英雄无敌56 无限生产刺客英雄 什么意思

  《英雄无敌6》主创设计师Julien Pirou近日为玩家透露了些游戏细节,游戏中的初始难度可自定义,城镇界面采用2.5D动态等等,具体细节如下:
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骑士(Knight) - 圣堂(Haven) - 中立(Neutral)
成为一个骑士也就成为了神圣猎鹰帝国的核心与利剑!To be a Knight is to be the Heart and Sword of the Holy Falcon Empire !
Having sworn a solemn oath to uphold the principles of Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, and to defend the realm from all enemies, the Knight is honoured by the people and respected by all. Whether fighting with sword or lance, Knights` banners are their most feared weapon, for they can rally an army of earnest followers willing to be led through the very fires of Sheogh.
基础能力 - 狂热(Fervor):提高所有友军的士气和物理伤害。
圣武士(Paladin) - 圣堂(Haven) - 泪系(Tear)
圣武士者,梦拥孤身,战为众人!A Paladin dreams alone, and fights for all !
Champions of the impossible quest with faith as their guiding star, Paladins are Knights that have answered the calling of their Dragon. They have made a solemn vow to their god that is magically binding and blesses them with tremendous powers. The Paladin`s oath becomes a guiding purpose that allies respect and rivals fear.
基础能力 - 狂热(Fervor):提高所有友军的士气和物理伤害。
进阶能力 - 殉难者(Martyr):每回合结束时,受伤害最严重的友军单位在下回合提高物理防御力和生命值加成。
至高能力 - 神圣审判(Divine Jutice):使目标单位受到伤害,伤害值取决于其从战斗开始时所造成的总伤害。
复仇铁卫(Vindicator) - 圣堂(Haven) - 血系(Blood)
复仇铁卫是正义的帝国皇帝的利斧!The Emperor is just, and the Vindicator his axe!
The zealous fervour and spectacular accomplishments of a few select Knights is so tremendous that Emperors and Grand Inquisitors have taken notice, bestowing them with greater responsibilities. The Vindicator has sworn allegiance to the doctrine and laws of the Holy Empire and has been given the combined battlefield functions of both judge and executioner.
基础能力 - 狂热(Fervor):提高所有友军的士气和物理伤害。
进阶能力 - 咒逐(Anathema):降低全部敌人的伤害、防御力、士气和幸运,效果无法被驱散。
至高能力 - 审判时刻(Hour of Judgement):对受咒逐和异教徒标记影响的单位的伤害增加。对目标单位攻击完成后,咒逐和异教徒标记的影响从目标单位上去除。
牧师(Cleric) - 圣堂(Haven) - 中立(Neutral)
我信奉艾尔拉思,但我更信任他的牧师!I`ve faith in Elrath, but I trust his Clerics even more!
Clerics have sworn their servitude to Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, and are powerful emissaries on the battlefield. Blessed for their fervour, they can bestow Elrath`s favour on the troops under their command. The Holy Falcon Empire has known many wars in its five centuries of dominance, and the Clerics have been the deciding factor in many of them.
基础能力 - 祝福(Bless):增加所有友军的魔法伤害和魔法防御力。
告解师(Confessor) - 圣堂(Haven) - 泪系(Tear)
当艾尔拉思需要你时,就连死亡也要靠边站。When Elrath needs you, even death stands aside.
Confessors are Clerics that have become so attuned to the Dragon of Light that they can channel Elrath`s will to protect Asha`s creation. The most powerful healers of the Holy Falcon Empire are awarded the title of Confessor and are considered by most Angels as their equals in magic under the wings of their Dragon God.
基础能力 - 祝福(Bless):增加所有友军的魔法伤害和魔法防御力。
进阶能力 - 复活(Resurrection):复活部分友军单位,被复活的单位在本回合不能攻击也不会被攻击。
至高能力 - 神圣介入(Divine Intervention):治疗目标单位,清除其身上的负面魔法并提高其主动性直至下回合。
圣裁官(Inquisitor) - 圣堂(Haven) - 血系(Blood)
艾尔拉思的审判中,圣裁官们代表他的愤怒!Judgement is passed by Elrath, the Inquisitor is His wrath!
Inquisitors are Clerics who have vowed their servitude to Elrath and the advancement of the Holy Falcon Empire and its Church. The Emperor trusts no one more than an Inquisitor to shine the blazing lights of truth and justice throughout his realm. The Dragon has bestowed upon them powers that even the most battle hardened angels humbly respect.
