily. Disney Infinity 2.0 has to accommodate tons of different current and future characters & all of which now feature unique skills that can be upgraded as they amass experience & and as such the games need to be functionally generic to an extent. But from an adult gamer standpoint, the games don&t look all that great or have much in the way of original ideas. The Lego games have shown that kid-friendly games can have a fantastic creative spark, but Disney appears to err on the side of safety.
The Toy Box mode, though, is where the magic really happens, and is arguably the true heart of the Disney Infinity experience. Where the story-based play sets only accommodate characters from that particular world & meaning you can&t drop Elsa from Frozen into the Avenger&s New York, or have Mickey Mouse and Drax fight side-by-side on Knowhere & anything goes in Toy Box.
Characters, vehicles, props and environments from any Disney property can be mashed up, and Disney Infinity 2.0 has a more robust system for building new worlds and designing new games. Inventive kids (and adults) will have a blast learning and experimenting with the design tools and simple programming language, although the process is still not as fluid or intuitive as it could be.
It&s a safe bet that kids who are fans of Disney, Marvel and video games will love the new characters and worlds in Disney Infinity 2.0, even if it poses a serious threat to the finances of their parents. Older teens and adults might enjoy collecting the physical figures and fiddling about in Toy Box mode, but the pre-fab games won&t hold their interest for long.
Of course, speculation is that Disney Infinity 3.0 will come out next year and introduce Star Wars characters and worlds. In which case, all bets are off. And I&ll need more room in my real-world toy box.
Will you play 'Disney Infinity 2.0'?
I don't know.
I don't know.
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