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听说这个是买断制的 没有商城,比较公平,不知道画面好不好,耐玩度高不高? 求说几个这个游戏的特点。如果不错 我马上加入大家的队伍
1楼 05:10&|来自
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3楼 07:33&|来自
收起回复4楼 08:13&|来自
Guildwars2的动态事件和Living story系统~游戏特色之一~我感觉这个游戏的“公平”最主要是在说PvP系统,所有人进去等级都一样,在PvP里可以选择的装备、武器、符文每个人都可以随便免费获得。甚至如果你感觉某个职业有职业压制,你只要花10分钟建个小号就可以立刻开始你的PvP之旅,所有装备的属性跟打了几千小时PvP的人完全没差别~~~但是那些打了上千小时的人图什么呢?图的就是新的外观!虽然内在的属性完全一样,但是外面看起来玩儿的时间长或者队伍PvP分数较高的玩家穿的装备会更好看~(当然最近整个游戏在大改版中,PvP以后会有更多福利~)美服有商城系统,卖一些没有任何属性的服装、武器外观和没有任何攻击属性只是跟着你走的卖萌(可能吧……)小宠物,以及一些为玩家提供便利的小道具。但是没有这些道具、外观完全不影响正常玩儿这个游戏~~基本玩家满级之后,无论你是花金币、打副本、打wvw还是求土豪包养,总之慢的一个星期左右就可以达到大部分其他玩家的装备属性水平~就算是游戏里属性最高的传奇武器,跟打几趟副本换到的橙色品质武器也差不了百分之几的属性差异。我个人是个外观党啦,也在商城买过好看的衣服什么的~但是8个职业角色里真在穿的也就1、2个~也就是说就算不买商城的衣服,游戏里本身的装备也可以搭配出很多好看的外观来~~
收起回复5楼 10:55&|
商场不是卖宝石的 就卖一些方便人的东西和玩的东西
收起回复6楼 11:33&|来自
今天怒砸两千块大洋 把我的大剑点了+15
真尼玛爽 WVW一刀砍死十多个 没压力
收起回复7楼 11:43&|
不好玩,卖了传奇AFK——来自 爱贴吧 Windows Phone 客户端
收起回复8楼 11:54&|来自
想了解更多关于 ”guildwars2“的信息,请&或激战2怎么玩_百度知道
《激战2》即将公测,这款游戏还有很多的玩家在抢激活码。再次之前,我们请玩家们先了解这款游戏,让你知道游戏到底是什么样的。1、不要以升级为目的pve 一级和满级所能玩到的游戏内容几乎一样,升不升级无所谓,所以好好为了玩这个游戏而玩,没有人跟你比赛花弗涪缔皇郫郝惦酮定捆多久满级,所以慢下来细心体验这个游戏。2、无基友,不基战任何mmo没有朋友一起都会变得很无聊,所以无论是现实中的朋友,游戏里交的朋友,总之尽量多交朋友。大家一起下副本,跳跳乐,打世界boss才有趣,要 不然跟单击游戏有什么区别,激战2不强迫玩家去组队,所以很大一部分人把激战2拿来当单机玩,说真的那样还不如去玩老滚5。3、工会很重要这个游戏名字叫guild war2,guild就是工会的意思,加个工会,一起副本,世界boss,工会任务,搞多种多样的活动。这么说吧,guild war 没了 guild 就只剩war了,没有个好工会就相当于少玩了一半的激战2。4、欣赏这个世界激战2的画面也许不是最好的,可是风景却绝对是最美的,每一张地图的地形,风格都不同,每一张都有不同的人物,突发事件,所以慢下来,如果看到好看的风景就坐下来欣赏几分钟,截个图,觉得有趣的突发事件,即使不给多少经验,奖励,也去做一下。5、不要跳剧情激战的剧情做的非常用心,许多人做主线的时候直接跳过对话,是非常不对的,每个人的故事线都不一样,一百个人的主线任务可以写出一百本丰富多彩的小说,所以下次最主线的时候,耐心看完故事,你会发现a社写的故事有多用心。6、装备是屁我在打一个boss的时候,目的并不是掉落的装备,而是这个过程,很多时候在经历了半个小时终于干掉了boss的时候,我的心情就跟 在wow里服务器首杀的心情一样,说真的到满级之后,最好的装备只需要几天就可以得到,如果你为装备而玩的话,那满级之后就可以放弃pve了。7.团队合作很重要 虽然激战2取消了铁三角的设定,可是这不代表下副本,世界boss就不需要团队合作了,相反一个懂得为队伍辅助的人会让副本事半功倍,不注重团队合作最终会全灭,因为死了人都没人去救(lz亲身经历)。8.永远不要因为一个职业的强度去玩。 激战2的职业还算很平衡,所有职业都有自己的强项,弱项。我觉得工程好玩,所以即使工程pve伤害在苦逼我开始没有放弃过,况且伤害的差距虽然比其他职业 弱一些,可是却没有弱到让我去玩我不喜欢的职业的程度,所以别管别人说什么战士pve神,元素pvp神,玩自己喜欢的,要不然早晚AFK。9.参与活动激战2没有资料片,可是这个世界是活得,每个月都会有一只两个living world活动,比如说以前的噩梦之塔(还是梦魇之塔什么的我忘了),和现在的逃亡狮子拱门都是那种不参加你就白玩激战了的超史诗活动。10.pve远离纹章pvp和wvw基本没有人带就不说了,可是PVE。现在五纹章流满地都是,时间一长就会觉得这游戏很无聊。。。当然了因为那样你只需要不停的按1,机器人玩久了都会崩溃,况且pve各种技能用好了绝对不必纹章差。所以拒绝五纹章
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Possible build for elementalist commander?