基础能力 - 祝福(Bless):增加所有友军的魔法伤害和魔法防御力。
进阶能力 - 神圣之刃(Holy Blades):所有友军单位的攻击附加光明伤害。
至高能力 - 光明圣言(Word of Light):所有敌军单位受到光明伤害。所有活体生物类友军受到治疗。
邪教徒(Heretic) - 地狱(Inferno) - 中立(Neutral)
邪教徒因鄂加斯的诅咒而生!When Ugrash curses, a Heretic is born!
Embracing the cause of Chaos and imbued with powers feared by all those who walk the lands of Ashan, the Heretic has thrown aside an Ashan birthright to become a leader of demons. Heretics have been "blessed" by Urgash for loyal services to an Archdemon of Sheogh, and their bodies have undergone mutations that confer upon them the power to channel the fires of hell and command its minions.
基础能力 - 地狱火环(Hellfire Aura):所有友方生物在攻击和反击的时候有机会造成额外的火焰伤害。
唤魔者(Hellcaller) - 地狱(Inferno) - 泪系(Tear)
鬼神使只能召唤,而唤魔者将使你重获自由。A Demonist summons, a Hellcaller sets you free.
Hellcallers inspire demonkind and harness their longing for freedom from their eternal prison world into a devastating strategical weapon. The Hellcaller`s charisma and sense of purpose makes them the most feared Heretics on Ashan, most especially during a Blood Moon eclipse when the walls of Sheogh are weakened. Their ranks are constantly replenished by eager, ferocious and obedient minions who would follow them anywhere, eyes alit with the promise of freedom.
基础能力 - 地狱火环(Hellfire Aura):所有友方生物在攻击和反击的时候有机会造成额外的火焰伤害。
进阶能力 - 强制召集(Irresistible Calling):增加异界门召唤的生物数量。
至高能力 - 魔力之印(Seal of Power):一些通过种族异界门召唤而来的增援部队在战斗结束后会保留,但总数不会超过原有部队的数量。
混沌领主(Chaos Lord) - 地狱(Inferno) - 血系(Blood)
混沌领主之于恶魔大军,如同沸油之于烈火。The Chaos Lord is to demon legions what oil is to fire.
In Sheogh, Luck is a form of Power. None have learned the extent of this aspect as well as the Chaos Lord, who in gaining the favours of Urgash for daring and ever riskier exploits, has acquired the capacity to bend the rules of fate and destiny. The leader`s legions not only grow in confidence under the Chaos Lord`s command, but become uncannily precise in battle, devastating their astonished foes.
基础能力 - 地狱火环(Hellfire Aura):所有友方生物在攻击和反击的时候有机会造成额外的火焰伤害。
进阶能力 - 魔鬼之幸(Demonic Luck):增加所有友军的暴击(幸运一击)机率。
至高能力 - 混沌标记(Mark of Chaos):对于目标敌人的下一次攻击必然暴击。
妖术师(Warlock) - 地狱(Inferno) - 中立(Neutral)
元素魔法之所在,即为混沌之所存 !There are the Elemental Magics, and then there is Chaos!
The magic of Chaos is a powerful force that has more than once turned a curious Priest away from their Dragon God, or an ambitious Wizard from the reasonable precepts of Sar-Issus. These Sheogh-bent mages are called Warlocks, and their reputation on the battlefield is infamous. Often the leaders of secret armies of Demon Cultists in times of peace, when demons escape Sheogh, they willingly swarm to the Warlock`s banner.
基础能力 - 混乱魔法(Chaos Magic):英雄施法时有机会降低魔耗。
鬼神使(Demonist) - 地狱(Inferno) - 泪系(Tear)
唤魔之法诸厄,鬼神使皆破之 。There are rules to gating Demons, and the Demonist breaks them all.
Warlocks obtain the title of Demonist when their mastery of the magic of Chaos allows them to create portals between Sheogh and Ashan at will. The greatest amongst them use these powers during the heat of a battle, turning the tide to their favour when even the most pessimistic of generals has thought the conflict already won. The greatest demonists are known throughout Sheogh, and the minions of Urgash answer their calling in a heartbeat.
