csgo overwatch官网 ban封多久

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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csgo overwatch system
so as I am reading up on this overwatch system.....what is the difference between a &inspector& of the csgo overwatch and a admin on some random pub csgo server?.....when I read the forums and websites on thsi over watch it sounds like they are exactly the same.These cool down times that are handed out are not based on some kind of programed computing system but yet just one person judgment call on another persons game skill just like on any random csgo community pub server.I have admins on the my servers and when I spec a suspicious cheater its upto me to think and feel if they are cheating and ban them regardless what anyone says or if that person is actually hacking. if you play csgo competitve alot 90 percetn of the time someone or multiple players will report someone as a hacker because the other player is a higher skilled player then they are. So...the the csgo inspectors ( same thing as random pub server admins) would view this suspected cheaters clips and either say they are cheating or not. Sounds great doesn't it.IF you have been gaming on cs 1.3 - 1.5 - CSS - CSGO you know what I mean when I say trolls and people who suspect someone just because they started getting some frags all of a sudden.Hey maybe that person got tuned into playing the game and few rounds before they weren't. DOESN'T MEAN THEY TOGGLEDI feel We need a better system then some ricky dicky pub server admin style person on person judgment calling system. ANYONE....if you wanna see a hacker you will....if you don't wanna see a hacker you won't.....Personally I feel that you can not use ones judgment towards anothers game level and game sense. EVERYONE is different....we all think differently....And sometimes you will see it as cheating because YOUR mind doesn't play that way and it seems fishy.But all in all.....I think this OVERWATCH system on csgo is taking VALV backwards on catching hackers......plus giving WAY to much power towards people who just game like everyone else to give them the power and authority over another person to say if they are cheating or not. If someone is legitlly not cheating and one of your top investigators says that they are and they give a 380 day cool down time to that person....I really dont think that is fair to the person who is legit. and trust me this issue will trickel down more and more then what will the OVERWATCH system become if legit people also gets banned?NEVER trust one persons opinions of someone else supposedly cheating thats not a anti- cheat system....that is just giving someone way to much power over someone else and no one is perfect and therfor will ever be able to make such judmental calls.** Look at all these random people who wants to be acsgo overwatch investigator**and play alot on the valve servers and such to become a investigator? I assumed steam and Valve was a company not a clan. I use this saem method on recruiting members by telling them to game on my servers and they can one day be granted admin access to my servers.The people who use steam and purchase to play the games on steam make the steam community so why doesn't valve let us concentrate on keeping and building a stronger steam
gaming community and they concentrate on using our money we spend buying games to actually give us a REAL anti-cheat system ...rather asking random people to be admins to ban or not ban other people that play the games just like themselves
30 May, 2013 @ 11:58pm
30 May, 2013 @ 11:59pm
31 May, 2013 @ 12:06am
@leesh1Please read both website posted on my original post.Can one investigator have more weight applied to their decision than another?Yes. A higher-scoring investigator’s verdict will carry more weight than a lower-scoring investigator.quoted from thsi website: If nayone has experience in running a community with levels of server admins...they will se it is the exact same thing csgo overwatch is doing.my server : level 1 admin...kick mute no ban.....if u need to ban u can spec and call out to a higher admin with level 2 admin powers to ban. the main decision will coem from teh level 2 admin who has ban rights to the pub server even if 10 of my level 1 admins speced a suspected hacker. Dude.. it's a beta and they are obviously still tweaking it. The whole idea behind it is that not 1 single rampage admin can ban a player. Just give it a chance before ranting about it. ;)
31 May, 2013 @ 7:17pm
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Date Posted: 30 May, 2013 @ 11:45pmPosts: 7
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