Started by
Levik Greywind
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14 replies to this topic
Levik Greywind
I already have a tag on my elementalist (for helping lead PvE and guild events) and wanted to help more in WvW when there's either a shortage of commanders or for possibly getting a small group of guildies running together once or twice a week. While I know heavy classes tend to fare better at the frontlines, I already have a tag on my ele as well as it being my favorite class and main since the game's launch. I'm used to running glass staff from mid to backlines and don't die often due to knowing how to position myself, but I realize I'll need to be closer to the combat when using the tag to rally others to my spot.
So I'm pretty sure for traits it'd be 0/0/10/30/30 (or a variation of it) to be a bunker ele, but unsure on what stats would be best. Unsure between knight, soldier, cleric, sentinel, or even celestial. Any recommendations? And I'd love to use staff because static and water fields have been really helpful large fights.
I would love to help out with this but I haven't really toyed around with my ele that much. I have her as a healer. She doesn't hit very hard but she can survive just about anything. I mainly use her for
+ Salma Haylek- Level 80 Warrior - Commander + Jamaican Mehawt - Level 80 Mesmer +
Juwanna Danz - Level 80 Thief + Jamaican Mepurr - Level 80 Elementalist +
Juwannafy Daboudit - Level 80 Guardian + Jamaica Marsetwitch - Level 80 Ranger
+ Necro Pleaz - Level 80 Necromancer +
ZOMG Guild Leader
Cast meteor storm on zerg, switched attunements for fury, pop your tornado elite to bring your attack above 5k, admire the 26x 6-10k crits landing on the zerg, pick up bags.
Command on my ele all the time with this build, perma vigor, loads of combo fields. Don't go too deep tho, if you get in shit use burning retreat.
Need more high damage staff eles, a group of 5 can melt a zerg.
By the way evasive arcana is a bit of a waste on staff.&&The cast on dodge is more useful for dd, where you are in close all the time, but on staff, you wanna save your dodges to avoid damage at the right time. So play around with throwing those 10 points somewhere else. (If fact play around with all your traits, except the fire line is pretty much crap).