基础能力 - 混乱魔法(Chaos Magic):英雄施法时有机会降低魔耗。
进阶能力 - 联动界门(Linked Gating):在原始部队和召唤部队之间建立起连接,一部分对于原始部队的伤害将会转移到召唤部队身上。
至高能力 - 深渊之门(Abyss Gate):选中部队回到谢尔戈一回合,之后带着援军回来,期间召唤之门会存在战场上,召唤之门能抵御3次攻击,如果被摧毁,则单位只能在战后回来。
占火师(Pyromancer) - 地狱(Inferno) - 血系(Blood)
当占火师搜寻的时候,你无处可藏。There is nowhere to hide, when the Pyromancer comes looking.
Warlocks seduced by the promises of Ur-Krag, the Overlord of Destruction, become so attuned to His will, that they can channel the powers of fire and chaos directly onto the battlefield. The spells of the Pyromancer are so devastating that demons under their command often charge impulsively simply to be sure of being part of the combat before it is quickly finished by the powers of their master.
基础能力 - 混乱魔法(Chaos Magic):英雄施法时有机会降低魔耗。
进阶能力 - 地狱烈焰(Inferno):目标区域竖起5座火柱,对区域内所有生物造成伤害,每回合开始火柱将随机移动,并伤害经过的生物,持续4回合。
至高能力 - 末日审判(Armageddon):战场所有非恶魔生物都会受到火焰伤害,所有障碍物和围墙也会遭到损坏。
黑檀骑士(Ebon Knight) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 中立(Neutral)
蜘蛛女皇播种死亡,黑檀骑士为其收割。The Spider Queen sows the seeds of death, the Ebon Knight is her scythe.
Devout followers of the cult of the Spider Goddess who aspire to the calling of the warrior, cover their face with the Death Mask in honour of Her name. This deeply religious oath transforms them into an emissary of death and the hosts they lead into battle have sent many to an unappointed rendez-vous with Asha in the spirit world. Some are said to die of fright upon simply seeing the face of death adorned by the Ebon Knight.
基础能力 - 死之面容(Face of Death):当敌人的一支军队被消灭时,其他敌军的各项属性降低几个回合。
白骨卫士(Bone Guard) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 泪系(Tear)
生者终有一死。白骨卫士比任何人都明白这点。There is no Life without Death. A Bone Guard understands this better than anyone.
Bone Guards are obsessed in maintaining the fragile balance between Life and Death. Standing on the edge, they can channel mystical energies from one dominon to the other. Their service to the Spider Goddess requires the manipulation of complex philosophy as well as the sword. They ultimately decide who deserves to live and who must die, so that Asha, the Dragon Goddess of Creation, might use their soul once again in a future reincarnation.
基础能力 - 死之面容(Face of Death):当敌人的一支军队被消灭时,其他敌军的各项属性降低几个回合。
进阶能力 - 死之束缚(Bound By Death):任意一支亡灵友军可从附近生命体的尸体上获取生命能量并回复生命,远离尸体效果终止。
至高能力 - 死非终结(Death is not the End):当一队友军被毁灭时,将吸取周围敌军的生命复活这队友军,复活的生命值等于吸取的生命值。
死亡骑士(Death Knight) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 血系(Blood)
你可战可降。无论何从,唯亡。You can join them or fight them. Either way, you`ll die.
The Death Knight preaches the merits of un-life and eagerly converts both the willing and the dead. Those who stand against the will of the Spider Goddess`s greatest warrior in the crusade to forcefully maintain the balance of Life and Death, must be victorious or be enlisted as a part of the congregation. Many Death Knights become obsessed with their role, and come to believe that they must kill everything until Asha sends someone capable of stopping them. Asha uses all.
基础能力 - 死之面容(Face of Death):当敌人的一支军队被消灭时,其他敌军的各项属性降低几个回合。
进阶能力 - 吸血之拥(Vampiric Embrace):友军可从对敌人的伤害中吸取部分生命恢复自身。
至高能力 - 丧钟为谁而鸣(For Whom the Bell Tolls):核心或精英目标生物将在几回合后被消灭,除非在此之前赢取胜利。(咳,这货一场战斗就一次)
役亡师(Necromancer) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 中立(Neutral)
万物归于亚莎,我为她之使者。Asha uses all. And I am Her emissary.
The Necromancers began as a religious splinter sect of the Wizards of the Seven Cities who had developed a mystical sensitivity to the death aspect of the Dragon Goddess of Order, Asha. They have developed their own branch of Primordial magic, which they call Necromancy, that focuses on the erosion of the body and domination of the spirit. They believe that the pursuit of magical knowledge without reverence to the Dragon Goddess will lead to the ultimate destruction of Ashan.