If your looking for more toughness, Knights is fine to start with. Where you are zerker right now, I would slowly add in knights pieces till you fine the sweet spot between damage and survivability.
Jakeleak, on 10 January 2014 - 02:40 PM, said:
If your looking for more toughness, Knights is fine to start with. Where you are zerker right now, I would slowly add in knights pieces till you fine the sweet spot between damage and survivability.
Normally, this would be the case. If you're going to command, then you want survivability - everything else comes second. If you go down, it drastically hinders your ability to command. Cleric's/Knight's/Soldier's/Sentinel's/Cavalier's would be the way to go, Traiting 0/0/20/30/20, or putting 30 in arcana and instead using Arcane Wave for an AoE immobilize or chill (it's been mentioned Evasive Arcana isn't amazing for staffing, but you can use it for the extra heal if you want it). Elementalists are already targeted above most other classes, you are an elementalist with a commander tag, a prime target for periphery to pick you off, and you should be expecting to survive alongside other classes that are naturally tankier.
Ideally, you shouldn't command on a backline since it's harder to coordinate your pushes on one, and frontlining with the lowest health light armor in the game is what is known as A Bad Idea(TM). Unless you really want to command on an elementalist, I would suggest using/rolling a different class, possibly guardian, maybe warrior.
I'm a spy from Borlis Pass. Except I don't care about PPT so not really.
Levik Greywind
Was just wondering if it was possible, since I always seem to get bored quickly on other classes and already have a tag on ele from PvE. I'm also no swimming in cash, so 100g is a pretty big chunk of cash to me.
Viable, but not optimal. You can tell people to attack where you drop your spells, but your spells don't have a commander tag above them so there's always going to be some ambiguity when you issue orders. You can possibly try using focus off hand and try to stay near the frontline but if your guys don't respond promptly, you are so dead.
I'm a spy from Borlis Pass. Except I don't care about PPT so not really.
Levik Greywind
Well, if it doesn't work it, it doesn't work out. I might give it a try if there's just a time where no one else is leading and I'm in WvW and see how it goes. No real loss because I already had the tag. But thinking if I give it a go with a larger group, soldier and clerics would be a good mix. Clerics to increase my healing so I can heal a greater % of my HP since HP would increase too with soldiers.
Teldec, on 10 January 2014 - 02:16 PM, said:
Cast meteor storm on zerg, switched attunements for fury, pop your tornado elite to bring your attack above 5k, admire the 26x 6-10k crits landing on the zerg, pick up bags.
Command on my ele all the time with this build, perma vigor, loads of combo fields. Don't go too deep tho, if you get in shit use burning retreat.
Need more high damage staff eles, a group of 5 can melt a zerg.
Nyclette and Vilandia
Slein Jinn
Commanding on an Elementalist isn't ideal, but it certainly is viable.&&The reason it's ideal to command on a Guardian or Warrior is that they can perform their natural roles fully whilst also commanding whereas other classes have to sacrifice their own abilities in order to command, but any class can be built to do the job, and Elementalists actually fare better than most.&&I've commanded on an Ele quite a lot in the past (though these days I tend to play my Guardian for the aforementioned reasons) and I'm very much a frontline, fight-orientated commander--not just a karma trainer.&&
I wouldn't want to command in Staff on an Ele, though.&&While it can be nice to personally control water fields, it's just not well suited to frontline play at all.&&I usually go Sceptre/Dagger for groups no bigger than 10-15, and Dagger/Dagger for larger groups.&&In smaller sort of semi-zerg settings, it's still prudent to be calling targets and focusing down individuals, and S/D is optimal for that, but as the zergs get bigger, the cleave damage on D/D becomes more desirable (added bonus: it'll get you more loot bags).&&