基础能力 - 一切归于亚莎(Asha Uses All):某支敌军或者友军部队全灭时英雄获得魔法值。
敛尸官(Embalmer) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 泪系(Tear)
吾可用碎骨片肉造就不朽大军。Give me a bone and piece of flesh, and I`ll build an army that will last forever.
Embalmers joined the ranks of the Necromancers to unlock the secrets of eternal life. They have become accomplished spirit guides and healers, capable of harnessing the lifeforce of both the living and the dead. Their reverence to the Spider Cult is sincere, and they are among the favourites of the Mother Namtaru, an avatar of the Spider Goddess, who they often spend years of their lives tending.
基础能力 - 一切归于亚莎(Asha Uses All):某支敌军或者友军部队全灭时英雄获得魔法值。
进阶能力 - 死不罢休(No Rest for the Wicked):提升用亡灵巫术驱役的生物在战斗后保留的数量。
至高能力 - 牺牲(Sacrifice):对于友军的攻击伤害将全部转移到指定的一支友军身上,同时受到的伤害降低。持续几个回合。
收魂使(Reaper) - 墓地(Necropolis) - 血系(Blood)
生者以死偿付其无用。Death is proper payment for the sins of a useless Life.
Asha, the Dragon Goddess of Order, created the cycle of life and death, and Reapers claim to be Her watchmakers. Their religious fervour and devout faith is doubted by none, but their tendency to kill and convert all who cross their paths has been cause for many philosophical debates within the Necromancer cult. Reapers believe that life energy is nothing but a resource that should be used for the protection of the sacred cycle. Souls pass on, and Asha uses all.
基础能力 - 一切归于亚莎(Asha Uses All):某支敌军或者友军部队全灭时英雄获得魔法值。
进阶能力 - 亡灵巫师印记(Mark of the Necromancer):增强血系魔法对敌方单位的影响效能。
至高能力 - 冥府诅咒(Curse of the Netherworld):对战场上所有生命体造成伤害,部分伤害平均分配用于治疗亡灵单位。
蛮战士(Barbarian) - 据点(Stronghold) - 中立(Neutral)
为了自由!For Freedom!
Barbarians cultivate a short temper. Driven by their gut instincts and dominant will, experience has taught them that the simpler the plan the easier it is to lead armies to victory. These natural charismatic leaders are often intelligent in spite of their reputation. A knack for knowing when and where to field a battle, and maintaining a light but powerful army with speed and manoeuvrability, has earned their respect from even the greatest military minds of Ashan.
基础能力 - 第一滴血(First Blood):当友军蛮族单位第一次造成伤害时,提升所有友军蛮族单位的力量和速度,持续几个回合。(注:某版本里是受到伤害)
酋长(Chieftain) - 据点(Stronghold) - 泪系(Tear)
兽人终回地母,部族却将长存!Orc returns to Mother Earth. Tribe lives on!
The greatest Barbarians take upon themselves the role of leading the tribe in times of strife. Their faith in Father Sky and Mother Earth is steadfast, and they know instinctively that all souls have the right to be free. Their powers are contagious and their hordes mighty beyond compare. When a Chieftain goes to battle, the Spirits of Earth and Sky accompany the tribe.
基础能力 - 第一滴血(First Blood):当友军蛮族单位第一次造成伤害时,提升所有友军蛮族单位的力量和速度,持续几个回合。(注:某版本里是受到伤害)
进阶能力 - 无拘无束(Unfettered):所有降低移动力,主动性,士气和物理攻击的负面效果对其所带部队无效。
至高能力 - 压魔之力(Might Over Magic):所有对友军的魔法伤害降低,其幅度相当于英雄的力量数值,持续数个回合。
战魁(Warmonger) - 据点(Stronghold) - 血系(Blood)
我们是天父的选民!We are chosen of Father Sky!
The Warmonger has learned to cultivate rage, transforming anger into an immeasurable tribal weapon. Absolute faith in Father Sky, the orc god of retribution and freedom, confers the Warmonger the power to master and channel personal rage and that of fellow warriors on the battlefield. The terrifying powers of the Warmongers were first witnessed by the Wizards of the Seven Cities during the Revolt of the Orcs, when hordes of enraged slaves destroyed an entire legion of Mageblades.
基础能力 - 第一滴血(First Blood):当友军蛮族单位第一次造成伤害时,提升所有友军蛮族单位的力量和速度,持续几个回合。(注:某版本里是受到伤害)
进阶能力 - 狂暴之血(Blood Fury):目标的血怒值增加并持续一个回合。
至高能力 - 部落之力(Power of the Horde):英雄的攻击造成更多伤害,其数值基于其部队的规模。
萨满(Shaman) - 据点(Stronghold) - 中立(Neutral)
先祖之怒!兽人解放灵魂!Ancestors angry! Orcs free spirits!
The Shaman practices a form of mystical magic that is unique and incomprehensible to all other wizards and sorcerors of Ashan. They have the power to consult tribal ancestors for advice in the invisible spirit world, acting as a medium. On these enlightening journeys, the Shaman gains insights that allow them to draw upon devastating magical powers that they materialize through blood rituals.
基础能力 - 天地交融(Earth and Sky):战斗的第一回合,增加所有友军的主动和移动力,降低敌军的主动和移动力,敌人飞行单位不受影响。
大地塑形者(Earth Shaper) - 据点(Stronghold) - 泪系(Tear)
地母!兽人子民咆哮!Mother Earth! Orc children cry!
Over time, a Shaman tends to become particularly attuned with one of the two orc Spirit Gods, Mother Earth or Father Sky. Earth Shapers favour the nourishing and life bringing aspects of Mother Earth and bring her power to the battlefield. Hordes lead by the Shamans of Mother Earth seem endless and untiring. When an Earth Shaper is told by the ancestors that a war must be waged to save the tribe, their is no greater defender of the people.
基础能力 - 天地交融(Earth and Sky):战斗的第一回合,增加所有友军的主动和移动力,降低敌军的主动和移动力,敌人飞行单位不受影响。
进阶能力 - 大地之灵(Idol of Earth):在战场上创造一个大地之灵,大地之灵有2点生命。减少一定范围内友军受到的伤害,幻灵对远程攻击提供掩护。
至高能力 - 地母祝福(Mother Earth`s Blessing):所有友方据点单位一回合内增加一定数量,当效果消失后,单位回合到之前的状态,期间受到的伤害首先由增加的单位承受。
风暴召唤者(Storm Caller) - 据点(Stronghold) - 血系(Blood)
天父!兽人子民战斗!Father Sky! Orc children battle!
Over time, a Shaman tends to become particularly attuned with Mother Earth or Father Sky. Storm Callers have become attuned to the courageous and vengeful aspects of Father Sky. Battlefields are turned into spectacular light shows as bolts of lightn a scene that is said to please the ancestors. The Storm Caller remains in trance, conversing with the most valiant tribal warriors of past victories, relaying each spectacular feat of every ally for the entire duration of a battle.
基础能力 - 天地交融(Earth and Sky):战斗的第一回合,增加所有友军的主动和移动力,降低敌军的主动和移动力,敌人飞行单位不受影响。
进阶能力 - 风暴之灵(Idol of Storms):在战场上创造一个风暴之灵,增加一定范围内友军的主动,每回合开始随机对区域内的敌军释放连锁闪电。闪电攻击多个目标,每次跳跃伤害减半。
至高能力 - 天父之怒(Father Sky`s Wrath):选定范围内所有生物受到气系伤害并晕眩(减少主动性和移动范围)至回合结束。小型生物将被随机推动。
武士(Samurai) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 中立(Neutral)
天象万变,我如磐石。Weather changes, the Samurai is a rock.
Honourable warriors of the lotus-covered islands of Hashima, the Samurai`s courage and steadfast loyalty is renowned throughout all of Ashan. Their commitment to duty and service to their patron lord supercedes all worldly desires and passions, making them explosive leaders of armies, and incredibly patient masters of swords. Typical Samurai are incredibly calm, but when action is required, they pounce more quickly than a Dragon Eel.
基础能力 - 风雨欲来(Calm Before the Storm):当本方瀛洲生物在其回合中没有发动进攻,那么下回合他们的主动性和物理攻击就会提升。
幕府将军(Shogun) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 泪系(Tear)
与汝所护合而为一,领邑子民为汝映影。Become one with that which you protect. The lands and people are your reflection.