As for a build, there isn't really that much to change.&&X/X/X/30/20 is the standard basis for basically any viable Ele WvW build, and that's no different here.&&Trait your cantrips in Water and take condi removal on Regeneration, then Vigour on crit (for D/D--Vigorous Sceptre for S/D) and Elemental Attunement in Arcana.&&The last 20 you can really do anything with.&&I used to frequently just stay in the 10/10/0/30/20 that I used when playing backline staff, with Internal Fire and Bolt to the Heart.&&You could go 0/20/0/30/20 with Air Training instead of Internal Fire, though, since you're going to be sitting in Air mashing Lightning Whip a fair amount of the time.&&You can also go 10 or even 20 into Earth.&&Stone Splinters is excellent for 10 points, but I'd be hesitant to go deeper jus Rock Solid is tempting and certainly useful, but it's not a stunbreak, so with such a short duration, it's not a clear must-have.&&In the end, I'd probably say ideally take your pick between 0/10/10/30/20 and 0/0/20/30/20.&&
You're going to be running at least two, and in all likelihood three, cantrips.&&Mist Form and Armour of Earth are no-brainers.&&Lightning Flash is an awesome skill, but less practical when commanding, so consider Cleansing Flames instead.&&You could take the Tougness signet or Arcane Wave or maybe even a Conjure, but cantrips are just so strong defensively, it's hard not to bring three.&&Ether Renewal is the only choice for a heal, but take care not to get it interrupted.&&Ele elites are all a bit underwhelming, but Fiery Greatsword and Glyph of Elementals are both useful in their own way.&&If you use the Glyph, be sure to pop it from Water Attunement for a decently survivable pet that drops water combo fields.&&
The real place to bunker up is with the gear.&&You're going to want to run almost full Soldier's gear.&&Maybe keep two to three Berserker's trinkets slotted at most.&&You are the most fragile class in the game, so you have to compensate for that.&&Whereas a Guardian or a Warrior might be able to get away with mixing in quite a lot of damage in their gear, an Elementalist just can't.&&Soldier gear isn't as bad for DPS as you might think, it does still main Power, which is the one stat to rule them all.&&Note that with such low crit damage, Soldier's will actually do more damage than Knight's.&&You'll want Melandru's runes and a Sigil of Energy.&&The other Sigil is u Force is the default option, but you could take Restoration or something, too.
Guild Leader & Theorycrafter-in-Chief:
Katarzyna &Kasia& Zdobywca
Barbara &Basia& Rutyniarza
Zofia &Zosia& Czarodziejka
Agnieszka &Aga& Przyrody
Agnieszka &Aga& Zdobywca
Joanna &Asia& Niewidoczne
Alicja &Ala& Czarodziejka
Magdalena &Magda& Saper
Levik Greywind
Thanks for the advice. Nice to hear from another ele. Chances of me actually trying it now are higher since I'm about to graduate and will have more free time as well as the ability to swap traits in the field with the update.
Like people have said above Levik, commanding on any class can be done, its just not optimal for most classes right now. I strongly suggest what some of the others have said when it comes to Surviving as a commander. If the commander goes down, rarely do I see the commander-less zerg win. Seems like you are already thinking of going closer to the bunker side of things, which is great in my opinion. I like Slein Jinn's way of thinking when it comes to builds.
Just as a side note, keep in mind that commanders who are having fun playing the game usually fair better then commanders who seem like they aren't. If you get bored on other classes, play the class you enjoy playing. Your zerg will thank ya for it in the end. It also breaks up the usual way of things.
&Let's see who is commanding in our BL...... oh, a warrior......&.
&Well, lets go to EBG and see who is commanding. A guardian.... great..&.
Levik Greywind
Sounds like the old bunker D/D ele from PvP is the general consensus. But I'm thinking Dagger/Focus might be better for the job because of the invlun and reflect + condi clear in earth, and swirling winds in air. Would off-hand dagger really help if I was to bunker it up in comparison to what focus gives? But I can see dagger more helpful for smaller fights though.
Slein Jinn
Offhand Dagger has some really key stuff.&&CC and mobility are both key for frontliners, and you've got a lot of both of those on your offhand dagger, along with a nice heal and a great fire field.&&Almost every skill in the of focus is a lot more niche.&&I suppose technically it is more tanky, but survivability is as much about mobility as it is tankiness, and also keep in mind that, while surviving is priority #1 for a commander, it's not the onl you want to be contributing too.&&I'd say focus is viable, but D/D is ultimately better.&&
Keep in mind that reflect is generally pretty bad in WvW; most of the damage comes from ground targets and melee cleaves rather than projectiles.
Guild Leader & Theorycrafter-in-Chief:
Katarzyna &Kasia& Zdobywca
Barbara &Basia& Rutyniarza
Zofia &Zosia& Czarodziejka
Agnieszka &Aga& Przyrody
Agnieszka &Aga& Zdobywca
Joanna &Asia& Niewidoczne
Alicja &Ala& Czarodziejka
Magdalena &Magda& Saper
Levik Greywind, on 14 April 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
Thanks for the advice. Nice to hear from another ele. Chances of me actually trying it now are higher since I'm about to graduate and will have more free time as well as the ability to swap traits in the field with the update.
I want to add something to this that everyone overlooked it seems Levik...commanding isnt all about your toon...make a party of warrior and guardian maybe that you play with often...and that will stay on your tag nomatter get all kinds of bonuses and protection from the guard...and worst comes to worst the warrior can banner you back up or hammer stun, etc so someone can revive you fast.
ADHD Commander in ennemy BLs and EOTM
Nascar Warrior when solo roaming:)
Toons: Sanji Pirate Cook (War), Natsu Dragon Roar(Ele), Zoro Pirate Devil(Thief), Chopper Pirate Doc(Guard) ...
A'm not just a cook, A'm a devil....Evillllllll...ask Iron Fist Full-Body in one piece about it.
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玩 苏,美,日 各注意什么?优先造哪些东西?用什么兵种?