A Shogun is a Samurai that has mastered the technique of dissolution of personal desires and passions to the point that only action and purpose remain. These extremely rare individuals are renowned for their wisdom and steadfast resolve. When recognized by the Eternal Empress, the title of Shogun is awarded and the administration of vast expanses of imperial lands bestowed. Whenever the Naga Empire is in danger, the Shogun is often sent at the head of several armies.
基础能力 - 风雨欲来(Calm Before the Storm):当本方瀛洲生物在其回合中没有发动进攻,那么下回合他们的主动性和物理攻击就会提升。
进阶能力 - 八瓣莲花(Eightfold Lotus):目标单位将会无限反击,并对无法反击的能力免疫。
至高能力 - 风暴之视(Eye of the Storm):目标友军单位将会躲避即将受到的进攻。
兵法家(War Master) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 血系(Blood)
剑者顽钢,吾乃其魂。The sword is but steel, I am its will.
War Masters have transcended their personal desires and passions, and dedicated their existen that of the absolute mastery of the art of war. This quest for perfection in form and spirit surpasses their allegiance to their Lords, and their lives themselves are seen by other Naga as works of art or sonnets of mystical poetry. The Eternal Empress respects the War Master, but is careful never to provoke one, and only converses when she bears the promise of a war.
基础能力 - 风雨欲来(Calm Before the Storm):当本方瀛洲生物在其回合中没有发动进攻,那么下回合他们的主动性和物理攻击就会提升。
进阶能力 - 蓄势待发(Prepare for Strike):所有友军单位均可将其回合中没有使用的移动力转化为伤害加成。
至高能力 - 孪生尖牙(Twin Fangs):目标单位在攻击时发动两次打击,效果持续若干回合。
僧侣(Monk) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 中立(Neutral)
以动克静,先发制人。Action is the greatest form of inaction when made in haste.
Monks of the Eternal Empress are said to be the heart and mind of the Naga Empire. Aspiring to the precepts of their Patron Goddess, Shalassa, the Dragon of Water, their wisdom is renowned and their powers astounding. Profound as the deepest ocean and calm as the coolest lake in times of peace, if their rage is awoken, even the greatest of rivers trembles in its bed.
基础能力 - 心眼(Inner Eye):当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。
控潮者(Tide Master) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 泪系(Tear)
一泓潮涨,千孀泪下。When the tide rises, the widows weep.
Tide Masters have gained an understanding of the powers of Shalassa, the Dragon Goddess of Water, through long moments of contemplative meditation. They see war and peace as part of the same cycle and their armies like waves raging over a shoreline during a storm. The metaphor is quite appropriate, for when the Tide Master goes to battle, the power of water goes as well.
基础能力 - 心眼(Inner Eye):当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。
进阶能力 - 宁静(Serenity):目标敌军将不能行动,攻击或者运用能力。任何引发反击的伤害都将解除这种状态。效果持续几个回合。
至高能力 - 海啸(Tsunami):所有的敌军都将受到若干回合的“浸湿”状态(落汤鸡)。所有的小体形敌军单位都将后退两格并受到“眩晕”状态的影响若干回合。
引浪师(Flood Conjurer) - 瀛洲(Sanctuary) - 血系(Blood)
如果他们不进水里,我们就引水淹没他们。If they will not come to the water, we shall bring the water to them.
Flood Conjugers have linked their wills to Shalassa and Her godly purpose, gaining powers unlike any others known on Ashan. These powerful monks have natural authority when war approaches for their very presence can turn a battlefield into a battle swamp, giving tremendous tactical advantage to the armies of the Dragon Goddess of Water. A Flood Conjuger never doubts when casting her devastating downpours of hail and rain. Friends of Shalassa should simply know how to swim.
基础能力 - 心眼(Inner Eye):当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。
进阶能力 - 水墓(Watery Grave):目标敌军单位受到水系伤害且进入“浸湿”状态(减弱气系抵抗)。对无生命单位无效。
至高能力 - 季风(Monsoon):一片雷云将出现在被选区域。此区域下所有生物将受到“浸湿”效果并遭受气系伤害。气系魔法和水系魔法都将对此魔法有加成。
梦幻之星P2 最终幻想:纷争 王国之心BBS
口袋妖怪 牧场物语 超级机器人大战W 符文工坊3
光环:致远星 暗黑血统 质量效应2 生化危机5
神秘海域2 最终幻想13 猎天使魔女
龙之子 Vs Capcom


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