苏联  苏联任务从抵御日本入侵,到进攻欧洲,反击日本,最终战胜日本和美国为止。其中包括除掉(被诬陷)背叛的库可夫将军以及与总理反目的剧情,最终玩家扮演的将军成为万人景仰的新总理。  盟军  盟军起初拼死抵抗进攻的苏军,然后联合苏联对付日本。其间杀死反共的总统阿克曼,又与苏联搞僵,终于打败另外两方。最后新总统上任,规划了建立自由平等的新世界的宏伟蓝图。  日本(旭日帝国,台译“升阳”)  日本起初攻打苏联,再到抵御美军(后来对抗美苏联军),最后反击苏联和欧洲获取胜利。其中天皇之子达郎的超级机器人“将军刽子手”以及向美国总统体内植入纳米机器人的情节,科幻色彩十足。  人物介绍:  【苏军阵营】  安纳托尼·查丹科总理 Premier Anatoly Cherdenko (Tim Curry 饰):原本只是一个上校的他狡猾的利用了时间机器,从而使自己在新的时间线中成为了总理。是一个笑里藏刀的老狐狸,很危险的家伙。  尼可莱·库可夫将军 General Nikolai Krukov (Andrew Divoff 饰):苏俄将军,性格与2代里的大胡子无异,处处与玩家的角色做对且嫉妒心理极强。在苏军任务中被查丹科栽赃借玩家之手除掉了他。  格雷戈尔·赛林斯基博士 Dr. Gregor Zelinsky (Peter Stormare 饰):时间机器的发明者,苏军中比较善良的知识分子。在盟军任务中为了推翻车登可夫的阴谋而叛变,将苏军改变历史的事实泄漏给了盟军。  情报官达夏·费多洛维齐 Dasha Fedorovich (Ivana Mili??evi?? 饰) :苏军情报官。  狙击手娜塔莎 Sniper Natasha (Gina Carano 饰):苏军狙击手,疑似老鲍和小贾的传人。拥有可以一击射穿数个敌人的狙击步枪,并可以像ZH里的GLA小贾一样用穿甲弹杀死敌方战车驾驶员,还拥有呼叫轰炸机炸毁敌方建筑的特权。  指挥官夏娜·阿肯斯雅 Commander Zhana Agonskaya (Vanessa Branch 饰):苏军女性指挥官,被宣传用来鼓动士兵加入苏俄空军。喜爱用空中单位。  指挥官欧列格·凡丁 Commander Oleg Vodnik (Dimitri Diatchenko 饰):从出身卑微的动员兵一路升到指挥官。脑袋一条筋,战术直接简单,但是在战场上认真负责,是个值得喜爱的人物。  指挥官尼可莱·摩斯克芬 Commander Nikolai Moskvin (Gene Farber 饰):神经性虐待狂加歇斯底里症患者,酷爱以残忍的手段对付敌人,战术疯狂而野蛮,是个很可怕的家伙……  【盟军阵营】  霍华德·T·阿克曼总统 President Howard T. Ackerman (J. K. Simmons 饰):有强烈的反共思想的美国国总统,由于是乡下出生的缘故,这个人说话很直接也搞笑,做事如秋风扫落叶,让人有点头疼。  罗伯特·宾汉陆军元帅 Field Marshall Robert Bingham (Jonathan Pryce 饰):英国籍的盟军总帅,相当与2代的萌军光头将军。  情报官伊娃·麦肯金娜 Lieutenant Eva McKenna (Gemma Atkinson 饰) :盟军通讯官。  特别探员谭雅 Special Agent Tanya (Jenny McCarthy 饰):自从红1就一直在战场上活跃的盟军女特工,所有资料均为保密(包括她穿的袜子的颜色,汗…)。  指挥官温伦·富勒 Commander Warren Fuller (Randy Couture 饰):与玩家并肩作战的指挥官之一,海军陆战队出生,性格沉默寡言,是只干不说的类型。  指挥官利塞特·韩利 Commander Lissette Hanley (Autumn Reeser 饰):与玩家并肩作战的MM指挥官,喜欢用海军单位。看似稚嫩的她却可以在瞬间给低估自己的对手给予严重打击。  指挥官吉尔利斯·皮尔斯 Commander Giles Price (Greg Ellis 饰) :与玩家并肩作战的英国指挥官,虽然废话很多,但是他出色的战术使他不失为一个可靠的盟友。  【旭日帝国】  芳朗天皇(Emperor Yoshiro)(George Takei 饰):被人民视为神人的日本天皇,强烈的相信“天命”注定了旭日帝国将统一世界。  皇太子达郎(Crown Prince Tatsu)Ron Yuan 饰) :比较西化的皇太子,不相信“天命”而相信武力和帝国强大的科技。为人较缺乏耐心。  情报官富士衫 (富士杉 Intelligence Officer Suki Toyama)(Kelly Hu 饰):旭日情报官,性格开朗且爱开玩笑,与帝国的其他死板着脸的将军们形成了鲜明的对比。  奥米茄百合子(Yuriko Omega):旭日特种兵,拥有强大的精神力。身世不详,暂时未在过场动画中露面。  指挥官长间晋三(Commander Shinzo Nagama)(Bruce Asato Locke 饰) : 天皇芳朗的军事顾问,老谋深算的大叔,外号为“帝国之阴影”,喜欢用步兵。  指挥官天西贤治 (Commander Kenji Tenzai)(Jack J. Yang 饰) :很自大的家伙,其家族管理着帝国的机械社,喜欢用机甲部队淹没敌人。  指挥官白田直美 (Commander Naomi Shirada)(Lydia Look 饰):面貌丑恶的大阿姨……据说长年住在军舰里,喜欢操纵海军单位。
这个具有魔兽的画面 风格
给人感觉就是 想仿魔兽
结果不但把自己原来的风格丢了 还仿了个四不像 不过有些兵种比较实用


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